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Cryo-Correlative Microscopy Stage
Linkham Scientific Instruments
Electron microscopy (EM) provides structural information at very high resolution. However, it can give only restricted insight into biological and chemical processes due to limitations in staining and sample preparation processes. Fluorescence microscopy on the other hand is a very sensitive method to detect biological, chemical and genetic processes and events inside living cells. Cryo-CLEM brings it all together: it is a new and emerging technique to combine the individual advantages from both Fluorescence and EM by imaging the same sample location with both techniques and superimposing the complementing information.
EM & Thermal Simulation Software
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
SEMCAD X is the latest generation of 3-D FDTD full-wave simulation software offering unprecedented levels of user-friendliness, speed & memory efficiency. Its application range has been further greatly extended by incorporating the world's first EM ADI-FDTD solver.
Free Feature-Limited Version of Sonnet''s Professional Sonnet Suite
Sonnet Lite™
Sonnet Lite™ is a free feature-limited version of Sonnet''s professional Sonnet Suites, which provides EM analysis to thousands of companies across the globe. Many major manufacturers of high-frequency components and boards depend on Sonnet to analyze their predominantly planar high-frequency designs from 1 MHz through several THz.
Horn Antenna
Horn antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in electric assets like GIS and GIL or MV and HV power transformers. It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes Horn antenna suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range suitable for PD activity monitoring and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain.
IQ Demodulator
IQD Series
*Capable of receiving RF and LO frequency inputs *Output from DC to 500 MHz *Internal low noise oscillator Internal reference *Buffered demodulator *Balanced IQ *Optimized for low EVm *Optional internal Reference Detect Switch (EM Research RDS Series) *Up to 250 mega-symbols per second
IQ Modulator
IQM Series
*Capable of receiving from DC to 500 MHz, LO inputs, outputting RF frequencies *Internal low noise oscillator *Internal reference *Buffered modulator Balanced IQ *Optimized for low EVM *Internal Reference Detect Switch Optional (EM Research RDS Series) *Up to 250 mega-symbols per second
Spiral Antenna
UHF Spiral antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in the monitored asset. It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes Spiral antenna suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range typical for PD activity and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain.
TEM Antenna
TEM antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in the monitored asset (like MV switchgears or LV and MV induction motors fed by power electronic impulses). It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes TEM suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range typical for PD activity and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain. Its compact and robust design (passive sensor) makes TEM the optimal sensor for direct installation on medium voltage Switchgears and motors. It can be virtually applied in any electrical equipment provided that it has apertures or EM transparent surfaces.
Transient EM System
The new generation terraTEM, the terraTEM24, has been designed to acquire high‑quality transient electromagnetic data from a wide variety of sensors ranging from remote inductive and B field sensors through to single loop and coincident loop configurations.
WIPL-D Pro CAD is the tool that introduced solid modeling into WIPL-D, allowing fast modeling and manipulation for a wide range of EM applications. The simulation itself relies on WIPL-D’s proven and powerful kernel. Import of various CAD formats, numerous built-in modelling primitives, Boolean operations, waveguide ports, and automated simulation‑optimized all-quad mesh are features turning WIPL-D Pro CAD into a full, powerful package for high-complexity modeling of EM problems.
Electromagnetic (EM) Speed Log System
Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd.
AGILOG 2 is based on the well-established electromagnetic principle that a voltage is induced in a conductor by a moving magnetic field. By using the sea water as a conductor, an output is generated as the vessel progresses. Electromagnetic speed measurement is passive in operation and therefore particularly suitable for use in submarines and warships. The EM technology provides reliable and robust speed availability when compared to some alternative technologies.
Navigation Information System
Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd.
Nav-IS combines a single or dual axis EM Speed Log with a range of Meteorological System options for a low cost, integrated solution. Using the latest proven and in service solid state sensor technology, this innovative, cost-effective and accurate system has been specifically developed for all applications from ocean-going merchant and passenger vessels to offshore patrol, coastguard and naval support vessels.
Analog Custom IC Design Solution
Silvaco offer a full IC-CAD design flow including design capture, circuit simulation, layout design, physical verification, parasitic extraction and reduction, and post-layout analysis including statistical variation, IR-drop/EM.
Our expertise in 3-D EM computation accelerates the antenna development through accurate simulations and performance optimizations with full CAD description of devices and precise definitions of materials.
Antenna, Log Periodic
EM-6956 | 500 MHz – 3 GHz
The Electro-Metrics EM-6956 Log Periodic Antenna operates over the .5-3 GHz frequency range. The broadband frequency capacity of the EM- 6956 eliminates the need for band switching, element extension or external tuning.
Whole Body EM Phantoms
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
The POsable Phantom for Electromagnetic sYstems Evaluations (POPEYE) is an anatomically correct human phantom based on a torso shell w/ head with posable arms, hands and legs. This radio frequency (RF) human has been designed to meet the requirements for test configurations for which the effects of the body on the EM performance cannot be neglected, such as operating tablet and laptop computers and other body-mounted transmitters. With a simple adjustment (one tightening screw), the arms, hands and legs can be positioned accordingly for conducting simulations of any usage or operation (standing, sitting, arms raised, talking position, etc...).
EM Software
QuickWave is a general-purpose electromagnetic simulator based on the conformal FDTD method and supplemented with a range of unique models for curved boundaries, media interfaces, modal excitation, and parameter extraction. It has a well-established position on the worldâs market due to approaching specific, challenging problems (often bound to QWEDâs specialists participation in the customerâs projects as consultants). That kind of approach causes that QuickWave has a very broad variety of information which can be extracted from the simulations in a form of different pre-processings, co-processings and post-processings.
