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Controlled Impedance Field Solver
TheSi8000m is an all new boundary element method field solver , which builds on the familiar easy to use user interface in earlier Polar impedance design systems. The Si8000m adds enhanced modeling to predict the finished impedance of multiple dielectric PCB builds and also takes into account the local variations in dielectric constant on close spaced differential structures.
Decade Capacitance Box
The wide capacitance range and high resolution of the GenRad 1412-BC decade capacitance box make it exceptionally useful in both laboratory and test shop. Owing to its fine adjustment of capacitance, it is a convenient variable capacitor to use with an Impedance Comparator. The polystyrene dielectric used in the decade steps is necessary for applications requiring low dielectric absorption and constancy of both capacitance and dissipation factor with frequency.
Decade Capacitor
1419 Series
GenRad 1419-A and GenRad 1419-B (Polystyrene) Owing to its very low dielectric absorption, the GenRad 1419A 3 Decade 1000 pF/step & 1419B 4 Decade 100 pF/step Polystyrene Decade Capacitors are particularly useful in research and development work on computer and integrator circuits and on low-level amplifiers. Its constancy of capacitance and dissipation factor as a function of frequency also makes it extremely useful in measuring circuits and as a component in filters and tuned circuits. High insulation resistance and low dielectric absorption make it the 1419 Decade Capacitor a nearly ideal capacitor for dc work.
Dielectric Assessment Kit
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
The Dielectric Assessment Kit (DAK) is ideal for all applications where high-precision dielectric parameter measurements (permittivity, conductivity, loss tangent) are required, including applications in the electronic, chemical, food, and medical industries. The dielectric probes are designed for fast, precise, non-destructive, and user-friendly measurements of liquids, solids and semi-solids over the 10 MHz – 67 GHz frequency range.
Dielectric/Conductivity Sensor
The Micro-Varicon sensor is a miniature, thin, flexible dielectric sensor designedfor cost-sensitive use where space is limited. The electrode array is patterned on apolyimide substrate, and the Micro-Varicon sensor can be supplied with or withoutTeflon insulated leads.
Dielectric/Conductivity Sensor
The Varicon sensor is designed for use in presses, molds, bulk materials or laminates where a thin, flexible dielectric sensor is necessary. The Varicon sensor is thin enough to be implanted within a sample or between the plies of a laminate and may be discarded after use. Patterned on a polyimide substrate, the electrode array is designed to allow a choice of three sensitivities, which are selected by cutting off portions of the array at designated lines.
Dielectric/Conductivity Sensor
The Mini-Varicon sensor is a thin, flexible dielectric sensor designed for cost-sensitive use with presses, molds, bulk materials or laminates. Patterned on a polyimide substrate, the electrode array is designed to allow a choice of high or low sensitivity, selected by either using the whole sensor or cutting off a portion of the array at a designated line. The Mini-Varicon sensor can be supplied without leads, or with custom-length Teflon-insulated leads attached.
Dielectric/Conductivity Sensor
The Quarto-Varicon sensor is a thin, flexible dielectric sensor designed for cost-sensitive use with presses, molds, bulk materials or laminates. Patterned on a polyimide substrate, the Quarto-Varicon sensor can be supplied without leads, or with custom-length Teflon-insulated leads attached.
Dielectric Loss Tangent and Transmission Attenuation Measurement System
RTS03 measures relative permittivity (dielectric constant), dielectric loss tangent in the frequency range between 5GHz and 26.5GHz based on a correlation between measurement frequency and transmission attenuation as the microwave passes through the flat plane sample.
Downconverter for the 21cm Bandvalon
1440MHz inputLow noise figure LNA 0.3dB 20 KHigh gain >40dB8-pole ceramic dielectric input filterHigh dynamic range, low-spurious responses Rugged milled aluminum housingRFI shielded constructionDesigned for use with Valon 5009 as LOSuitable for hydrogen line observation and general radio astronomy in the 21cm band.6Vdc @ 400mAIncludes 20” dc power supply cable
Dry Dielectric RF Coaxial Loads
These 50-Ohm RF Load Resistors are light weight, dry coaxial loads that can be used in any position. All power ratings are for continuous operation. However, data is available for special applications and pulsed power conditions. Any of our Quick Match connectors can be used on these loads. Should you desire a connector other than the one included, it should be specified when ordering.
