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High-Frequency Test Coil
West Coast Custom Designs, LLC
is most commonly used by the neon industry for detecting leaks in a pumping system; the spark generated by the coil via the solid tip, will enter the tube through the leak and become bright white at the point at which it enters.
High Voltage Isolator for Logic Analyzers
The LX-08 series of high voltage logic analyzer adapters provides a safe isolated method of measuring high voltage control signals with a low voltage logic analyzer. All inbound signals are optically isolated and attenuated to a safe level for the delicate inputs typically found on logic analyzers. The inputs on the LX-08 are capable of withstanding voltages up to +/- 300V AC/DC, higher voltage configurations are available upon request. Rather than probing with multiple neon screwdrivers, the LX-08 can provide simultaneous viewing of up to 8 circuits in the STANDALONE mode via the indicator array. Need to catch a transient event or map out a timing sequence? Just add a logic analyzer to the outputs of the LX-08 and turn it into a high voltage logic analyzer. High voltage signals that were hazardous for a logic analyzer can now be measured safely. Typical outputs of a high speed PLC sequencer can be precisely timed and measured from both sides of the control relay. With the built in user selectable AC filter circuit, an AC signal can be measured as DC events or AC cycles.
HV AC Test Set
K&S Engineering and Scientific Ltd
The output is continuously variable from zero to 10 kV by means of the panel mounted regulator. An output trip is fitted which operates when the output exceeds 25 mA switches off the test set and operates a neon overload indicator. Primary protection is provided by two panel mounted fuses. The output is protected by the output trip and a magnetic/hydraulic circuit breaker.
HV DC Test Set
K&S Engineering and Scientific Ltd
The output is continuously variable from zero to 10 kV by means of the panel mounted regulator. An output trip is fitted which operates when the output exceeds 25 mA switches off the test set and operates a neon overload indicator. Primary protection is provided by two panel mounted fuses. The output is protected by the output trip and a magnetic/hydraulic circuit breaker.
Market Leading Inspection Yield with Uncompromised Throughput
Neon is Cohu’s next generation inspection platform optimized for small, fragile semiconductors used in automotive, consumer, industrial and medical, and mobility applications.
Personnel Tracker
NEON Personnel Tracker is an enterprise-class indoor location solution for industrial, security, public safety, and defense applications. NEON Personnel Tracker uses TRX''s patented NEON Indoor Location Software to deliver 3D location to the NEON Command software, providing clear visualization of personnel as they operate indoors or in other places were GPS does not work. Centralized, cloud-connected configuration tools enable easy 3D building creation and tools to add and geo-reference floor plans.
Temperature Measurement IR Sensors & Detectors
S25 TO-5
A single-channel silicon-based thermopile that offers the smallest single element active area size at 0.25mm x 0.25mm in a TO-5 package. Delivers a fast 18ms time constant in Argon encapsulation gas and even faster with Neon gas at 9ms. Delivers a very low Temperature Coefficient of Responsivity of -0.04%/C.
Helium Neon Laser whose frequency is stabilized to saturated absorption lines of Iodine molecules.
9VT Neon Tube Tester
West Coast Custom Designs, LLC
When the antenna and/or the Disc are touched to the tubing wall or electrode wires, the tester will cause the viable tubing to illuminate.
AA Neon Tube Tester
West Coast Custom Designs, LLC
When the antenna is touched to the tubing wall or electrode wires, the tester will cause the viable tubing to illuminate in a pulsating manor. This pulsing feature is fantastic for testing neon in bright sunlight as it is easier to see the light when flashing.
E-Z Check® Circuit Tester
*Tests for correct wiring, open ground, reverse polarity, open hot, open neutral, hot on neutral, hot and ground reversed with open hot in 3 wire, 120 VAC circuits*Simulates ground fault for testing GFCIs*No-slip ergonomic design maximizes comfort*Premium neon lamps prevent false readings*Tough, impact-resistant case*2-year warranty
NEON Signal Mapper
The NEON® Signal Mapper application leverages key parts of TRX’s patented NEON Location Service including sensor fusion and mapping algorithms that enable real-time 3D location and mapping within buildings. Signal Mapper’s ability to locate and geo-reference users where GPS is not available simplifies and dramatically reduces the time required for map indoor signal and sensor data.Deployed with only a small, wearable accessory and an Android device, NEON Signal Mapper is the ideal solution for professionals who conduct in-building testing of public safety and commercial networks, including public safety organizations, network operators, and indoor wireless network installers.
Portable Slimline Tube Tester
Battery powered high-frequency generator for testing pumped neon tubes and fluorescent lamps, operates on 4 AA batteries. Tube being tested will illuminate in a pulsating manner if “good”. Includes leather case. 6-7/8” long x 1-1/2” wide x 3/4” deep. Batteries not included.
90-300V AC/DC Twin-Lead Circuit Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*Handy pocket clip.*Bright neon indicator.*With UL and cUL Approval.*Insulated housing and test leads.*Check voltage on 90-300V AC/DC.*Built-in lamp will glow if the circuit is live.
