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Radiate light or heat.
See Also: Flash Lamp, Arc Lamp, Flashlamp, Gas Lamp, Fluorescent Lamp, Headlamp
Class AAA Steady State Solar Simulator
King Design Industrial Co., Ltd.
*Lamp average life 25,000 hours (We offer 1 year warranty including lamps)!*Spectrum Mis-match Class A, without filter! *Irradiance almost no decay within 10,000 hours!*Spectrum maintains stable during power adjustment!
Compact Integrated Xenon Lamp
XENON’s Compact Integrated Xenon Lamp (CIXL) is the first product that provides everything a user needs to incorporate the power of Pulsed Light technology into its operations.
Conveyor Decontamination System
Food-grade controller and lamp housings designed to meet IP67 and NEMA 4X standards.
Curing Equipment
In addition to lamps and modules for curing processes, USHIO also offers complete curing equipment as an all-in-one solution especially for ink curing applications. Such curing equipment are, for example, used for oil filters in the automotive industry.
DC-AC Sine Wave Inverters for Ultraviolet (UV) Lamps
UV Lamp Inverters
The sine wave inverters are designed and built to meet any customer input/output and mechanical configuration requirements.
Electronic Solutions ULM GmbH & Co. KG
Today we would like to present to you a brand new multi-protocol accessory decoder designed for controlling signals. Due to its intelligent software it supports DCC and Motorola®. Flexible programming makes this decoder THE all-rounder amongst accessory decoders. The SignalPilot has 16 outputs for direct connection of micro lamps respectively LEDs installed in daylight signals. Due to the fact that the outputs are designed as push/pull power amplifiers, they are suitable for both – conventional daylight signals with common anode as well as for daylight signals and/or lighting strips with common ground (common cathode), as is the case with some Viessmann® signals. Of course, the SignalPilot decoder can also handle semaphore signals and turnout motors.
Emergency Battery Test Fixture
This test fixture will allow servicing of the 60-1321-( ) series of emergency exit light power supply. These supplies are used in many aircraft to annunciate exit lighting when aircraft power failure occurs. The TA-60 test fixture is equivalent to the suggested test fixture in the OEM 60-1321 CMM. The four load lamps are conveniently placed behind an acrylic red lens for proper viewing while performing load test. The bench cable is provided as part of the test fixture.
Energy Modulator
Infrared Systems Development Corp.
The IR-762 Energy Modulator is a variable speed rotating disk chopper designed for use with radiation sources, including blackbody, tungsten filament, mercury lamps, Nernst glowers and as part of instruments where modulated radiation is needed.
GLORIA-X150A/ Xenon Light Source
Xe arc lamp light sources are the preferred artificial sources to simulate sunlight. The high color temperature (6000K) of the Xenon lamps is a close match to the solar temperature. This results in very similar solar spectra in the UV and VIS although the source has some Xe emissions lines in the near IR. Application for fluorescence, luminescence and phosphorescence, absorbance and reflectance, photochemistry, photolithography, solar simulation and so on.ct description goes here.
High-Power Curing System
Modular system offering single lamp or dual lamp configurations for low heat, fast throughput curing.
ScopeLED F-Series
ScopeLED's F-Series LED based fluorescence microscope illuminator is designed to replace the conventional arc lamp sources for fluorescence microscopy applications.
Infrared Calibration
Optical pyrometers can be calibrated from 800 to 2300C using NIST certified ribbon filament lamps and temperatures up to 3500C using a graphite arc furnace. Infrared thermometers can be calibrated from -30C to 2300C utilizing state-of-the-art blackbody sources and transfer standards.
Lamp Converters
PeakTech Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
This AC / AC voltage converter is particularly suitable for use with halogen indoor lights and other low-voltage light sources that require an AC voltage source for supply. There is a safe galvanic separation between mains and low voltage according to the isolating transformer standard. This pre-assembled AC / AC converter is equipped with an overtemperature switch that cannot be reset.
Laser-Driven Light Source (LDLS)
Based on the highly successful Laser-Driven Light Source (LDLS)technology, the EQ-77 offers the highest radiance and irradiance availablein a truly broadband white light source. The EQ-77 features a compact lamp house, with clean construction that ensures long life and ultimate stability. With a 170nm-2100nm wavelength range, and a choice of source dual-beam output or a single-beam output with retro-reflector, the EQ-77 is flexible for a broad variety of applications. Researchers using light for imaging and analytical spectroscopy in a variety of applications in the life sciences and materials sciences need light sources capable of providing extreme high brightness and power across a broad wavelength range.
Led Lamps
The range of professional lamps signed HT, to facilitate your work and shed light on your results.
Light Compensation Capacitor
Designed for lighting applications such as fluorescent lamps,high-pressure mercury vapor lamps,sodium lamps,and metal halide lamps. The capacitors are used for power factor compensation of transformers and magnetic ballasts in lamps with a frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz,which makes the power factor to achieve cosφ 0.9. The temperature
USHIO modules are multipurpose exposure units that provide optical output according to customer’s needs. In our standard product range we offer modules and units for IR, UV and excimer lamps. So whether you need a module for the process of heating, curing, disinfecting or optical cleaning, you will find it in our product range.
PoKeys I/O devices
This board allows expanding the number of outputs of the Pokeys by using the PoExtBus. This board incorporates 16 high current/voltage open collector outputs which suits applications such as lamps, relays.
