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Inter-range instrumentation group time codes.
Compact PCI Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-cP 3U Compact PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers the greatest flexibility in the industry by incorporating up to 10 functions typically encountered in flight test applications in a single 3U Compact-PCI card slot. Five functions are achieved on the main board (PCM Simulator which can also operate as a BERT, PCM Decommutator, IRIG Time CodeReader, IRIG Time Code Generator, and the same 5 functions can be achieved on the LS-55-DB Multi-Function Decom Daughterboard. CVSD Voice Decoding and h.261 Video Decoding are achieved through software.
Countdown Or Countup Clock Controller
The RC600 is a remote control that adds both countdown and countup timer control features to our NTDS and TCDS clocks. Reference or generate time input from NTP or time code (IRIG & SMPTE). Control a virtually unlimited number of time code clocks and network clocks.
CPCI timing plug-in
The CPCI-SyncClock32 from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer over the CPCI bus in the 3u form factor. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, GPS or Have Quick.
Dual Channel Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-55-DD PCI Dual Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers two multifunction decoms and two optional bit synchronizers (LS-45) in a single PCI card slot. The multi-function decoms are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulators,decommutators, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through a low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice, h.261 video, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
Dynamic Data Simulator
The Lumistar LS-70-S PCI Dynamic Data Simulator allows complex data streams to be generated for evaluation of bit synchronizers and PCM decommutator performance. It can also be used for uplink command generation to vehicles in flight, checkout of complete telemetry links, and playback of archived hard drive data in any format with the appropriate dll. The PCI board is only 7 inches long and contains the dynamic simulator and IRIG Time Code Generator.
GPS synchronized NTP Server
Brandywine Communications NTV-100RG is an affordable, convenient and flexible NTP Server. This network time server accurately time synchronizes computers, time displays, PBX’s, and a wide variety of other equipment. The NTV-100RG is a small, rack mounted NTP Server that can synchronize to GPS or to the IRIG B time code to provide NTP time.
IRIG 106 Chapter 10 SDK for MIL-STD-1553 Applications
Avionics Interface Technologies — A Teradyne Company LOGIN Open Search Form F-SIM-1553-AVOE F-SIM-1553-AVOE
Avionics Interface Technologies
Supports Capture, Recording, & Analysis of MIL-STD-1553 Chapter 10 Ethernet Data Streams - View Live MIL-STD-1553 Data and Activity Statistics from one or more Chapter 10 Streams - Compatible with AIT eDAQ-1553 & eDAQ-1553-FQ Modules - Open, View, Save, & Analyze MIL-STD-1553 bus data from Chapter 10 Archive Files - Replay MIL-STD-1553 bus data from Chapter 10 Archives using any of AIT’s MIL-STD-1553 Interface modules - Supported in AIT’s Flight Simulyzer simulation and analyzer software application
MIL-STD-1553 Data Acquisition Module for Ethernet Networks
Avionics Interface Technologies
One or two dual redundant MIL-STD-1553 bus interfaces - Transformer and Direct bus coupling supported - Two 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet LAN Interfaces - Streams MIL-STD-1553 bus data in standard IRIG 106 Chapter 10 format. - Compatible with 3rd party recorders and telemetry tools - All captured MIL-STD-1553 bus data provided with timestamps - Full error injection & detection capabilities - Works with AIT’s Flight Simulyzer™ GUI Analyzer/Simulator software
Mini PCI Express Timecode and GPS Reader Generator
The Mini PCIe SyncClock32 from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer using one Mini-PCIe slot. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, HaveQuick.
PCI Express A/d Board
The AD14-500x4-IRIG is a high performance wideband 4-channel 14-bit data single PCIe Gen3 board, that can continuously digitize four wideband signals, with four high linearity A/Ds. A second board version AD14-500x4-K7US-IRIG-B has all of the above features and can additionally be synchronized with stability of better than +/- 100 picoseconds with respect to an IRIG-B 1PPS signal and global time codes from a satellite receiver or local site time reference, allowing simultaneous synchronized acquisition of data at multiple locations anywhere in the world.
