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Drone Sensors
Sentera drone sensors deliver unrivaled performance and consistently beat competitors in price, quality and function. Our sensors produce high-quality, context-rich color and near-infrared (NIR) image data to deliver unsurpassed NDVI data to growers. Our state-of-the-art design and deep base of field experience enable us to produce sensors that deliver meaningful and actionable insights to our customers.
Ethernet Cameras
HT Series
Our cameras are available with resolutions of 2, 4, 12, and 20 megapixels in monochrome, color, or near-infrared enhanced (NIR) with full frame rates of up to 338fps, 179fps, 84fps, and 32fps respectively (we can also provide taped on glass). As the first 10GigE industrial digital camera series in the world, our HT cameras obtain their high performance from industrial CMOS sensors with Global Shutter technology in combination with the cross-industry standard 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GigE) interface.
Femtosecond Fiber Lasers
Best in class femtosecond fiber lasers: highest output power, lowest phase noise, highest reliability. Choose the perfect model for your application from our Erbium and Ytterbium fiber lasers with center emission wavelengths from the visible to the NIR, and extending to the Mid-IR in selected models.
FT-NIR Spectrometer
L1390021 - Spectrum Two N
The Spectrum Two N™ is a high-performance, yet robust and transportable FT-NIR system platform enabling simple, reliable NIR analyses. It’s the perfect system for labs that need to combine high-end performance with the ease-of-use features of a portable instrument, allowing users with different levels of expertise, from novice to seasoned professionals, to be proficient with it in no time.
High-Speed Cameras for Spectroscopy
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
The BLAZE® is the ideal camera for low-light spectroscopy detection, delivering extremely high sensitivity over the visible and NIR range. With low dark current and fast speed, the BLAZE offers a QE above 90% at 450 nm, 98% at 900 nm and 75% at 1000 nm
High Speed Video Camera Image Intensifier
UVi 2550 Series
The Invisible® Vision UVi series of camera accessory intensifiers are designed to add low light, extended spectral range (from UV to NIR) and fast gating in a compact and all inclusive, easy to use lens coupled package. Typical applications are in combustion, electric discharge, biomedical and ultra-high speed stroboscopic or shuttering techniques with high speed or conventional video cameras.
High Speed Video Camera Image Intensifier
UVi 1850 Series
The Invisible® Vision UVi series of camera accessory intensifiers are designed to add low light, extended spectral range (from UV to NIR) and fast gating in a compact and all inclusive, easy to use lens coupled package. Typical applications are in combustion, electric discharge, biomedical and ultra-high speed stroboscopic or shuttering techniques with high speed or conventional video cameras.
Incoherent Sources
Our Incoherent Sources include unmounted LEDs, mounted LEDs, collimated LEDs, LED light sources, superluminescent diodes, and broadband light sources. Our collimated LEDs are particularly popular and are compatible with many microscopes. Versions are available with center wavelengths from the UV into the NIR or that emit white light.
Infraneo NIR Analyzer
The Infraneo is a multi-purpose infrared whole and powdered grain analyzer with results in 60 seconds no matter how many parameters are measured. A single device to analyze whole grains, flour, brans and other powdered products including semolina, couscous, and bulgur.
IR Detectors
IR detectors have been a part of our standard product range at LASER COMPONENTS for almost three decades. A distinction is made between sensors for the near infrared range (NIR) from 1.0 µm to 2.5 µm and those for the mid-infrared range (MIR) above 2.5 µm. IR detectors of all modes of operation are a part of our product portfolio and leave nothing to be desired.
Light Sources
Modular sources are available for illumination, excitation and calibration, with options for UV, Visible and NIR wavelengths.
Line Scan Camera
Piranha4 Multispectral
The new Piranha4 quadlinear RGB + NIR / Mono cameras provide industry leading speeds to meet future requirements of higher throughput in multi-spectral imaging applications.Based on Teledyne DALSA’s unique CMOS linescan technology, the Piranha4 multi-spectral camera delivers superb color plus near-infrared (NIR) fidelity, spectrally independent outputs, all in a compact footprint and with an easy to use interface. New features include multiple regions of interest for data reduction and regional calibration, sub-pixel spatial correction, white balance and color calibration tools.
Machine Vision Cameras
Manta Series
High-performance industrial cameras with a large choice of sensors, modular options and built-in image optimization. VGA to 12 Megapixels. CCD and CMOS (Sony, CMOSIS). Up to 125 fps. NIR versions, board level option.
Micro-spot DUV Spectroscopic Reflectometry
FilmTek 2000 PAR
Scientific Computing International
A low-cost solution for high-throughput, fully-automated mapping of patterned wafers for development and production environments. Utilizes patented parabolic mirror technology to measure wavelengths from DUV to NIR with a spot size as small as 13µm. Fully user-customizable wafer mapping capabilities rapidly generate 2D and 3D data maps of any measured parameter.
NIR Analyser
Perten DA 7250
The DA 7250 is Perten’s latest At-Line and Lab NIR analyser, providing fast and accurate results in 6 seconds. It combines outstanding analytical accuracy with speed, ease of use and ruggedness to make it an all-in-one At-Line and Lab solution for many requirements.
