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Data Acquisition Card
The Elsys TPCE data acquisition (DAQ) cards are high-precision and high-resolution digitizers with sophisticated features such as advanced trigger mode, continuous data acquisition mode, differential inputs, digital input lines (Markers) and ICP coupling for powering piezo sensors.
Digital USB Sensor Interface AC,DC, IEPE
The RogaDAQ2 USB DAQ is developed for highly accurate measurements in the T&M and also for NVH measurements. This USB Front End is optimized for noise and vibration measurements with 2 channel IEPE (ICP®) sensor supply.
ICP Blast Pressure Pencil Probe
Model: 137B21B
Quartz, free-field, ICP blast pressure pencil probe, 1000 psi, 1 mV/psi, BNC connector
ICP Electret Array Microphone
Nominal Microphone Diameter: 1/4" Frequency Response Characteristic (at 0 incidence)Free-FieldInherent Noise (A Weighted)<30 dB(A) re 20 Pa<30 dB(A) re 20 Pa Dynamic Range (High)150Environmental Temperature Range ( Temperature Effect on Output (-10 to +50 C)<0.7 dB<0.7 dB[2] Influence of Axial Vibration Excitation Voltage 18 to 30 VDC18 to 30 VDC
ICP Electret Surface Microphone
Low-profile surface pressure microphone and preamp, prepolarized
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/4" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration.
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/4" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration.
ICP OES spectrometer (ICP AES)
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
ICP OES spectrometer (ICP AES) for the rapid analysis of elements in a variety of matrices including aqueous, semi-conductor, petrochemical, soil, metallurgical and slurries
Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS), ICP Analysis Services
ICP-OES measures the light emitted at element-specific characteristic wavelengths from thermally excited analyte ions . This light emitted is separated and measured in a spectrometer, yielding an intensity measurement that can be converted to an elemental concentration by comparison with calibration standards. ICP-MS (ICP-Mass Spec) measures the masses of the element ions generated by the high temperature argon plasma. The ions created in the plasma are separated by their mass to charge ratios, enabling the identifcation and quantitation of unknown materials. ICP-MS offers extremely high sensitivity (i.e. low detection limits) for a wide range of elements
Input / Output Modules
*Competitive cost-per-channel*24-bit A/D converters; 16-bit exported*ICP, Strain Gauge, Frequency, String Pot, Thermocouple*Portable, rugged, stand-alone operation*Open-source command set for third-party software applications
Laser Tachometer
The LaserTach™ ICP™ tachometer senses the speed of rotating equipment and outputs an analog voltage signal for referencing vibration signals to shaft speed. The sensor allows for measurements in excess of 30,000 RPM from distances as far as 20 inches (51 cm).
Microphone Preamplifier
1/2-inch ICP preamplifier with gain and filter switches (for prepolarized microphones)ICP(R) low noise preamplifier with gain, filters, and TEDS
Open Circuit Sensitivity (at 250 Hz)Frequency Range (+2.2/-4.9 dB)2 to 20000 HzLower Limiting Frequency (-3 dB)Inherent Noise<45 dB(A) re 20 Pa Dynamic Range(3% Distortion Limit)EnvironmentalTemperature Range (Operating)-40 to +158 F-40 to +70 C[5]
Signal Conditioning Instrumentation
Columbia Research Laboratories
Columbia offers a wide variety of Signal Conditioning Instrumentation for a variety of Sensor types. These range from Laboratory as well as Airborne Charge Amplifiers, Differential Charge Amplifiers, In-Line Charge Converters, Constant Current Power Supplies and ICP Compliant Amplifiers all in support of Columbia's extensive Piezoelectric product line. Additionally Columbia offers unique Strain Gage Instrumentation Amplifiers which provide built in auto zeroing of gage offset voltages which can increase typical measurement accuracies. These robust Signal Conditioning products have been flight qualified on many current military aircraft and missile programs and are now available for your distinctive program needs.
16-Channel Bridge Signal Conditioning Unit
ProDAQ 5716
The ProDAQ 5716 is a 1U high rack-mountable signal conditioning box for standard 19 in. racks. It provides signal conditioning for up to 16 strain gage or ICP sensors. Either one ProDAQ 3416 16-Channel ADC Function Card or up to two ProDAQ 3424 8-Channel 24-bit Sigma-Delta ADC Function Cards can be connected to the unit.
