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Clock Oscillators
A crystal clock oscillator (sometimes referred to as a 'Standard Packaged Crystal Oscillator' or SPXO) is a 'plug and play' quartz crystal. It combines a quartz crystal resonator with an oscillator circuit in a single package to provide a fully functioning stand-alone oscillator circuit.
CZT-based Radiation Detector
A CZT-based gamma radiation and x-ray detector perfect for immediate use (using Kromek KSpect or MSpect gamma spectroscopy software) or as the gamma radiation and x-ray detector component in your own radiation detector. Being CZT-based the SPEAR (Single Point Extended Area Radiation) can operate at room temperature while still offering high sensitivity. The SPEAR detector is a complete probe, comprising a 5x5x5mm3 CZT detector crystal and low noise hybrid preamplifier in a housing measuring only 13mm diameter x 84mm in length. The probe is supplied complete with a 2 metre long connecting input/output cable, allowing the unit to be used immediately.
Electric Shock Protection Analysis
60364-4-41 StandardBS 7671 StandardEN 50122 StandardTN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, TT & IT Earthing TypesElectric shock requirementsLoop impedance and current calculationTouch voltage calculation and evaluationCalculation considers resistance to ground / earthGround Fault Current Interrupter (GFCI) or Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or Residual Current Detector (RCD) protectionReports in Crystal Reports and MS Excel
Electro-Optic Modulators
Thorlabs’ selection of electro-optic (EO) modulators includes free-space and fiber-coupled LiNbO3 modulators. Free-space amplitude, phase, or resonant modulators can operate at speeds up to 100 MHz. We also offer liquid crystal EO modulators for speeds up to 2.5 kHz. Fiber-coupled intensity, phase, or IQ modulators for speeds up to 40 GHz can be driven by our EO modulator drivers. A modulator bias controller is also available for use with fiber-coupled intensity modulators.
"Extremely Random" Precision Noise Generator
Model 3025
The Model 3025, "Extremely Random"TM Precision Noise Generator supplies White and Pink Noise, and a 1 kHz reference signal. Crystal controlled - the pseudo random circuitry provides a 6.5 Day pseudo-random cycle time, assuring a "Extremely Random"TM noise source.
Femtosecond Terahertz Spectrometer
Terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy are becoming a powerful tool in biology, medicine, semiconductor physics and in many applicaitons. Designed for obtaining THz spectra by using of THz pulses generated by femtosecond laser in oriented ZnTe crystal.
Flow Cell Kit
The quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique under electrochemical frequency is very useful to determine many compounds such as metal proteins, metal ions and thiol-conjugated oligonucleotides.
Frequency Counter
FC2000 Series
A professional frequency counterFrequency range: 1 Meg ohm and 50 ohm input for full range 10 Hz - 3 GHzWeight: 250 gCase: 100 mm * 68 mm * 31 mm stamped aluminum with black anodized finishBattery: Internal 4 * AA 600 mAH NiCd pack10 digit liquid Crystal DisplayLow power consumption (Average 6 hour battery life)Hold switch to lock displayLow battery indicatorUltra sensitive synchronous detector 16 section bargraph to show RF signal strengthHigh speed 300 MHz direct counter with 0.1 Hz resolution4 selectable gate speedsAutomatic holdMeasure frequency and periodBeeper and LED back light with black anodized finis
Frequency Counter (225MHz - 18GHz)
S43180 series high-precision frequency counter is a high-precision frequency measurement instrument. It has a frequency measurement resolution of 10 bits per second. The whole machine scheme adopts countdown technology and digital interpolation technology to realize the high-precision measurement of the instrument. It has measurement functions such as frequency, period, frequency ratio and powerful mathematical statistics operations (maximum value, minimum value, average value, PPM, standard deviation, Allan variance).S43180 series has reliable performance, complete functions, high measurement accuracy, wide frequency measurement range, high sensitivity, large dynamic range, high cost performance and easy to use. It is especially suitable for frequency measurement in scientific research and measurement fields such as aerospace, crystal oscillators, and components.
