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Code Analysis
Identify code defects & vulnerabilitesto manage your remediation effortsBlazingly fast analysis in a collaborative and unlocalized environment.
Coverage Analysis
VeroSource-A verifies that all complex decisions (i.e., decisions with at least two conditions) have taken all possible outcomes; and that every condition within the decision has taken all possible outcomes that have independently affected the decision’s outcome. VeroSource automates the capture and structural coverage analysis of the source code under test.
Coverage Analysis Tool
GNATcoverage performs coverage analysis on both object code instruction and branch coverage and Ada and C language source code statement, decision and Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC). Unlike most current technologies, the tool works without requiring instrumentation of the executable. Instead, it runs directly on an instrumented version of GNATemulator, a lightweight and efficient emulator tool. GNAT Pro add-on.
Data Loggers
The unit can acquire data from on-board interfaces at rates of up to 10 kilosamples per second, and from remote units via communications links. A high-performance on-board PowerPC microprocessor offering over 1000MIPS processing power hosts customer applications for real-time data analysis. Application code may be autocoded using our Graphical Development Environment (GDE) from Matlab/Simulink control modules. Data is logged to 2GB of on-board Flash memory and downloaded for analysis via a Gigabit Ethernet network connection.
Image Color Analysis (iOS)
Color Analysis App allows you to perform deep color analysis for any image. you can select local stored image or take a picture from your smartphone camera. after the image has been processed you will get the color information : such as color name , RGB, Hex Code,Color Percent. the colors will be sorted from the most from the most dominance color to the less significant.You can also send the image color analysis results (as a PDF) using your email.
Image Color Analyzer Pro
*Color Analysis Pro App allows you to perform deep color analysis for any image. You can select local stored image or take a picture from your smartphone/tablet camera. *After the image, has been processed you will get full color information: such as: color name, group name, R.G.B, Hex Code, Color Percentage. *The results will be divided into sub-colors groups from the most dominance color to the less significant.*This App is used by variety of users such as: Medical researches, Trees industry, Design & Labels publishing, Photographs, painters and much more...
GitHub and Bitbucket integration, custom error thresholds allowed to merge PRs, and parralelized analysis means dramatically more efficient code reviews.
Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-1553-ISA is an intelligent interface card providing full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for PC compatible computers, with 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in one card. The IIB-1553-ISA supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with powerful multilevel triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides a dual redundant 1553 interface. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. PC memory space utilised by the board is selectable.The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.
Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-1553-CPCI is an intelligent interface card providing full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for the CompactPCI bus, with 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 capability on a single card.The IIB-1553-CPCI supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with comprehensive multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes,with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides a dual redundant 1553 interface.2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are supplied as standard. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software.
Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-1553-PC104 is an intelligent interface card providing full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for PC compatible computers, with 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in one card. The IIB-1553-PC104 supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with powerful multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides a single, dual redundant 1553 interface. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. PC memory space utilised by the board is selectable. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard
Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-1553-PC104+ is an intelligent interface card giving full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability on the PC104+ bus, providing 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in a single card. The IIB-1553-PC104+ supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with comprehensive multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides a variable amplitude dual redundant 1553 interface. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.
Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-1553-MMA is an intelligent interface card providing full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for the M-Module standard, with 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants in one card. The IIB-1553-MMA supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, withcomprehensive multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. The unit provides a dual redundant 1553 interface. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.
Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-1553-VXI-4C is an intelligent interface card which provides 4 independent channels for full MIL-STD-1553 test, simulation and bus analysis functions on the VXI bus. All 1553A, 1553B, McAir and STANAG 3838 variants are supported. Each independent channel may be operated as a concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with a windowed Bus Monitor (BM), or as a stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) with comprehensive multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability is provided in BC and RT modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. Each channel provides a variable amplitude dual redundant 1553 interface, with 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.
Model-Based Code Development and Verification
QGen is a qualifiable and tunable code generation and model verification tool for a safe subset of Simulink and Stateflow models. It reduces the development and verification costs for safety-critical applications through qualifiable code generation, model verification, and tight integration with AdaCore's qualifiable simulation and structural coverage analysis tools.
Single Slot Intelligent Interface Card
The IIB-3910-CPCI is a single slot intelligent interface card providing complete STANAG 3838 and STANAG 3910 test, simulation and bus analysis capability for the CompactPCI Bus. The IIB-3910-CPCI supports concurrent Bus Controller (BC) and up to 31 Remote Terminals (RT) with Bus Monitor (BM). An additional stand-alone Chronological Bus Monitor (CBM) facility is also provided, with powerful multi-level triggering capability. Full error injection capability in both 3838 and 3910 modes is provided in BC and RTs modes, with full error detection in BC, RT, BM and CBM modes. Dual redundant 3838 interface, with user selectable dual redundant optical or single redundant electrical 3910 interface are featured. 2 Mbytes of dual ported RAM are provided. The board is supplied with C drivers in source code and Windows menu driven software as standard.
