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colorless oderless gas with the chemical formula CH4.
Combustible Gas Detectors
A leak of natural gas (methane), propane or butane can cause an explosion in a basement with a sloppily installed unit as easily as it can in a coal mine. General sells these life-saving combustible gas detectors in various shapes and sizes, including pens and wands with a probe. Two models, the NGD268 & PNGD170 Combustible Gas Detectors even work from -40 to 158F, the extreme environment typical of mines and tunnel construction.
Combustible Monitor
SMC 5100-02-IT
The SMC 5100-02-IT gas sensor monitors combustible gases such as Methane, Hydrogen, Propane, and others. It is based on catalytic bead technology, a consistent and reliable method of detection that offers excellent response times to the target gases. The 5100-02-IT sensor offers multiple communication outputs including 4-20 mA and Modbus RTU.
Fixed Biomethane AnalyzerIOMETHANE ANALYZER
The BIOMETHANE 3000 is designed for high accuracy methane and oxygen readings for biomethane applications, providing customers with the peace of mind that at first stage production, they will have quality readings above the 95% methane level and below the 1% oxygen level.
Fixed Gas Find IR Camera
The FLIR GF77a is the first uncooled autonomous leak detection camera from FLIR designed specifically to visualize methane gas. This affordable, fixed-camera solution provides upstream and midstream gas processors, producers, or operators the features they need to continuously monitor for potentially dangerous, invisible methane leaks. Small and lightweight, the FLIR GF77a is packed with FLIR-patented features, such as High Sensitivity Mode (HSM), for improved gas visualization. The GF77a can help oil and gas companies maintain valuable capital equipment, avoid product loss, meet emissions reduction metrics, and ensure safer work practices.
Gas Analyzers
Here you will find gas analyzers that meet industry standards relating to personal safety and that are mainly used to detect and measure levels of methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide, oxygen and 50 other gases. The auto-calibration function allows for easy calibration. Some of them also possess the ability to store values and can later transfer data to a computer. One accessory is the manual aspirator, with this device, you can draw gas directly into the analyzer via a 2 m long tube with which you will be able to measure gas levels without having to be in direct contact to the gas source or to be able to determine the levels of gas in places that are difficult to access.
Gas Chromatograph for Analyzing Pure Argon
Chongqing Kailian Yongrun Industrial Co.,Ltd.
GC2010R pure argon analyzer performs trace analysis on H2, O2, N2, total carbon (CH4, CO, CO2) in pure argon. It is equiped with FID, TCD, methane converter, ten-way injection valve, special chromatographic column. The whole analysis is completed through one injection with ten-way injection valve.
Gas Concentration Analyzers
Picarro Gas Concentration Analyzers - Acetylene, Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Ethane, Ethylene, Ethylene Oxide, Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Flouride, Hydrogen Peroxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Oxygen, Water, etc.
Gas Detector — Methane, Butane, Propane
Use to detect leaks of combustible gas (methane, propane, butane, acetylene, etc.). Choose between two levels of detection. First level: Detects methane at concentrations in excess of 0.5%; Detects propane/iso-butane at concentrations in excess of 0.3%. Second level: Detects methane at concentrations in excess of 0.8%; Detects propane/iso-butane at concentrations in excess of 0.5%. Continuous air monitoring. Audible alarm signal: 94 dB at 1 foot. Relay specifications: level selectable, normally open or normally closed, 250V AC, max 5A. Maximum cable length: 1000 ft (305m). Powered by ENVIROMUX-2D/5D/16D. Regulatory approvals: CE.
Gas Isotope Analyzers
Picarro Gas Isotope Analyzers - δ13C, δ15N, δ17O, δ18O, δD, Isotopic Carbon Dioxide, Isotopic Methane, Isotopic Nitrous Oxide, Isotopic Oxygen, Isotopic Water, etc.
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer
Many chemical compounds are present in Earth’s atmosphere and are capable of acting as greenhouse gases capable of absorbing and emitting infrared radiation emitted by Earth. Many of the gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor among others, occur naturally in the atmosphere and also have anthropogenic (man-made) sources. Methane (CH4) is the second most important greenhouse gas in terms of concentration and impact on the climate.
Infrared Camera for Methane and VOC Detection
The FLIR GF300 detects methane, other hydrocarbon, and volatile organic compounds resulting from the production, transportation, and use of oil and natural gas. This camera can scan large areas and visualize potential gas leaks in real-time, so you can check thousands of components over the course of one survey. Designed with the user in mind, the GF300 is lightweight, offers both a viewfinder and LCD monitor, and has direct access to controls.
Infrared Camera for Methane and VOC Detection
The FLIR GF320 detects hydrocarbon and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from natural gas production and use. With this optical gas imaging camera, inspectors can check thousands of components and see potential gas leaks in real-time. The GF320 is lightweight, offers both a viewfinder and LCD monitor, and has direct access to controls. Embedded GPS data helps in identifying the precise location of faults and leaks, for faster repairs.
Infrared Combustible Gas Detector
SMC 4101-28
The SMC 4101-28 IR Gas Detector is a ruggedized instrument designed specifically for monitoring methane in high-vibration environments.
Open Path Infrared Detector
Ultima OPIR-5
Get continuous monitoring of methane, propane, and other combustible gases with this open path infrared detector. Provides 4-20 mA analog signals, as well as digital display and relay contacts.