PCI Express Timecode and GPS Reader Generator
PCIe-SyncClock LP
The PCI-Express SyncClock LP from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer over the PCI bus. An on-board microprocessor automaticallysynchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, GPS or HaveQuick. The clock can free run and be set by commands from the host over the PCI Express bus.
PCI Express Timecode and GPS Reader Generator
The PCI-Express time code reference timing card with standard options such as IRIG B and optional GPS receiver provides an extremely accurate time source to the PCI-Express bus.
2nd Generation PCIe Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-E PCIe Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers a PCM decom, PCM simulator, time code reader/generator, and optional bit synchronizer in a single short PCIe card slot. The multi-function decom and simulator is implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulator, decommutator, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through an optional low-profiledaughterboard. CVSD voice decoding, h.261 videodecoding, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achievedthrough software.
2nd Generation PCI Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-D PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers a PCM decom, PCM simulator, time code reader/generator, and optional bit synchronizer in a single short PCI card slot. The multi-function decom and simulator are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulator, decommutator, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through an optional low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice decoding, h.261 video decoding, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
8" Cable
Transitions from a card end connector (with IRIG) on the QVME-1553 or QVXI-1553X into two 8" cables with CJ70 Twinax, 3 lug, 1553 cable jack ends, and four 8" cables with BNC cable jacks for I/O triggers and IRIG Rec/Gen.
Advanced PC/104 Timing Board
PC104-Plus SyncClock32
The PC/104Plus SG from Brandywine Communications provides precision time with zero latency to the host computer over the PCI bus. An on-board microprocessor automatically synchronizes the clock to reference signal inputs. The reference signal inputs can be 1 PPS, IRIG or NASA time codes and optionally, GPS or HaveQuick.
ARINC 429 XMC Interface Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
16, 32, or 64 ARINC 429 channels (up to 32 Tx & 32 Rx) - Programmable Tx channel output amplitude - Programmable high/low speed operation - Eight (8) Discrete I/O (Four (4) inputs, and four (4) outputs) - Concurrent operation of all Tx/Rx Channels at high data rates - Full error injection and detection - Data capture filtering, 100% bus recording, and physical bus replay - IRIG‐B time code encoder/decoder for data correlation - Conduction-cooling and/or conformal coating available - Designed for extended temperature operations - ANSI Application interfaces supporting C, C++, C#, and .net development - Device driver support: Windows, Linux, and VxWorks (others provided upon request)
Bus Level Timing Cards
Brandywine offers the widest range of timing plug-in card form factors in the industry from the PCI timing cards to PMC to VME cards. With the largest variety of options including standards like IRIG B, 1PPS, Have Quick, and GPS you can customize your timing card to fit your needs. All of Brandywine's board level timing cards are made in our factory in El Paso, Texas which ensures quick delivery and quantity ranges from small to large for a low price.
Designed to demodulate IRIG destruct tones, this receiver uses an up-converting superheterodyne configuration for high dynamic range and image rejection and has a receive sensitivity of better than -107 dBm. Originally developed to monitor/verify Range Safety Command Destruct Transmitters, it is a compact rugged design usable wherever a high tolerance to shock, vibration and temperature is required.
MIL-STD-1553 IRIG 106 Chapter 10 Streaming Application
Avionics Interface Technologies
Streams MIL-STD-1553 Data from AIT MIL-STD-1553 interfaces in Chapter 10 Format - Software application which is Compatible with all AIT MIL-STD-1553 Interfaces - Capable of streaming data captured from one or multiple MIL-STD-1553 Bus Interfaces - Streamed data can be sent to a single network system or multicast on the Ethernet LAN - Compatible with AIT F-SIM-1553-AVOE analyzer or 3rd party Chapter 10 systems - Timestamps & Errors detected embedded in Chapter 10 stream
IRIG Time Code Receiver & Generator for Computers (PCI Express)
Meinberg Funkuhren GmbH & Co. KG
The TCR180PEX receives IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 time codes and can be used for synchronizing the system time of its host PC. The IRIG output of this card can generate an IRIG signal for other IRIG time code readers. The output format is independent from the incoming IRIG signal - a perfect solution to your IRIG conversion requirements. It is used in applications like data acquisition, standalone computer time synchronization (for systems without a network connection or higher accuracy requirements) or as an IRIG converter device.
