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Circuit Design Tool
SA-Designer lets you design actual analog front-end circuits employing Smart Analog products (Note1) and then generates the circuit data as C source code.
Code Analysis
Identify code defects & vulnerabilitesto manage your remediation effortsBlazingly fast analysis in a collaborative and unlocalized environment.
Code Complexity Measurement Tool
Testwell CMT++
The Code complexity measurement tool Testwell CMT++ (for C, C++ and C#) and Testwell CMTJava (for Java) saves costs and avoids software erosion. For this reasons several standards (like ISO 26262) require the enforcement of low code complexity.
Code Complexity Measurement Tool
CMT Java
The Code complexity measurement tool Testwell CMT++ (for C, C++ and C#) and Testwell CMTJava (for Java) saves costs and avoids software erosion. For this reasons several standards (like ISO 26262) require the enforcement of low code complexity.
Code Coverage Branch Monitor
Verified Systems International GMBH
The Code Coverage Branch Monitor (CCBM) is a set of utilities that allow instrumentation of C source code for the purpose of branch coverage measurement. This encompasses operations for code instrumentation, removal of this instrumentation, retrieval of coverage information, merging coverage information, and displaying this information with reference to the (original) source code.
Code Coverage Tool
Our Squish Coco code coverage tool is a complete, cross-platform, cross-compiler tool chain allowing to analyze the test coverage of C, C++, C# and Tcl code. Our Squish Coco code coverage tool is a complete, cross-platform, cross-compiler tool chain allowing to analyze the test coverage of C, C++, C# and Tcl code. Squish Coco code coverage utilizes source code instrumentation to analyze the applications'' source code. No changes to the source code are necessary. Executing a test suite against an instrumented application produces data that can later be analyzed.
Code Coverage Tool
Testwell CTC++
Testwell CTC++ is the leading Code Coverage Tool for measuring Code Coverage on host and all embedded targets (even very small ones). The tool is compliant to Safety Standards. Hundreds of companies all over the world use Testwell CTC++ with great success. Testwell CTC++ is the first choice for companies which have to achieve and to proof high code coverage in aerospace, automotive, transportation, healthcare and other industries.
Code Execution Time Analyzer
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH
Constantly monitor timing behavior during software development, even at the earliest stages. Identify bottlenecks when you haven't even settled for a particular processor derivate yet, and measurements on physical hardware are plain impossible. This makes TimingProfiler ideally suited for constantly monitoring timing behavior during software development and in model-based development environments
Code Integrity
If you develop a security sensitive Web Application we believe that you don''t want to give any bonuses to possible attackers. JScrambler enables you to conceal as much as possible, the logic of your application, such as what information is gathered from the user, how it is processed on the client-side, how it is sent to the servers-side. Since our obfuscation introduces a certain level of randomness, it allows you to explore code morphing techniques, which can be vital in precluding attack automation.
Code Optimizing C Compilers for Microchip PIC® and dsPIC® DSCs
CCS developed the first C Compiler for Microchip microcontrollers over 20 years ago and continues to provide software solutions to developers of embedded applications using PIC® MCU and PIC24/dsPIC® DSC devices. CCS compilers are easy to use and quick to learn. For the less experienced programmer, a detailed textbook explaining the C language and how it may be applied to PIC® microcontrollers.
Code Optimizing C Compilers for Microchip PIC® and dsPIC® DSCs
CCS developed the first C Compiler for Microchip microcontrollers over 20 years ago and continues to provide software solutions to developers of embedded applications using PIC® MCU and PIC24/dsPIC® DSC devices. CCS compilers are easy to use and quick to learn. For the less experienced programmer, a detailed textbook explaining the C language and how it may be applied to PIC® microcontrollers.
Code Test Optimizer
Clover provides the metrics you need to better balance the effort between writing code that does stuff, and code that tests stuff. Clover runs in your IDE or your continuous integration system, and includes test optimization to make your tests run faster, and fail more quickly.
Compact PCI Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-cP 3U Compact PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers the greatest flexibility in the industry by incorporating up to 10 functions typically encountered in flight test applications in a single 3U Compact-PCI card slot. Five functions are achieved on the main board (PCM Simulator which can also operate as a BERT, PCM Decommutator, IRIG Time CodeReader, IRIG Time Code Generator, and the same 5 functions can be achieved on the LS-55-DB Multi-Function Decom Daughterboard. CVSD Voice Decoding and h.261 Video Decoding are achieved through software.
