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Attract iron and are surrounded by a magnetic field.
Compass Theodolite
F. W. Breithaupt & Sohn GmbH & Co.KG
*Eccentric, bright scope for extremely steep aimings*Upright picture, 30x magnification*Centric precision compass with 100mm diameter*Graduation 1°, estimation 0,1°*Declination adjustment (± 30°)*Magnet needle with adjustable inclination weight*Additional horizontal circle with magnifier and direct reading 1‘*Cross levels for quick levelling up of the instrument*Made in Germany
Cryogen-Free DR With Integrated Magnet
Magnet thermally linked to cryocooler 2nd stage Ideal for smaller magnets up to 17 T or small vector magnets up to 7T / 2T / 2TSingle pulse tube cryocooler for cooling both magnet and DRMagnet operation at 700 mK or 4 KUse with top-loading probeFast Sample Change
Current Probe
Vernier Software & Technology, LLC
Simplify your experimental setup with the Go Direct Current Probe. It connects wirelessly via Bluetooth® or wired via USB to your device. The wireless connection eliminates additional cables that can clutter the lab bench. Capture small currents like those produced by a magnet falling through a coil.
DC Power Supplies
LPS Series
The LPS series power supplies are designed for various applications in semiconductor equipment along with OEM and industrial applications. Available for use in constant current or constant voltage applications they are available in power levels from 1,000 to 13,500 Watts. Common applications include heater, filament and magnet supplies along with test and burn-in applications. All models can be paralleled for increased power and custom configurations are available.
Differential Magnetoresistive Sensors
ChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
*Sensing over wide rotation speed range*Robust metallic housing*Signal amplitude is speed independent*Biasing magnet built-in*Best suited for harsh environments
Door Contact Sensor
Monitors access with a magnetic bridge sensor, which responds to any magnetic material (no special inserts necessary). Can also be used for monitoring side wall and covers. Includes mounting hardware. For normally closed circuit connection. 2-wire interface. Screw terminal. Maximum cable length: 1,000 ft. Wide actuating gap, approximately 1". Dimensions WxDxH (in): 0.5x0.5x2 (Switch), 0.5x0.5x2 (Magnet). Operating temperature: 32 to 158°F (0 to 70°C). Regulatory approvals: RoHS.
Drum Core Inductors
Drum core inductors are so named as the conductor (round magnet wire) is wound directly onto the ferrite core which is shaped like a drum or spool. The wire is then connected to the core, a plastic base or metal lead frame to form the surface mount termination. Drum core inductors come in unshielded (high saturation current but potentially more EMI) and shielded constructions (lower saturation current but closed magnetic path for lower EMI). The shielded constructions use either a second ferrite core or a magnetic resin epoxy to create the magnetic shield.
Elevator Drives
User friendliness is the emphasis of our drives. The keypad interface and programming are dedicated to elevator and escalator applications. The performance features are well-suited for both Induction and Permanent Magnet motors with the latest control functions.
Fast Ramping Magnet Systems
Cryogenic Ltd has developed a new range of fast-sweeping cryogen-free superconducting magnets using high-performance Nb3Sn coils. These magnets provide an ideal platform for XMCD and other polarity switching applications. No liquid cryogens are required offering superb economy and ease of use in comparison with liquid helium alternatives.
Free DR and High Field Magnet in Shared Vacuum Space
50 mm 4 K magnet bore, 30 mm sample space in DRSuitable for use with Leiden DR type CF200, CF450, CF650 or CF1000 DR
Free Room Temperature Bore magnet with Insertable DR
Room Temperature magnet bore 50 mm sample space in DR Suitable for use with Leiden DR type CF200, CF450, CF650 or CF1000 DR
Free Room Temperature Bore Systems
The cryomagnetic system contains the cryogen free room temperature bore superconducting magnet, cryostat, cryocooler and compressor, temperature monitor unit (nominally Lakeshore) and HTS current leads. The cooling for the magnet and cryostat housing is provided by a standard cryocooler with a base temperature of 4K. The magnet is designed to operate safely at the guaranteed field without quenching.
Group3 controllers
The Group3 controllers - the CNA and DNA - have a built-in PID algorithm, that allows them to perform local closed loop control. A controller, combined with a Group3 analog Hall probe forms a compact, inexpensive way to implement closed loop magnet control.
Hall Effect Magnet Kit
Permanent magnet - Neodium materials - +/- 0.03Tesla deviation can be made in a process of assembling magnet. - However, we indicates correct tesla strength measured by gaussmeter, before shipping magnet kit.
Hall Effect Measurement Equipment
The physical quantity of Hall Coefficient, Hall Mobility and Carrier Density etc. can be investigated by measuring at room temperature voltage occurred perpendicularly to the both magnetic field and constant-current when flowing constant-current perpendicularly to magnetic field from current source while applying magnetic field to sample set at the center of magnetic field of magnet.
Hall Effect Portable Gauss-Meters
300 Series
Integrity Design and Reseach Corp.
Typical Applications include Measurements of the Earth's field vectors, Air shipment inspection, Mapping and recording field perturbations, Magnet classification, Analysis of magnetic circuitry and components, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Measuring residual fields.
