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Capacitive Touch Controllers
Silicon Labs' TouchXpress devices are highly optimized solutions that enable designers to easily design and integrate capacitive sensing into applications. These devices quickly replace mechanical buttons and switches with modern capacitive touch buttons by eliminating the firmware complexity and reducing development time.
Compound Microscope
3012 Series
A clinical level microscope for routine applications in medical, veterinary and university labs.
Data Acquisition
Apogee Labs offers a variety of modular chassis types used for the gathering of various data and video sources for use in data transport and recording applications.
Data Loggers
ThermoWorks temperature and humidity loggers are perfect for food processing, transportation, and restaurant fridge and freezer storage, including cold chain management, cook chill, and critical control points (HACCP). They are also used in labs and for pharmaceutical applications like VFC. Wirelessly pair multiple network-connected units to a single base station through WiFi, Bluetooth, or RF and store your temperature or humidity readings in the cloud. Our USB probes and USB data transfer loggers are also popular and come with integrable software. Specialized loggers are also made for harsh environments, including extreme low and high temperatures.
Digital High Range TDS Pen
The Milwaukee CD610 Total Dissolved Solids High Range (PPM) Pen is designed for aquariums, pools and education and many other applications. The CD610 helps make sure that you keep your fish tank water clean and healthy. It is a cost effective tool for teacher's science labs. Keep PPM in your target range to help your achieve better results.
Digital Isolators
Silicon Labs' CMOS digital isolator products enable lower cost, smaller size, higher performance, lower power, and more reliable isolated circuits than competing optocoupler solutions. The Si80xx, Si83xx, Si86xx, Si87xx, and Si88xx families of one to six-channel bi- and unidirectional digital isolators support isolation voltage ratings up to 5 kV. With a broad product portfolio, a proven track record of industry innovation and an unwavering commitment to engineering excellence Silicon Labs isolation technology is ready to meet your isolation needs.
Digital Low Range TDS Pen
The Milwaukee CD97 Total Dissolved Solids Low Range (PPM) Pen is designed for water conditioning, education and many other applications. The CD97 helps you make sure that your keep your filters up-to-date and clean for water filtration and is a cost effective tool for teacher's science labs. Keep PPM in your target range to help your achieve better results.
DSP Modules
3dB Labs is pleased to announce our Signal Processing Module product line. These advanced, high-speed signal processing modules have compatible interfaces that enable them to be connected together in multiple ways, like building blocks.
Fixture Kit
Due to careful selection of materials, use of modern manufacturing techniques, and supplying the kit "flat packed" for end-user assembly, Merifix fixtures kits are inexpensive enough to be used in low-volume production and in engineering labs for programming and debug tasks, where traditional fixtures would be too expensive.
FT-NIR Spectrometer
L1390021 - Spectrum Two N
The Spectrum Two N™ is a high-performance, yet robust and transportable FT-NIR system platform enabling simple, reliable NIR analyses. It’s the perfect system for labs that need to combine high-end performance with the ease-of-use features of a portable instrument, allowing users with different levels of expertise, from novice to seasoned professionals, to be proficient with it in no time.
Full-spectrum Acoustic Logger
AudioMoth is a low-cost, full-spectrum acoustic logger, based on the Gecko processor range from Silicon Labs. Just like its namesake the moth, AudioMoth can listen at audible frequencies, well into ultrasonic frequencies. It is capable of recording uncompressed audio to microSD card at rates from 8,000 to 384,000 samples per second.
Inductance Standard
1482 Series
The GenRad 1482 Standard Inductors are the standard of choice in metrology labs. Used today by national metrology institutes and primary standards bodies around the world, these inductors have no peer or equivlent.
Intelligent Sensors
Silicon Labs is a leading supplier of intelligent sensor solutions that are characterized by superb reliability, compact size, high levels of integration and unmatched ease of use for a variety of applications. Our diverse sensor product portfolio includes optical sensors, digital relative I2C humidity and temperature sensor ICs, biometric sensors and capacitive touch sense microcontroller devices.
Apogee Labs offers a variety of modular chassis types that support 100+ modules used for Distribution, Signal Conversion, Fiber Optics, Clock Regeneration and more.
LED Compound Microscope
Outstanding optics, ergonomic design and renknowned durability make the 3000-LED Series an excellent choice for clinical labs in universities, medical and veterinary offices.
Linear Accelerometers
Columbia Research Laboratories
Columbia Research Labs line of Force Balance Linear Accelerometers offers low cost, high performance, general purpose single axis accelerometers that are ideal for DC and low frequency measurements, with both voltage and current signal outputs available. Also offered are Columbia's Solid State Sensors and our specialized Airborne Sensors that generate outputs specifically designed to operate from +24 to +32VDC aircraft power, that is excellent for airborne telemetry applications. And our Low Noise Sensors are designed for use in seismic, low level, low frequency motion studies.