Control Coupling Analysis
VerOLink (Verify Object Linking) is a verification tool (DO-178B, DO-330, IEC 61508 and ISO 26262) that helps satisfy the control coupling objective. Control coupling provides a measure of the correctness of the integration of many independently compiled object files linked to form a single executable image. Even if all requirements based tests are performed on the integrated executable image and the coverage is measured at the object code level without instrumenting the code, the possibility still exists that the linker could have linked a function call incorrectly. VerOLink is used to provide this final check. Verification of the code integration is fully automatic with VerOLink. The tool analyzes the executable image to find all functions and all function calls and their locations in the object files. By analyzing the object files used in an application, VerOLink verifies that the function calls within an executable image have been resolved correctly when the linker combined the object files
Countdown Or Countup Clock Controller
The RC600 is a remote control that adds both countdown and countup timer control features to our NTDS and TCDS clocks. Reference or generate time input from NTP or time code (IRIG & SMPTE). Control a virtually unlimited number of time code clocks and network clocks.
Coverage Analysis
VeroSource-A verifies that all complex decisions (i.e., decisions with at least two conditions) have taken all possible outcomes; and that every condition within the decision has taken all possible outcomes that have independently affected the decision’s outcome. VeroSource automates the capture and structural coverage analysis of the source code under test.
Coverage Analysis Tool
GNATcoverage performs coverage analysis on both object code instruction and branch coverage and Ada and C language source code statement, decision and Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC). Unlike most current technologies, the tool works without requiring instrumentation of the executable. Instead, it runs directly on an instrumented version of GNATemulator, a lightweight and efficient emulator tool. GNAT Pro add-on.
CPCI timing plug-in
The CPCI-SyncClock32 from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer over the CPCI bus in the 3u form factor. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, GPS or Have Quick.
Database Monitoring
Identify and solve database issues that impact application performance! Find out if it’s your code that’s causing problems and learn how to fix database problems without running to your DBA for support. Dynatrace monitors and analyzes the database activity of your services, providing you with visibility down to individual SQL and NoSQL statements. With Dynatrace you see how your application impacts your databases.
Data Loggers
The unit can acquire data from on-board interfaces at rates of up to 10 kilosamples per second, and from remote units via communications links. A high-performance on-board PowerPC microprocessor offering over 1000MIPS processing power hosts customer applications for real-time data analysis. Application code may be autocoded using our Graphical Development Environment (GDE) from Matlab/Simulink control modules. Data is logged to 2GB of on-board Flash memory and downloaded for analysis via a Gigabit Ethernet network connection.
DB Optimizer
Streamline SQL code across platforms from one interfaceTune SQL with automated performance optimization suggestionsTackle complex SQL queries with visual SQL tuning diagramsEasily Pinpoint problem SQL code
Digital Oscilloscope
MOSTS5 is designed to convert instantaneous voltage values of an electrical signal into a digital code, measure instantaneous voltage values, measure time intervals between two instantaneous voltage values through two independent galvanic isolation channels.MOSC5, according to the conditions of use, meets the requirements for measuring instruments of group 3 in accordance with GOST 22261-94.
Digital Oscilloscope
The mezzanine module (mezzanine) MOS1 is designed to convert instantaneous voltage values of an electrical signal into a digital code, measure instantaneous voltage values, measure time intervals between two instantaneous voltage values through two independent channels, measure the magnitude of the phase difference and the ratio of the amplitudes of two signals.
DMX Tester Portable
The DTR-HH is a DMX 512 tester data send / receive unit with 10 store and recall preset scene snapshots. Each of the 10 presets will store 512 channel levels including the packet size and start code. Each preset can be edited to precise values and recalled anytime.
Dual Channel Dynamic Data Simulator
The Lumistar LS-77-SS PCI Dual Dynamic Data Simulator with optional bit synchronizer allows two command simulators one bit synchronizer, and a time code reader/generator in a single short PCI board. The two Command Data Simulators and Time Code Reader/Generator are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-70-P. The optional bit synchronizer is achieved using the Lumistar LS-40-DB low-profiledaughterboard.
Dual Channel Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-55-DD PCI Dual Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers two multifunction decoms and two optional bit synchronizers (LS-45) in a single PCI card slot. The multi-function decoms are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulators,decommutators, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through a low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice, h.261 video, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
Dynamic Data Simulator
The Lumistar LS-70-S PCI Dynamic Data Simulator allows complex data streams to be generated for evaluation of bit synchronizers and PCM decommutator performance. It can also be used for uplink command generation to vehicles in flight, checkout of complete telemetry links, and playback of archived hard drive data in any format with the appropriate dll. The PCI board is only 7 inches long and contains the dynamic simulator and IRIG Time Code Generator.