Dry Dielectric RF Coaxial Loads
4000 Series
These 50-Ohm RF Load Resistors are light weight, dry coaxial loads that can be used in any position. All power ratings are for continuous operation. However, data is available for special applications and pulsed power conditions. Any of our Quick Match connectors can be used on these loads. Should you desire a connector other than the one included, it should be specified when ordering.
Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 347
The Trek Model 347 is a precision DC stable electrostatic voltmeter for making noncontacting surface voltage measurements in the range of 0 to 3 kV DC or peak AC. Industrial applications include surface voltage measurements of photoconductors or dielectric surfaces, charge monitoring in semiconductor production, or measuring electrostatic potentials on film, polymers, and paper.
For routine measurements of thin film thickness and refractive index, this ellipsometer allows you to mount a sample, choose the model that matches your film, and press "measure". You have results within seconds. Works with your materials - dielectrics, semiconductors, organics, and more.
SSS technology utilises a photo-etched, copper-clad dielectric substrate (usually PTFE) secured between silver plated machined casings, to provide outstanding performance in terms of high Q and low insertion loss, combined with a small, lightweight yet rugged construction. This type of equaliser is ideally suited to broadband applications such as Electronic Warfare systems (ECM, ESM & ELINT).
Frequency Sources
PMI offers a full line of Digitally Controlled Oscillators (DTOs), Dielectric Resonator Oscillators (DROs), Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) and Frequency Synthesizers covering various frequencies in the 50 MHz to 40 GHz range. All models are designed to withstand stringent military ground or airborne environments. These models use the latest internal digital calibration techniques such that frequency drift over the operating temperature range is minimal. All units offer fast switching speeds and stable frequency outputs with low phase noise. If you do not see exactly what you need, please e-mail your requirement to so we can propose an instant solution.
HV Amplifier
Model 20/20C
The Model 20/20C is a DC-stable, high-voltage power amplifier used in industrial and research applications such as electrostatic deflection, electrophoresis research, dielectric studies, and accelerated life-testing of high tension cables for power transmission. The Model 20/20C provides precise control of output voltages in the range of 0 to 20 kV DC or peak AC with an output current range of 0 to 20 mA DC or peak AC.
Manual Dielectric Constant, Tan Delta & Resistivity Test Set
*AC and DC test Voltages switched internally.*Direct digital display of test voltages.*Auto ranging and direct read out of volume resistivity.*Cell constant adjustment and Tan Delta zero correction.*Built-in protection for test sample flash over.
Material Science Laboratory Instruments
our material science laboratory instruments basically consists of four instruments first, young modulus apparatus which is used for determining the young modulus elasticity of a wire by stretching it. Then second is curie temperature kit which is used for determining the Curie Temperature. With the determination of dielectric constant of PZT material with Temperature variation. After that comes dielectric constant kit which is used for measuring the dielectric constant of solids and lastly our universal B-H Curve Tracer which is used for tracing the B-H loop which is very difficult and needs a good machinery for doing so.
Microwave Cavity Characterization
Material Sensing & Instrumentation
Microwave cavity characterization complements TDR Dielectric Spectroscopy in low-loss materials, providing high-resolution permittivity and loss data at specific single frequencies. Since measurements do not change significantly with frequency in low-loss materials (Kramer-Kronig relation) cavity measurement at select frequencies provides a full characterization across the RF/microwave range.
Microwave Dielectric Measurement Systems
This system enables fast and non-destructive measurements of materials having various shapes, including thin films. Enables fast and non-destructive measurement of permittivity of thin-films and various dielectric materials using the evanescent mode of an open coaxial resonator.
