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World-class instruments for measuring moisture content from the pioneer in the field. All Computrac moisture analyzers are made in the USA and backed by the best customer support and method development expertise in the industry.
Concrete Moisture Test Meter
Rapid RH 4.0 EX
The Rapid RH 4.0 EX concrete test is superior to all other humidity measurement systems on the market today. Rapid RH 4.0 EX concrete moisture tests equilibrate faster than other concrete moisture tests. The reading taken one hour after installation for concrete relative humidity content will be within 3% of the final reading.
Data Logger
The Series BDL Button Data Logger records temperatures in applications where size and cost effectiveness are key. The BDL is housed in a stainless steel case and is water resistant, making it durable in hostile environments where excessive moisture is present.
Data Logger with Temperature & Relative Humidity Probe
The TGP-4505 has a temperature and relative humidity probe with a 1.5m cable length. This unit features a coated RH sensor that has good resistance to moisture and condensation, ensuring measurement reliability.
DSE Moisture Meters
Our Moisture Meters are suitable for any biomass and are today used in many different applications. The technical principle is based on microwaves being sent through the bale of biomass from one side to the other thus measuring a huge amount of material, and hereby ensuring that the moisture value calculated is not only based on a small random sample.
Electronic Printers
Easy-to-Use Printers, Supporting Good Laboratory Practice The EP-100 and EP-110 electronic printers for Shimadzu balances are easy-to-use, provide time and signature information, and support Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Supported balance models include: AP; AW-D, AUW, AUX and AUY; ATX and ATY; AT-R; UP; UW and UX; TX; TXB; BL; ELB; BW-K and BX-K; and the MOC63u moisture balance.
Fertilizer / Moisture / Temperature Soil Sensor
The sensor can remain permanently in the ground and transmits the measured data wirelessly over an IoT net to a server or to a local control center, where they can be used for large area monitoring of soil data (big-data) and also for the automatic control of irrigation and for precisely dosed fertilization. In addition to the total fertilizer content, the sensor can measure the content of nitrogen, potash and the pH value.
Gas Analyzers
Mobile, Table Top, Inline, Ambient Air Monitoring and Moisture Measurement gas analysers.
Gas Dew Point Tester
HDWS-142 SF6
HD Power Test Equipment
HDWS-142 SF6 Gas Dew Point Tester is an ideal tester for controlling the dry point at low dew point in the industry environment, which is used to measure precisely trace moisture that sample contains . With the chemical removal options, it can perform accurate and stable measurement in the environment of high concentration of chemicals and cleaners, ensuring accurate measure at the interval of every calibration.
Gas Moisture & Sulfur Analyzers
Get fast responses and wide measurement ranges for reliable emissions monitoring. Our gas moisture and sulfur analyzers provide a solution for continuous and accurate determination of total sulfur in flare gas (high and low ranges), allowing sulfur emissions in process heaters and flares to be successfully monitored by petroleum refineries requiring compliance.
Guardian HD Web Profiling Series
Accurate moisture, coat weight and film thickness profile measurement for process control in paper and film converting applications.
Hand Held Microwave Moisture MeterFor Water/Cement Ratios of Fresh Concrete
The James Cementometer represents a break-through in modern moisture measurement technology. By utilizing the latest microwave and microprocessor science, the Cementometer can determine the moisture content of freshly mixed cement, concrete, and mortar. Simply insert the prongs of the probe into the material to be measured and instantaneously the water cement ratio is shown on the easy to read display.
High Purity Gas Measurements
DF High Purity
When your processes need high purity gas measurements for oxygen and moisture, DF analyzers deliver industry-leading performance that reaches down to the very lowest ultra-trace levels. Utilizing the exceptional sensing capabilities of Servomex’s coulometric and TDL sensing technologies for the measurement of oxygen and moisture respectively, DF analyzers are optimized for a sensitive and stable analysis at ppm, ppb and ppt levels.
I2C Soil Moisture Sensor
Capacitive soil moisture sensor interfaced via I2C. Additionaly provides ambient light and temperature readings. Open Source Hardware. Soil moisture sensing, Light sensing, Temperature sensing.
Watlow Electric Manufacturing Company
Watlow''s temperature and process indicators are ideal for displaying measurements of temperature and other process variables; such as flow, pressure and relative humidity. They are moisture resistant and include bright, four-character LED displays, user-selectable temperature units, sensor break protection, agency approvals including UL®, CE, RoHS compliance and multiple mounting options such as DIN-rail or panel mount configurations.
Industrial Transmitters
Measure and monitor humidity, dew point, carbon dioxide, moisture in oil, temperature and pressure.
