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Measure pressure of gas and vapor.
Combustion Efficiency Analyzers
Test Products International, Inc.
Determine combustion efficiency, CO2, and CO air free. Some models include built-in differential manometer, combustible gas detection, PC communication, data logging, and can measure NO / NOX.
Compact Pressure Switches
These vacuum pressure switches based on Baratron® capacitance manometer technology provide relay outputs that are readily interfaced with alarms, valve actuators, computers, process controllers, load locks and other protection devices.
Compact Pressure Transducers And Switches
Compact Baratron® capacitance manometers are ideal for space constrained applications. Compact pressure transducers provide an analog output proportional to pressure, while compact pressure switches provide a relay output based on pressure.
Digital Manometer
KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik
LEO 1 is a micro-processor controlled, accurate and versatile digital pressure measuring instrument with integrated fast peak-, max.- and min.-function.The instrument is used in two modes:
Digital Manometer
Shenzhen Graigar Technology Co.,Ltd.
A manometer is a pressure measuring instrument, or pressure gauge, often limited to measuring pressures near to atmospheric. Manometers come in two types Analog Manometers and Digital manometers. Analog Manometers. An analog manometer is a U-tube shaped glass tube partially filled with liquid.
Digital Manometer
LEO Record (Ei)
KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik
LEO Record is an autonomous battery powered instrument with digital display designed to record pressure and temperature over long periods. Both the piezoresistive LEO Record as well as the capacitive LEO Record (ideal for low pressure ranges) offer the following advantages:
Digital Panel Mount Manometer
The PS409 self-contained digital indicator and pressure sensor is ideally suited for test panels in industrial and laboratory applications where accurate low-Pressure readings are required.
Digital Pressure Gauge
AMETEK Sensors, Test & Calibration
The m1 digital pressure gauge maintains 0.2% of reading accuracy from -10 to 50°C. Accuracy is not affected by dropping, over-pressure, vibration, temperature, or rapid pressure change. Available as a 30 psi digital manometer.
Flex-Tube U-Tube Dual Range Inclined Manometer
Use Series 1227 as a regular U-tube manometer to read high-range pressure on the right leg, or as an inclined manometer to read low-range pressure on the bottom leg. Simply incline manometer until fluid levels read zero. No spirit level required
Flex-Tube U-Tube Manometer
These inexpensive manometers measure positive, negative and differential pressures. Dwyer Flex-Tube U-Tube Manometers combine the inherent accuracy of the simple "U" Tube with the durability of tough, long-lasting plastic construction. Columns are of .375" O.D. flexible and shatter proof clear butyrate tubing.
Flex-Tube U-Tube Manometer
These inexpensive manometers measure positive, negative and differential pressures. Dwyer Flex-Tube U-Tube Manometers combine the inherent accuracy of the simple "U" Tube with the durability of tough, long-lasting plastic construction. Columns are of .375" O.D. flexible and shatter proof clear butyrate tubing.
Flex-Tube Well-Type Manometer
Dwyer Flex-Tube Well Type Manometers are designed to meet the need for a direct reading single column instrument providing highly accurate pressure readings; positive, negative or differential. Unlike other makes, Dwyer manometers have no hidden wells or packing glands
Flex-Tube Well-Type Manometer
Dwyer Flex-Tube Well Type Manometers are designed to meet the need for a direct reading single column instrument providing highly accurate pressure readings; positive, negative or differential. Unlike other makes, Dwyer manometers have no hidden wells or packing glands
Gas Pressure Manometer
Provide visual indication of pressure with the Series 1213 Gas Pressure Manometer. Designed for use with natural gas, the manometer can also be used to monitor any compatible gases up to 15 inches of water column
General Performance Absolute Pressure Transducers
These general performance Baratron® capacitance manometers are referenced to vacuum for absolute pressure measurement applications.
