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Fibre Channel
Data transfer interface with speeds up to 2 Gigabit per second that maps to common transport protocols, i.e. IP and SCSI.
Diagnostic Software
Developer Toolbox
The world's most widely used SCSI diagnostic software product is now available in a reference library. The Developer Toolbox uses our proven interface to access SCSI, Fibre Channel, or ATAPI devices from Visual Basic or C++ running on all 32 bit versions of Windows.
Dual Port Fibre Channel End-System Module for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual port module, operates as a Fibre Channel network node with support for multiple upper layer protocols.
Dual Port Fibre Channel End-System Module for XMC
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual port module, operates as a Fibre Channel network node with support for multiple upper layer protocols.
Fibre Channel Data Playback
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
The TTC RMSR-2002-PS playback unit houses two data cartridges. Data is read through the Fibre Channel Interface. Front panel indicator LEDs show Active, Lock and Fault status for each cartridge.
Fibre Channel, Ethernet, & MIL-Firewire Protocol Analyzer
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Multiple Network Protocols including Ethernet, FibreChannel, & MIL-Firewire (AS5643) - High Performance Filtering & Search - Built-in protocol decoders for: FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FCAE-1553, AS5643, Ethernet, IPv4, IPv6, UDP - User defined “protocol decoders” for custom & proprietary protocols - Database architecture for handling very large data sets - Multiple, Simultaneous views of data sets with time correlation of data across multiple views. - Compatible with common network analysis tools such as - Wireshark (e.g. Imports/Exports to PCAPNG) - Compatible with AIT’s Fibre Channel Test - Instruments for live capture, triggering, and filtering.
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Half-size four lane PCIe board - Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speedsComprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent Analyzer - Supports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel Test & Simulation Interface for PCI-X
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
Fibre Channel XMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data to/from the board - Full Error Injection and Detection - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent AnalyzerSupports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Compatible with AIT’s fcXplorer GUI Bus Analyzer Software
HS1760/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller for PCI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Configuration Variants available: PCIe-HS1760-NCNT: One NC Node and One NT Node, PCIe-HS1760-NCNC: Two NC Nodes, PCIe-HS1760-NTNT: Two NT Nodes - SAE AS5653-Compliant Network Controller/Network Terminal NIC - Unsolicited data path for handling Fibre Channel link service or non‐FC-AE‐1553 traffic - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data - 75 Ohm single‐ended or 150 Ohm Differential coax interface – TNC connectors - Each port supports 1.0625 Gbps speed - ANSI C API interface for both NC and NT - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, & VxWorks - Quad (4) port board available on request
HS1760/MIL-STD-1760E XMC Network Interface Controller
Avionics Interface Technologies
Configuration Variants available: XMC-HS1760-NCNT: One NC Node and One NT Node, XMC-HS1760-NCNC: Two NC Nodes, XMC-HS1760-NTNT: Two NT Nodes - SAE AS5653-Compliant Network Controller/Network Terminal NIC - Unsolicited data path for handling Fibre Channel link service or non‐FC-AE‐1553 traffic - Supports DMA for high speed streaming of data75 Ohm single‐ended or 150 Ohm Differential coax interface – TNC connectors - Each port supports 1.0625 Gbps speed - ANSI C API interface for both NC and NT - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, & VxWorks - Quad (4) port board available on request
Network Interface Controllers for Anonymous Subscriber Messaging (FC-ASM)
Fibre Channel
Avionics Interface Technologies
FC-ASM Network Interface Controllers for Avionics applications. The AIT FC-ASM NIC solutions are Quad interface modules providing 4 independent NIC interfaces on a single module. All FC-ASM and Fibre Channel protocol operations are handled onboard, providing an efficient, high bandwidth, FC-ASM protocol offload solution for 1Gbp/s and 2Gbp/s FC-ASM.
Optical Limiting Amplifiers
Analog Devices high gain optical limiting amplifiers feature low power, low jitter, and excellent sensitivity performance. Our limiting amplifiers include receiver functions such as quantization, loss of signal detection, and SFF-8472-compliant average power measurement. Along with SFP, SFF, and GBIC MSA module designs, our amplifiers also support physical layer protocols that include 1 ×, 2 ×, and 4 × Fibre Channel, 10GBASE-LX4, multiple rate SONET/SDH up to OC-48 with FEC, and Gigabit Ethernet.
