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Collect and store data at high rates.
Constant Potential Generator Small Focal Spot 10 to 200 kV
The small focal spot (1 mm) of the CP200DS generator minimizes un-sharpness and gives clearer images, which makes it ideal for digital radiography (DR) when close X-ray shots are possible.Our CP200DS is a light and powerful generator (200 kV) with a metal-ceramic tube which turns it to be the best power-to-weight ratio in the world.Its 100% duty cycle combined to its built-in multiple X-Ray outputs carousel make the CP200DS one of the most versatile generators on the market that will adapt to a very wide variety of NDT applications.The CP200DS, like the rest of the CPSeries product range, operates with the plug-and-play POWERBOX control unit.
Cryogen-Free DR With Integrated Magnet
Magnet thermally linked to cryocooler 2nd stage Ideal for smaller magnets up to 17 T or small vector magnets up to 7T / 2T / 2TSingle pulse tube cryocooler for cooling both magnet and DRMagnet operation at 700 mK or 4 KUse with top-loading probeFast Sample Change
Digital Radiography Software
Sherlock NDT is the perfect link between Teledyne ICM best in class portable X-ray generator, the CPSERIES, and our high-resolution digital radiography detectors, the Go-Scan SERIES. Developed by and with NDT DR specialists, this intuitive and user-friendly touchscreen software produces high-quality images, allows real-time (video) acquisition, and comes with many different enhancement features.
Direct Reading CTD
miniCTD DR
The miniCTD – DR is an adaptation of the miniCTD. It has been optimised for ROV operations with a direct reading interface only and no internal battery or logging capability.
DR Range Broadband Power Amplifiers 10 KHZ - 400 MHZ
DR Series
Class A solid stateBroadband (instantaneous single band): 10 kHz 400 MHzTypical output power : 60 W CWLinear output power (1 dB compression) guaranted with harmonics <-20dBc:P1dB > 40 W and H<-20 dBc up to 250 MHz andP1dB > 25 W and H<-20 dBc from 250 MHz to 400 MHzAir cooling: self contained fansCan operate in full mismatch conditions without damageReliable, efficient and robust19" Rack3 years standard warranty
DR software, for use with CT100 Series TDRs
CT Viewer™
CT Viewer™ is a full-featured TDR waveform analysis software package for Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista PCs that lets you archive, manipulate, analyze, and compare TDR data acquired with CT100 Series Automated Metallic TDRs or any other TDR instrument, now with live internet streaming and remote control of CT100 Series TDRs. CT Viewer™ is included with CT100 Series TDRs. Read on to discover how CT Viewer™ will change the way you test cables.
Free DR and High Field Magnet in Shared Vacuum Space
50 mm 4 K magnet bore, 30 mm sample space in DRSuitable for use with Leiden DR type CF200, CF450, CF650 or CF1000 DR
Free Room Temperature Bore magnet with Insertable DR
Room Temperature magnet bore 50 mm sample space in DR Suitable for use with Leiden DR type CF200, CF450, CF650 or CF1000 DR
Occlusal Analysis with BiteForce DynamicsTM
The T-Scan is a diagnostic device that measures relative biting forces, including occlusal force, timing and location and is an ideal complementor to articulating paper. The technology was invented by Dr. William Maness in 1987 at Tufts University and M.I.T.
SuessCo Sensors is one of the leading specialists and pioneers in magnetic field sensor technology. About Univ. Prof. Dr. DI Dieter Süss, we can find excellent university graduates as new employees with excellent knowledge of the latest basic research and sensor technology, which form the basis for our ongoing development work.
X-Ray Detectors
With the need to always reduce the inspection time to the strict minimum, the NDT world is slowly reducing its dependency on films and jumping straight into the Digital Radiography (DR) revolution. While saving tremendous amount of time and money not developing films, digital radiography also enables you to edit, record and send your inspections to whomever, whenever and wherever you want.
Device Test Kits
Instrument test kits are based on either the multi-parameter DR 900 handheld colorimeter or the Hach DR 1900 handheld spectrometer. Select kits also include the Hach digital titrator, POCKET PRO pH tester and/or HQ40D meter (dissolved oxygen, conductivity, ORP, etc.). Instrument sets are useful for a wide range of applications including potable water, waste water and industrial applications such as boilers and chillers.
Lange Couplers
The Lange Coupler is a four-port interdigitated structure originally developed by Dr. Julius Lange in 1969. They are a common RF/microwave circuit. The coupling is derived from closely spaced transmission lines, such as microstrip lines. With the introduction of Ion Beam Milling, SemiGen’s ability to consistently produce Lange Couplers with lines and spaces as small as 10 microns and controlled to tolerances of +/- 1 micron is a direct result of our anisotropic ion beam etching process.
Magnet & Integrated Variable Temperature Sample Space With DR Insert
Adapted MCK model DR inserted into 50 mm 1.6 K300 K VTI VTI cooling power used for condensing stage of DR Versatile solution as the magnet system can also be used with other inserts and measurement probes including He3, heated probes, rotator, VSM etc. Bottom loading DR with options of sample in liquid or sample in vacuum Suitable for use with systems up to 18 T and neutron-scattering split-pair systems
Thermal Microclimate PMV-PPD / WBGT
HD32.3TC – HD32.3TCA
Thermal microclimate for the measurement of WBGT, PMV (mean predicted vote), PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied), DR (draught rate), TU (local turbulence intensity), HI (heat index), UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index), TEP (perceived equivalent temperature) indices, CO2, PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10. Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 decay time on surfaces.
Digital to Resolver
Computer Conversions Corporation
The HDR Series are sub-miniature modules that are; size comparable, low cost alternatives to Hybrid type D-R and D-S converters. Because of their advanced modular design the HDRL series features short lead times that are neither limited to infrequent hybrid production cycles, long term parts allocation, minimum quantity purchases, or hybrid obsolescence related concerns.
Pioneer DR Series
Pioneer racks have a longstanding reputation for flexibility, versatility and strength. Pioneer DR racks provide a wide range of rack management tools including temperature control, remote power management, security features and ease of maintenance.
18 To 40 GHz Dual-Ridged Horn Antenna For 5G Applications
For 5G applications, SAGE Millimeter, Inc. has released a new dual-ridged horn antenna. Model SAR-1834031432-KF-S1-DR is a dual-ridged horn antenna that operates from 18 to 40 GHz. The antenna offers a nominal gain between 12 and 17 dBi and a typical 3 dB beamwidth between 20˚ and 43˚. The antenna supports linear polarized waveforms and features a four-hole mounting plate. The RF port offers a female K connector. The antenna measures 2.84” long, with a width of 2.00” and height of 2.00”.