Load Cell Indicator
The 9840 is suitable for use in calibration labs, field service, or anywhere high accuracy is important. Features include a bipolar 6-digit 2-line display, remote sense, low noise, 22-bit resolution, USB port with RS232 communication, mV/V calibration and the ability to store up to 25 different sensors. 6-point linearization, unit conversion, front-panel tare. Self calibration via TEDS Plug & Play ready IEEE1451.4 compliance.
Microcontrollers (MCUs)
An innovative 8-bit chip design provides a fully-integrated experience. Silicon Labs' 8-bit MCUs are ideal for IoT applications and beyond, delivering the industry's fastest speeds and lowest power.
Miniature Size - AC Operation
Columbia Research Laboratories
The M Series of LVDT's designed by Columbia Research Labs are ideal for use on small, high-speed mechanisms and in sensitive low-displacement applications. Linear motions over the ranges of +/-0.003" to +/-0.150" are translated into precisely proportional voltage for measurement and control.
Mobile Calibration Services
Your One-Stop Calibration provider for calibration and instrument services is now even better with our fleet of mobile labs. Trescal is bringing our high-quality precision calibration on the road to make calibrating your equipment as easy and convenient as possible. Our qualified technicians are available across the U.S. to provide the on-site mobile calibration services you need.
Multi Function Tribometer
The state of the art Rtec Multi Function tribometer Mft-5000 is globally regarded as the most versatile and technologically advanced tribometer. Manufactured at silicon valley, California it is used by several top labs, universities and industries. The tribometer offers next generation patented force sensors with ultra low resolution, highest speeds and wide environmental control range than any other commercially existing tribometer. The patented integrated 3D profilometer allows to analyse surface change vs time. The universal tribometer MFT5000 allows to create a comprehensive report on friction, wear, tribology and surface analysis.
Networking Solutions
Bluetooth Solutions
Quickly introduce Bluetooth connectivity into sports and fitness, consumer electronics, beacons and smart home applications with easy-to-use and innovative Bluetooth SoCs, modules and software from Silicon Labs.
Networking Solutions
Thread is an IPv6-based mesh networking protocol designed as a reliable, low-power, secure, and scalable networking solution for connecting Things to the IoT. As a founding board member of the Thread Group, Silicon Labs helps accelerate time to market with proven mesh networking hardware and software solutions.
Networking Solutions
Wi-Fi® Modules
Silicon Labs' all-inclusive Wi-Fi module are targeted for applications where excellent RF performance, low power consumption and easy application development together with fast time to market are key requirements.
Oxygen Deficiency Monitor
Series 1000
AOI's Oxygen Deficiency Monitor is designed to provide continuous protection of personnel from oxygen deficient atmospheres. An excellent oxygen deficiency monitor for government labs, universities, research facilities, and industrial laboratories for helping to ensure the safety of breathing air.
Pocket Digital & Long Stem Thermometers
Known for their rugged design and Super-Fast® response time, ThermoWorks pocket digital thermometers are in widespread use in restaurants, food plants, labs, and by health inspectors throughout the world. Choose from a variety of designs, probe lengths, and temperature ranges as well as water resistance, NSF certification, and trim calibration functions. All models feature big, easy-to-read digits and fit easily into lab coat, apron, or shirt pockets. Perfect for chefs, line cooks, concrete curing, and food production lines.
Precision Amplifier
TI Precision Labs is the electronics industry's first comprehensive online classroom for analog engineers. The on-demand curriculum pairs theory and applied lab exercises to deepen the technical expertise of experienced engineers and accelerate the development of those early in their career. This free modular curriculum includes over 30 hands-on trainings and lab videos, covering analog amplifier design considerations with online course work.
Primary Standard Capacitors
GenRad 1404 Series
The GenRad 1404 Series standard capacitors are the standard of choice in metrology labs, and still used today by standards bodies around the world. These capacitors have been designed as primary reference standards of capacitance with which working standards can be compared.
Programmable Inductance Decade Box
PLS Series
The PLS Series is a broad line of high precision programmable decade inductors. They provide straight inductance in a wide selection of ranges, tolerances andratings. IET Labs also supplies custom combination substituters for capacitance and resistance as well as sources for voltage and current.
Security Labs
*Learn toReduce Security Tech Debt- Provide developers with the knowledge and practice they need to write secure code.*Safely Exploit Insecure Apps- Let developers learn by breaking and fixing insecure apps in a containerized, safe environment managed by Veracode.*Effortlessly Train, Retain, and Govern- Tailor training content, measure developer growth over time, and retain developer talent, all while meeting compliance and governance needs. Write Secure Code and Mitigate Vulnerabilities