Optical Probes - Low Bandwidth
Depend on Tektronix to provide you with performance you can count on, and industry-leading service and support.*Broad Wavelength Response 500 to 950 nm or 1100 to 1700 nm*High-bandwidth DC up to 1.2 GHz*High Gain 1 V/mW*Low Noise <11 pW/√Hz*Probe Connects to DPO7000*1 and DPO/DSA/MSO70000*2Series*SONET/SDH and Fibre Channel Reference Receiver Performance
Optical Transimpedance Amplifiers
Analog Devices optical transimpedance amplifiers offer a complete, high performance, single chip solution for converting photodiode current into a differential voltage input. Supporting data rates from 155 Mbps to 11.1 Gbps, our transimpedance amplifiers are ideally suited for data communications and telecommunications applications supporting lay protocols including 1×, 2×, 4×, and 8× Fibre Channel, 10GBASE-LX4, SONET/SDH up to OC-192 with FEC, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet. Our transimpedance amplifiers feature low input referred noise current, high input current, and low power dissipation.
Pilot Wire
The concept is based on the need to improve the performance of existing pilot wire protection schemes by increasing reliability & availability as well as adding an over current guard function. This can be achieved at considerably lower cost than the replacement of the existing proven protection relays & change over to a fibre optic communication channel.
"Signal Transporter"
The LTX-5520 enables the conveyance of sixteen independent channels of digital information over fibre optic links ranging from metres to more than 10 kilometres. Each of the 16 incoming TTL channels is sampled at 50 mega-samples per second, multiplexed and transmitted serially over an optical fibre at a 1 Gb/s data rate.
"Signal Transporter"
The LTX-5525 conveys sixteen independent channels of digital information over a fibre optic link ranging from metres to more than 10 kilometres. Each of the 16 incoming TTL channels is sampled 100 million times per second, multiplexed and transmitted serially over an optical fiber at two gigabits per second. The receiver acquires this digital data and de-multiplexes it to 16 separate output ports.
Signal Transporter E/O - O/E Converter pair
The LTX-5515 enables the precise conveyance of one analog channel plus four digital channels of information over fibre optic links ranging from metres to more than 10 kilometres. Incoming analogue data is digitised to 12-bit precision at 100 megasamples per second and transmitted over optical fiber at one giga-bit per second.?
Two Port Fibre Channel/MIL-STD-1760E Network Interface Controller
Avionics Interface Technologies
Integration of Up Fibre Channel and Down Fibre Channel interfaces - Embedded Network Controller (NC) with four priority levels - Two F/AE ports for communication to external devicesInternal four port non‐blocking fabric switch for communication between NC and external devices - Four port non‐blocking Fibre Channel Switch - Meets the requirements of MIL‐STD‐1760E and AS5653 standards - Initialize via the Fast Fabric Initialization (FFI) protocol - ANSI C API enabling complete FC-AE-1553 NC functionality and management - 3U Conduction-cooled Compact PCI module - Designed for extended temperature operations
Fibre Channel Modules
AIM’s Fibre Channel test, simulation and analysis modules use our field proven Common Core hardware design giving you the best performance, best feature set and highest functional integration on the market. The use of SoC (System on Chip) based core designs with one dual core RISC processor per port, massive and scalable DDR3 memory and IRIG-B time encoder/decoder functions are standard. The new ultra high performance intelligent 4-lane PCIe 2.0 interface modules offer 2 ports with full function test, simulation, monitoring and analyzer functions for Fibre Channel networks. The dual core processor provides onboard processing and data transfer capabilities for the most demanding Fibre Channel applications including upper layer protocol support done on board level. Large and high data throughput DDR3 RAM is accessible for the onboard processor as is a high performance FPGA implementing the customized Fibre Channel interfaces enabling the board to analyze incoming and modify outgoing data in real time. Each module provides 2 Fibre Channel compliant full duplex ports, implementing the full link level services. SFP cages make it suitable for different media types as optical or electrical network technologies. Ports operate either in Traffic Simulator or Analyzer/Monitor mode with support for port related Frame Statistics. Sophisticated packet capturing mechanism and monitoring features are complimented with powerful triggering and filtering capabilities.