Power Supplies
USHIO’s electronic power supplies are the intelligent solution for managing AC or DC operated lamps. These systems are compact in size, efficient, rugged, and optimized to ensure reliable lamp ignition and long lasting lamp operation.
Power Supply Equipment
It is a stabilized power supply such as constant current, constant illuminance, etc. to light the xenon lamp stably.
Programmable Setpoint Relay Protection Relay, Trip Relay
CRD-005 and CRD-020
CRD-020 Programmable ac current set-point relay setting for threshold levels, over and under-currentoperationbullet CRD-005 Programmable dc voltage and mA set-point relay setting for threshold levels, over and under-voltage operationbullet CRD-005 internal DIP-switches allow for either 0-1mAdc or 0-10Vdc operation, and may be set for under-alarm or over-alarm relay operationbullet CRD-020 internal DIP-switch allow configuration of the ac current range to either 0-5A, 0-10A, 0-15A or 0-20A and the relay mode for under-current or over-current operationbullet Lid mounted two digit numerical push button switch calibrated as percent of full scale with a threshold range of 1-99%bullet Red LED lamp lights to indicate when the threshold level has been tripped
The X1-1 radiometer from Gigahertz-Optik features an RCH-116-4 detector and is ideal for measurement of the irradiance of high power LEDs in the UV-A and blue light range. The device can accurately measure irradiance levels of up to 40,000 mW/cm². One of the outstanding features of the RCH-116-4 detector is its proven concept of a passive radiation absorber coupled to a UV sensor. This provides stability even in high temperature and intense UV radiation environments. In addition to the passive radiation absorber, the device also has a cosine-corrected field of view. The sensor’s housing also serves as a handle. The battery-powered X1-1 optometer supports a usable dynamic range from less than 1 mW/cm² to 40,000 mW/cm² thanks to its high-end signal amplifier. It can be used to perform precise measurements of up to 5 standard LED wavelengths for which the detector was calibrated for active irradiance. In addition to the CW measurement function, the device also has a dose measurement function. The radiometer can be used with other detectors from the RCH series. e.g. for gas discharge lamps. Remote control of the device is possible via its user software and a software development kit is offered for integration of the device in the user’s own software.
Solar Simulation
Sciencetech solar simulators produce high intensity, uniform illumination on a target area. Typically, high power solar simulators use an ellipsoidal reflector to capture light from an arc lamp source inside the reflector, an arrangement that results in a light pattern with a bright outer region and a dark center. This non-uniformity is un- acceptable in many solar simulator applications and as a result, forces many of our solar simulator competitors to use designs involving diffusers to reduce the non-uniformity. This results in a reduction of intensity and a dis- tortion of the spectrum on the target area.
Solar Simulator Continuous Light
This type of solar simulator uses Xenon high pressure arc lamps as light source. These lamps have a colour temperature near 5800 K, so it is feasible to filter the light output to an excellent AM 1.5 spectrum. If a tuneability of the spectrum is required, these lamps can be combined with tungsten lamps to achieve multi-source solar simulators. These can be used to measure tandem/triple/multijunction solar cells. They also allow detailed analysis of all types of solar cells using a spectral metric (see : Publication List).
SpectralLED® Tunable Light Sources
The award-winning SpectralLED® family of uniform intensity tunable light sources are designed to deliver unmatched resolution and accuracy. These adjustable wavelength LED light sources also have an operating lifetime and cost of ownership that cannot be duplicated with traditional light sources such as Tungsten-Halogen and Xenon lamps. With a fully spectrally tunable output, all you need is one SpectralLED to generate any arbitrary spectral power distribution, whether it be blackbody, daylight, fluorescent, LED, or something completely unique. By sweeping through individual LED channels, the SpectralLED can even emulate a traditional monochromator light source, with no moving parts and no halogen input illumination.
Spectrometer - OSA
HighFinesse optical spectrometers LSA and HDSA are designed to analyse the multi-line or broadband spectrum of (un-)known light sources like cw and pulsed lasers, gas discharge lamps, super luminescence diodes, semiconductor laser diodes and LEDs. They are suitable to analyze the spectrum of telecom signals, resolve Fabry-Perot modes of a gain chip, and produce a spectral measurement of gas absorption.
Spectroscopy Lamps and Light Sources
The StellarNet portable Light Sources facilitate measurements in the UV, VIS, and NIR for various samples and application types using standard SMA-905 optical connectors. These low cost modular components are robust, reliable, and designed to last in portable and industrial environments.
Static Modular Systems
Basic systems with single level or multiple level outputsbased on one or multiple lamps. Choose size andlight levels to meet your needs and budget.
Atlas Material Testing Technology
The practical benchtop xenon lamp unit with useful accessories to tailor your SUNTEST towards your needs. Here you see the SunCool chiller (for pharmaceuticals / cosmetics), the SunTray sample exchanger (for in-vitro SPF), and the SunFlood immersion unit ( for coatings / sealants).
Shenzhen Graigar Technology Co.,Ltd.
Measurement of the speed of a rotating shaft is a common requirement in many industrial and laboratory applications. Such measurements have usually been carried out in the past with the help of contact type tachometers with friction drive. More recently digital optical non-contact tachometers have been designed which count the reflected pulses from a white patch on the shaft and then display the speed in rpm. The light source is usually a filament lamp operating with dry cells leading to limited life and illumination. A similar ideawith magnetic pick-up from a particular area of the shaft has also been used for speed measurement.