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Correlation Analysis
EDM Modal Correlation Analysis allows the user to correlate two modal models; EMA and/or FEA models. Comparing the experimental data with that acquired through finite element analysis helps in validating the test results. Users can import the geometry model and mode shape data from FEA or EMA software. A modal mapping procedure is executed to match the EMA and FEA models. After this matching procedure, the new mode shape information from FEA is interpolated and the FEA modal parameters are displayed alongside with EMA results. Finally, to observe the correlation between the results from the two methods, a Cross-MAC matrix is calculated and shown.
D3S Drone Radiation Detector
The D3S Drone radiation detector is designed for gamma and neutron activity mapping. Using a lightweight drone designed to be easily carried and quickly deployed to provide CBRNE Homeland Security or civil nuclear workers. The D3S Drone is with a way to map radiation hotspots and patrol a large area quickly. The operator receives the real-time data transmission (counts per second) to a six-inch screen separate to the drone flight control screen.
External Pyrometric Camera for Combustion Thermal Monitoring
Pyroscan-U is specifically designed to perform thermal monitoring and mapping of any object inside a kiln, furnace, boiler or reactor, while looking at the area of interest through a standard window, from outside the combustion chamber. This megapixel pyrometric camera captures both visible and infrared HDR (High Dynamic Range) images of the burning zone.
Fixture Building Software
Tests show that FixGenius’ rule-based probe-mapping algorithms reduce pin deflection by up to 25% compared with traditional fixturing packages. FixGenius comes with a powerful Fixture Editor that allows the user to change the probe mapping. If a solution is mathematically possible, FixGenius’ algorithms will find it, and pick the one with least deflection. If the job simply cannot be done with one single fixture, FixGenius will fully automatically split the test into multiple fixtures or into fixture and flying probe test sets, with guaranteed test integrity.
Geomagnetometer w/Hall Probe
Integrity Design and Reseach Corp.
Typical applications: Earth's field vector measurement, air shipment inspection, mapping & recording field perturbations, etc.
GPS Datalogging
Taking locating to the next level. The PathTraq app allows for mapping, data logging and simplified file sharing of your locates.
Half-Cell Corrosion Mapping
Giatec XCell™ is a smart tablet-based NDT probe for fast, accurate and efficient detection and on-site analysis of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. Giatec XCell™ meets all the requirements of the ASTM C876 standard specification.
Hall Effect Portable Gauss-Meters
300 Series
Integrity Design and Reseach Corp.
Typical Applications include Measurements of the Earth's field vectors, Air shipment inspection, Mapping and recording field perturbations, Magnet classification, Analysis of magnetic circuitry and components, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Measuring residual fields.
In-Circuit Emulator
* Emulates XA Derivatives * 2MByte Code and Data Memory * Memory With Mapping Capabilities * Real-Time Trace * Frequency Range up to 30MHz @ 5V * Source-Level Debugger For C And Assembler * MS-Windows Debugger Software for Windows NT and 95 or Later * 3.3V And 5V Emulation Support * Support for ROMless and ROM Microcontrollers * PLCC Emulation headers
Infrared Cameras
Nowadays, temperature measurement is closely linked to this new type of equipment, capable of fully mapping any kind of surface. HT offers a wide range of Infrared Cameras for any kind of requirement and use.
kSA Scanning Pyro
For use on Veeco K465i and EPIK700 MOCVD reactors, the kSA Scanning Pyro performs automated temperature mapping in order to measure temperature variations across wafer carriers and wafers. Use it to tune heater zones and optimize process and hardware to achieve higher yields, wafer uniformity and device performance.