Handheld Digital Manometer
The Series HM28 Digital Hand-Held Manometer is a precision instrument designed to measure a wide range of pressures to a very high accuracy. The unit incorporates a variety of features in an easy to use format that makes it useful in a wide variety of applications
Handheld Digital Manometer
Measures Pressure, Flow and Velocity; ±0.5% Accuracy. The SERIES 477AV Handheld Digital Manometer is now available with pressure, flow, and velocity measurements along with a number of other convenient features. The built-in air velocity and flow calculations provide accuracy and conserve time and error associated with manual calculations. Also featured on this unit are adjustable zero and span values for calibrating in the field, as well as a damping feature to compensate for the fluctuating of readings.
Inclined Manometer Air Filter Gages
Dwyer Durablock Series 250-AF Gages are precision machined 1" thick solid acrylic plastic, virtually unbreakable and free of distortion. The fluid bore is precision drilled to .0002" to assure life long accuracy.
Manometer for Differential Pressure
An instrument for measuring the pressure acting on a column of fluid, especially one with a U-shaped tube of liquid in which a difference in the pressures acting in the two arms of the tube causes the liquid to reach different heights in the two arms.
Test Products International, Inc.
Single input vacuum gauge. 12,000 to 15 micron measurement range. 300 PSI over pressure. A safer instrument for your job.
We offer manometers to determine absolute pressure, negative pressure or differential pressure in air and liquids. All our manometers are controlled by micro processors to guarantee the highest accuracy. Our manometers display quick results and our technical staff will advise you regarding our measuring instruments.
Molded Plastic Manometers
Mark II
Dwyer Mark II series molded manometers are of the inclined and inclined-vertical types. The curved inclined-vertical tube of the Model 25 gage provides higher ranges with more easily read increments at low readings.
Partial Pressure Monitor for RGA
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
The PPM100 is a stand-alone controller/monitor for SRS residual gas analyzers. It measures partial pressures from SRS RGAs and total pressure from up to four capacitance manometers. Graphical output is available on a touchscreen LCD display.
Precision Multi-Functional Manometer
DM 9600
Large 2.8” Color, touch screenTemperature compensated pressure sensorAutomatic zeroing for long-term stabilityTwo (2) K type thermo-couple socketsSimultaneous display of pressure and temperature readings1000 points and 500 sites data memoryMicro SD card slotUSB charging and data downloadHands free operation via magnetic back case20-hour Lithium battery
Pressure Manometer
These devices indicate the difference between two pressures (differential pressure), or between a single pressure and atmosphere (gage pressure), when one side is open to atmosphere.
Pressure Manometer
The pressure manometer is designed to give technicians the laboratory-grade accuracy in a rugged, easy-to-use instrument.
Pressure (Manometers)
An instrument for measuring the pressure acting on a column of fluid, especially one with a U-shaped tube of liquid in which a difference in the pressures acting in the two arms of the tube causes the liquid to reach different heights in the two arms.
Solid Plastic Portable Gage
Dwyer solid plastic portable manometers are precision instruments in inclined and vertical (well-type) styles for the measurement of static pressure, vacuum or differential pressure. To assure the accuracy required in instruments of this type, all machining of bores and wells is to the highest standards of precision backed by Dwyer's years of experience in the fabrication of acrylic instruments.
Wet/Wet Handheld Digital Manometer
Series 490A
Liquid & Gas Pressure Measurement, ±0.5% FS Accuracy. The SERIES 490A Digital Manometers are versatile, hand-held, battery operated manometers available in several basic ranges for positive or positive differential pressure measurement and can tolerate most liquid media compatible with 316LSS. A new feature added to the Series 490A is a field adjustable damping, which allows the user to choose the level of display averaging rate corresponding to the fluctuation level common in many applications.
Cabin Leakage Tester
The Kanomax Cabin Leakage Tester pressurizes or depressurizes the automobile vehicle cabin to measure the changes in cabin pressure. The control unit consists of a manometer and pressure transducers. The manometer detects the leakage flow, which is calculated by measuring the nozzle pressure relative to static pressure. The tester controls an adjustable fan to maintain static test pressure.