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CB Scheme
The CB scheme is an international program promoting global harmonisation and the reduction of trade barriers. Originally implemented to coordinate the acceptance of product safety test results among laboratories and certification organisations worldwide, the CB scheme provides manufacturers multiple national safety certifications for their products with a single CB certificate.The CB scheme actually consists of one single audit and certification procedure to demonstrate the safety of your electrical products to the world's most important markets. Our experts can audit your goods and support you during international product homologation. The advantage of obtaining the CB certificate, the supplemental CB report and further country-specific documents is easier access to acquiring mandated national audit seals.
Chemical Analysis
Chemical analysis involves determining the elemental constituents of a material. This information can then be used to determine if the material matches a required specification. At Keighley Laboratories analysis of a wide range of products covering many material types is undertaken although these are mainly metal or metal related products.
Core Flow
Quizix Precision Pumps and Formation Response Testers (FRT’s) are the industry standard for core flow studies by operators, service organizations and research laboratories.
Data Acquisition & Signal Conditioners
Electro Standards Laboratories
Electro Standards Laboratories offers instrumentation and signal processors in both encased form factors or board-only versions suitable for embedded sensor applications. Features ability to collocate with sensor and provide immediate digitization and signal processing in order to minimize ambient interference on sensitive sensors and to seamlessly integrate into networked sensor architectures.
Data Logger for Temperature and Humidity
Original high precision digital temperature and humidity probe with accuracy of 0.3 and 0.8%RH Sensor cable being resistant to both high and low temperature, fit for harsh environment Original fittings for sensor connection, ensures 100,000 plugs Suitable for high precision laboratories, biochemistry workshops, HVAC and other applications
Decade Resistance Boxes
The range of resistance decade boxes includes 5, 6 and 8 decade boxes which are designed to provide highly accurate and variable standard values of resistance and current for calibration, comparison and test applications in electrical and electronic workshops, test laboratories and educational environments
Digital Backplane Interface Board
MSXB 033
The Microstar Laboratories Digital Backplane Interface Board, part number MSXB 033, interfaces the Digital Backplane with a Data Acquisition Processor. The Digital Backplane Interface Board must be installed in the Digital Backplane to connect the backplane to a Data Acquisition Processor.
Blonder Tongue Laboratories, Inc.
Blonder Tongue Laboratories’ CMTS Edge Max supports both DOCSIS 3.1 and 3.0 with 32 downstream SCQAM and 12 upstream ATDMA channels for DOCSIS 3.0 service, and up to 6 OFDM downstream and 2 OFDMA upstream channels for DOCSIS 3.1 services.
Drying Ovens
Dongguan Amade Instruments Technology Co., Ltd
Drying oven is divided into fan blown type electric drying oven and vacuum drying oven based on the different materials which are dried. Electric drying oven is an oven with circulating air function to dry materials containing water by the way of electrical heating. Vacuum drying oven is a instrument provides vacuum environment for specially heat dry heat-sensitive, easily decomposed and easily oxidized materials. Working chamber is vacuumed by vacuum pump prior to drying, allowing to be filled with inert gas If necessary. Drying cabinets are widely used in chemical industry, electronic communication, plastics, cables, hardware, automobile parts, rubbers, printing, medical products, academy laboratories etc.
Field Emission SEM
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
The FESEM is an advanced microscope offering increased magnification and the ability to observe very fine features at a lower voltage than the SEM found in most laboratories.
Fineness Analyzer
HN-CF100 Fineness Analyzer is suitable for a variety of laboratories and industrial corporation: Nonmetallic powder: coal, cement, limestone, fly ash, calcium carbonate, silicone dioxide, magnesium oxide and so on. Metallic powder: aluminum, iron, zinc, rare earth metal, alloy and so on. Others: abrasive materials, silicon carbide, flour, lithium cell materials, porcelain ingredients, coating materials and so on.
A fluorometer measures the light or radiation emitted by fluorescent objects. Fluorescence occurs when light of a specific wavelength strikes and electrons in the sample.MRC provides a wide range of Fluorometers for Laboratories.
Fume Hood Monitor
Fume hoods are a primary source or protection in laboratories. Face velocity measurements are often used to gauge the performance of a fume hood’s ability to contain and exhaust hazardous chemicals. By accurately measuring face velocity and alarming on unsafe conditions, TSI’s FHM10 Fume Hood Monitors provide a high level of fume hood safety. And, the FHM10 helps users comply with standards and regulations set forth by OSHA, NFPA, ANSI Z9.5, and SEFA, calling for monitors to be installed on fume hoods.
Function generators
Instrumentation for laboratories and technical schools, with digital control.