High field Superconducting Magnets
Cryogenic Ltd manufactures a wide range of superconducting magnets for research and industrial purposes. A range of standard solenoids between 1 to 22 Tesla is produced, and in addition split pair solenoids in the range 1 to 14 Tesla, with a typical central field homogeneity of 0.1%.
HyMPulse Pulsed Field Magnetometer
Metis Instruments & Equipment NV
Geometry independent M-measurement (patent pending): One probe fits all, no pole shoes per magnet geometry. Measure the actual magnet instead of a prepared standard size sample. Measurement of industrial shapes like segments, cylinders, bricks,... with one probe
Level Monitoring
Magnetic level switches are used for the monitoring and control of liquid level in tanks. These level switches are specifically manufactured to customer specifications. The float switches are manufactured with a hermetically sealed contact which is located within the guide tube. The float sliding on the tube contains a ring magnet which activates the sealed contact in a non-contacting fashion. The sealed contacts are available as SPST (N/O or N/C) or SPDT (N/O + N/C). The float sliding up and down on the guide tube is the only moving part on the M-series magnetic float switches.
Linear Hall Sensor
The output of a hall effect sensor is a voltage which changes in proportion to the shaft extension. A constant voltage is required across the supply and ground wires of the sensor. The sensor consists of a Hall Effect element, and a shaft which houses a magnet. When the position of the sensor changes relative to the shaft, the change in magnetic field in the sensor results in a change in output voltage.
Magcam MiniTable Working Platform
The MiniTable is a working platformin which the MiniCube1D or MiniCube3Dmagnetic field camera is built-in. Itis equipped with an adjustable and calibrated positioning frame that allows to accurately position smallmagnets in a reproducible way. The position of the frame can be adjusted in the XY plane in order to position magnets of different sizes.
Magnet Analyzer
Since miniaturization and high accuracy is the most important theme in the motor industry, a progression in the field of magnetizing ripple analysis is demanded. Taking advantage of our spindle motor design experiences, we develop and manufacture many magnet analyzers with high accuracy, functionality, and operability. We also produce a magnet analyzer which fulfills each customer's needs.
Magnetic Connectors
C.C.P. Contact Probes Co., LTD.
Easy to use and extremely smart. CCP has long-standing experience for magnet connectors
Magnetic Field Camera: mapping for MRI applications
MRI and NMR spectroscopy applications require a highly uniform magnetic field, within at most a few ppm. NMR is the only magnetic measurement technique capable of providing a field map with that degree of precision. Introduced 25 years ago, Metrolab’s NMR Magnetic Field Cameras have revolutionized field mapping for MRI magnets. They reduced acquisition times from hours to minutes, positioning errors to fractions of a millimeter, and they rendered human and drift errors negligible. Now, meet the latest generation NMR Magnetic Field Camera, the MFC2046! Map any magnet with the New generation of MFC probe arrays. Magnetometer Teslameter Gaussmeter
Magnetic Pole Indicator
identification of the field-direction of a magnet (north - south). It simply ascertains, fast and reliably the polarity of permanent magnets and electromagnets. This reliable device is simply to be served. It is indispensable for all industrial areas and fields of investigation which deal with magnetic applications.
Magnetic Probe
The perfect way to display the three-dimensional nature of the magnetic field (eg, magnetic field). Magnaprobe is a small magnet which is rotatably mounted in two directions. The magnetic north pole is red, the magnetic south pole is dyed blue.
Magnetic Resonance
Bruker's product portfolio in the field of magnetic resonance spectroscopy includes NMR, preclinical MRI, EPR and Time-Domain (TD) NMR. In addition. Bruker delivers the world's most comprehensive range of research tools enabling life science, materials science, analytical chemistry, process control and clinical research. Bruker is also the leading superconductor magnet and ultra high field magnet manufacturer for NMR and MRI solutions.
Magnetic Rotary 3 Click
Magnetic Rotary 3 Click is a compact add-on board for accurate magnet-position sensing. This board features the AS5147, an SPI-configurable high-resolution rotary position sensor for fast absolute angle measurement over a full 360-degree range from ams AG. The AS5147 position sensor suppresses the influence of any homogenous external stray magnetic field, equipped with a revolutionary integrated dynamic angle error compensation (DAEC™) with almost zero latency. It also comes with onboard headers reserved for incremental and commutation signals of their respective A/B/I and U/V/W signals alongside embedded self-diagnostics, including magnetic field strength too high, magnetic field strength too low or lost magnet, and other related diagnostic features. This Click board™ has been designed to support BLDC motor commutation for the most challenging automotive applications.
Magnetic Sensor Test
Cohu offers a big variety of magnetic test solutions applying magnetic field in all three dimensions. Depending on the requirements we can integrate coils with and without magnetic core, single- or Helmholtz coils, as well as permanent magnets, static and rotating.
Magnetic Speed Sensors
We offer the most comprehensive portfolio of magnetic speed sensors ICs, covering the full range of speed and speed with direction, two- and three-wire interface, magnetic encoder (ring magnet) and gear tooth sensing, Hall and GMR technology, and ASIL-compliant options for transmission, wheel speed, engine, e-motors, and many more encoder and gear tooth sensing applications.