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measure magnetic field density, strength, moment and polarization.
See Also: Magnetic Flux
Fast Digital Integrator
The Fast Digital Integrator FDI2056 is the world's fastest and most sensitive voltage integrator. Simply plug in a sense coil and measure fast, low-level magnetic field disturbances such as eddy currents in a switched magnet.Equipped with a high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), high-resolution clock, and highly optimized digital integrator, the FDI2056 boasts a maximum of 500 000 partial integrals per second and provides resolutions down to 10-14 Vs with an accuracy of 10 ppm. Magnetometer Fluxmeter
Battery powered handheld fluxmeter using two measuring ranges and attenuator from 10-100%. With digital LCD-display, analog output 0-200 mV. Possibility to connect a foot switch for the reset function.
The fluxmeter FG16 is a modular device to measure magnetic values and can be equipped with up to 4 channels. The completely redesigned analog-/digital-hybrid design of the fluxmeter plug-in allows measurements of both high-dynamic as well as very fast events and is virtually drift-free.
Electronic integrator of high sensitivity and very low drift. Equipped with USB interface, maximum/minimum store and comparator. 4 Measuring ranges. Constants of measuring from 10 E-7 to 10 E-4 Vs/digit. Attenuator from 10-100%. Digital 3 ½ digit LED-display and analog output 0-200 mV. Possibility to connect a foot switch for the reset function. Input: Ri = 10 kOhm.
Electronic integrator of high sensitivity and extremely low drift. Equipped with RS 232 interface, maximum minimum store and comparator. 4 measurement ranges. Constants of measuring ranging from 10E-7 Vs/digit to 10E-4 Vs/digit.
Flux Meter
NF-100 can perform stable high accuracy measurement because noise and drift are reduced by the structure of digital counter and integral V/F converter with use of operational amplifier.
Flux Meter
NF-200 is a model which is added the comparator function to NF-100. This can apply to measure inerside search coil while passing. Through optional accessories are available.
Hirst Magnetic Instruments Ltd
Fluxmeters for advanced measurements a Fluxmeter can be used to measure Magnetic Flux Linkage where a surface reading with a Gaussmeter is not sufficient.
Measuring Devices for Magnetically Hard Materials
The WB10 Fluxmeter is designed to measure the change of magnetic flux in measurements of magnetic properties of the magnetic materials in quasi-static and slowly floating conditions. Fluxmeter is the electronic measuring device with high sensitivity, very small drift as well as very small error of integration in a long time.
Multifunctional Flux Meter
The function of comparator, peak hold, and auto zero adjustment are built in.
Advanced Tachometer
FT-2500 advanced tachometer measures the rotational speed by using the signal of change in sound, vibration or magnetic flux from rotating machines such as motor or the like.The use of FFT technology enables the FT-2500 to calculate and display the rotational speed of any complex waveform signals from microphone, sound level meter or vibration sensor by extracting the frequency component which is equivalent to the rotational speed.
Advanced Handheld Tachometer
The FT-7200 Advanced Tachometer is an easy-to-use handheld digital tachometer offering high functions and performance. The use of FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) technology enables the FT-7200 to perform frequency analysis of rotation speed by using change of signal in sound, vibration or magnetic flux from rotating machines such as a motor or the like. Selection from 5 kinds of measurement modes allows it to calculate and display rotation speed of any complex waveform signals from a sound level meter or an accelerometer accurately by extracting the exact frequency component.
Optical Meters
The Gamma Scientific range of light meters includes handheld and benchtop models. Configuration options include a wide range of sensors and calibrations in units including: Luminous Flux (lumens) or Radiant Flux (Watts), Illuminance (lux, foot-candle) or Irradiance (W/cm2 ), Luminous Intensity (candela) or Radiant Intensity (W/sr), Luminance (cd/m2 , foot-Lambert) or Radiance (W/m2 sr), or Pulse Energy (Joules). Cooled sensors and reference standard detectors are also available.
DX-201 digital fluxmeter is a precise magnetic measuring instrument, adopted low drift electronic integrator design and production. The most important features are test response quick, without data lose in the testing process. In the process of test samples flux by the Czochralski method, fast pull and slow pull datas are consistent, fine features especially shows in repeated measurements and regression testing. It can measure magnetic flux or magnetic moment matched with different fixtures according to users’ requirements.
The Model 480 is a laboratory grade fluxmeter, for use with a Helmholtz coil or custom search coils. This instrument measures the total flux of a magnet part, which can be related to the magnetic field strength. Applications include magnet testing, magnetizing, and automated field measurement. In order to provide accurate and repeatable measurements, automatic or manual drift compensation is available to the user. A peak mode allows even the fastest magnetic pulse, such as those from a magnetizer, to be accurately measured. The Model 480 is also useful for measuring AC fields that are too high in frequency for a gaussmeter to detect. Relay outputs and an external reset input allow for simple automation functions to be implemented, while the RS232C and IEEE-488 ports permit advanced control of the fluxmeter via a remote computer or automation equipment.
