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Dynamometers, force and torque transducers available in many models. Buy your dynamometer or force measurment products from Vetek!The difference between a load cell and a dynamometer is that the dynamometer is optimated for fast measurement.
Innco Systems EMC Chassis Dynamometer Systems (sometimes referred to as a ‘’rolling road’’), used in the development and homologation for Automotive Industry, are specifically designed to be used in Anechoic Chambers.
The PIAB Dynamometer is excellent for measurement and control of tension forces and weight, where accuracy, reliability and safety in all conditions is required. The PIAB Dynamometer conforms to the International Standards for Safety Inspectorates. The PIAB Dynamometer is an all-weather instrument, equally suitable for use in the laboratory as in the field for weighing and measuring mechanical tension forces.
Dynamometer Control, Data-Acquisition, and Analysis Software
Only DYNO-MAX puts this advanced, full-function engine dynamometer lab console onto your Windows-equipped PC or laptop. It features on-screen analog and digital gauges, real-time graphical displays, and supports complete engine and cell-control options
Here at PCE, we offer dynamometers for a very wide range, which covers almost every application area. Generally, dynamometers do serve for the measurement of forces, which can happen quite different. Therefore, our dynamometers can be transformed from to traction gauges to compressive force gauges.
Emissions Dynamometers
Las altas demandas de producción requeridas para los programas de inspección de emisiones vehiculares requieren del uso de equipo robusto, confi able y duradero para este propósito. Diseñado desde un principio para soportar altos niveles de uso y el abuso, Mustang Dynamometer ha establecido los estándares de desempeño para equipos fabricados y usados a nivel mundial en los programas de inspección de emisiones. Al ser pioneros, nuestra experiencia nos ha llevado a ser el líder mundial en el diseño y fabricación de equipo robusto y programas informáticos para la industria de Inspección y Mantenimiento (I/M). Contamos con líneas de prueba instaladas alrededor del mundo en climas que varían de frío a cálido y de húmedo a seco, incluyendo condiciones extremas. Para fi nales del año 2020 estimamos que nuestros equipos instalados habrán realizado pruebas en cerca de 1 billones de vehículos. Mejoras continuas en todos los aspectos tecnológicos nos han llevado a desarrollar soluciones innovadoras basadas en nuestro amplio conocimiento del diseño, servicio, mantenimiento, ergonomía y capacidad funcional. Los equipos Mustang para Inspección y Mantenimiento (I/M) están diseñados para cumplir con las necesidades específi cas de nuestros clientes. Cumpliendo con las siguientes especifi caciones: EPA, BAR y CDMX ASM.
Engine Dynamometer
Dynamometers come in four different models all using the same basic design - a hydraulic activated prony brake.
Engine Dynamometer Test and Validation
As an industry-leading partner, Trialon provides the expertise, experience, multiple test cells, and equipment to validate your engine components on out state-of-the-art Dynamometer Test Systems.
Four-Wheel Drive Dingle Roller Dynanometer for Cars with Axle Load of up to 2.4T, for Installation in an Existing LPS 3000 Dynanometer
MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD (LPS 3000) | VP 230038
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD single roller dynamometer is used in workshops for designers and tuners as well as in educational institutions. It is especially suitable for performance measurements, tuning and diagnostic work on particularly powerful vehicles. With test speeds of up to 300 km/h, it is used for dynamic and static power measurement. The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD guarantees optimum measurement accuracy and reproducibility through the active measurement of the towing power.The rolling behaviour of the tyre is the same as on the road. Operating methods such as load simulation, including optional modules for the measurement of external data, e.g. driving cycles, are possible.The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD is suitable for installation in an existing LPS 3000 base.
Four-Wheel Drive Single Roller Dynamometer for Cars with Axle Load of 2.4T
MSR 500/3 CAR 4WD | VP 230037
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MSR 500/3 CAR 4WD single roller dynamometer is used in workshops for designers and tuners as well as in educational institutions. It is especially suitable for performance measurements, tuning and diagnostic work on particularly powerful vehicles. With test speeds of up to 300 km/h, it is used for dynamic and static power measurement. The MSR 500/3 CAR 4WD guarantees optimum measurement accuracy and reproducibility through the active measurement of the towing power.The rolling behaviour of the tyre is the same as on the road. Operating methods such as load simulation, including optional modules for the measurement of external data, e.g. driving cycles, are possible.
