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Liquid Level
the height a liquid in relation to it's container.
See Also: Level, Signal Level Meters, Level Transmitters, Liquid
Capsuhelic Differential Pressure Gage
The Capsuhelic gage is designed to give fast, accurate indication of differential pressures. The gage may be used as a readout device when measuring flowing fluids, pressure drop across filters, liquid levels in storage tanks and many other applications involving pressure, vacuum or differential pressure
Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flow Monitor
KATflow 10
The KATflow 10 is a simple ultrasonic clamp-on flow monitor, which provides an extremely cost-effective alternative to in-line flowmeters on effluent, wastewater and sludge applications. The KATflow 10 is used to monitor the flow of liquids containing higher levels of solids or entrained gas bubbles for measurements where a general flow indication is sufficient. The instrument is extremely simple to install and commission and is ideal for applications which demand good repeatability and reliable results.
Conductivity Switches
B/W Controls offers a simple conductivity holder and electrode that can be configured for multiple measurement points. This is a simple level switch that can be used on liquids and light slurries. The B/W products utilize the conductive properties common to aqueous liquids to provide point level control and alarm functionality.
Contact Level Transmitters
Measure level of liquids, pastes, granulates, powders, and liquid interface
Continuous Level Measurement
Drexelbrook manufactures a full range of continuous level measurement instruments, providing the highest level of performance for liquids, slurries and bulk solids applications. With a wide variety of technology options, Drexelbrook is uniquely qualified to properly evaluate and recommend the very best solution for your application.
Control Relays
Drexelbrook manufactures a supporting line of control relays that are developed especially for use as safe, reliable, economical original equipment components in many different types of commercial and industrial products.Designed to operate from electrodes or probes contacting conductive liquids, our control relays are ideally suited for level control applications in such products as vending, dispensing, ice-making machines, water softeners, dishwashers, and coffee makers, plus many types of operating equipment in the food, drug, dairy, brewing, distilling and chemical processing industries.
Cryogenic Probe Station
Materials Development Corporation
The MDC Model 441 Cryogenic Probe Station is a cost effective alternative to high-priced vacuum based cryogenic probe stations. With up to five probes available and sample diameters up to six inches, the MDC Cryogenic Probe Station allows for electrical measurements at temperatures near liquid nitrogen levels (77K).
Digital Level Sensors (DLS) with High-Level Shut-In
Model 2100
The Model 2100 DLS with High Level Shut-In delivers consistently accurate measurements of different types of fluids in both hazardous and non-hazardous environments. Multiple fluid densities and temperatures do not affect measurement. The DLS with High Level Shut-In effectively measures the level and temperature of a variety of liquids, including Crude oil, Diesel, Kerosene, Condensate, Gasoline, Water, and Others.
Digital Stik Liquid Level Sensor
The 7250 Series digital stiks take field proven magnetostrictive sensing technology and packages it for greater reliability and easier installation. This liquid level sensor is ideal for liquid level monitoring, interface level and leak detection in a variety of liquid media in above ground and underground storage tanks. It was designed to meet EPA Leak Detection and API Inventory Monitoring requirements and has been approved for use in hazardous environments.The 7250 Series is series has an inherently lower cost design which results in savings. It provides the same performance and reliability as sensors that consume more power.
Dynatrol® Interface Level Detector
The Dynatrol® CL-10DJI Interface Level Detector has the unique ability to detect the interface between:*a liquid and a settled bed of solids*a liquid and a floating bed of solidsTypical applications include water/carbon, water/sand, liquid/catalyst interfaces and those that occur in steeping processes.
Dynatrol® Liquid Level Switch
The Dynatrol® Type CL-10RH Liquid Level Detector and EC-102B or EC-103C Control Unit is used for high, intermediate or low point level detection of liquids and slurries. This is typically a replacement unit for existing CL-10RH units in the field. The CL-10GH is phasing out the older style liquid level detector.
Electrodes Sensor
When selecting electrode sensors an important factor is to consider the specific characteristics of the liquid involved, the lengths required to obtain the desired control of levels, and the physical nature of the container.B/W Controls' line of electrodes has been developed to provide a practical, economical solution to almost every conceivable application and installation problem.Our electrode sensors are available in several varieties: solid rod (rigid), wire suspension, and standard gland plugs for high vibration applications. In addition, we offer custom options made per customer’s requirements.
General Purpose Geiger Counter
Radalert® 100X
The Radalert® 100X is a general purpose geiger counter that measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. Features of the Radalert® 100X, include a three-second update and a Utility Menu that allows you to change the default settings for several operating parameters. Its digital liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the current radiation level in your choice of SI units (microsieverts per hour) from .000 to 1,100 and counts per minute (CPM) from 0 to 350,000 or counts per second (CPS) from 0 to 3,500. For users of conventional units mR/hr (milliroentgens per hour) from .000 to 110 and CPM are optional in the Utility Menu. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours.
General Purpose Radiation Survey Meter/Geiger Counter
Rad 100™
The RAD 100™ is a general purpose radiation survey meter/geiger counter that detects and measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. It is intended for personal safety and educational purposes. Like the popular Radalert® 100X, the RAD 100™ features a 3-second update on its digital liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD shows the current radiation level in your choice of microSieverts per hour (SI units) or mR/hr for gamma radiation measurements. For mixed sources (alpha, beta, gamma) the CPM mode is recommended. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours. A red LED blinks and a beeper chirps with each count (the chirp can be muted). This is a professional instrument that is also easy to learn to use and to operate, and carries the industry leading Medcom warranty (2 years overall limited to 1 year on the GM sensor). Many instruments designed by the Medcom team are still working perfectly after 30 years of use, so this instrument should provide a lifetime of useful information.
