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Measure voltage, displaying the measurements in numeric value on a digital display.
Digital Multimeters
With decades of class-leading experience, Rohde & Schwarz offers you reliable instruments for your everyday T&M tasks requiring DMM functionalities. These can include digital voltmeter (DVM), ammeter features as well as power, temperature, resistance and other measurements.
AVIO Instrument
The AVIO (Analog Voltage Input/Output) instrument has the functionality to operate as a DVM, oscilloscope, and signal generator. 16 channels for configuration as input or output, on-board memory, high speed feedback loop protects I/O from damaging electrical transients.
Dual Channel Driver Card
Two channels of 8 to 10 MHz drivers (25 V amplitude). The output voltage range is ±25V, with independent high and low voltage settings. The inputs to the Card are optically isolated. The card also contains voltage and current sense capability, which allows muxing of the current or voltage output measurements from all the Driver Channels in the system to a single DVM. The card allows independent programming of the rise and fall time of each channel as low as one nanosecond increments.
Mobile Comm DC Source w/ Battery Emulation, DVM
The Keysight Mobile Communications DC Source 663xx series offers several features ideal for testing wireless and battery powered devices. Excellent voltage transient response ensures maximum test-system throughput by minimizing device shutdowns due to significant voltage drops in the test wiring. Built-in advanced measurement system to accurately measure battery current drains when the device operates in different modes and a Keysight-developed feature that enables cellular telephone manufacturers to detect permanently and intermittently open-sense wire connections.The Keysight 66321D mobile communications dc source provides fast transient response, exceptional sourcing, output resistance programming, and precision measurement. This product is specially designed for testing next generation digital wireless communications products. The 66321D mobile communications dc source offers a new capability that simulates the internal resistance of a battery or battery pack. Additionally, these high performance models offer improved transient response and stable output operation with either short or long load leads. The 66321D dc source provides all of the capabilities of the 66321B with the addition of a built-in digital voltmeter.
Dual Mobile Communications DC Source w/ DVM
The Keysight Mobile Communications DC Source 663xx series offers several features ideal for testing wireless and battery powered devices. Excellent voltage transient response ensures maximum test-system throughput by minimizing device shutdowns due to significant voltage drops in the test wiring. Built-in advanced measurement system to accurately measure battery current drains when the device operates in different modes and a Keysight-developed feature that enables cellular telephone manufacturers to detect permanently and intermittently open-sense wire connections.The Keysight 66309D dual output mobile communications dc source provides two outputs for testing both the main battery power and the battery charger circuitry, allowing customers to test phones and chargers with the same equipment. This feature helps save on rack space (2 outputs in a half rack box) and eliminates the need for two separate power supplies.The 66309D dc source provides all of the capabilities of the 66309B with the addition of a built in digital voltmeter.
Dual Mobile Comm DC Source w/ Battery Emulation, DVM
The Keysight Mobile Communications DC Source 663xx series offers several features ideal for testing wireless and battery powered devices. Excellent voltage transient response ensures maximum test-system throughput by minimizing device shutdowns due to significant voltage drops in the test wiring. Built-in advanced measurement system to accurately measure battery current drains when the device operates in different modes and a Keysight-developed feature that enables cellular telephone manufacturers to detect permanently and intermittently open-sense wire connections.
Oscilloscopes / Digitizers
High input voltage range up to 500 VppIsolated versions with 1 or 2 channelsIntegrated timer/counter & DVM functionHigh input impedance up to 1 MΩ || <20pFAnalog and digital trigger functions