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Combustible Gas Detectors
A leak of natural gas (methane), propane or butane can cause an explosion in a basement with a sloppily installed unit as easily as it can in a coal mine. General sells these life-saving combustible gas detectors in various shapes and sizes, including pens and wands with a probe. Two models, the NGD268 & PNGD170 Combustible Gas Detectors even work from -40 to 158F, the extreme environment typical of mines and tunnel construction.
Fixed Gas And Leak Detectors
Fixed Gas Detectors are installed to provide continuous, area, and personnel protection around the clock. The detection system is designed to alert workers of the potential danger of poisoning by toxic gas exposure. Fixed gas detectors are generally installed in large facilities and are used to both detect major leaks and as an early warning of gas leaking from a particular system.
Gas And Leak Detectors
ION Science manufactures a range of technologically advanced gas and leak detectors for a wide variety of gases. View our ever-growing portfolio below to find the right solution for your gas detection needs.
Gas Detection
Gas detectors designed to help comply with ASHRAE 15 and 34, EN 378, and CSA B52 are to protect someone from entering a mechanical room with refrigerant concentrations that could be harmful to their health. These protection levels are outlined in the safety standards to be about 1000ppm, 8-hour TWA depending on the type of refrigerant being used in the equipment. The alarm set points, location and number of detection points outlined in the safety standards are typically insufficient for finding the more common, smaller leaks that add up to large annual refrigerant emissions, decreased efficiency and overall safety.
Gas Detectors
Inspecting and detecting gas leaks in industrial and/or commercial settings is an important element of maintaining security. GAOTek gas detectors are compact, lightweight, and easy to carry. When you choose an industrial-grade GAOTek gas detector, know that you can rely on it to deliver accurate information with real-time readings on how much the concerned gases are in the air, ensuring the safety of your premises and anyone occupying the space is upheld.
Hydrogen Portable Leak Tester
H 6000
The H 6000, a new comer in the ATEQ range of leak detectors, is one of the finest gas tracer and hydrogen leak detectors on the market today.This gas is less expensive than Helium gas. Furthermore, it's a volatile, non-toxic and nonpoisonous gas without any environmental impact.
Leak Detectors
High sensitivity setting locates R134A leaks to 3gm/yearFlexible gooseneck probeEasy one handed operationAudible & visual indicatorsRubber sleeve protects detector & probe
Measuring Instruments for Gas Leak Detection
Here you will find an overview of measuring instruments from Sewerin for gas leak detection. Our portfolio includes gas warning devices, gas leak detectors, gas concentration measuring devices, multigas meters, combination measuring devices, ethane detectors, odorant measuring instruments, biogas measuring devices and a whole lot more...
Multi-purpose Leak Detector
Informant 2
The Bacharach Informant® 2 is a uniquely flexible leak detector designed for residential and commercial heating and cooling contractors. It’s the only dual-purpose leak detector that can be switched from refrigerants to combustible gases (and back again) in seconds. This one unit replaces two dedicated leak detectors, saving space in your truck and money in your wallet.
Package Leak Detectors
Packages should be absolutely leak tight. However, even with the utmost care in the process, faulty packaged products cannot be completely avoided. Defects in the sealing process or in the material can easily lead to leaks, sometimes microscopically small.
Portable Leak Detection
Combustible Gases
Bacharach's portable, handheld combustible gas leak detectors allow for convenient and easy inspection and leak isolation of any combustible gas, including: Methane, Butane, Propane, and many more
Semi-Portable Gas And Leak Detectors
Semi Portable Gas Detectors and Leak Detectors meet the diverse requirements for gas detection industries throughout the world. Our range offers an ideal solution where a temporary detection or contractual detection is required for a specific project or incident.
Ultrasonic Leak Detector
The Superior AccuTrak Model VPX-WR represents THE state-of-the-art technology for ultrasonic air leak detection! This ultra-durable and waterproof instrument incorporates our patented and trademarked circuitry we call "DND" (Dynamic Noise Discrimination). Older detectors using only the heterodyne technique, simply cannot offer the same leak detection abilities, especially in loud plant environments.
Vacuum Leak and Holiday Detectors
Electro-Technic Products, Inc.
Electro-Technic manufactures four handheld models (BD-10, BD-40, BD-50, BD-60) and a customizable automated model (Model BD-65) to suit specific customer applications and test materials. Our introductory BD-10 model is intented for light/intermittent use while our BD-50/BD-60 models are more suited for continous heavy duty use. Our model BD-40 has a limited voltage output suited for thin/sensitive linings.
