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Failure Analysis
examination of faults, determine root cause and recommend corrective actions.
See Also: Crush, Performance Testing, Investigation
Cross-Section Analysis Laboratory
PCBs are constructed of a variety of materials such as glass, ceramic, copper, solder and Teflon. Trialon has the equipment and experienced staff to perform this difficult analysis. Our state-of-the-art materials analysis lab located in Auburn Hills, MI is managed by a Ph.D with over 20 years of hands-on experience in root cause failure analysis of design, material and process for current and future products.
Digital Microscope
VHX-6000 Series
Next-generation optical microscope with a large depth-of-field and advanced measurement capabilities for inspection and failure analysis.
Electrical Property Measurement
Materials Analysis Technology Inc.
This technology is used to identify the electrical characteristics, such as resistance, capacitance and inductance, of semiconductor devices. Characteristics measured from fail and normal chips could provide important clues for further failure analysis.
Failure Analysis
Failure analysis on electronic components is a continuous challenging task. The smaller transistor dimensions, increasing functional complexity and changing device packaging styles requires new tools and skills for sample preparation, fault localization techniques, high resolution imaging and analysis.
Failure Analysis – Materials
Failure analysis – materials is the investigation into the background or history of a sample, or an event, to determine why a particular failure occurred. A product failure may include premature breakage, discoloration or even an unexpected odor. It is useful to know if this failure is a new, unique occurrence or if it has been an ongoing issue. The investigation can involve analyzing the sample as it currently exists and extrapolating from that data what may have caused the failure. A sample of the “good” vs. “bad” product may also be useful for comparison purposes.
Failure Analysis Services
Innovative Circuits Engineering, inc
Innovative circuits engineerin's failure analysis group performs root cause analysis on a wide variety of integrated circuit devices.
FEA Software
Helius PFA
Helius PFA software provides powerful tools for enhanced FEA (finite element analysis) of composite structures, including progressive failure analysis.
Fiber TAPs
Profitap fiber TAPs provide secure in-line network access for the monitoring of 1–400 Gbps fiber networks. By splitting the light flowing on the network link, fiber TAPs deliver an exact copy of the data for real-time monitoring and analysis, without disrupting the network. Passive fiber optic TAPs require no power, and therefore introduce no point of failure when deployed in a network.
High Impedance Probes
Everbeing offers GGB’s high impedance active probe for failure analysis of your devices. The high impedance with low capacitive design allows measurements of internal nodes without loading the device. For more information, please visit offers GGB’s high impedance active probe for failure analysis of your devices. The high impedance with low capacitive design allows measurements of internal nodes without loading the device. For more information, please visit
Material Analysis Laboratory
Trialon’s world class Material Analysis Laboratory consists of state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff. Our specialty is to determine failure analysis of design, material, process and root cause in both current and future products across multiple industries.
Motor/Generator Test Equipment
Winding ohmmeters RMO-M series measure winding resistance of inductive test objects such as electrical motors and generators. Motor test or generator test of winding resistance is especially important for early-stage failure detection.RMO-M series instruments generate true DC ripple-free current with automatically regulated measurement and discharge process. Even more, test instruments are portable and enclosed in a metal casing.Applications supported by DV Power motor/generator test equipment include:Winding resistance measurement of generators and electrical motorsResistance measurement of high-current bus bar jointsResistance measurement of cable splicesAll of the above-mentioned measurements are performed with the highest accuracy. The advanced DV-Win PC software enables collecting both numerical and graphical results. These features provide an easier and more efficient analysis. After the test, a DV-Win software generates a test report a single click. Finally, a user can easily customize the report and save it in different formats, such as XLS and PDF.
Real-Time X-Ray Imaging and Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope
Trialon has the equipment and experienced staff to operate this highly technical piece of laboratory equipment. Our state-of-the-art materials analysis lab located in Auburn Hills, MI is managed by a Ph.D with over 20 years of hands-on experience in root cause failure analysis of design, material and process for current and future products.
Scanning Acoustic Microscope
This industry-leading scanning acoustic microscope provides a universal inspection tool for packaged semiconductor development, production and failure analysis. With the ability to detect air defects as thin 0.05 micron and spatially resolve defects down to 10 microns, the ECHO is perfect for bump detection, stacked die (3D packaging) inspection, complex flip chip inspection and more traditional plastic packages.
Scanning Electron Microscope w/ EDX Laboratory
Trialon has the equipment and experienced staff to operate this highly technical piece of laboratory equipment. Our state-of-the-art materials analysis lab located in Auburn Hills, MI is managed by a Ph.D with over 20 years of hands-on experience in root cause failure analysis of design, material and process for current and future products.
SilverCreek SNMP Tests
Set up in less than five minutes - Windows or LinuxCustomize tests via Wizards, Script Generators, and moreAutomate operation with unambiguous test resultsIntegrate with other test harnesses and test toolsIncludes conformance, compliance, vulnerability, robustness, stress, and performance testingInvestigate failures and quickly resolve them with powerful diagnostic and analysis tools
Structural & Stress Analysis
Structural analysis is critical because it can determine cause and predict failure – evaluating whether or not a specific structural design will be able to withstand the external and internal stresses and forces expected for the design.
Thermal Image Analysis Software
Thermalyze software provides a stable platform from which to perform sophisticated temperature analysis and failure analysis testing. Tools such as Emissivity Tables allow you to perform true temperature mapping on the surface with varying emissivity. Lock-in thermography tests enable you to detect heating below 0.001°C.
Oil Test Equipment
KV Hipot Power Test Equipment Co.,Ltd
oil analysis program is to verify that a lubricated machine is operating according to expectations. When an abnormal condition or parameter is identified through oil analysis, immediate actions can be taken to correct the root cause or to mitigate a developing failure.
