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> 100 nm size particle.
See Also: Particle, Airborne Particle, Dynamic Light Scattering
Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer
ZetaView® Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer for hydrodynamic Particle Size, Zeta Potential and Concentration. With ZetaView® individual particle tracking, classical micro-electrophoresis and Brownian motion are presented as modern analysis tools. Auto-alignment and auto-focusing make the “Seeing is Believing” principle user friendly. By sub-volume scanning robust results of zeta potential and size histograms are derived from thousands of particles.
Achieves high contrast and high transmission for the UV, VIS, NIR, and Mid-IR ranges with a wide acceptance angle of ±20°. The prolate silver nano-particles are embedded inside the glass which results in high durability, wide temperature range, and easy cleaning.
Nanoparticle Analyzer
nanoPartica SZ-100V2 Series
A highly advanced analyzer solves the mysteries of the nano-world. A single device analyzes the three parameters that characterize nanoparticles: particle size, zeta potential, and molecular weight.
Centrifugal Nanoparticle Analyzer
Partica Centrifuge CN-300
With a measurement range of 10 nm - 40 μm, the Partica CENTRIFUGE CN-300 applies centrifugal force of up to 30,000g and uses temperature control to produce accurate measurement results for a variety of samples.Developed based on customer feedback and improving upon existing and new HORIBA technologies, the result is an analyzer that provides safe and reliable operation while also being easy to use.
Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
ViewSizer 3000
Exosomes? Virus? Nanoparticle? Use multiple lasers for complete, detailed analysis of all the particles in your sample.Exosomes, viruses, and nanoparticles all have wide size distributions which defeat traditional Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) analyzers. The ViewSizer 3000 features simultaneous measurement with three lasers to collect the most accurate distribution and concentration information over a wide range of sizes within the same sample. Where the signal from a particle is too bright and saturates the detector from one laser, the software automatically uses data from a lower power laser to ensure the most accurate size and concentration information. On the other hand, when scattering from one laser is too weak for detection, the software uses data from a higher power laser to accurately track the particle.
Smallest Multimetric Nanoparticle Detector
partector 2
Naneos Particle Solutions gmbh
The naneos partector 2 is the world's smallest multimetric nanoparticle detector. The partector 2 uses dual non-contact detection stages to measure not only lung-deposited surface area like the partector 2 Light, but also particle number concentration and average particle diameter. Additionally, ultrafine particle (UFP) surface and ultrafine particle mass concentrations are calculated and displayed. In contrast to some of our competitors, the UFP mass is displayed online, and it is calculated using the measured diameter of the particles, rather than estimated by a simple multiplier for LDSA.
Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) Foils
An intense laser beam is used to evaporate carbon from a graphitic sputter target. In the process, the graphite structure of the source material is converted into nano-particles, which deposit on prepared substrates as diamond-like carbon. The properties of these unique carbon foils make them useful in a variety of applications, in particular beam stripping, as backings for accelerator targets or x-ray attenuators.
Sample Analysis Services
Postnova Analytics offers a variety of unique sample analysis services for the characterization of biopolymers, proteins, liposomes and nanoparticles. Our European Application Laboratory Center EAC and our American Application Laboratory Center AAC represent the worldwide biggest and most advanced labs offering sample analysis services based on Field-Flow Fractionation and Light Scattering.
NTA Particle Size Analyzers
NanoSight Range
The Malvern Panalytical NanoSight range of instruments utilizes Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) to characterize nanoparticles from 10nm -2000nm* in solution. Each particle is individually but simultaneously analyzed by direct observation and measurement of diffusion events. This particle-by-particle methodology produces high resolution results for nanoparticle size distribution and concentration, while visual validation provides users with additional confidence in their data. Both particle size and concentration are measured, while a fluorescence mode provides differentiation of intrinsic or fluorescently labelled nanoparticles.
TEM Sampler
Naneos Particle Solutions gmbh
The naneos partector TEM sampler is the perfect marriage between simplicity and power: You can use it as a simple survey instrument to quickly identify nanoparticle sources in workplaces. You can also use it to sample particles directly to a standard transmission electron microscope (TEM) grid.
Benchtop Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) Instrument
Non-destructive measurement of particle size and size distribution.Rigaku NANOPIX mini is the world’s first benchtop small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) system that is engineered to deliver automatic nanoparticle size distribution analysis for both quality control (QC) and research and development (R&D) applications. Nanoparticle size, size distribution, and particle shape are the key pieces of information obtained from SAXS. Samples may range from solutions, suspensions or slurries to solid plastics, rubbers or polymers.
Polydisperse Generators
This type of generator is typically capable of spraying aqueous solutions (e.g. salt), suspensions (e.g. PSL, nanoparticles), or oil or alike substances. They serve a variety of applications from laboratory research field tests of detectors, and filter testing.
Aerosol Generators & Dispersers
Aerosol generators and dispersers play a vital role in producing the defined aerosol required for an array of aerosol testing, production, and research. Applications requiring aerosol generation are very diverse, and include, but are certainly not limited to, filter testing, deposition of nanoparticles onto surfaces, vacuum-cleaner performance tests, and calibration of aerosol instruments.
Dynamic Light Scattering Systems
Since the release of the UPA in 1990, Microtrac would go on to become the preferred manufacturer of Dynamic Light Scattering instrumentation for nano-particle measurements. What makes our systems unique is our proprietary approach to Dynamic Light Scattering, which allows us to measure from sub-nanometer to several microns, in addition to, the ability to characterize the widest concentration range on the market.