Four-Wheel Drive Single Roller Dynanometer for Cars with Axle Load of up to 2.4T
MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD | VP 230036
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD single roller dynamometer is used in workshops for designers and tuners as well as in educational institutions. It is especially suitable for performance measurements, tuning and diagnostic work on particularly powerful vehicles. With test speeds of up to 300 km/h, it is used for dynamic and static power measurement. The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD guarantees optimum measurement accuracy and reproducibility through the active measurement of the towing power.The rolling behaviour of the tyre is the same as on the road. Operating methods such as load simulation, including optional modules for the measurement of external data, e.g. driving cycles, are possible.
Four-Wheel Drive Single Roller Dynanometer for Cars with Axle Load of up to 2.4T
MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD (ADD. BRAKE) | VP 230041
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD single roller dynamometer is used in workshops for designers and tuners as well as in educational institutions. It is especially suitable for performance measurements, tuning and diagnostic work on particularly powerful vehicles. With test speeds of up to 300 km/h, it is used for dynamic and static power measurement. The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD guarantees optimum measurement accuracy and reproducibility through the active measurement of the towing power.The rolling behaviour of the tyre is the same as on the road. Operating methods such as load simulation, including optional modules for the measurement of external data, e.g. driving cycles, are possible.The MSR 500/2 CAR 4WD can also be extended with a 3rd or 4th eddy current brake.
Inertia Single Roller Dynanometer for Motorcycles, for Flush-Floor Installation
MSR 400 | VP 630012
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MSR 400 single roller inertia dynamometer for motorcycles is used in workshops for designers, tuners as well as educational institutions. It is perfect for dynamic power measurement with controllable acceleration as well as static power measurement at constant speed. The MSR 400 ensures the greatest measurement accuracy and reproducibility due to its active measurement of the towing power (measurement of the parasitic losses of the dyno, the losses in the vehicle's drive train and the friction losses from the tyres to the roller).
Portable Wattmeter (Unity Power Factor)
Supreme Instrument Laboratories
The Principle of working is Electo-dynamometer type for Wattmeters. Portable dynamometer type single phase Single element Wattmeter housed in laminated wooden cabinet size 235 mm length x 200 mm width x 180 mm height, with detachable lid, black bakelite panel fitted with anti-parallax mirror scale, knife edge pointer, rubber footings, carrying handles, locking arrangements.
PWC Dynamometers
Mount the DYNOmite absorber (and appropriate pump adapter) in place of the boat's standard nozzle and cone. Each pump adapter (sold separately) incorporates a shaft, driven by the impeller (without impeller removal). A load control valve (fed from your " garden hose) allows you to regulate RPM by varying absorber drag (while holding the throttle open). You can simulate running at any MPH from idle to top end. The DYNOmite's computer captures the engine's RPM from an (integral absorber mounted) magnetic RPM pickup. Torque readings come directly from a full-bridge (temperature- compensated) torque arm. Results are never estimated from vague hydraulic-pump pressures.
Single-Axle Single Roller Dynanometer for Cars with Axle Load of up to 2.4T
MSR 500/1 CAR | VP 230035
Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG.
The MSR 500/1 single roller dynamometer is used in workshops for designers and tuners as well as in educational institutions. It is especially suitable for performance measurements, tuning and diagnostic work on particularly powerful vehicles. With test speeds of up to 300 km/h, it is used for dynamic and static power measurement. The MSR 500/1 CAR guarantees optimum measurement accuracy and reproducibility through the active measurement of the towing power.
Tractor PTO Dynamometers
All feature sophisticated data-acquisition electronics and powerful software packages at a price/performance ratio formerly unheard of for a professional PTO dyno.
Transmission Dynamometers
Our equipment tests automatic and automated-manual transmissions. On and off-highway transmission test stands, transmission and hydraulic component test stands and valve body test stands.
