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freely flowing substance.
Capsuhelic Differential Pressure Gage
The Capsuhelic gage is designed to give fast, accurate indication of differential pressures. The gage may be used as a readout device when measuring flowing fluids, pressure drop across filters, liquid levels in storage tanks and many other applications involving pressure, vacuum or differential pressure
Frontier ™ Series
Is a device that uses centrifugal force to separate various components of a fluid.
ClearLine Level Switch
The ClearLine in-Line fluid detector is a point level switch that mounts directly into the process piping between two flat-faced flanges. This product is best suited for pump protection and low-level indication below vessels.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Software
SimScale’s cloud-based fluid software enables you to test, validate, and optimize your designs through online CFD. Our CFD software can analyze a range of problems related to laminar and turbulent flows, incompressible and compressible fluids, multiphase flows and more.
Coriolis Mass Flowmeters
Applicable Fluids: Gases Slurries Liquids. Typical Applications: Custody transfer Reactor feed ratio Density measurement Batch control.
Digital Fluid Dispensers
dispenses low, medium and high-viscosity fluids accurately and consistently. Is immediately usable anywhere in the world with its accompanying tools, accessories and universal power supply.
Digital Level Sensors (DLS) with High-Level Shut-In
Model 2100
The Model 2100 DLS with High Level Shut-In delivers consistently accurate measurements of different types of fluids in both hazardous and non-hazardous environments. Multiple fluid densities and temperatures do not affect measurement. The DLS with High Level Shut-In effectively measures the level and temperature of a variety of liquids, including Crude oil, Diesel, Kerosene, Condensate, Gasoline, Water, and Others.
Field-Flow Fractionation
Is a separation technique where a field is applied to a fluid suspension or solution pumped through a long and narrow channel, perpendicular to the direction of flow, to cause separation of the particles present in the fluid, depending on their differing "mobilities" under the force exerted by the field.
Flex Power Pistol Grip Auto Shut-Off Pulse Tools
Auto shut-off pistol grip pulse tool that automatically shuts off the air supply when the pre-set torque is reached. The pistol grip models are commonly used for vertical operations. Designed for safe, reaction free operation for various industrial assembly applications. The FlexPower Pulse Tools provide operators with an industry leading power-to-weight ratio, allowing for a smaller tool selection for greater torques giving operators a lighter tool with more torque capability. Ergonomically safer than harmful hammering and vibration of impact wrenches. Built for durability with a superior O-ring design and specially designed pulse fluid FlexPower extends life between regular oil changes and provides more torque stability. Offers comfortable rubberized non-slip grips for easy handling and excellent thermal ergonomics. Low noise decibels, minimal vibration and low torque reaction. It is important to understand your joint application before a selecting a pulse tool.
Flex Power Pistol Grip Non Shut-Off Pulse Tools
The non shut-off pistol grip pulse tools are ideal selection when the operator needs to control the fastening process. The pistol grip models are commonly used for vertical operations. Designed for safe, reaction free operation for various industrial assembly applications. The FlexPower Pulse Tools provide operators with an industry leading power-to-weight ratio, allowing for a smaller tool selection for greater torques giving operators a lighter tool with more torque capability. Ergonomically safer than harmful hammering and vibration of impact wrenches. Built for durability with a superior O-ring design and specially designed pulse fluid FlexPower extends life between regular oil changes and provides more torque stability. Offers comfortable rubberized non-slip grips for easy handling and excellent thermal ergonomics. Low noise decibels, minimal vibration and low torque reaction. It is important to understand your joint application before a selecting a pulse tool.
Flex Power Right Angle Non Shut-Off Pulse Tools
The non shut-off right angle pulse tools are ideal selection when the operator needs to control the fastening process. It offers access for hard-to-reach fasteners in tight spaces. The drive on a right-angle tool is mounted at a 90-degree angle to the tool body. Designed for safe, reaction free operation for various industrial assembly applications. The FlexPower Pulse Tools provide operators with an industry leading power-to-weight ratio, allowing for a smaller tool selection for greater torques giving operators a lighter tool with more torque capability. Ergonomically safer than harmful hammering and vibration of impact wrenches. Built for durability with a superior O-ring design and specially designed pulse fluid FlexPower extends life between regular oil changes and provides more torque stability. Low noise decibels, minimal vibration and low torque reaction. It is important to understand your joint application before a selecting a pulse tool.
Flex Power Right Angle Non Shut-Off Pulse Tools
The non shut-off right angle pulse tools are ideal selection when the operator needs to control the fastening process. It offers access for hard-to-reach fasteners in tight spaces. The drive on a right-angle tool is mounted at a 90-degree angle to the tool body. Designed for safe, reaction free operation for various industrial assembly applications. The FlexPower Pulse Tools provide operators with an industry leading power-to-weight ratio, allowing for a smaller tool selection for greater torques giving operators a lighter tool with more torque capability. Ergonomically safer than harmful hammering and vibration of impact wrenches. Built for durability with a superior O-ring design and specially designed pulse fluid FlexPower extends life between regular oil changes and provides more torque stability. Low noise decibels, minimal vibration and low torque reaction. It is important to understand your joint application before a selecting a pulse tool.