Mini Degasifier
This lightweight cart mounted Mini-Degasser uses the latest high vacuum technology for filtering, dewatering and degassing of insulating and dielectric fluids. The equipment is ideal for processing oil in transformers and other similar locations.
Motor Capacitors
Lifasa - International Capacitors, SA
Self-regenerating condensers with polypropylene dielectric, metallized without impregnation and encapsulated with resin.
Power Control
Educated Design & Development, Inc.
As a general purpose dual-voltage isolation transformer for step-up (120 to 240 VAC), step-down (240 to 120 VAC), or straight 1:1 isolation (120 to 120 VAC or 240 to 240 VAC). Models with a suffix "UC" are provided with a safety jack for access to the transformer secondary center tap (connected to the transformer center tap only in the 240 VAC output setting). This connection may be used in conjunction with a Dielectric Voltage Withstand test.
Pressure Balanced, Oil-Filled Hose
Pressure Balanced, Oil-Filled (PBOF) hose assemblies from Teledyne ODI are designed and qualified to accepted industry standards. The double-walled hose design incorporates inner and outer elastomeric barriers with fiber reinforcements to withstand the demands of long performance life requirements in deep ocean interconnect and distribution applications. The hose is filled with non-conductive silicone oil, which acts as a pressure compensator and dielectric. The electrical and/or optical conductors are loosely housed within the oil-filled assembly.
RF Capacitance Level Switches
ABB's RF Capacitance level switches feature one-step external calibration, immunity to material build-up, and a wide selection of probes for even the most challenging applications from low dielectric bulk solids to sticky slurries.
RF Flexible Cable Assemblies
Industry leader in manufacturing excellence, tailored performance, and rapid delivery of custom cable assemblies. The Flexible version, our Mini-Flex, has an FEP jacket, round braid and inner spiral shields and is available in 2 diameters, .105" &.165". The Semi-Rigid cables are available with a copper or aluminum jacket and available with a selection of different platings and 4 different diameters (.047", .085", .141" & .250"). The Conformable®, or hand formable (BJ - Braided Jacket), has a tin filled braid with a metal foil underlay and is also available in the same diameters as the Semi-Rigid type . All 3 types (Semi-Rigid, Conformable & Mini-Flex) are manufactured using the same type dielectric core and have virtually the same electrical performance. The decision of which cable to use should be primarily based upon your application.
Semi-Rigid Test Probes Up to 6 GHz
Fairview Microwave’s semi-rigid test probe assemblies come in multiple cable diameters to help when attaching the unterminated end of the probe to a circuit board trace. There are two versions including straight-cut probe ends for those that would like to customize the dimensions of the center conductor and dielectric dimensions, as well as pre-stripped probe ends that are ready for immediate use. By soldering the outer conductor to the signal ground and the exposed center conductor to the trace carrying the signal of interest, simple sampling measurements can be made without having to create a separate subassembly circuit board or add a connector to the circuit layout which can take up valuable real estate. Fairview provides 3 diameters of semi-rigid coax and 3 different lengths from 3 inches to 12 inches to fit a variety of trace widths and applications. All test probes are 100% RF tested to ensure the cable assemblies operate to 6 GHz and also to make sure that the SMA connector interface meets the 1.35:1 VSWR specification prior to shipping. To protect the small diameter coax from damage, each part is shipped in a clear protective tube that can also be used for storing the probes for future use.
Electrochemistry Tests
Materials Development Corporation
CyclicVoltammetry and Galvanostatic Charging are tests used throughout the industrial and scientific communities to study chemical reactions and behavior of electronic structures. They are extremely helpful in the monitoring of nano based dielectrics, used in super /ultra capacitors or self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The Cyclic Voltammetry test applies a ramping voltage to a device and measures the resulting current. In acapacitor-like structure the current reveals loss in the dielectric as well as degradation over time. CyclicVoltammetry is used to characterize the performance of supercapacitors and ultracapacitors formed using various nano-technologies. It is also useful in the studies of self-assembled monolayers used for sensors.