EM Tracking Products
The strength of the Aurora and 3D Guidance electromagnetic tracking solutions lies in their similarities and their differences. Both can provide unobstructed in-vivo tracking of OEM medical instruments, share exceptional measurement accuracy and reliability and are engineered and manufactured to deliver unparalleled tracking performance. Between them, there are seven different field generators with unique measurement volumes, and 20 standard sensor offerings (plus custom options). While the Aurora has 6DOF and 5DOF sensors, the 3D Guidance solution specializes in 6DOF tracking. 6DOF sensors are usually re-processable; 5DOF can be disposable. Some of our field generators are portable, while others seamlessly integrate into the medical OEM’s procedural cart or operative table. These differences provide near-countless opportunities to customize and integrate the Aurora and 3D Guidance solutions – all while benefiting from a shared foundation of technical excellence and expert product execution.
Circuit Synthesis Software
Optenni Lab
Optenni Lab™ is the leading circuit synthesis software for antenna optimization aiming at efficient assessment and optimization of antenna systems at any design phase. Optenni Lab features automatic matching circuit synthesis and optimization, antenna array beamforming with active impedance control, and many supplementary assessment tools. Optenni Lab is often used in conjunction with EM simulators, and several links are provided with major EM tools on the market.
Electron Multiplication (EM) Standard Image Sensors
EM (Electron Multiplication) is a technology that uses on-chip gain in the charge domain to effectively eliminate read noise from an image sensor. This enables advanced ultra-low light applications that require extreme sensitivity at fast frame rates. Examples include life science applications such as single molecule detection, super resolution microscopy and spinning disk confocal microscopy along with physical science applications such as nanotechnology imaging, Bose Einstein condensates and soft X-ray spectroscopy, and astronomy applications such as adaptive optics and lucky imaging. The inclusion of an additional conventional output allows further flexibility for applications such as true 24 hour surveillance.
Cable Harness EM Solver
Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc.
MHARNESS to Complete the Last Mile of EM Coupling Simulation Traditionally, electromagnetic effects simulation has focused on the transients induced on the overall cable bundle of complex systems. MHARNESS is a transmission line solver that reveals the EM transients on the most critical element of systems: the pin interface to electronics systems. Now, EMA3D and MHARNESS can co-simulate in one self-consistent simulation.
Programming Module
PM Series
*Small, simple to use module for programming EM Research synthesizers *Programmed frequency easily read on large LED display *No programming experience needed to operate, clear instructions included *Integrates with EM Research products to get your system up and running as quick as possible
Propagation Software
Wireless InSite
Wireless InSite is a suite of ray-tracing models and high-fidelity EM solvers for the analysis of site-specific radio propagation and wireless communication systems. The software provides efficient and accurate predictions of EM propagation and communication channel characteristics in complex urban, indoor, rural and mixed path environments.
Transient EM System
The terraTEM is a robust transient electromagnetic (TEM) survey system which provides high resolution conductivity imaging. Applications for the terraTEM include mineral exploration, near surface applications including geotechnical and engineering investigations, groundwater and salinity studies, and environmental surveys.
WIPL-D kernel is unique in many ways, allowing the most efficient full wave EM simulations. It is based on the Method of Moments (MoM) but applied to quadrilateral mesh elements. In addition, the basis functions are HOBFs (Higher Order Basis Functions) which means up to 2 lambdas large mesh elements. The electrical size of problems is expressed in number of unknowns, rather than in mesh elements. The quad mesh offers two times less unknowns than the traditional triangular one, while using HOBFs reduces number of unknowns several times.
Laboratory EM current meter / water level and wave height meter
ACM2-RS and ACM3-RS are 2-D and 3-D electro-magnetic current meters for laboratory experiments. The models provide digital output, a high-speed sampling rate and insusceptibility to electro-magnetic noise. ACH-600RS is a highly sensitive capacitance water level meters. With the new system, a maximum of four different sensors can be connected to the compact interface unit, enabling simultaneous recording on a personal computer. Additionally, the system can provide analog output as well as necessary. While conventional water level and wave height meters cannot be used near velocity sensors, our instrument can be as near as 5 cm without increasing noise, due to its special isolated circuit. The result is an innovative system that is capable of achieving highly accurate data.
Innovative EM Technology
The new system arising from this project will be known as BIPTEM (B field, Induced Polarisation, Transient Electromagnetic). Depending on the target nature, the system can be flown in fixed ground loop, traditional in-loop, or long‑offset Slingram configurations.
Interference & Compatibility Evaluation System
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
ICEy is the most advanced reactive near-field E/H-field scanning system for the analysis of EM interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC) in highly integrated electronics. ICEy is the only system that provides accurate EM measurements traceable to international calibration standards and also allows independent interlaboratory comparability of EMI/EMC measurement results.
General Electromagnetic Model for the Analysis of Complex Systems
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
GEMACS' biggest advantage over other EM codes (NEC, BSC, Carlos-3D, etc.) is the availability of multiple physics and solution methods integrated into a single product, with a command and geometry language that lets the user and not the software direct the execution of a particular problem.
Electron Diffraction System
Modern physics is the post-Newtonian conception of physics. It implies that classical descriptions of phenomena are lacking, and that an accurate, " Modern", description of nature requires theories to incorporate elements of quantum mechanics or relativity, or both. This section includes many of the most important experiments in physics, including e/m tubes, the Franck-Hertz experiment, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)