IRIG Time Code Receiver & Generator Module
Meinberg Funkuhren GmbH & Co. KG
The module TCR180 has been designed to receive and to generate IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 time codes. It is used in applications like data acquisition, standalone computer time synchronization (for systems without a network connection or higher accuracy requirements) or as an IRIG converter device. The frequency locking of the master oscillator to the time code system enables this module to generate fixed and programmable standard frequencies with high accuracy and stability. Various oscillator options allow the cost efficient implementation of different requirements concerning the accurracy of the outputs. The generator of the IMS-TCR module generates pulses per second and per minute and per hour. Four programmable outputs are also available. The pulses are synchronized to UTC-second.
IRIG Time Code Receiver for Computers (PCI Express)
Meinberg Funkuhren GmbH & Co. KG
The TCR180PEX-EL receives IRIG-A/B/G, IEEE 1344, IEEE C37.118 or AFNOR NF S87-500 time codes and can be used for synchronizing the system time of its host PC. The IRIG output of this card can generate an IRIG signal for other IRIG time code readers. It is used in applications like data acquisition, standalone computer time synchronization (for systems without a network connection or higher accuracy requirements).
IRIG B to NTP/SNTP Converter
Signals & Systems India Private Limited
IRIG B TO NTP/SNTP CONVERTER – SPC-INS-1010 is a compact DIN rail mountable protocol converter unit which synchronizes and maintains the timing and frequency requirement of power and process industry equipment using IRIG-B signal obtained from GPS receiver. It provides nanosecond accuracy when external time references are not available. It has the storage facility to store the system log file. It delivers NTP, SNTP, PFC-Pulse, RS232 & RS485 outputs. The system enables configuration and monitoring through Web-based application. It supports a wide range of power supply input either 90V-260V AC/DC or 18-36VDC or 36V-72VDC.
High-Power Flight Termination Systems
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.
The Kratos Flight Termination System (FTS) is a turnkey system capable of transmitting MONITOR, ARM, and TERMINATE flight termination encoded command signals, as well as 20 individual IRIG tones (up to 6 simultaneously).
IRIG Amplitude Modulated Time Code Distribution Amplifier
1205A / 1205A-MC
Precise Time and Frequency, Inc.
The ptf 1205A is a 12-channel IRIG amplitude modulated time code distribution amplifier housed in a 1U high, 19″ rack package. The ptf 1205A uses an RF design combining the latest technology in low noise components to minimize input/output delays which are of the order of nano seconds.The unit uses two stages of input signal buffering to distribute the input signal to 12 separate outputs, and insure maximum isolation between individual output signals.
Command Encoder/Exciter
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.
The Command Encoder/Exciter (CEE) is a rack-mount unit ideal for test and verification of Flight Termination Receivers (FTR) and/or Tone Receiver/Decoders. It accepts a universal AC power input, and it generates a modulated RF output carrier signal adjustable in 100kHz steps from 406MHz – 450MHz from suitable for interrogation all RCC 319 compliant IRIG FTRs.
Tone Receiver/Decoder
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.
The Tone Receiver/Decoder is a rack-mount receiver that will display the presence of any of the 20 IRIG standard tones, transmitted either individually or in combination as command tones (e.g. Monitor, Arm, Destruct, etc.). It accepts a universal AC power input, and it can be tuned in 100kHz steps for carrier signals in the range of 406MHz – 450MHz compliant to RCC 313 and 319 for compliant IRIG tones.
IRIG Timecode Receiver and Generator
The RG1 Time Code receiver synchronizes to IRIG-A/B/G time codes and provides precise time in a memory register, for the host SBC.The IRIG output of the card can be used to synchronize other IRIG time code readers. Additionally, the RG1 includes a real-time clock (RTC) that may be used as a reference source for IRIG master applications, to free the system processor from the task of updating the master timer.