Intrinsically Safe Relay
Model SSR-15 Intrinsically Safe Relay offers low power switching with solid state reliability and eliminates explosive conditions. Units are completely encapsulated and impervious to dust, moisture, or foreign material. Model SSR-15 can be mounted in any orientation and is shock and vibration resistant
Karl Fischer Titration
Coulometric Karl Fischer titration is the ideal method to determine low moisture and water contents in samples (0.001 to 1% water content).
KF Moisture Titrator
Hybrid titration methodEasy factor determination by “Electrolytic Factor Measurement System”Unique integrated “Hybrid titration cell” of both “Volumetric titration method” & “Coulometric titration method”
KilnScout-Softwood: Wireless Kiln Moisture Meter System
KilnScout-Softwood is an integrated wireless moisture system for batch and continuous kilns. The system provides real-time moisture measurements for drying optimization and control strategies. Each sensor measures 17 cubic feet providing an accurate representation of product moisture content during drying.
Lab Moisture Analyzer
PC-Based laboratory/production Moisture Analyzer connects through the RS-232 Serial Port. For nuts, granules, powders, pellets, chips or flakes. Complete with:– MCPC-RS Test Chamber– Windows PC-Based Software– Two Sample Cups– Dial Thermometer– Standard Block– RS-232 Cable (10 Feet)– USB to RS232 Adapter– Operating Instructions Manual– 115VAC/60HZ Wall Transformer
Legacy Liquid Detection Rope Sensor
For warning of flooding. Detects liquid depth >0.1" (2.5 mm). Minimum puddle: 0.6" (15 mm) diameter. 100% waterproof electronics. Detects any liquid or moisture, except deionized water. RJ45 connector. Voltage Supply: 12VDC. Current Consumption: 20mA. Supports CAT5/5e/6 cable up to 1,000 ft. (305 m). Available water sensor cable (x) lengths: 1/10/50/100/200/400/600/800/1000 feet. Plenum rating: CL2P (UL). Available 2-wire cable (y) lengths: 5/10/20/50/100 feet. Powered by ENVIROMUX-SEMS-16U and SERIMUX-S-x. Regulatory approvals: CE, RoHS. Requires the ENVIROMUX-SEMS-16U and SERIMUX-S-x to operate. Use self-adhesive clips (ENVIROMUX-CLP10-LD) to prevent sensor rope cable from shifing after installation. ENVIROMUX-CLP10-LD includes 10 clips.
Line Scan Moisture Imager
Bodkin Design & Engineering, llc
Line scan camera built for measuring product on a moving conveyor. Infrared spectral filtering permits moisture and hydrocarbon imaging for process control.
Lumber Moisture Measurement Systems
Improved moisture control has emerged as an important process improvement element in the forest products industry as mills continue to focus on profitability and yield. SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors provides the industry’s widest-used end-to-end line of integrated moisture measurement systems and related process optimization tools for the sawmill, kiln and planer.
Material Moisture Meters
The testo 606-2 moisture meter measures the moisture content in wood, building materials and the surrounding environment. This allows you to check storage and drying conditions quickly and easily.
MicrowaveDrying Oven
SAM 255
The SAM-255 now with IntelliTemp Infrared temperature control provides rapid drying of all types of samples. The SAM-255 Workstation can analyze large-sized samples for moisture or solids.
Model DG-9 (Universal Voltage)
Designed for semi-solids; powdered, granular or textile materials; and pliable sheets in rolls or stacks. Optional needle electrodes and sensitivity modules which allow for a wide range of moisture measurements. Rechargeable NiMH batteries save hassle and money of battery replacement.
Model MCPC: Lab Moisture Analyzer
PC-Based lab/production moisture analyzer connects through RS-232 Serial Port. Designed for nuts, granules, powders, pellets, chips, or flakes. Includes two sample cups, MCPC-RS test chamber, windows PC-based software, and more. See product link for complete features and minimum computer requirements.
Moisture Analyzer
TESTEX Testing Equipment Systems Ltd.
Fast halogen heating (1ºC increments to 200ºC in 30secs), Repeatability 0.015% (10g sample), choice of units, statistics, manual, timed and auto stop modes (mg/s); 4 temperature profiles (standard, fast, ramp, step); audible feedback; selectable print intervals; storage of up to 50 drying programs with statistics, text prompts and scrolling menus to guide user through set-up and analysis.
Moisture Analyzer
Napco Precision Instruments Co
Moisture Analyzer is configured on the basis of high-precision electronic balance weighing sensor and high-efficiency secondary heat radiation device, Moisture analyzer can achieve rapid and accurate determination of the water. Moisture analyzer is a thermodynamic theory based on the material after drying by the weight and wet weight than the percentage of access to content and gouache other results.