90-300V AC/DC Voltage Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*Handy pocket clip.*With cETL Approval.*Bright neon indicator.*Insulated housing and test leads.*Check voltage on 90-300V AC/DC.*Built-in lamp will glow if the circuit is live.
80-500V AC/DC Twin-Lead Circuit Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*Handy pocket-clip.*Bright neon indicator.*With UL and cUL Approval.*Insulated housing and test leads.*Check voltage on 80-500V AC/DC.*Built-in lamp will glow if circuit is live.
120-480V AC/DC 4-way Circuit Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*With ETL and cETL Approval.*Bright neon AC/DC indicator.*Unique features with convenient pocket up.*Check voltage on 120V, 240V, 277V and 480V AC/DC.*Individual indicator for each voltage range assures reliability.*Reinforced casing and twin flexible test leads store in housing.*The easy way to test, which you can use one hand by our unique design to test outlets.
100-250V AC/DC Voltage Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
Voltage Tester is designed to make reliable, safe and easy testing of voltage, with standard handhold to make it easy to use. There are visibility neon to offer clear indication and adding test lead holders spaced to fit the outlet. These features combined with a durable ABS housing and with UL and cUL approvals make the choice of professionals.
110-460V AC/DC 4-way Circuit Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*With UL and cUL Approval.*Bright neon AC/DC indicator.*Unique features with convenient pocket up.*Check voltage on 110V, 220V, 277V and 460V AC/DC.*Individual indicator for each voltage range assures reliability.*Reinforced casing and twin flexible test leads store in housing.
80-250V AC/DC Voltage Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*Handy pocket clip.*With cETL Approval.*Bright neon indicator.*Insulated housing and test leads.*Check voltage on 80-250V AC/DC.
100-250V AC/DC Voltage Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*Check voltage on 100-250V AC/DC.*Built-in neon lamp for 120V and 240V AC/DC.*Large, high visibility neon indicator positively identifies the presence of voltage.
Neon Tube Tester
- Convenient testing tool for trouble shooting.- "Torch" shape design with body-fitting leather mini-case, perfect for carrying.- Safe on button design with accidental turn-on protection;- Use only 4AA battery.
NEON Squad Tracker
Accurate location information is critical for enabling improved navigation, situational awareness, targeting, and mapping. GPS-may be denied in triple canopy, urban canyons or indoor and subterranean environments, and can be easily jammed or spoofed. NEON Squad Tracker uses a suite of patented algorithms to opportunistically fuse inertial sensor data, GPS (including resilient GPS sources), warfighter waypoint check-in), and ultrawideband shared constraints and "dropped beacons", along with position location information from third party systems sources (psueodolite, satellite, etc.) to deliver reliable GPS-denied location. Features:Sensor fusion for dismount personnelFlexible 3rd party constraint processingIntegrates with resilient PNT sourcesWarfighter map/waypoint check-inUWB ranging and constraint sharingOperation indoor, underground, and outdoorsAPI delivers warfighter location, motion, gait
Neon Bar Checker
TAKK?s Model 9195 Neon Bar Checker offers a quick and inexpensive means of determining if static eliminator bars are functioning. The conveniently small pen size unit indicates that each bar emitter is performing properly by the activation of a neon light signal. Static eliminator bars may malfunction due to transformer defects, shorts in the system, need to be cleaned, etc. The bar tester may be used with shockless or ?hot? static control equipment.
Neon Transmitter
Shanghai Yiya Electronic Instrument Co., Ltd.
Asphalt resin filled and vacuum potted. Patented magnetic core at low consumption. Heavey duty metal box and coated power. User Friendly-Adapts to most grounding situations.
Neon Equipment & Materials
Shanghai Yiya Electronic Instrument Co., Ltd.
Neon Equipment & Materials
Phosphorus CoatingColor Checker
West Coast Custom Designs, LLC
*Check and verify the color of phosphoresce coating on raw sticks of neon tubing.*Hold up to the end of phosphorus coated tubes and turn on, will show color.*Built-in safety features.*Hand held and portable. *Small and compact. Folds for easy storage.*Power tester from four AAA batteries - not Included.*Power tester with included Macro USB cord - not for charging batteries.*One Year Limited Warranty. *No Returns - All Sales Final.
Multi-Volt Twin-Lead Tester
Checks and indicates voltage on circuits up to 460 volts, AC or DC.Tests for DC polarity, frequency, and polyphase line.Four separate bright neon AC/DC indicators indicate voltage being tested 110, 220, 277 or 460 volts.Reinforced test leads, stored in the case, and furnished with probes on the ends.Reinforced casing.
Vol-Con® Solenoid Voltage Tester
*Extremely rugged and reliable*Vibrates when AC voltage is present*Indicates AC/DC voltage level*Replaceable leads with shielded probe tips (IEC61010-031 compliant)*Bright, long-life LED™s and neon indicator lamp*Dual voltage indication for backup safety*2-year warranty
120/240V AC/DC And 277/480V AC Universal Voltage Tester
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
*Standard receptacle voltage.*Built-in 4 highlight neon lamp indicators.*Long lead connects with tester body and probe.*4-way check voltage on 120/240V AC/DC and 277/480V AC.