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NI-9203, 200 kS/s, ±20 mA, 8-Channel C Series Current Input Module
200 kS/s, ±20 mA, 8-Channel C Series Current Input Module - The NI‑9203 is intended for high-performance control and monitoring applications. It features programmable input ranges and variable connectivity options. To protect against signal transients, the NI‑9203 … includes a channel‑to‑earth ground double‑isolation barrier (250 Vrms isolation) for safety and noise immunity.
Godzilla High Current Probe, 100 Amp
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Standard- 27.20 (771.00) - 64.00 (1814.00) Godzilla High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Alternate 24.00 (680.00) - 96.00 (2722.00) Godzilla High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 100Average Probe Resistance (mOhm): 25Test Center (mil): For more details, please contact us.Test Center (mm): For more details, please contact us.Full Travel (mil): 360Full Travel (mm): 9.14Recommended Travel (mil): 250Recommended Travel (mm): 6.35Overall Length (mil): 3,110Overall Length (mm): 78.99
Brute Hight Current Probes
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Brute High Current Probe
Current Rating (Amps): 50Current Rating Remark: 40 Amps for BeCu plungersAverage Probe Resistance (mOhm): 5Test Center (mil): 300Test Center (mm): 7.62Full Travel (mil): 250Full Travel (mm): 6.35Recommended Travel (mil): 167Recommended Travel (mm): 4.24Mechanical Life (no of cyles): 1,000,000Overall Length (mil): 1,750Overall Length (mm): 44.45
Current Preamplifier
The Model 1641 Current Preamplifier is a simple low cost wideband gain block for use with photomultipliers
Current Preamplifier
The model 1211 Current Preamplifier was designed to provide all of the features required of a modern laboratory preamplifier. It measures cur rents with full scale sensitivity ranging from 10 to 10 amperes.
LISN & Voltage Probes
All commercial LISNs include an artificial hand connection and a transient limiter. This adds a 30dB insertion loss. A 30dB pre-amplifier is included which can be connected in the RF output feed to return the insertion loss to 0dB. The Voltage Probe requirement is covered by our PLIP (Power LIne Interference Probe). This fully meets the requirements of CISPR16, but has additional features:*Fully galvanic isolation between input and output (>1kV), for the safety of operator and analyser!*Shrouded safety clips for attachment to the line to be measured.*Filtered frequency response matched to Band A and B.*Current limiting on the output.*Visual indication of high voltage input.
Low Noise Current Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SR570 is a low-noise current preamplifier capable of current gains as large as 1 pA/V. High gain and bandwidth, low noise, and many convenient features make the SR570 ideal for a variety of photonic, low temperature and other measurements.
Precision Current Preamplifier
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The SIM918 Current Preamplifier is ideal in applications in which the input offset voltage must be kept to a minimum. The DC voltage difference between the two inputs (current input and voltage bias) is accurately measured every 2 seconds, and is nulled.
Programmable Current Preamplifier
The Model 99539 is a modular, multi-channel current preamplifier with parallel, logic level, gain control input. It consists of circuit boards which plug into a 3 1/2" high by 19" wide rack chassis.
High-Sensitivity Tri-Axial Accelerometer with Built-In Preamplifier
NP-7310 is the accelerometer with built-in preamplifier, and capable of tri–axial directions simultaneous measurement. It is suitable for the low frequency vibration measurement such as ground vibration or floor vibration while operating the machine. NP-7310 can be used with the sensor amplifier unit such as AU-2100, AU-2300 or PS-1300. Also, it is possible to input directly to the analyzer or recorder which the constant current amplifier is built-in such as the FFT Analyzer of DS-2000 series, DS-3000 series, CF-7200A, CF-9000 series or CF-3650/3850 series.
XRF Systems
OEM Solutions
Amptek offers a complete line of OEM detectors, preamplifiers, digital processors, and power supplies, and can work with you to help develop custom solutions unique to your needs. We provide established and emerging OEM customers a fast track to the market with our modular systems that will meet current needs, while being flexible enough to adapt to your product roadmap. The below options are typical configurations. Please contact us for custom solutions.
ProBus Probe Adapter for TekProbe-BNC Probes
- Allows TekProbe interface level II probes to work with any ProBus-equipped Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope- Automatic probe detection- Provides all necessary power and offset control to the attached probe- Supports probes up to 4 GHz- Easy firmware updates- Wide variety of probes supported including: Preamplifiers, Current Probes, Single-Ended Active Probes and Differential Active Probes
Current Preamplifier
The Model 1212 Current Preamplifier is designed as a low cost, gerenal purpose, benchtop instrument to provide a high performance detection system for small ac and dc currents. The 1212 operates with a virtual ground at its input which mitigates unpredictable high frequency rolloff due to input cables and stray capacitance.
Is a unit which comprises a preamplifier fed by a constant current ICP and a condenser microphone
Sound Level Meter
Easily make low noise measurements to 6.5 dB A-weighted using the Model 831-LOWN sound level meter paired with the 378A04 low noise microphone and preamplifier. Due to the innovative design of the 378A04 which uses a prepolarized microphone and ICP (constant current) interface, the combination produces a highly portable system that is battery powered and intuitive to use for measuring low noise levels.
Current Sensors
Our current sensors were designed for a simple, customer-specific construction of niobium wire wound magnetometers, gradiometers or preamplifiers for small current or voltage signals.