Portable Leak Detection
Combustible Gases
Bacharach's portable, handheld combustible gas leak detectors allow for convenient and easy inspection and leak isolation of any combustible gas, including: Methane, Butane, Propane, and many more
Portable Methane Detector
The SEM5000 Portable Methane Detector is the ideal instrument for landfill surface emissions monitoring, reporting and detecting potential leaks at wellheads and surface penetrations. Thanks to our patented laser technology, the SEM5000 is selective, specifically to methane and is able to detect methane emissions from 0.5ppm to 100% concentration. The SEM5000 is ATEX Zone 1 certified and meets all Method 21 requirements, making it the perfect tool for regulatory compliance.
Industrial Gas Detectors
Seitron designs and manufactures detectors for methane, LPG, gasoline vapours and carbon monoxide (CO) for commercial and process industry use. Our detectors provide three communication protocols 4..20mA, Modbus and S-Bus (a proprietary protocol derived from Modbus). You can also choose between two types of housings: polycarbonate for industrial use or ATEX-certified for the installation of detectors in ATEX-classified areas.
Hardware Enabled SaaS Solution Quantifying Methane Emissions
NevadaNano’s MethaneTrack™ is a low cost network of rugged monitoring points to measure methane emissions and report leak location and size to the operator. Utilizing an Industrial IoT (IIoT) network to detect methane in the air, MethaneTrack™ detects fugitive and operational emissions from a site and immediately alerts the operator of the location and volume of the emissions, facilitating rapid response and repair. Autonomous, continuous monitoring enables up to 99% reduction in emissions while reducing operational costs and boosting profits.
MPS™ Flammable Gas Sensor
NevadaNano’s Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS™) Flammable Gas sensor is powering the next generation of combustible gas detection. The MPS delivers unprecedented reliability, accuracy, and worker safety by simultaneously detecting over a dozen of the most common combustible gases, including Hydrogen, Methane, Propane, Butane, and many more. We call this TrueLEL™. No other flammable gas sensor can accurately report 0-100% LEL across over a dozen different gases with just one factory calibration, the MPS never requires field calibration.
MPS™ Methane Gas Sensor
NevadaNano’s MPS™ Methane Gas Sensor quickly and accurately conducts methane gas leak detection in the most challenging environments – from Arctic wellheads to shale fields in South Texas. Immediate alerts and prioritization are made possible because real-time sensor arrays powered by the MPS Methane Gas Sensor continuously feed cloud-based monitors. 24/7 point detection is the ideal solution to achieve fast mitigation of fugitive methane emissions across the entire oil and gas supply chain.
Ambient VOC Analyzer
The EXPEC-2000 series VOC analyzer adopts three-valve four-column FID technology, which can measure methane, non-methane and BTEX simultaneously. This VOC instrument can be applied both in industrial emission and ambient air network round urban area.
GAS Detector
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This detector is design to detect the concentration of flammable gas (natural gas [Methane], propane, butane, liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas). The concentration of GAS will be indicated by LED and buzzer voice. It's a helpful appliance for home, room and factory detection.
Organics Analyzer
Model 6700U
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Teledyne’s 6700U leverages ultraviolet absorption (UVA) detection to measure for certain dissolved organic substances in water treatment and wastewater applications. Absorption of UV light at the 254 nm band is an indication of the presence of disinfection byproducts (DBPs), tri-halo methanes (TTHM) and halo-acetic acids (HAA). The 6700U provides an on-line measurement without reagents and utility gases required.
Portable Gas Leak Detector
Oxygas 500
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection
The Oxygas 500 compliments the Gascoseeker 500 with a similar performance, measuring % LEL and % volume flammable hydrocarbons, but with the addition of oxygen for either gas/air or gas/nitrogen/air purging. The Oxygas 500 has the following additional features; automated zero during start-up, manually selectable purge mode.The P-500 variant has an additional part per million (ppm) range of methane.The Oxygas 500 is easy to use with very simple training, as the operation of the instrument follows the operation of the purge cycle. The rugged design allows the Oxygas 500 to be used in harsh environments. The instrument is also fully compatible with our range of calibration software and equipment.
Portable LFG Analyzer
GEM5000 Series
The GEM™5000 is designed specifically for use on landfills to monitor Landfill Gas (LFG) Collection & Control Systems. The GEM™5000 samples and analyzes the methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen content of landfill gas with options for additional analysis.
Quantitative Optical Gas Imaging System for GF620/GFx320/GF320
The QL320 is a quantitative optical gas imaging (QOGI) system that allows surveyors to measure the leak rates for methane and other hydrocarbons. This eliminates the need for secondary sampling with a toxic vapor analyzer or similar tool. In addition, the QL320 does not require close contact with the gas in order to measure emission rates, making it a safer solution for quantifying difficult-to-measure gas leaks.
VOC Monitoring System
EXPEC-2000 VOC system is based on the principle of gas chromatography technology(GC-FID),it is of capable monitoring characteristic factors such as methane/non-methane hydrocarbons and benzene etc.
Gas Filters
WITT gas filters enable the finest filtering of impurities in technical gases such as acetylene, argon., oxygen, hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, helium, compressed air and ethylene. They thus protect downstream equipment and systems. Some gas filters are also referred to as gas cleaners.
Mobile Gas Flare
Small-sized and quickly ready-for-use gas flare for safe flaring applications of natural gas,hydrogen or other combustible gases.For reduction of operational methane emissions during commissioning and decommissioningof gas service lines in the house connection area (according German DVGW worksheet G 404).Suitbale for emptying of gas tank facilities.
VibraGas EX - gas leak detector
Small, rugged aluminium handheld gas leak detector withremote sensor on the swan neck and lighted display.Display of gas traces by audible, visual and vibrating alarm.measurement ranges: 0 to 10.000 ppm methane