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military aircraft and their stores electrical interconnection system.
See Also: MIL-STD, Mil-Std-1553
Sixteen Port MIL-STD-1760E/HS-1760 Lab Switch
Avionics Interface Technologies
AS5653B Compliant switch - Sixteen port non‐blocking switch with each port operational at 1.0625 Gbps - Crossbar design, with 34 Gbps total transmit and receive bandwidth - Controlled via RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 or SSH/SFTP over Ethernet - Monitor/Keyboard via VGA and USB ports - FPGA based design - Available as IP CORE
MIL-STD-1553 Eight-Channel PMC Board
The PMC HyperBoard is a multi-standard PCI Mezzanine Card that contains eight channels of MIL-STD-1553 communication. The board is compatible with MIL-STD-1553B and MIL-STD-1760. Each channel can be configured independently to work with H009 and WB-194 in conjunction with MIL-STD-1553.
MIL-STD-1553 Two-Channel PMC Board
The PMC HyperBoard is a multi-standard PCI Mezzanine Card that contains two channels of MIL-STD-1553 communication. The board is compatible with MIL-STD-1553B and MIL-STD-1760. Each channel can be configured independently to work with H009 and WB-194 in conjunction with MIL-STD-1553.
Common Armament Test Set
The MTS-209 is a state-of-the-art portable test set for various armament systems used on the F-16, F-15, F-18, TA-50, FA-50 and additional aircraft. The MTS-209 supports a wide range of Alternate Mission Equipment (AME) including launchers, pylons, and racks. It combines the test capabilities of an I-Level test set in a compact, rugged, flight-line qualified enclosure. The MTS-209 performs parametric functional tests on AME components including Launchers (LAU-117, 16S210, LAU-127,, LAU-128, LAU-129, LAU-7,etc.), bomb racks (MAU-12, MAU-50, SUU-20, TER-9, etc.), Remote Interface Units (RIUs) and Pylons. The MTS-209 can also test MIL-STD-1760 aircraft stations and weapon systems.
Module for VME & VXI Systems
EXC-4000VME/xx / EXC-4000VXI/xx
The EXC-4000VME/xx and EXC-4000VXI/xx cards for VME & VXI systems supports up to eight dual redundant MIL-STD-1760 channels using the M4K1553Px(S)-1760 module and is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 (A, B). Each channel can operate simultaneously as a Bus Controller and up to 32 Remote Terminals and as a Triggerable Monitor. In addition, Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words are supported on each channel.
The M4K1553Px(S)-1760 interface module for the multimode, multiprotocol, Excalibur 4000 family of carrier boards provide a complete solution for developing and testing MIL-STD-1760 interfaces and performing system simulation of the MIL-STD-1760 bus. The module handles all standard variations of the MIL-STD-1760 protocol.Each M4K1553Px-1760 multi function module contains 64K bytes of dual-port RAM for Data blocks, Control registers, and Look-up Tables. All Data blocks and Control registers are memory mapped, and may be accessed in real time. Each of the independent dual redundant M4K1553Px-1760 modules may be programmed to operate in one of three modes of operation: Remote Terminal, Bus Controller/Concurrent-RT, and Bus Monitor. In addition, modules 1 and 3 can be programmed to operate as Concurrent monitors, to modules 0 and 2 respectively.
PCIe Mini Card
Each channel of the EXC-1553mPCIe/P1-1760 operates simultaneously as a Bus Controller and/or multiple (up to 32) Remote Terminals, or as a Triggerable Bus Monitor. The card supports error injection and detection. The card’s small size and compatibility with notebook computers make it the perfect solution for performing system simulation of the MIL-STD-1760 bus, in the lab and in the field.
PCI Card
The EXC-8000PCIe104/xx card for PCI/104-Express systems supports up to four dual redundant 1760 channels using the M8K1553Px(S)-1760 module and is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 (A,B). In addition, Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words are supported on each channel.
