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Compound Microscope
EXC-400 Microscope Series
400 Series is designed for a broad range of microscopy applications in clinical, academic and research environments. While ideal for routine observations, the EXC-400 can be configured for several contrast methods including brightfield, phase contrast, polarized light, Gout analysis, and fluorescence featuring integrated LED illumination and Chroma® filter sets.
Downconverter for the 21cm Bandvalon
1440MHz inputLow noise figure LNA 0.3dB 20 KHigh gain >40dB8-pole ceramic dielectric input filterHigh dynamic range, low-spurious responses Rugged milled aluminum housingRFI shielded constructionDesigned for use with Valon 5009 as LOSuitable for hydrogen line observation and general radio astronomy in the 21cm band.6Vdc @ 400mAIncludes 20” dc power supply cable
The EMORAL LIDAR observations at the PolWET site in Rzecin, Poland, on 10 June 2019. The scattering ratio (top), quasi-particle depolarization ratio (middle), and backscatter colour ratio (bottom) derived at 532 nm with 30 m spatial and 30 s temporal resolutions
HES Spectrometers
ISI’s standard HES spectrometer offers a 100-fold increase in throughput over conventional systems currently available. This increased throughput can lead to a superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for a given observation over a Czerny Turner instrument. The HES spectrometer contains no moving parts and yet offers the advantages of a Michelson Interferometer with the spectral properties of a traditional diffraction grating-based device, such as a Czerny Turner spectrometer.
High-Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope
The new HR-SPM scanning probe microscope uses frequency detection. his instrument is not only capable of ultra-high resolution observations in air or liquids, but for the first time enables observations of hydration/solvation layers at solid-liquid interfaces.
Horizontal Digital Microscope
The microscope is configured with 1.3M HD industrial camera. VGA image output interface, can be connected to the computer and monitor directly. clear and vivid image, image freeze, auto exposure, dual cross lines , 8 mobile cross lines, color is variable, convenient observation and positioning. Camera is equipped with remote control panel, which makes the operation much easier
ICP-OES Analyzer
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
The SPECTRO ARCOS ICP-OES excels in industrial and academic applications for the most advanced elemental analysis of metals, chemicals, petrochemicals, and other materials.Its unique new MultiView plasma interface option provides truly uncompromising axial-view and radial-view plasma observation in a single instrument. The periscope-free MultiView mechanism lets an operator literally "turn" a radial-view instrument into an axial-view device, or vice-versa, in 90 seconds or less. Visit the MultiView Q&A section in the ARCOS Resource Center for answers to frequently asked questions. Plasma power enters a whole new era with the system's innovative generator. This unique, compact and extremely rugged component is based on laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) technology. It delivers the highest plasma power available today, enabling previously impossible feats of analysis at the highest plasma loads.
Imaging & Analysis
Microscopes offered by Buehler generally fall into the categories of stereo microscopes, upright microscopes, or inverted microscopes. Inverted microscopes are commonly referred to as metallurgical microscopes. Microscopes may offer episcopic (reflected light) observation, diascopic (transmitted light) observation, or both possibilities. Illumination may be delivered in bright field mode (BF) or dark field mode (DF), and several techniques such as differential interference contrast (DIC) and polarized light microscopy make use of the nature of light to reveal specific pieces of information when studying materials.
Industrial Microscope for Materials Science & Industrial Applications
Designed with modularity in mind, the BX3M series provide versatility for a wide variety of materials science and industrial applications. With improved integration with OLYMPUS Stream software, the BX3M provides a seamless workflow for standard microscopy and digital imaging users from observation to report creation.
Inverted Metallurgical Microscope
Designed for use in the steel, automotive, electronics, and other manufacturing industries, the GX53 microscope delivers crisp images that can be difficult to capture using conventional microscopy observation methods. When combined with OLYMPUS Stream image analysis software, the microscope streamlines the inspection process from observation to image analysis and reporting.
Laser Scanning Microscope
The LEXT OLS4100 is a Laser Scanning Microscope to perform non-contact 3D observations and measurements of surface features at 10 nanometer resolutions. It also features a fast image acquisition and a high-resolution image over a wider area.