Hydrogen Fluoride Gas Monitor
Hydrogen fluoride, chemical formula HF, is a colorless, highly irritating already at very low ppm levels, corrosive gas and can exist as a fuming liquid. Reaction with water is rapid, producing heat and hydrofluoric acid. Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is used in manufacturing of refrigerants, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, high-octane gasoline, aluminum, plastics, electrical components, and fluorescent light bulbs, among others. Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is very soluble in water and is readily absorbed in the upper respiratory tract.
Hydrostatic Level Sensor
The Signet 2250 Hydrostatic Level Sensor for level and depth control has a one-piece injection-molded PVDF body and ceramic diaphragm for superior compatibility in corrosive liquids. Utilizing hydrostatic pressure, the 2250 Level Sensor disregards false level signals from steam vapors, foam or any other debris on the liquid surface. Two pressure ranges allow for optimal resolution matched to your sensing needs. Solid state circuitry eliminates drift (no internal potentiometers).
Laser Level Transmitters
ABB is a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art level and volume instrumentation for liquid and bulk solids detection. The family of non-contact laser volume and level products, LLT100, LM80, and LM200, provide solutions for accurate measurement in the following applications: inventory in bunkers, blending hoppers, reactor vessels, level control, volumetric measurement, and various dry bulk solids and liquids in silos.
Level Float Switch
The 2285 Level Float Switch is suitable for level switching of various liquids, sewage in shafts, tanks, basins or cisterns. The double-chambered float is made of injection molded tough polypropylene that ensures good waterproof protection.
Level Measurement
Level Measurement
AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration
B/W Controls uses the same advanced magnetostrictive technology as in Gemco products providing high accuracy and reliability for continuous liquid level measurement.
Level Measurement
As a market leader in level detection with the largest selection of agency approved level switch technologies, the K-TEK level products line has the proven technology to provide solutions for the most difficult liquids and solids level applications.
Level Measurement
Displacer level gauge for liquids from KOBOLD Instruments operates on the Archimedes principle. The level gauge's displacer tube rests inside the tank and is connected to the measuring unit via a spring. As liquid level increases, the buoyant forces of the liquid act on the displacer tube to reduce spring tension, allowing the spring to expand. The spring connects to a magnetic actuator, and the motion of the actuator is picked up by a magnetically linked indicator to yield the tank level measurement. The displacer level gauge is calibrated at the factory for the user's specified liquid density. Special designs with higher pressure or temperature ratings, as well as those made of exotic materials, are always available on request.
Level Monitoring
Magnetic level switches are used for the monitoring and control of liquid level in tanks. These level switches are specifically manufactured to customer specifications. The float switches are manufactured with a hermetically sealed contact which is located within the guide tube. The float sliding on the tube contains a ring magnet which activates the sealed contact in a non-contacting fashion. The sealed contacts are available as SPST (N/O or N/C) or SPDT (N/O + N/C). The float sliding up and down on the guide tube is the only moving part on the M-series magnetic float switches.
Liquid Level Sensor
The LevelMaster combines the industry’s most innovative hardware and software to address the unique custody-measurement and operational needs of tank-level management. The LevelMaster provides not only an accurate level gauge, but also an accurate measurement of the oil and water interface.Unlike other level-sensing technologies, LevelMaster provides precise levels without having to continuously adjust for changes in the unpredictable properties of storage-tank liquids. LevelMaster floats can measure oil, water, and emulsion levels up to 25 feet (7.6 m) deep, with a standard relative accuracy of 0.1 inch (2.5 mm) or optional high-precision relative accuracy of 0.05 inch (1.25 mm).
Liquid Level Switch
The Dynatrol® CL-10GH Liquid Level Detector and EC-501A(G) Control Unit is used for high, intermediate or low point level detection of liquids and slurries. A unique vibrating principle permits design and operation features not available with other types of liquid level detectors.
Liquid Level Switch
Is used for high, intermediate or low point level detection of liquids and slurries.
Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter
The Drexelbrook DM231 is an explosion proof liquid level transmitter offering high accuracy measurements based on the magnetostrictive sensing technology.The DM231 comes with a Modbus RTU digital output (optional analog output converter available) for total level, interface level and temperature sensor outputs. Sensors are available in 316SS rigid designs with a choice of single or dual NPT mountings. Temperature sensors are evenly distributed over the active length of the rigid 316SS tube.Due to a wide selection of floats and mounting accessories this level transmitter fits virtually any application.The DM231 level transmitter is FM approved for Class 1 Div. 1, Zone 1 Explosion Proof hazardous area installations. It is easy to install and requires no calibration.
Power Grid Devices Eimac
Communications & Power Industries
• Power levels up to 250 W to 2.5 kW• Air, liquid, and conduction cooling
Pressure transmitters measure process pressures as well as the levels of liquids, gases and vapours.
Pressure measurement
Powerful instruments for process pressure, differential pressure, level and flow. Whether pressure, level or flow, today pressure measurement technology is often used for measuring liquids, pastes and gases. With a wide range of sensor technology Endress+Hauser offer instruments with perfect fit for any kind of application.
Pressure/ Vacuum Sensors
There are three different types of pressures that can be measured using Premier Electrosystems' Pressure Sensors: Gauge, Absolute, and Differential. Gauge pressure is the pressure measured relative to the ambient atmospheric pressure.A typical application for a gauge pressure sensor is to measure liquid levels in a vented tank using the difference in hydrostatic pressure and ambient atmospheric pressure. Absolute pressure sensors will give the result relative to zero (a perfect vacuum). This is useful in applications where there is a direct effect of altitude on the pressure being measured. Differential pressure sensors measure the difference in pressure between two points. Differential pressure sensors are often used to monitor airflow in HVAC applications.