Standard Helmholtz Coils
Helmholtz Coils are ideal for the measurement of Rare Earth (Samarium Cobalt, Neodymium) and Hard Ferrite permanent magnet materials (materials which exhibit a relative straight line demagnetization). Our standard Helmholtz Coils are for use with fluxmeters. The Helmholtz Coil measures the magnet sample as a single magnetic moment provided that the longest dimension of the magnet sample is less than one-third (1/3) the diameter of the coil system. By definition, the magnetic moment per unit volume is the intrinsic magnetization of the sample. With our calibrated Helmholtz Coil and Integrated Fluxmeter – and given the volume of the permanent magnet sample – the intrinsic open circuit operating B (Bdi) can be measured.
Model 2130
The Model 2130 Fluxmeter is a fully featured, high-end Fluxmeter based measurement system. It is a compact instrument with high accuracy, automatic drift correction, microprocessor control, and twelve measurement ranges to allow the operator to configure the meter for maximum resolution and accuracy. The Model 2130 is capable of measuring (DC), alternating (AC), or pulsed magnetic fields. Selecting primary measurement functions is quick and easy with dedicated front panel function keys. An easy to use menu allows access to user defined parameters such as upper and lower magnetic limits and relative magnetic measurements.
Magnetic Powder Testing
It is very important to measure the content of magnetic allow in toner powder. The accuracy with which the measurements are carried out determines the quality of the powder. Fluxmeter with a specially made coil can give accurate results of the percentage quantity of the magnetic material in the toner powder.
Flux meter has been the established standard for the measurement of magnetic flux density for determining total flux in a magnet or magnetic assembly. Its use was curtailed except in a few specialized areas because of many factors such as the difficulty in setting up light beam flux meter or ballistic galvanometers, limitations on the ohmic resistance of search coils, the requirement of some degree of operator skill in reading the flux meter etc. The development of the integrating type Digital Flux meter has virtually cancelled the hitherto negative aspects of fluxmeterology and has found a broad niche for many magnetic measurement applications.
Flux Meter and Measuring Coils
MAGNET-PHYSIK Dr. Steingroever GmbH
The measurement of magnetic quantities can almost always be traced back to the measurement of a magnetic flux. The electronic fluxmeter is therefore the most versatile measuring instrument in magnet technology as a measuring instrument for magnetic flux. The fluxmeter is operated together with a measuring coil.
Measure total flux in industrial and measurement system settings—ideal for magnet testing and sorting and as the main component in BH loop or hysteresisgraph measurement applications.
An advanced tool designed primarily for use in industrial and measurement systems settings, the Model 480 fluxmeter measures total flux from which B, flux density, and/or H, magnetic field strength, can be determined.
Encircled Flux Meter
The MPX-2 Modal Explorer provides real-time measurement of Encircled Flux at 1300nm. Simply connect your source and patchcord to the MPX, and it will measure their Modal Launch Conditions in real-time.
D.C. Recording Fluxmeter
This is the equipment being able to measure direct current magnetization property of wide-ranging magnetic materials from soft magnetic materials to high performance permanent magnet with magnetic flux meter based on M integral closed magnetic circuit system.
Measures changes in magnetic flux, as detected through a Helmholtz or similar coil arrangement.
Digital Fluxmeter
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
A Fluxmeter is an electronic integrating, digital display instrument. The Fluxmeter can be used not only for the measurement of the magnetic flux of permanent magnets, but also for quality control and sorting of magnetic products. Its versatility makes the employment possible in laboratory enterprise as also in production.
Helmholtz Coils
A Helmholtz coil is actually a pair of specially constructed coils mounted a fixed distance apart on a common base. Current passed through the coils produces an extremely uniform magnetic field in the space between them. For the measurement of magnets, the coils are used in a different manner – they are connected to an integrating fluxmeter, which gives an accurate indication of the overall strength of the magnet when it is withdrawn or rotated a half-turn. If a gaussmeter is used for this purpose, many measurements may have to be made because of local variations of magnetic strength. A Helmholtz coil, on the other hand, measures the entire magnet at once, in a fast, reliable, and easy manner. For this reason, Helmholtz coils are ideal for quality checking of magnet parts after they have been magnetized.
Long-Term Systems
A long-term system from LI-COR lets you accomplish more with your multiplexed soil gas flux measurements. Connect up to 36 chambers to evaluate both spatial and temporal flux variation across a footprint of up to 2800 square meters.
Underwater Quantum Sensor
The LI-192 Underwater Quantum Sensor measures PAR from all angles in one hemisphere. The LI-192 works in air or underwater at depths up to 560 meters. The measurements are cosine corrected and typically expressed as Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD). For simultaneous measurements of downwelling and upwelling PAR, two sensors can be mounted on the 2009S Lowering Frame.
Spherical Underwater Quantum Sensor
The LI-193 Spherical Quantum Sensor measures PAR in air or underwater from all directions at depths up to 350 meters. This sensor is useful for studies of phytoplankton, which uses radiation from all directions. The measurement is referred to as Photosynthetic Photon Flux Fluence Rate (PPFFR) or Quantum Scalar Irradiance.