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Electrical discharge occuring atmospherically.
See Also: Light, Illumination, Lighting, Lightwave, Daylight, Streetlight
COLOCOIL® AM Isocoupler
LBA’s modular approach allows the operator to start with one CoLoCoil®, and build out to 6, 9, or more – supporting 50 or more antennas! Practically "plug and play", expansions are fast, minimize AM station impact, and maintain full grounding and lightning protection!
Global Lightning Network
Our Global Lightning Network® (GLN®) is tried and true, delivering hyperlocal real-time lightning data for threat assessment and integration.
Lightening Protection
Towers & Antennas
LBA offers a wide variety of lightning air terminals in the form of lightning dissipaters. Sometimes called a static dissipater, or static dissipation array, this relatively new and advanced air terminal replaces conventional lightning rods in most applications. It functions as a streamer retarding air terminal.
Lightning Capabilities
American Environments Co., Inc.
AECO''s proprietary test techniques enable us to readily provide custom engineered waveforms. Contact us with your detailed requirements.
Lightning Detection Accessories
Check out all of our accessories for a perfect compliment to any of our lightning detectors. They are designed fora wide range of applications and installation setups, and even for a more personalized custom setup, or simply tohave on hand for spare replacement parts.
Lightning Detection & Early Warning System
The EWS-PRO is the only professional grade portable lightning detection and early warning device available today. It is a self-contained instrument with the electronic sophistication to detect lightning strikes over 40 miles away, and to accurately track a storm's approach with both its audible horn and its large LED visual alerts.
Lightning discharge counters
CDR-401 is the new counter which complies with the latest applicable Lightning Protection related Standards.
Lightning "Emulator" Shield
Arduino shield, ideal for AS3935 lightning sensor development. The lightning "emulator" generates a RF signal that mimics lightning strikes. This board is in an Arduino Uno form factor, and only uses GPIO and I2C, so can be stacked on many form factors (developed on an Uno and Mega).
Lightning Masts
PLP- 32
PLP- 32 Lightning Masts are recommended for a wide range of lightning protection applications where it is impossible or undesirable to attach conventional lightning terminals. Other models in the series share the same attributes and differ only in height and weight.PLP-32 Lightning Masts provide a cone of protection within which lightning charges are diverted to the mast and grounded instead of to the protected object. Multiple PLP-32 masts may be used to protect extended areas. Protected areas may be determined by use of the widely accepted “rolling sphere” concept. For example, a single PLP-32 mast will protect 9 foot (2.14 m) high portable buildings wholly within a 40 foot (12.19 m) radius. An array of five PLP-32 masts will protect a camp of portable buildings within a 25,000 square foot (2323 m2) area. Consult LBA Technology™ for specific layouts you wish to protect.
Lightning Surge Generator
Shanghai Sanki Electronic Industries Co., Ltd.
CDN-5811 signal line/data line coupling and decoupling network is suitable for 1.2/50us symmetrical high-speed communication line, designed according to Figure 11 of the new standard IEC61000-4-5.Ed3.
Long Range Systems
Long-range lightning detectors are helpful in advance planning. The LD-250 and LD-350 are suitable for both desktop and laptop computers. The LD-250 can be used mobile for storm chasing. The LD-350 can be used as a stand-alone lightning network detector. Similar to the LD-250 & LD-350, StormTracker is a long-range lightning detector helpful in advance planning and can also be used as a lightning network detector. The StormTracker PCI requires installation in a desktop PC. CLICK HERE FOR A PRODUCT COMPARISON CHART
Online Lightning Verification Report
Vaisala STRIKEnet Provides the Most Reliable Lightning Location Technology for Objective Claim Verification. Vaisala STRIKEnet® is an online lightning verification report that objectively and accurately reports individual cloud-to-ground lightning strikes at a specific location on the date of loss.
Personal Lightning Detector
StrikeAlert HD
StrikeAlert HD is the first personal lightning detector with a graphical display that shows you the lightning strike distance (from 0 - 40 miles away) as well as a 1-hour storm trend and intensity.
- RS-232 DB9 Lightning Suppressor
Model 29
FEATURES: PC 386/486 Pentium Com Ports; Nanosecond Response; DB9 Connectors; Protects All 9 Lines; Ground Stud & Wire Included. The Model 29 contains avalanche diodes, one for each line. All diodes are returned to a ground stud. The Model 29 is provided with a 2-foot ground wire and has male and female DB9 connectors.