Truck Chassis Dynamometer
Truck chassis kit includes: heavy-duty tube-steel frame and 30"-diameter "dually" wide-roll assembly with machined-in "traction grooves," air brakes, diamond-tread deck plate, floor anchors, wheel chocks, vehicle tie downs, eddy-current absorber and controller with overdrive, S-beam load cell, DYNOmite-Pro data-acquisition computer, inductive RPM pickup, DYNO-MAX software, electronic auto-load control, 28-channel data harness, engine-temperature thermistor, and more.
Automatic Driving System
Vehicle developers face increasing pressure to reduce development times, while vehicle complexity is increasing. The ADS EVO ensures accurate and repeatable global test cycles on chassis dynamometers.
Dynamometer Power Supply
DES Series
The DES 310 and DES 311 power supplies are suited to the entire range of Magtrol's Eddy-Current and Powder Brake Dynamometers. To avoid any disruption of the surrounding electronic modules, the DES 310 / DES 311 supplies are fitted in an industrial housing made of extruded cast aluminum. This housing must be installed directly on the test bench, as near to the dynamometer as possible.
Power Amplifier
The Model 5241 is a voltage-controlled power amplifier designed exclusively for Magtrol's Model HD-825 Hysteresis Dynamometer. Because of its double braking system, the HD-825 requires more than 4 amps of power in order to reach full torque. The 5241 (which can provide up to 5 amps of output current) is necessary in order to amplify the power between a 6200 or DSP6001 Controller (which both have a maximum current output of 1 amp) and the HD-825 Dynamometer.
Powder Brake Dynamometers
PB Series
The Powder Brake Dynamometer (PB Series) contains, as its name suggests, a magnetic powder. The electrical current passing through the coil generates a magnetic field, which changes the property of the powder, thus producing a smooth braking torque through friction. They are ideal for applications operating in the low to middle speed range or when operating in the middle to high torque range. Like Hysteresis Brakes, Powder Brakes provide full torque at zero speed. Like the Eddy-Current Brake Dynamometers, the PB series are water-cooled, allowing for power ratings up to 48 kW. The PB Dynamometers have accuracy ratings of 0.3% to 0.5% full scale ( 2% for PB 2.7), depending on size and system configuration. Additional mounting possibilities include speed pickup and OEM version IS.
Hysteresis Dynamometers
HD Series
16 Standard Models with Maximum Torque from 2.5 ozin to 500 lbin (18 mNm to 56.5 Nm)Hysteresis Braking System: Provides precise torque loading independent of shaft speedMotor Testing from No Load to Locked RotorAccuracy: 0.25% to 0.5% (Full Scale)Air Flow Sensor: For protection against overheating and operator errorStandard Torque Units: English, Metric and SIBase Plate: Available in long or short versionsCustom Dynamometers: for special torque and speed requirementsEasy Calibration
Dial Weight Dynamometers
The most important characteristic of any measurement instrument is repeatability and accuracy. The Magtrol Dial Weight Dynamometer uses the combination of a Hysteresis Brake and gravity to insure constant, reliable results. The brake torque rise is directly proportional to applied current
Multi-Purpose Brake Dynamometers
GIANT 6000 Series
The GIANT 6x00 product line is a multi-purpose, full-size inertia brake dynamometer for performance and NVH tests of brake systems from passenger vehicles to truck brakes, commercial vehicle assemblies and high-speed railway applications. The GIANT 6x00 product line offers a complete range of test functions for fully automated performance tests and basic NVH investigations and can be designed to fit the requirements of our customers.
Engine Torque Pulse Simulation
HORIBA has revolutionized the way vehicle manufacturers test their Powertrains and Front End Accessory Devices. The ETPS dynamometer system accurately produces torsional pulse characteristics of an engine. This new technology employs a sophisticated mathematical model to calculate the resulting torque at the output of the engine based on engine and combustion process parameters.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-1100 Series
The MD-1100 Series took the market by storm in 2003 when it was first introduced and has been a mainstay in the performance industry ever since. The design focus for the MD-1100 is, in a word, versatility. The MD-1100 offers a tremendous amount of power measurement capabilities, loading capabilities and mechanical versatility found nowhere else in the business. Regardless of your needs, the MD-1100 series is a perfect fit.