Express Multi Protocol Board
The EXC-8000PCIe is a PCI Express card supporting up to eight independent 8000 family avionics communication modules, allowing multiple different protocols to be mixed and matched on a single card. Modules available include MIL-STD-1553, MIL-STD-1760, MMSI, ARINC-429, ARINC-708, ARINC-717, Serial, Discrete and CAN bus.The EXC-8000PCIe supports extensive error injection and detection capabilities, IRIG B Time Code input, and can be ordered with an extended operating temperature range of -40ºC to +85ºC and conformal coating. The EXC-8000PCIe is supplied with C drivers, including source code.
Rugged Ethernet System Supporting up to Four Independent 8000 Family Avionics Communication Modules
The ES-9810/xx is a rugged ethernet system supporting up to four independent 8000 family avionics communication modules, allowing multiple different protocols to be mixed and matched in a single system. Modules available include MIL-STD-1553, MIL-STD-1760, MMSI, ARINC-429, ARINC-708, ARINC-717, Serial, Discrete and CAN bus.The ES-9810/xx is supplied with C drivers, including source code. Mating connectors and cable adapters for I/O connection can be purchased seperately.
Interface for the Multimode, multiprotocol Excalibur 8000 Family of Carrier Boards, Providing a Complete Solution for Developing & Testing MIL-STD-1760 Interfaces
The M8K1760Px(S) interface module for the multimode, multiprotocol, Excalibur 8000 family of carrier boards provide a complete solution for developing and testing MIL-STD-1760 interfaces and performing system simulation of the MIL-STD-1760 bus. The module handles all standard variations of the MIL-STD-1760 protocol.Each M8K1553Px-1760 multi function module contains 64K bytes of dual-port RAM for Data blocks, Control registers, and Look-up Tables. All Data blocks and Control registers are memory mapped, and may be accessed in real time. Each of the independent dual redundant M8K1760Px modules may be programmed to operate in one of three modes of operation: Remote Terminal, Bus Controller/Concurrent-RT, and Bus Monitor. In addition, modules 1 and 3 can be programmed to operate as Concurrent monitors, to modules 0 and 2 respectively.In addition, Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words are supported on each channel, as well as, error injection (BC and RT modes) and error detection (all modes).Each M8K1760PxS single function module operates either as a Bus Controller, Remote Terminal, or Bus Monitor.The M8K1760Px(S) comes complete with Windows software, a C-driver software library including source code and may be used with Exalt, Excalibur’s Analysis and Laboratory Tools, a Windows monitoring application
Interface for Two Dual Redundant 1760 Channels
This credit card sized interface supports up to two dual redundant 1760 channels and is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 providing a wide range of features normally found only on full size testers.Multi FunctionEach channel of the EXC-1553ExCard/Px-1760 operates simultaneously as a Bus controller and/or multiple (up to 32) Remote Terminals, or as a Triggerable Bus Monitor. The card supports error injection and detection. The card’s small size and compatibility with notebook computers make it the perfect solution for performing system simulation of the MIL-STD-1760 bus, in the lab and in the field. Single Function Each channel of the EXC-1553ExCard/PxS-1760 operates either as a Bus Controller, Remote Terminal, or Bus Monitor.The EXC-1553ExCard/Px-1760 and EXC-1553ExCard/PxS-1760 cards are supplied with C drivers, including source code, Merlin+ Windows software and may be used with Exalt, Excalibur’s Analysis and Laboratory Tools, a Windows monitoring application.Note: Some laptops do not supply the average and peak power voltages required by the ExpressCard specification. The EXC-1553ExCard/Px-1760 may not function properly in these laptops.