Multitype ICP Emission Spectrometers
ICPE-9800 Series
Due to their high detection sensitivity down to ppb levels, ability to analyze a broad 5 to 6-digit range of concentrations, and ability to measure multiple elements simultaneously, ICP emission spectrometers are used in a broad range of fields, such as environmental testing, pharmaceuticals, foods, chemicals, and metals. ICPE-9800 Series of simultaneous ICP atomic emission spectrometers are next-generation systems that offer the superior accuracy necessary to simultaneously and quickly analyze multiple elements regardless of their concentration levels. They also feature user-friendly software that makes analysis easy. Furthermore, the systems reduce analysis costs while providing the highest performance levels in the industry. ICPE-9800 Series systems represent the ultimate in ICP atomic emission spectrometry for environmental, pharmaceutical, food, chemical, metal, and other fields.
ICP-OES Spectrometers
ICP-OES spectrometers measure the concentration of elements from ppb to % using de-excitation of atoms and ions in a plasma. The robustness of our Ultima ICP spectrometers makes them ideal for applications common to mining, chemicals manufacture, salt production, wear metals in oil analysis, petrochemical, metallurgical production and precious metal refining.
Single Position Automated Electric Fluxer
Single-position fully automated electric fusion machine with a typical sample throughput of 5-7 samples per hour. Ideal for preparing fused beads for XRF analysis and solutions for AA, ICP, and wet chemistry analysis. Patent PendingTypical samples include: Cement, Clinker, Ores, Slag, Refractories, Ceramics, Catalysts, Glass, Rocks, Minerals, Soils
XRF, AA & ICP sample preparation
Claisse Range
Designed for unprecedented analytical accuracy and repeatability, Claisse® electric and gas automatic instruments set new benchmarks in fusion capabilities. The same is true for Claisse pre-fused and homogeneous borate fluxes, high-quality platinumware, as well as analytical consulting services.
ICP-MS spectrometers (ICP MASS)
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
SPECTRO MS is a double-focusing sector field ICP MS (ICP mass spectrometer) based on a Mattauch-Herzog geometry with a newly developed ion optic and pioneering detector technology. It is the only ICP MS instrument available on the market today that is capable of simultaneously measuring the complete mass range used for inorganic mass spectrometry from 6Li to 238U with a permanent ion beam going to the detector.
Vibration Transducers Calibration System
The system is used for calibration of vibration transducers as well as:*ICP and charge accelerometers;*piezoelectrical and capacitive vibration transducers;*vibration-measuring instruments.
Atomic Absorption Systems
Agilent leads the industry with innovative atomic absorption (AA) instruments. The entry-level SpectrAA 55B is ideal for labs in remote locations, while the 240FS and 280FS AA systems achieve the productivity of sequential ICP with Agilent’s Fast Sequential technology. The 240Z and 280Z AA systems provide superior performance and accurate background correction with transverse Zeeman technology. Our AA Duo systems feature unique simultaneous operation of both the flame and graphite furnace.
Atomic Spectroscopy Software
The range of Agilent atomic spectroscopy software, available with and without compliance solutions, includes SpectrAA, MP Expert, ICP Expert and ICP-MS MassHunter software.
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/2" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration. Click the following for individual component information.
ICP Microphone System
This model includes a 1/4" microphone cartridge, a mated preamplifier with TEDS, and system calibration. Click the following for individual component information.
ICP Plasma System
The AXIC IsoLok® Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Load-Locked Processing System from AXIC, Inc. defines a new concept in Deep Reactive Ion Etch (DRIE) and low temperature-low damage Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (ICP-PECVD) plasma processing. The system is based on a modular design starting with a universal chamber and cabinet unit with ICP etch or deposition bottom electrodes available for easy installation into the chamber unit combined with a load-lock. We are confident you will find the ease of use, variety of plasma processes, serviceability and attractive pricing unsurpassed by any other plasma product in the market.
Compact Autosampler
Users call CETAC Autosamplers the best on the market, and it’s easy to see why. Put the most reliable, efficient and solidly built autosampler to work in your lab for sample analyses. We have a model to meet your needs, regardless the size of your lab or your specific technique, whether AA, ICP, ICP-MS, TOC, US-VIS, flash/prep chromatography, protein purification, liquid handling or others.
Users call CETAC Autosamplers the best on the market, and it’s easy to see why. Put the most reliable, efficient and solidly built autosampler to work in your lab for sample analyses. We have a model to meet your needs, regardless the size of your lab or your specific technique, whether AA, ICP, ICP-MS, TOC, US-VIS, flash/prep chromatography, protein purification, liquid handling or others.
Teledyne has served the AA, ICP, ICP-MS, MC-ICP-MS market for over 30 years with a wide selection of autosamplers that meet virtually all laboratory needs.