NIR Food Analyzers
PerkinElmer is a leading supplier of IR and NIR instruments with more than 40 years' experience from developing solutions for the food and agricultural industries. Our expertise is unparalleled with deep knowledge in fields such as spectroscopy, chemometrics, Artificial Intelligence and software development. We offer the broadest portfolio in the market, with dedicated analyzers for specific applications like grain and dairy, as well as general purpose instruments suitable for a wide range of users, both for lab-based analysis as well as on-line process measurements.
NIR Grain Analyser
Perten Inframatic 8800
Portable NIR Instrument for protein, moisture and oil determination in grain and oilseed. The design is rugged, robust and simple to operate, but sophisticated enough to provide accuracy similar to elevator and lab instruments.
NIR Hyperspectral Imaging
Push broom imaging is a technique that enables acquiring hyperspectral images or hyperspectral imaging. Each pixel of the image will thus contain an NIR or visible spectrum. This technology uses one dimension of a 2D sensor for measuring a line of the sample (x dimension).
NIR Macro Lens
With the ML-4 macro lens, Korima takes the job to an even higher level of certainty and simplicity. Through the ML-4, failure analysts can examine an entire microcircuit at once--rather than in a sequence of small, individual areas.
NIR Systems
NIR spectroscopy is a proven analytical method guaranteeing reliable and efficient process monitoring and control in a wide range of process applications.
OMNIR: On-Line Near Infrared Sensor
OMNIR is the future of near infrared moisture sensing technology. Coming from OMNI, meaning “all” and NIR, meaning “near infrared,” Finna Sensors has created an intelligent all-sensing solution that exceeds expectations. It not only delivers accurate data instantaneously and non-destructively, it also monitors its own health to perform its best during your crucial processing moments. By selectively harnessing light, to ensure increased uptime and greater profitability for your operation, the future of your manufacturing operation starts now.
Photoluminescence Microspectrometers
Photoluminescence Microspectrometer: an instrument designed to measure the fluorescence, photoluminescence, and emission spectra of microscopic samples with excitation in the UV, visible and NIR regions. our revolutionary technologies that include a range of microspectrophotometer, UV-Vis-NIR microscope, Raman microspectrometer, NIST traceable standards, accessories and software solutions.
Product Range
Introducing Protea's new range of laser gas analysers - Solus. The Solus platform represents an extension of Protea's spectroscopic gas analysis equipment into laser based technology, allowing for highly selective, quick response and low range measurements of 1 or 2 gases in a cost-effective, re-configurable package. Solus utilises the latest in Tunable Laser Diode Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), together with the best in micromachining technology, to deliver a precisely controlled narrow wavelength that can be tuned over a small range. The narrow linewidth allows for selection of precise spectral absorbance in the NIR region, free from cross-interferences of other absorbing gases. For some tuning ranges, a number of gases can be measured by tuning a single laser diode e.g. NH3 and H2O.
SiTek Standard PSD
The SiTek Standard PSD (Position Sensing Detector) has high resolution, fast response and outstanding linearity. It is used in a wide variety of applications, most of them utilizing light sources in the visible or near-infrared part of the spectrum. The spectral range covers the region 400 - 1100 nm. Thanks to SiTek's proprietary AR-coating, optimized around 860 nm, a reflection loss of only 2% is achieved around the responsivity peak. Most of the detectors have a cover window to avoid handling damages.
SLD Light Source
The SLD light source is a light source to emit low-coherence light with a broad spectrum like LED and high brightness like LD. Light emitted from a narrow active layer like LD effectively couple to the fiber. SLD light source can be used for optical measurements and sensors, including fiber optic gyroscopes and OCT. FiberLabs provides fiber-output SLD light sources in different wavelength bands from visible to near-infrared light. Our lineup includes bench-top types convenient for experiments and easy-to-integrate module types.
SMART III NIR Moisture Sensor
Rapidly analyzes the surface of material using near infrared technology. Ideal for continuous, non-destructive moisture measurement and coat weight in 0% - 60% range. Additional upgrades include scaling, grain control, auto-ranging and rapid calibration.
SparkFun Spectral Sensor Breakout
AS7263 NIR (Qwiic)
The SparkFun AS7263 Near Infrared (NIR) Spectral Sensor Breakout brings spectroscopy to the palm of your hand, making it easier than ever to measure and characterize how different materials absorb and reflect different wavelengths of light. The AS7263 Breakout is unique in its ability to communicate by both an I2C interface and serial interface using AT commands. Hookup is easy, thanks to the Qwiic connectors attached to the board --- simply plug one end of the Qwiic cable into the breakout and the other into one of the Qwiic shields, then stack the board on a development board. You’ll be ready to upload a sketch to start taking spectroscopy measurements in no time.
SpectraStar XT NIR Analyzer Series
Fast and High-Performance NIR Analyzers for Laboratory and At-Line Analysis. Typical constituents measured are moisture, protein, fat, sugar and fibers, as well as more difficult parameters such as ash and amino acids.
CD spectropolarimeter specifically optimized for both steady state and rapid kinetics applications. The CD spectrometer guarantees excellent performance: sensitivity, precision, speed and modularity from far-UV to NIR region.
Compact, versatile spectrometers covering UV, Visible and NIR wavelengths are available for lab, field and process solutions.