Low Cost Emulator
# Emulates 80C51 Microcontrollers and Derivatives# Real-Time Operation up to 40 MHz# 3.3V or 5V Voltage Operation# Source-Level Debugger for C, PLM and Assembler# DOS and MS-Windows Software# Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers# 64K of Code and 64K of Data Memory# Data Memory with Mapping Capabilities# Performance Analyzer# Real-Time and Conditional Breakpoints
Low Cost Emulator
* Emulates 8051 Derivatives with 6/12 Clocks/Cycle * 64K Code And 64K Data Memory * Memory With Mapping Capabilities * Real-Time Trace * Frequency Range up to 40MHz * Source-Level Debugger For C And Assembler * MS-Windows Debugger Software * Performance Analyzer * Emulation Header and Signal Testpoints * Serially Linked to IBM PC at 115Kbaud
Low Cost Emulator
# Real-Time and Transparent C251 Emulation# supports Intel MCS?251 and Atmel/W&M/Temic C251# Uses Bond-Out Technology# Maximum Frequency Support up to 24MHz# Source-Level Debugger for C, PLM and Assembler# MS-Windows Software# Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers# 256K Internal Memory# Memory Mapping Capabilities# Real-Time Trace
Magcam MiniCube1D
Magcam's MiniCube1Dmagnetic field camera provides quantitativeBz magnetic field mapping in a 12.7mm x 12.7mm 2D planewith 0.1mm spatial resolution, measured at high speed. The camera is based on Magcam's unique integrated 2D Hall sensor array technology, featuring more than 16000 microscopic magnetic field sensors on one single chip. Each sensor independently measures the local magnetic field, resulting in quantitative2D magnetic field maps with high spatial resolution, measured athigh speed. These magnetic field maps contain a large amount of information about the magnet's properties, which can be extracted using Magcam's powerful MagScope measurement and analysis software.
Magnetic Field Camera: mapping for MRI applications
MRI and NMR spectroscopy applications require a highly uniform magnetic field, within at most a few ppm. NMR is the only magnetic measurement technique capable of providing a field map with that degree of precision. Introduced 25 years ago, Metrolab’s NMR Magnetic Field Cameras have revolutionized field mapping for MRI magnets. They reduced acquisition times from hours to minutes, positioning errors to fractions of a millimeter, and they rendered human and drift errors negligible. Now, meet the latest generation NMR Magnetic Field Camera, the MFC2046! Map any magnet with the New generation of MFC probe arrays. Magnetometer Teslameter Gaussmeter
Micro-spot DUV Spectroscopic Reflectometry
FilmTek 2000 PAR
Scientific Computing International
A low-cost solution for high-throughput, fully-automated mapping of patterned wafers for development and production environments. Utilizes patented parabolic mirror technology to measure wavelengths from DUV to NIR with a spot size as small as 13µm. Fully user-customizable wafer mapping capabilities rapidly generate 2D and 3D data maps of any measured parameter.
Mining and Geochemistry Handheld XRF Analyzer
DELTA Mining & Geochemistry Handheld XRF Analyzers provide immediate results to help determine the next course of action for the entire process - exploration, ore grade/process control, environmental sustainability. On-site detection of metals, minerals & contaminants. GPS-GIS-XRF for instant metal mapping, time, cost savings
Modbus Plant Simulator
If you are an Industrial Control engineer or technician dealing with Modbus RTUs, PLCs, Drivers and SCADA servers, you must have Modbus TCP Plant Simulator is your toolbox. With this tool, you can test and verify your SCADA tag names, IO Server mappings, Modbus addresses, alarms, visualization displays, historians, reports, data communication channel throughput, controls, and more without deploying even one RTU or PLC.
Network Packet Brokers
A Network Packet Broker (NPB) is a device that optimizes the flow of traffic between TAP and SPAN connections and network monitoring, security and acceleration tools. By maintaining a many-to-many (M:M) port mapping of network ports to monitoring ports, they can direct network traffic efficiently, and filters can be applied to optimize bandwidth usage on the network. This also means that the performance of out-of-band tools increases as they receive only actionable data.
One click site mapping
PowerMapper is an automatic site mapping tool for information architects, usability analysts and web developers. It is used in more than 50 countries, by 30% of the Fortune 100, and major organizations like NASA and MIT.
PCI Express Cameras with high speed and resolution
4K, compact, high speed camera for: Flat panel inspection (FPD), printed circuit board (PCB) examination, solar panel analysis, persistent stadium and border security, wide area surveillance, cinematography, sports and entertainment, 360 panorama, UAV and Autonomous, Unmanned vehicles, aerial or city mapping.
Photoluminescence Mapping System
Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
With its unique optical design technology, the System detects and classifies defects that affect yield and uses advanced photoluminescence (PL) technology to enable real-time monitoring of MOCVD production processes.
Handheld pressure measurement system for collecting tactile pressure data.
Pressure Mapping
Measure pressure distribution between the human body and support surfaces such as seats, mattresses
Pressure Mapping
Tactile pressure measurement system utilizing a fully conforming array pressure sensor.