Fibre Channel PXI Express Test & Simulation Instrument
Avionics Interface Technologies
3U PXIe form factor will fit into any PXIe or hybrid slot - Supports Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric, and Arbitrated Loop topologies - Two independent Fibre Channel ports - Two SFP sockets accept fiber or copper transceivers - Each port supports 1, 2, and 4 Gbps speeds - Comprehensive decoding of FC-1, FC-2, and Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) frames - Triggering and Filtering - Error Injection on any Header or Payload Parameter - Data Capture to on-board memory or disk file - Live Capture and Current Value Monitoring - IRIG-B Time Code Encoder/Decoder for Data Correlation - In-line Port Configuration for Transparent Analyzer - Supports multiple ULPs including FC-AE-ASM, FC-AE-RDMA, FC-AE-1553, and FC-AV - Supports HS-1760E applications, including AS5653, AS5625, and AS5627fcXplorer Windows-based FC Simulator and Analyzer Test Software
High Speed Optical Avionics Network Test Instrument
Avionics Interface Technologies
PXI Express Instrument for test and simulation of Fibre Channel and Avionics Ethernet (10G and 25G). Instrument provides 4 optical network interfaces and is software configurable to provide 4 ports of Ethernet, 4 ports of Fibre Channel, or 2 ports of each.
Dual Port Fibre Channel End-System Module for PXI Express
Avionics Interface Technologies
Dual port module, operates as a Fibre Channel network node with support for multiple upper layer protocols.
10 Gb/s SFP/SFP+ Evaluation Board
The purpose of this SFP+ evaluation board is to provide the designer with a convenient means for evaluating SFP+ fiber optic transceiver such as 10 Gb/s(up to 16 Gb/s) SFP/SFP+ transceiver compliant with ANSI Fibre Channel FC‐PI‐5 for high speed electrical and optical specifications. This board provides SMA connectors for high speed TX and RX signals. The low speed control signals such as Tx_Fault, Rx_LOS and Rate_Selects can be controlled by using on board switches and test points. A connector for 2 wire serial interface to the module is also provided.
Avionics Network Solutions HSI1760 NIC, SAE AS5653 Compliant
Avionics Interface Technologies
AIT's HS1760 (MIL-STD-1760E) as profiled under SAE AS5653 products are built on our Fibre Channel Simulyzer™ and HS1760 IP Core technology. Our HS1760 products provide Network Controller (NC), Network Terminal (NT), and FC-AE Switch capabilities.
Modular Test Platform
MPA®Multi-Protocol Analyzer
The MPA® Multi-Protocol Analyzer is an advanced packet optical transport traffic generation and analysis platform specifically designed for the demands of R&D, SVT, and manufacturing testing environments. The MPA provides simultaneous independent multi-port testing from 1G to 400G for Ethernet/IP, OTN & SDH/SONET and Fibre Channel.
1x/2x/4x/8x Fibre Channel SAN Emulator
VirtualSAN is a high-performance Fibre Channel SAN Emulator that replicates real world network effects such as latency and errors on user traffic in a controlled environment. The VirtualSAN emulator uses customized ICs to support full line rate performance at all frame sizes and impairment settings. The emulator can be transparently installed in-line as shown in the diagram below. VirtualSAN emulator has an intuitive and easy to use GUI interface and a very powerful TCL based CLI to aid in configuration and testing.
PXI Express Instrument
Avionics Interface Technologies
Single PXI Express Instrument that is reconfigurable to operate as a PXIe-FC4 or a PXIe-DCE module. Save system slots with this instrument by getting both Ethernet (10/100/1000) and Fibre Channel in a single instrument in a single PXI Express Slot.
Network Attached Storage / Fibre Channel
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
The Compact Network Storage 4-Slot - Fibre Channel (CNS4-FC) is the perfect storage solution for programs looking to modernize systems using legacy Fibre Channel (FC) or Serial-Attached SCSI (SAS) drives. Providing many of the benefits provided by the CNS4, the CNS4-FC brings newly added support for FC protocol plus other network protocols like Network File Server (NFS), Common Internet File System (CIFS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) making it ideal for sharing critical data in a deployed network for mission platforms that were developed with sensors utilizing FC as the protocol.