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Digital Conductivity Pen (EC)
The Milwaukee CD601 digital electrical conductivity (EC) Pen is designed for aquariums, aquaculture, pools, water conditioning and many other applications. The CD601 helps you make sure that your water has the right amount of nutrient to help keep fish tanks healthy or helps you keep your filters up-to-date and clean for water filtration. Keep EC in your target range to help your achieve better results.
Digital High Range TDS Pen
The Milwaukee CD610 Total Dissolved Solids High Range (PPM) Pen is designed for aquariums, pools and education and many other applications. The CD610 helps make sure that you keep your fish tank water clean and healthy. It is a cost effective tool for teacher's science labs. Keep PPM in your target range to help your achieve better results.
Low Range Waterproof Conductivity Pen
The Milwaukee C65 Conductivity Pen is designed for aquariums, aquaculture, agriculture and pools to help you make sure that your fish or plants are receiving the right amount of nutrient to help keep your water clean and clear. Keep EC in your target range to help your achieve better results.
Waterproof Dual Range Tester
TDSTestr 11
For use in water and wastewater treatment, boiler blow-down, electroplating rinse tanks, drinking water, hydroponics, printing industry, aquaculture, aquariums, fish farms, swimming pools and spas.
Waterproof EC Tester
ECTestr10 High
For use in water and wastewater treatment, boiler blow-down, electroplating rinse tanks, drinking water, hydroponics, printing industry, aquaculture, aquariums, fish farms, swimming pools and spas.
Waterproof EC Tester with ATC
ECTestr10 Low
For use in water and wastewater treatment, boiler blow-down, electroplating rinse tanks, drinking water, hydroponics, printing industry, aquaculture, aquariums, fish farms, swimming pools and spas.
Waterproof High Range Total Dissolved Solids Pen (TDS)
The Milwaukee T76 Waterproof High Range Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Pen is designed for, aquariums, aquaculture, education, pools, water conditioning and many other applications. The T76 helps you make sure that your fish have the right TDS balance to help them stay healthy. TDS also help keep filters up-to-date and clean for water filtration or pools. Keep TDS in your target range to help your achieve better results.
Waterproof Low Range Total Dissolved Solids Pen (TDS)
The Milwaukee T75 Waterproof Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Pen is designed for, aquariums, aquaculture, education, water conditioning and many other applications. The T75 helps you make sure that your fish have the right TDS balance to help them stay healthy. TDS also help keep filters up-to-date and clean for water filtration. Keep TDS in your target range to help your achieve better results.
Waterproof TDS Tester High with ATC
TDSTestr10 High
For use in water and wastewater treatment, boiler blow-down, electroplating rinse tanks, drinking water, hydroponics, printing industry, aquaculture, aquariums, fish farms, swimming pools and spas.
Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler
The ASL Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler™ (AZFP™) offers a new, economical way of obtaining reliable measures of marine environmental conditions in the water column. The AZFP™ can monitor the presence and abundance of zooplankton and fish within the water column by measuring acoustic backscatter returns at multiple ultrasonic frequencies. Other sonar targets realized from the sonar backscatter data include bubbles and suspended sediments.
Automated Live Fish Measuring System
The system for measuring and identifying aquatic organisms is designed to measure the linear dimensions and volume of live fish on a conveyor. The conveyor speed can reach 2.5 m / s, that is, up to 5 fish can pass through the installation in one second.The measurement of the thickness and volume of fish is carried out using a specialized camera Sick Ranger D40, which works on the principle of laser triangulation.The camera operation is synchronized with the conveyor movement using the Sick DGS-60 encoder.The industrial color camera Basler Scout scA1300-32gc is used for measuring the linear dimensions of fish (length and width), as well as highlighting characteristic features of different types (color of scales and fins) and possible defects.
Waterproof Salt Tester with ATC
SaltTestr 10
With new improved features like large screen LCD that displays more annunciators, ribbed design for firmer grip and anti-roll function, the new SaltTestr™10 is the perfect pocket-sized tool for applications in aquaculture, aquariums, fish farms, swimming pools, food production and many others.
Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most important indicators of water quality. It is essential for the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms and is used in hydroponics as well. When dissolved oxygen becomes too low, fish and other aquatic organisms cannot survive. Sper Scientific dissolved oxygen meters are made to accommodate the user with rugged, portable meters for use out in the field. All of our DO meters offer fast and accurate DO response times in wastewater, surface water and aquaculture applications. Three basic styles of DO meters are available for varying applications: Pens, Portable Meters, and Multi-parameter meters.
MAX Waterproof Galvanic Dissolved Oxygen Meter
The Milwaukee MW605 MAX Galvanic Portable Waterproof Dissolved Oxygen meter is one of Milwaukee's most popular meters with its reliable and fast operation as well as its accuracy. The Milwaukee MW605 MAX DO Meter is preferred by people looking for lab level accuracy without the cost. The Milwaukee DO Meter is popular with everyone from field biologists, educators, fish farmers, koi pond owners, water treatement plants and labs.