- RS-422 and RS-485 Lightning/Surge Protector
Model 22NX
FEATURES: Triple Stage Protection; Fast Response Time For RS-422 / RS-485; Prevents Damage to Modems, Converters, and Terminals; Accommodates Data Rates to 10 MBPS; Supports 4 Circuits. The Model 22NX Lightning Sponge is designed to accommodate high-voltage transients, slow them down and redirect them to a low impedance path to earth ground.
Boltek lightning sensors come with all the basic hardware and software required for monitoring live lightning data right away. The short range EFM-100 sensor can easily be run along side the long range sensors (StormPCI, LD-250, and LD-350) for high accuracy short range detection with the ability to track storm movement for more advanced planning.
Thunderstorm / Lightning Detectors
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral Thunderstorm Detectors are self-contained standalone devices that detect the presence of all forms of lightning including intra-cloud, cloud to cloud and cloud to ground. Additionally our sensors can warn of the risk of overhead lightning before the first discharge.
Ultrasonic Level Transmitter
The type 2260 is a rugged, high performance ultrasonic secondary lightning protection level measurement transmitter, having transducer and processing electronics and a display/programming unit incorporated into a single housing.
Impulse Voltage Generator
The impulse voltage generator is mainly used to the field of impulse voltage tests by lightning impulse voltage full wave, lightning impulse voltage chipped wave and operate impulse voltage wave for such test products as electrical instrument.
Short Range Detection Systems
The EFM-100 kit comes complete with a high accuracy short range detector, inverted mounting hardware, cables and adapters. It is designed to provide a real time reading of the electrical field in the atmosphere with a time vs e-field graph displayed on a computer along with lightning strike distances accurate to within one mile.
Grounding Series
Weshine Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd
It is widely used in measuring ground resistance of electric power, telecommunication, meteorology, construction, lightning protection and industrial electrical equipment.
ProTek's Thyristor Surge Suppression devices are designed to protect telecommunications equipment against lightning and transients induced by AC power lines. These devices are ideal for use in central office equipment, PBX, DSU, OCU, digital telephones, fax machines, modems and radio controlled equiment.
Steering Diodes
ProTek's low capacitance Steering Diode Arrays provide high-speed data line and I/O port protection from transients caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Electrical Fast Transients (EFT), Tertiary Lightning and other induced voltages. Steering diodes divert the transient to the power-bus or ground and away from sensitive IC components.
Lightning Arrester and Insulator Testers
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Lightning Arrester and Insulator Testers by HVTEST
Arrester Discharge Counter Calibrator
HTFZ-HI / 450
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Record the number of lightning strikes and monitor the leakage current of the arrester online.
Lightning Impulse Voltage Generator Test Equipment
HTCJ-V / 170
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Used for conducting impulse voltage tests of lightning impulse voltage full wave, lightning impulse voltage truncation wave and operating impulse voltage wave for power equipment, etc., to test insulation performance.
Surge Generator
The SGTEL-168 is a versatile surge generator designed to simulate all the environmental surge transients as described in FCC TIA-968-B (formerly known as Part 68) and Industry Canada CS03 standard. It provides a single box solution Type A, Type B (metallic and longitudinal) and Powerline surges. These surges simulate the effect of lightning on telecom equipment under test. So it is also referred to as Lightning Simulator. The electromagnetic energy from the lightning couples into the equipment by powerline or telecom cable exposed to the lightning directly or indirectly. This model is an upgraded version of SG-168 with windows software control and a user friendly front panel for manual operation.
Coupler And Decoupler Used With Lightning Impulse Simulation Tester
All electric equipments & systems is required Impulse Simulation Test to the to be tested under the condition where the power source is applied to the product-under-test.At this test condition, the decoupler is needed to reduce the impulse flowing through the power line while testing. And the coupler which is inserted between tester and product, to simulate the actual condition, so the electric circuit of decoupler is prescribet by IEC rules.
Earth Testers
Kyoritsu Electrical Instruments Works, Ltd.
Earth Ground Testing. Most facilities have grounded electrical systems, so that in the event of a lightning strike or utility overvoltage, current will find a safe path to earth. A ground electrode provides the contact between the electrical system and the earth.
Transformer Test Equipment
KV Hipot Power Test Equipment Co.,Ltd
Transformer Test Equipment. Ensure that a transformer meets performance and reliability requirements, from the production line to after a repair or upgrade, when a major disruptive event occurs such as a lightning strike, or for preventive/predictive maintenance.