GC Detectors
Compact and modular, the new, second generation 5383 Pulsed Flame Photometric GC Detector (PFPD) offers greater ease of use, design flexibility, and analytical refinement than its predecessor, while retaining the proven technology features that laboratories around the world rely on for accurate results.
GC Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Today's laboratories are being asked to do more everyday—more samples run, more data acquired, more chemical information processed, and more results achieved—all in less time, for less money. With LECO’s Pegasus BT users will get all of the data they need from a single sample run, without the need for additional laboratory support. Unique and powerful software and hardware features simplify quantitation while also identifying more components with increased sensitivity. A StayClean™ ion source virtually eliminates the need for source cleaning, while a convenient benchtop package saves valuable space in the laboratory. The Pegasus BT will give users more uptime, improved chemical data, and an increase in overall productivity and efficiency.
Grain Weight, Milling& Sample Prep
Precise and reproducible grinding and milling is necessary for producing flours representative of industrial milling or simulating full industrial milling on a sample or pilot scale. Our grinders, grain milling and sample preparation devices are in use in laboratories and mills worldwide in support of wheat breeders, millers and grain scientists.
High-Performance Multifunction Calibrator
The new 50 MHz wideband option for the 5730A High-Performance Multifunction Calibrator provides expanded wideband capabilities to self-maintaining laboratories by providing a method to calibrate the 50 MHz input of the 5790B AC Meaasurement Standard. This is accomplished by characterizing the 5730A's 50 MHz output using a precision thermal voltage converter (TVC), thus reducing uncertainties to calibrate the 5790B.
Humidity Meters
Guangzhou Amittari Instruments Co.Ltd
Widely used in workshops, offices, plantes, libraries, computer stations, laboratories and warehouses.
Impedance meters
Electronic components meters for circuit verification in laboratories, technical schools and technical support centres.
Industrial Pressure Calibrator
The Fluke Calibration 2271A Industrial Pressure Calibrator provides a complete, automated solution for calibrating a wide variety of pressure gauges and sensors. Thanks to its modular design, it can be configured to meet different needs and budgets, and expanded to cover a broad workload. The 2271A is ideal for calibration laboratories starting out in pressure calibration because it offers wide pressure measurement capabilities in a single instrument. Everything you need for calibrating pressure is included; just connect supply pressure. And your investment will stand the test of time: as your workload grows and changes, the 2271A can grow and change too. Just add measurement modules.
Interface Converters
Electro Standards Laboratories
Supporting a variety of medias, applications, and entities such as Casino/Lottery VLT Networks, Industrial Process Control, Government Laboratories, etc.
LC Software
LabSolutions DI Assist Package
Ensuring reliable data and preventing issues such as data tampering are essential requirements in laboratories in a variety of industries. The easy-to-use LabSolutions DI Assist Package extends the know-how cultivated from supporting data integrity, a requirement of the pharmaceutical industry, to instruments from various companies. The reliability of test data obtained from instruments from various companies is aided by three automation functions on a single PC.
Light Measurement Sensors
Gamma Scientific offers a catalog of professional light intensity measurement devices for photometric and radiometric applications. These devices are typically utilized by laboratories, OEM’s, value-added resellers and other groups seeking to accurately measure light intensity and brightness. Browse our light intensity measurement device catalogs to find the right photometry or radiometry solution today.
Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)
Whilst there are several ways to measure displacement, the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) remains a popular transducer in most industrial applications. LVDTs initially were used as a means of taking dimensional readings in laboratories. They gained popularity in a wide variety of industrial monitoring and control applications, and whilst an LVDT is used to measure displacement the technology can be employed within other transducer types.
Liquid Handling
Dosimat plus
Taking care of all kinds of dosing and liquid handling tasks, Dosimat plus instruments are indispensable in many modern laboratories. Used as an independent system, the Dosimat plus is a manually controlled dosing instrument. If you are already using a Titrino or Titrino plus titrator in your lab, you can use the Dosimat plus as an automated dosing device for your titrator.
Manual / Laboratory Measurement
Without exception, PV industries around the world are closely connected to laboratories. This is hardly surprising since accurate and reliable measurement data are the key to effective R&D and quality control.
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
The MALDI-8020 is the latest in a long line of MALDI-TOF products from Shimadzu. This benchtop, linear MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer delivers outstanding performance in a compact footprint, making it an ideal choice for today’s increasingly demanding laboratories.
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
AXIMA Assurance
Linear MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for reliable mass information. An affordable, robust option for all laboratories requiring routine manual or automated analysis of a wide variety of sample classes.
mm-wave Bridges for EPR/NMR Spectrometers
ELVA-1 produces mm-wave bridges and components for EPR spectrometers. Lots of scientific laboratories in the world use ELVA-1’s products in their EPR experiments. Up to 170 GHz operating frequency