Multi-Channel (Up to Four) MIL-STF-1760 Interface Board for Conduction Cooled PCI Mezzanine Card Compatible Computers
The EXC-1553ccPMC/Px(S)-1760 is a multi-channel (up to four) MIL-STD-1760 interface board for conduction cooled PCI Mezzanine Card compatible computers. In addition, Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words are supported on each channel. Multi Function:Each channel operates simultaneously as a Bus controller and/or multiple (up to 32) Remote Terminals, or as a Triggerable Bus Monitor. In addition, error injection (BC and RT modes), error detection (all modes) and cableless internal loopback are supported on each channel. Single Function:Each channel operates either as a Bus Controller, Remote Terminal, or Bus Monitor.Each dual redundant 1760 channel can operate simultaneously as a Bus Controller and up to 32 Remote Terminals and as a Triggerable Monitor. In addition, error injection (BC and RT modes), error detection (all modes) and cableless internal loopback are supported on each channel. The EXC-1553ccPMC/Px(S)-1760 is supplied with C drivers, including source code, and Merlin+ Windows software.
Interface for Two Dual-Redundant 1760 Channels
This credit card sized interface supports up to two dual redundant 1760 channels and is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 providing a wide range of features normally found only on full size testers. Each channel of the EXC-1553PCMCIA/Px-1760 operates simultaneously as a Bus controller and/or multiple (up to 32) Remote Terminals, or as a Triggerable Bus Monitor. The card supports Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words as well as error injection and error detection. The card’s small size and compatibility with notebook computers make it the perfect solution for performing system simulation of the MIL-STD-1553 bus, in the lab and in the field.The EXC-1553PCMCIA/Px-1760 card is supplied with C drivers, including source code, Merlin+ Windows software and may be used with Exalt, Excalibur’s Analysis and Laboratory Tools, a Windows monitoring application.
Intelligent, Single- or Dual-Channel MIL-STD-1760 Adapter
The EXC-1553UNET/Px-1760 is an intelligent, single- or dual-channel, MIL-STD-1760 adapter. Its small size and ability to interface through USB or Ethernet interfaces make it a complete solution for developing, testing and performing system simulation of the MIL-STD-1760 bus, both in the lab and in the field.The EXC-1553UNET/Px-1760 shares its API with the entire Px family so that applications currently running on PCI, PCIe, ExCARD or PCMCIA boards will run without change on this device.Multiple units can operate via USB ports on the same computer. In addition, multiple units can operate on the same network, by programming each one with a unique IP address, and can be accessed from any computer on the network.In addition the EXC-1553UNET/Px(S)-1760 provides 8 I/O Discrete signals and an IRIG B input.
Longbow Launcher / LEA Test Set
The TS-201 is a state-of-the-art I-Level and Depot level test set for MIL-STD-1760 and legacy armament systems including launchers and bomb racks.
The MIL-STD-1760 interface card is compatible with all common variations of MIL-STD-1760 and provides a wide range of features normally found only on full size testers. The cards can operate simultaneously as a Bus Controller and/or multiple (up to 32) Remote Terminals, or as a Triggerable Bus Monitor. The card supports Checksum, SRQ bit and Header Words as well as error injection and error detection.
AIM System Solutions
AIM can provide a wide range of customized solutions:*Special-to Type Test Equipment (STTE)*High Level Bus Analysers (HLBA)*Data Acquisition Recording & Simulation Systems*Aircraft Ground Equipment (AGE)*MIL-STD-1760 Weapon Test Sets*Fibre optic MIL-STD-1553 Stub/ARINC429 Link Extension System (FoMIS/FoL)
1 Channel, MIL-STD-1553/1760 Communications Interface
Based on the MIL-STD-1553 signal and interface backbone, MIL-STD-1760 defines a standardized electrical interface to address additional aircraft weapons stores management and as such, includes some special requirements. The FTJ module meets the operational requirements within the general specifications of MIL-STD-1760 as applied to an integrated I/O function module, and include special designed holt transceivers to ensure signal parameter operation and integrity.
2 Channels, MIL-STD-1553/1760 Communications Interface
Based on the MIL-STD-1553 signal and interface backbone, MIL-STD-1760 defines a standardized electrical interface to address additional aircraft weapons stores management and as such, includes some special requirements. The FTK module meets the operational requirements within the general specifications of MIL-STD-1760 as applied to an integrated I/O function module, and include special designed holt transceivers to ensure signal parameter operation and integrity.