Water Leak Detectors
To install the optional cable sensor, simply plug it into the detector. The entire length of cable is an extended sensor. Additional 4 foot cable sensors (sold separately) can be connected to extend the cable and increase water sensing area even more. Note: The cable sensor jack is NOT for plugging in a power adapter. Doing so could damage the detector.**
Current Detectors
On our website you will find current detectors that are ideal for measuring AC or DC voltage. Current detectors are irreplaceable for inspection work and maintenance. We offer the following: voltage detectors, voltage leak detectors, voltage power detectors, Current clamps ideal for measuring AC or DC voltage. metric detectors, current detectors and more. These high quality current detectors include the capacity to measure many other parameters, such as capacity, resistance, power (both by way of clamps or by means of a hand held digital device with external clamps with a range of one or three stages). The current detectors are like the majority of our measurement instruments in that they meet and excel ISO standards. This calibration is done in a laboratory and comes with an accompanying certificate. All of our current detectors can perform the demanding tasks in each industrial sector regardless of the technical problem you encounter. If you can't find the current detectors you are looking for, please contact us and we will help you find the best solution to suit your needs by calling our offices on: UK customers +44(0) 23 809 870 30 / US customers (561) 320-9162 and our technical staff will advise you regarding our measuring instruments. Our engineers and technicians will be happy to help you with the current
Leak Detectors
In various market segments from the automotive industry to refrigeration and air conditioning technology to the manufacture of semiconductor components and solar technology our leak detectors provide the highest quality and increased process safety. With an INFICON leak detector, the time and money required for maintenance and troubleshooting of your products will be reduced to a minimum and your ongoing operating costs will be significantly less. An INFICON leak detector, for example, is so highly sensitive that a release of less than one millionth of a gram of gas can be shown to be a leak.
Portable Gas Detection
Ideal for confined spaces, spot leak testing and mobile use, Honeywell Analytics and BW Technologies portable gas detectors are marked by flexibility and quality. A variety of single or multi-gas detectors are offered in compact, lightweight designs— from simple alarm-only units to advanced, fully configurable and serviceable instruments. Applications include underground utilities vaults, boiler rooms, post-fire sites, sewers, industrial plants, industrial hygiene, first responder crews and remote fleets.
Refrigerant Leak Detectors
refrigerant leak detectors use a proprietary semiconductor sensor to detect most commercially available HFC, HFO, HC, HCFC and CFC refrigerants. Our newest model, the RLD440 Refrigerant Leak Detector, goes one step further by complying with all five worldwide refrigerant detection testing standards
Portable Gas And Leak Detectors
Portable Gas Detectors, classed as a type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), are designed to keep personnel safe from atmospheric gas hazards and allow mobile testing of locations before they are entered. These handheld devices are essential in many areas where gas hazards could occur because they are continuously monitoring at close range to the operator, while stationary and moving.
Portable Gas Measurement Devices
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection
Looking for portable gas leak detectors to protect your staff? Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection measuring devices meet all your requirements.
Portable Leak Detection
Bacharach's ultrasonic-based leak detectors support a variety of applications, including: Combustible and Refrigerant Gases, Compressed Air and Pneumatic Systems, Inert Gases (CO2, Nitrogen, Helium, etc.), Steam Trap Leak Detection, Condensate Flow, Thermal Expansion Valves (TXV), Solenoids, Mechanical Problems (Bearings, Wear), Electrical Arcing, Sealed Enclosures, Tanks, and Rooms, and Condition-Based Monitoring:
Gas Leak Detectors
Omega's refrigerant leakage detectors perfect for maintaining air-conditioning systems with compressors and refrigerants. These units are extermely sensitive to a variety of general refrigerants.
Residual Gas Analyzers
Residual Gas Analyzers are an effective tool to analyze system gas loads resulting from real leaks, virtual leaks or chamber wall outgassing. RGAs have a number of advantages over traditional, dedicated gas leak detectors including the ability to differentiate between different gas species, comparable sensitivity levels, the ability to detect internal or "virtual" leaks and to detect and analyze outgassing problems.
optical liquid leak detection system
The LEAKLEARN OPT liquid leak detection system incorporates fluoropolymer optical fiber sensors and detectors, emitting light when fluoropolymer optical fiber sensors contact liquid. T
Vacuum Technologies
Agilent vacuum pumps, pumping systems, measurement instruments, components, and helium leak detectors allow you to create, measure, and maintain vacuum for your applications, processes, or research. Learn about Agilent's clean, dry, quiet IDP scroll pumps, high performance, high compression TwisTorr turbo pumps, optimized, UHV/XHV ready ion pumps and controllers, and rugged, reliable helium leak detectors.Agilent leverages its Varian Vacuum roots to fulfill your vacuum needs with product value and experienced, knowledgeable support. Agilent pumps, systems, and components enable advanced research in physics, analytical instrumentation, and nanotechnology, they are also a perfect fit for industrial processes.
Helium Leak Detectors
Agilent’s range of leak detection solutions ensure the safety, security, and consistent performance of research, vacuum, and industrial process systems. Our Helium Leak Detector (HLD), PHD-4 sniffer and C15 component leak detector are rugged, precise, and easy-to-use instruments that accurately and efficiently detect leaks in an array of industrial applications. For clean research applications, HLD configurations employ clean, dry, quiet scroll vacuum pumps. Our leak detectors feature automated start-up and calibration for maximum productivity, built in application set-ups, and an array of accessories to make any leak detection process simple.
Package Leak Detectors
Package leak detectors ensure that seal integrity problems are identified. This is a vital part of Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) quality control, since compromising the protective atmosphere will cause a reduction in the shelf-life of MAP products.