Gamma Spectrometer
Quaesta now offers two gamma spectrometer products which have many of the features in our neutron detection products such as data logging, computer interface and software. These devices include standard crystal scintillators such as Nal and Csl.
General Purpose Geiger Counter
Radalert® 100X
The Radalert® 100X is a general purpose geiger counter that measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. Features of the Radalert® 100X, include a three-second update and a Utility Menu that allows you to change the default settings for several operating parameters. Its digital liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the current radiation level in your choice of SI units (microsieverts per hour) from .000 to 1,100 and counts per minute (CPM) from 0 to 350,000 or counts per second (CPS) from 0 to 3,500. For users of conventional units mR/hr (milliroentgens per hour) from .000 to 110 and CPM are optional in the Utility Menu. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours.
General Purpose Radiation Survey Meter/Geiger Counter
Rad 100™
The RAD 100™ is a general purpose radiation survey meter/geiger counter that detects and measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. It is intended for personal safety and educational purposes. Like the popular Radalert® 100X, the RAD 100™ features a 3-second update on its digital liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD shows the current radiation level in your choice of microSieverts per hour (SI units) or mR/hr for gamma radiation measurements. For mixed sources (alpha, beta, gamma) the CPM mode is recommended. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours. A red LED blinks and a beeper chirps with each count (the chirp can be muted). This is a professional instrument that is also easy to learn to use and to operate, and carries the industry leading Medcom warranty (2 years overall limited to 1 year on the GM sensor). Many instruments designed by the Medcom team are still working perfectly after 30 years of use, so this instrument should provide a lifetime of useful information.
Grain Inspector
The iS-G1 is a full line speed optical module for the inspection of crystal grains.Using our new grain imaging technology, the iS-G1 is able to inspect as cut wafers at full inline speed with no need to stop the conveyor belt. Automated algorithms analyze the grains and report metrics.
Hand-held Radioisotope Identification Device
Combining a large, high sensitivity crystal with a proven and tested intelligent algorithm, the RADEAGLET can quickly, accurately, and simultaneously detect and identify up to six isotopes, typically in under 30 seconds. The RADEAGLET performs well, even in complex shielded or masked scenarios. ANSI 42.34 compliant, the RADEAGLET offers a user-friendly interface that is intuitive, simple to navigate, provides visually clarity, and utilizes an extensive array of alarms. Supports NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) to optimize performance across multiple applications.
Handheld RF Finders
FC3000 Series
The latest advance in RF finder Frequency range: 10 MHz - 3 GHz Weight: 210g Case: 80 mm * 68 mm * 31 mm stamped aluminum with black anodized finish Battery: Internal 4 * AA 600 mAH NiCd pack 7 digit liquid Crystal Display with 1 KHz resolution Low power consumption (Average 6 hour battery life) Hold switch to lock display Digital filter prevents display of random noise Low battery indicator Ultra sensitive synchronous detector 16 section bargraph to show RF signal strength Automatically holds and tunes ICOM CI-V or AOR receivers Measure frequency and period
HDMI Camera
TrueChrome IIS
Fuzhou Tucsen Photonics Co.,Ltd
TrueChrome IIS automatically analyzes the acquired images andoptimizes the white balance, exposure time and saturation, to present perfect images. Whatever for bright field bio imaging or dark field birefringent crystal imaging, TrueChrome IISdelivers ideal images, barely needing any parameter adjustment.
High-Magnification Workstation
The X-Mag High-Magnification Workstation advanced technology and sleek design integrate a high-definition camera and monitor to offer sharp images at all magnification levels . Small details become crystal clear, providing exceptional inspection and repair of objects of any size.