Motatest Dynamic
Get Immediate Indication of Your Motors’ Health Do you know which of Your Process Motors are Likely to Fail? It is a Question of Efficiency and Potential Failure For online monitoring and measuring of electric motors whilst running. Measuring the motors performance with special analysis software to give a complete picture of the motor, its supply and its load.
Grease Analysis
Maintenance Reliability Group, LLC
MRG Labs follows grease sampling and analysis standards outlined in ASTM D7718 and ASTM D7918. Grease analysis is a valuable tool for determining the condition of the lubricant and discovering abnormal conditions in equipment that may otherwise lead to unexpected failures. Our customized grease test slates are designed to identify the specific failure modes that may be damaging the component.
Analytical Techniques
Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc.
Our numerous analytical techniques, we tackle a wide range of materials challenges and commonly combines several analytical techniques to fully address complex and multi-dimensional materials issues. Our materials analysis laboratory provides XPS surface analysis, thermal analysis (TGA, DSC, TMA), FTIR infrared spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectrophotometry and reflectivity measurements, gas chromatography – mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), SEM/EDX, optical microscopy, mechanical testing, electrochemistry and corrosion analyses, residual gas mass spectroscopy, contact angle measurements, surface contamination measurements, adhesive bonding failure analysis, facility testing for silicone contamination, mechanical testing, metallography and fractography, density and porosity measurements, volatile organic component testing, friction, and other analytical capabilities. We continue to upgrade and expand our arsenal of analytical techniques and custom analytical methods to support our customers’ needs.
Automated DC Parametric Curve Tracer
MultiTrace curve tracer is a mid-sized benchtop model supporting pin counts from 216-625 pins and includes the PGA-625 fixture as a standard interface. MultiTrace supports a wide range of test applications: Failure analysis, Reliability testing, Counterfeit device analysis, Nondestructive electrical counterfeit test, Opens, shorts leakage testing (OSL), Post decap electrical inspection, Optical fault localization, ESD testing, Latch-up testing, Supply current measurements, and more!
Damage Indication
Get the full picture immediately with FilterCHECK: accurate on-site damage indication — wherever you do maintenance.Equipment fluid filters have a story to tell. With FilterCHECK, filters reveal an accurate account of component wear and damage, plus a reliable prediction of the time remaining to component failure. Easy to use, field-deployable FilterCHECK automates filter debris analysis, so your team can manage maintenance decisions efficiently. Avoiding component failure, reducing maintenance costs and eliminating service interruptions: three reasons FilterCHECK belongs on the shop floor, wherever mission-critical equipment is serviced and maintained.
Battery Pack/Module Test Solution
Regenerative battery energy dischargeEnergy savingEnvironment protectionLow heat generateChannels paralleled for higher currentsCharge / discharge mode (CC, CV, CP) Constant current Constant voltage Constant powerDriving cycle simulationHigh precision measurement accuracyFast current conversionSmooth current without over shootTesting data analysis functionData recovery protection (after power failure)Independent protection of multi-channelBMS data recordingThermal chamber control integration
Data Reduction
Data reduction systems with or without time history recording to throughput disc are frequently used in critical aerospace testing applications where complete measurements of a high number of channels are required for post-test and possible failure analysis. The m+p VibControl data reduction system configurations are tailored to the specific needs of high-performance measurement applications requiring hundreds or thousands of input channels.
Electrical Testing
Innovative Testing Solutions, Inc.
Our specialty is Direct Current automotive components. We perform product validation and design verification testing on both electrical components and systems. Also, we perform warranty investigation testing and failure analysis. We have voltage capabilities to 300 volts and current capabilities to 1000 amperes. Both two-wire and four-wire resistance measurements are supported from NanoOhms to GigaOhms.
Materials And Chemical Analysis
Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc.
Materials characterization, failure analysis, quality control, and materials and process development services are offered. Our analytical techniques allow us to assess elemental and chemical material composition, thermal properties, coating thickness, electrochemical properties, surface chemistry, surface wetting, corrosion rates and pitting potentials, contamination and degradation problems, metallography, fractography, phase transitions, static coefficient of friction, adhesive bonding strength and causes of adhesive bonding failures, surface tension and surface energy, tensile and compressive strength, bend deflection, lapshear strength, elasticity properties, UV and visible light absorption and reflection, density and porosity, and many other material properties integral to improving your products.
Materials, Structure, Surface, and failure analysis Services
Materials Analysis Technology Inc.
MA-tek provides wide span of materials analysis, structure analysis, surface analysis, and failure analysis. By technology segment, MA-tek provides 9 major service lines:1. Electrical Failure Analysis (EFA). 2. Physical Failure Analysis (PFA). 3. Structure Analysis. 4. Surface Analysis. 5. FIB Circuit Editing6. Reliability Testing. 7. Reverse Engineering of Benchmark Analysis. 8. IP Consultancy. 9. Quality Management Training Course.
Shake Table Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Shake table testing is often used in prototype analysis, failure analysis, shipping vibration testing and vibration sensitivity testing. We know what boundary conditions are vital for effective testing, how and where to instrument the system, how to deal with for off axis excitation (often not accounted for), and make the most efficient use of testing time. Let us have a look at your system and any specified vibration criteria before the shake test is designed. We can interpret the criteria, make sure it is applied appropriately, and make recommendations that will save valuable time and expense.
PWB Interconnect Stress Test
PWB Interconnect Solutions Inc.
Services to test the reliability of Printed Circuit Boards. PCBs).Coupon Inspection and Electrical Prescreen. Coupon Testing. Failure Location via I/R Photo Imagery. Failure Analysis.