Flex-Tube U-Tube Dual Range Inclined Manometer
Use Series 1227 as a regular U-tube manometer to read high-range pressure on the right leg, or as an inclined manometer to read low-range pressure on the bottom leg. Simply incline manometer until fluid levels read zero. No spirit level required
Fluid Level Sensor
The output of the fluid level sensor is a voltage which changes in direct proportion to the level of fluid in the probe. The difference in permittivity between air and the fluid being measured changes the capacitance between the probe's two concentric tubes as the level changes. An RS232 connection to a PC allows the user to calibrate the fluid level and thermal drift compensation. The probe is factory replaceable, allowing the electronics to be re-used should the probe become damaged or if a new probe length is required.
Fluid Loss
Fluid Loss testers were designed to be as easy to use as possible, with clear and intuitive controls. Once the cement slurry or mud is placed into the test cell, a programmable temperature controller increases the temperature at the desired rate. The slurry is conditioned by stirring at 150 rpm similar to a consistometer.
Free Chlorine & Total Chlorine Meter
Tests swimming pools, municipal water, food and beverage water, or other aqueous solution where fluid clarity is important.
Gas Distribution Panels
PTS DII Gas Distribution Panels are similar to our PAO-DII Fluid Distribution Panels. They are designed to individually distribute, monitor, and protect one or more of your valuable products from the higher than required flow of a larger PTS, Portable Temperature Servo Conditioner or HPG, High Pressure Gas Conditioner. You can also use PTS-DII Gas Distribution panels with any other source of temperature controlled gas, including a competitor's air or gas source.
Handheld Optical Refractometers
Reichert Analytical Instruments
From agriculture, to food and beverage, to veterinary and automotive fluids.
High-Voltage Power Amplifier
The Trek Model 10/40A DC-stable high-voltage power amplifier is used in a variety of applications including pulsed field electrophoresis, AC and DC biasing of electrophotographic rollers, and electrorheological fluid research.
Explorer Technology Group (ETG)
Reads specific gravity and temperature. Package includes; a custom carry case, operating instructions and a 6 month limited warranty. The DMA-35n will be configured to read the specific gravity of battery acid at 77F/77F compensation and fluid temperature in degrees Fahrenheit as standard.
Inclined Manometer Air Filter Gages
Dwyer Durablock Series 250-AF Gages are precision machined 1" thick solid acrylic plastic, virtually unbreakable and free of distortion. The fluid bore is precision drilled to .0002" to assure life long accuracy.
Industrial Motion Control Systems
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
Our scalable motion control systems are developed and manufactured for complex and demanding applications. Every system we deliver is tailored to meet the specific technical and environmental requirements of each application. Whether you are looking to stabilize a train car, a camera crane, an amusement park ride, or optimize fluid processing on the production floor, the challenges we can address are almost endless.
In-Line Viscometers
In-Line Viscometers provide real-time on location measurement of fracturing fluids viscosity. They are rugged instruments that are designed and manufactured to withstand the rigors encountered within field operations.
In-Line Viscometers
In-Line Viscometers provide real-time on location measurement of fracturing fluids viscosity. They are rugged instruments that are designed and manufactured to withstand the rigors encountered within field operations.
Karman Vortex Flow Sensor For Water Flurex
Karman vortex flow sensor for water that covers 0.4 to 250 L/min. Various output switching settings are possible and IO-Link communication is also supported.Equipped with a water temperature measurement function as standard, it supports fluid temperatures up to 95 °C...
LED Audio Spectrum For IOS
LED Audio Spectrum uses your iPhone or iPad microphone to visualize sound through fluid, colorful graphics that bounce to the beat! Now you can actually "see" any surrounding sound such as speech, music, singing and more. The app comes with a handful of simple, yet outstandingly implemented visualizers and each has multiple color themes to choose from. The built-in TV out support gives you the big picture!
Liquid Baths & Multi-Liquid Baths
Liquid baths temperature condition fluid for immersing products and immediately exposing them to a specific temperature.Multi-liquid baths provide many constant temperature environments in a single unit. The temperature in each bath may be controlled at different temperatures.
Liquid Calibration Baths
Designed for calibration of temperature control devices that contain hazardous or corrosive fluids. Meets Class 1, Division 1 requirements for operation in a hazardous environment. CSZ explosion proof liquid calibration baths are designed to calibrate a large number of temperature sensors which contain a variety of different types of hazardous fluids. The sensors are typically calibrated in the same fluid used in the sensing element of the control devices per specification.
Liquid Thermal Shock Baths
TSB Series
CSZ's Liquid thermal shock chambers consist of separately controlled hot and cold baths. Product is submersed in fluid and thermally stressed between the hot and cold baths, resulting in immediate product temperature changes. CSZ uses perfluorinated fluid that does not coat the product or conduct electricity for use in both the hot and cold baths to eliminate cross contamination and reduce evaporation losses.