Infrared Thermometer
Display: 3 1/2 digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with amaximum reading of 1999.Polarity: Automatic, positive implied, negative polarityindication.Low battery indication: the " " is displayed when thebattery voltage drops below the operating level.Operating environment: 0°C to 50°C at<75% relativehumidity.Storage temperature: -20°C to 60°C, 0 to 80% R.H.withbattery removed from meter.Accuracy: Stated accuracy at 23°C±5°C, <75% relativehumidity.Auto power off : 10 secondsDimensions: 148mm(H) x 105mm(W) x 42mm(D).
• 35 Amp relay [@ 24VDC max. or @ 48VAC max.]• Crystal controlled timing• Rechargeable battery• Immediate or delayed interruption operation• Low battery indicator• Countdown and relay status indicators• On and off cycle times up to 999.9 seconds• Synchronized operation with any number of JR-1's and JR-2's
Low Light USB Camera With Microphone
Conversa, camera for conversation (See3CAM_CU38), is a 3.4 MP low light USB 3.1 Gen1 camera with built-in stereo microphone providing 16bit audio @48KHz. This low-light USB camera is the next advanced version of our flagship product See3CAM_CU30, with built-in stereo microphone for crystal clear sound. It is a plug-and-play (UVC and UAC) compliant USB 3.1 Gen1 SuperSpeed camera and is also backward compatible with USB 2.0 host ports. It has S-mount (M12) lens holder which allows customers to choose and use the lens according to their requirement. It has a dedicated, high-performance Image Signal Processor chip (ISP) that performs all the Auto functions (Auto White Balance, Auto Exposure control).
The Hinds Birefringence Imaging Microscope is ideal for measuring birefringence in biological structures, glass, crystals, and many other organic and inorganic samples.
Multi-Protocol Serial Card
The PCM485 is a multi-protocol serial card that supports RS-422 or RS-485 communications in a single 5V PCMCIA Type II card. The PCM485 uses a crystal controlled oscillator which permits precise selection of baud rates from 50 to 115,200.
A TCXO is a emperature compensated crystal oscillator. The basic building block for a TCXO is a VCXO with approximately 50 ppm deviation range and a temperature sensitive network. This temperature sensitive network (temperature compensation circuit) applies a voltage to the varactor diode that corrects the frequency of the VCXO at any temperature within the operating temperature range.
The OCXO is an oscillator which is temperature controlled (ovenized crystal controlled oscillator). This type of oscillator has a temperature controlling circuit to maintain the crystal and key components at a constant temperature. OCXO''s are typically used when temperature stabilities on the order of 1 x 10-8 or better are required. While this type of oscillator has a tenfold improvement over a TCXO for temperature stability, the OCXO tends to be higher in price and consumes more power.
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators
Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs) deliver the ultimate piezo electric performance with stabilities down to less than ±1ppb. An OCXO offers frequency stabilities even tighter than those offered by a TCXO.
Panel-Mount Controllers
ControlMaster Range
ControlMaster is a state-of-the art range of process controllers featuring a striking, full-color TFT display that provides the operator with a crystal clear view of the process — enhancing ease of use. A concise, line-up makes it easy to select the correct product for an application.
Phase-Locked Crystal Oscillator
PLXO Series 0.9” x 0.9” x 0.25”
*Compact Surface Mount Package *Excellent Phase Noise and Stability *Configurable for any application
PORTABLE Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 706B
The Trek Model 706A/1 portable electrostatic voltmeter is specifically designed as a field-service tool to perform ESD noncontacting surface voltage measurements. Applications include measurement of photoreceptor surfaces in copiers and laser printers. The Trek Model 706A/1 portable electrostatic voltmeter has a measurement range of 0 to +1 kV or 0 to -1 kV (switch selectable) and employs an easy to read 3½ digit liquid crystal display to indicate the measured electrostatic potential in volts.
Portable Multiple Frequency Signal Generator
Matrix Test Equipment Incorporated
The Model PSX-6C is a portable, weatherproof Generator of clean, unmodulated, crystal- controlled, amplitude-variable outputs, up to +60 dBmV per channel. The PSX-6C is an improved version of the PSX-6 using enhanced technology and provides carriers that can be adjusted over a linear range of 15 dB.