Smart Analysis for PHP
PHPSA is a development tool aimed at bringing complex analysis for PHP applications and libraries.*Static analysis*Code metrics*Branch prediction*Sandbox (AST) Compiler
Software Development Kit
Open architecture software with interface source code and analysis tools for integrating GPS, inertial, and other aiding sensors on a VxWorks, Linux, or Windows computer.
Software Tools for Efficient Code Development and Analysis
Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter
SystemVerilog is a rich object-oriented programming language that provides powerful constructs and a high level of programming flexibility. Such capabilities meet the needs of today's complex design and verification requirements, but at the same time introduce new challenges in code development. For example, the possibility of implementing the same functionality in multiple ways may impact the simulation performance or lead to unexpected behavior.
Software Tools for Efficient Code Development and Analysis
Specador Documentation Generator
Specador is a tool that automatically generates accurate HTML documentation from comments inserted in the source code. It works in batch mode (command line) and uses dedicated language parsers.
Source to Object Code Analyser
Verified Systems International GMBH
RTT-STO is a software analysis tool-suite that automatically performs static program analyses of C code and assembly required to receive certification credit for source-to-object code validation in the context of safety-critical avionics software.
Static Code Analysis Tool
Detect security, safety, and reliability issues in real-time by using this static code analysis toolkit that works alongside developers, finding issues as early as possible, and integrates with teams, supporting continuous integration and actionable reporting.
Static Code Analysis Tool
Klocwork integrates seamlessly into desktop IDEs, build systems, continuous integration tools, and any team's natural workflow. Mirroring how code is developed at any stage, Klocwork prevents defects and finds vulnerabilities on-the-fly, as code is being written.
Static Code Analyzer
PVS-Studio is a tool used to detect bugs in the source code of programs written in C, C++ and C#. PVS-Studio performs static code analysis and generates a report that helps a programmer find and fix bugs. PVS-Studio does a wide range of code checks; but it is especially useful to search for misprints and Copy-Paste errors. Examples of such errors: V501, V517, V522, V523, V3001.
Structural Analysis Professional Software
Robot Structural Analysis Professional software provides engineers with advanced BIM-integrated analysis and design tools to understand the behavior of any structure type and verify code compliance.
ARINC 429 USB & LAN Test & Simulation Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
8 Channel (4Tx/4Rx) & 16 Channel (8 Tx/8 Rx) models available - Programmable Tx channel output amplitude - Programmable high/low speed operation - Concurrent operation of all Tx/Rx channels at high speed rates - Full error injection & detection - Rate-oriented label transmission - Label selective trigger for capture/filtering - Real-time recording & post analysis of multiple channels - Physical Bus Replay - Onboard IRIG-B time code encoder/decoder for Synchronization - Time Synchronization to IEEE 1588 via Ethernet LAN port - 10 Discrete I/O Interfaces (5 Outputs / 5 Inputs)
Automated Memory Analyzer For Malware
VolatilityBot is an automation tool for researchers cuts all the guesswork and manual tasks out of the binary extraction phase, or to help the investigator in the first steps of performing a memory analysis investigation. Not only does it automatically extract the executable (exe), but it also fetches all new processes created in memory, code injections, strings, IP addresses, etc.
C and C++ Testing, Static Analysis, Code Review
Parasoft C++test is a complete C/C++ developer's quality suite for static code analysis, code review, automated unit and component testing, coverage analysis, and regression testing ? on the desktop under leading IDEs and in batch processes. Available for common enterprise and embedded environments.
Coverage Analysis
VerOCode can use the same requirements-based tests that were used in functional testing to automate the capture and analysis of structural coverage testing without instrumenting the code under test. This is part of the process used at Verocel. It then records and displays the instructions executed in a program under test, and for conditional instructions, records and displays the state of the condition code at each execution of the instruction. Structural coverage is obtained at the machine code level using the integrated image, with results reported through an annotated program listing containing the source and machine code level expansion
Code Coverage Analyzer
BullseyeCoverage is a code coverage analyzer for C++ and C that tells you how much of your source code was tested. You can use this information to quickly focus your testing effort and pinpoint areas that need to be reviewed. Code coverage analysis is useful during unit testing, integration testing, and final release. BullseyeCoverage enables you to create more reliable code and save time.
Static Design Verification
ALINT-PRO™ is a design verification solution for RTL code written in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog, which is focused on verifying coding style and naming conventions, RTL and post-synthesis simulation mismatches, smooth and optimal synthesis, correct FSM descriptions, avoiding problems on further design stages, clocks and reset tree issues, CDC, RDC, DFT, and coding for portability and reuse. The solution performs static analysis based on RTL and SDC™ source files uncovering critical design issues early in the design cycle, which in turn reduces design signoff time dramatically. Running ALINT-PRO before the RTL simulation and logic synthesis phases prevents design issues spreading into the downstream stages of design flow and reduces the number of iterations required to finish the design.