Laser Scanning Microscopes
The Olympus FLUOVIEW confocal microscopes are designed for high-resolution, confocal observation of both fixed and living cells, enabling visualization deep within samples. From the New FV3000, optimized for the most robust interactive live cell and tissue experiments, to easy-to-use high content imaging, explore the wide range of options with Olympus exclusive optical technologies.
Logger version optical fast DO sensor
Rinko I is an autonomously deployable data logger with a fast response optical DO sensor. The instrument and the software with various operating mode offer flexible observations in the field. The small-sized and the self-contained unit with batteries and a data logger can be easily integrated on platforms (e.g. CTDs). Rinko ID has a depth sensor, allowing for DO vertical distribution measurements.
Logger version super wide range turbidity sensor with wiper
Infinity-Turbi is an autonomously deployable data logger for long-term turbidity measurements. With dual sensors for low (0 to 1,000 FTU) and high (0 to 100,000 ppm) ranges, the instrument can provide Highly accurate turbidity measurements in normal to muddy water. Infinity-Turbi has a mechanical wiper to keep the optical window clean, making long-term observations possible. The instrument has temperature and depth sensors as standard as well, and matches various measuring situations and applications.
Miniature High Resolution Underwater Color CCD Camera
The Teledyne Bowtech L3C/LCC-720-L miniature high resolution underwater colour CCD camera (with six integral high intensity LEDs) provides a low cost solution to general underwater viewing and observation, down to 1,000, 4,000 or 6,000 metres in confined spaces.
Multi-Parameter Profiler
fastCTDplus Chlorophyll a
An evolution of the miniCTD, the fastCTDplus multi-parameter profiler is designed to deliver the highest quality CTD and Chlorophyll a observations at fast drop rates.
Multi-Parameter Profiler
fastCTDplus Rhodamine
An evolution of the miniCTD, the fastCTDplus multi-parameter profiler is designed to deliver the highest quality CTD and Rhodamine observations at fast drop rates.
New High-Definition Color Microscope Camera
The DS-Fi3 is equipped with a 5.9 megapixel CMOS image sensor, which enables the capture of high-definition images of up to 2880 x 2048 pixels. With a new CMOS image sensor and high-speed data transfer via USB3.0, the DS-Fi3 enables fast focusing even in high-resolution imaging, and efficient image acquisition when using a wide range of illumination techniques. The DS-Fi3 has significantly higher quantum efficiency and lower readout noise than conventional models. It allows the capture of brighter images with higher S/N ratios in fluorescence observation.
Optical and Radio Telescopes
Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc
Opening up a window on the universe, Mitsubishi Electric optical and radio telescopes are at the cutting edge of worldwide space observation. Applying extensive experience and expertise in this area, the company is playing a major role in international space research projects, utilizing industry-leading technologies and high-precision instruments that are contributing to further advances in human knowledge.
PC Edition Ynit
"RH-2000" is a digital microscope which can evolve and customize. 2D Measurement, 3D Measurement, and Tilting. "RH-2000" enables you to make a high performance observation and analysis.
Pocket-size PAR logger
DEFI2-L is a high-precision photometer for long-term observations (up to 573 days for 1 minute interval observation). The cosine correction allows the sensor to have an excellent spectral sensitivity even when the light source is not directly above the sensor. Also, AAA alkaline batteries used by DEFI2-L are easily available, reducing the operating costs.
Positional Current Probe, PCB Track Touch And Measure
I-prober 520
Current measurement from insulated probing of conductorSuitable for observation and measurement of current in PCB tracks, component leads and ground planesWide dynamic range of 10mA to 20A peak to peakWide bandwidth of DC to 5MHzLow noise figure equivalent to <6mA rms at full B/WSafety rated to 300V Cat II (600V Cat 1)Suitable for connection to any oscilloscopeHigh accuracy general purpose H-field probeConverts to 'closed magnetic circuit' current probe
Retroreflectivity Goniometer System
The 933 Retroreflective Workstation measures retroreflection (RA) and the retroreflective color of materials. The 933 contains a 3-axis motorized goniometer that features continuously adjustable β1 (-60° to 60°), β2 (-60° to 60°), and ε (-180° to 180°) angles, as well as a motorized, continuously adjustable α (0.2° to 2°) angle mechanism. The observation angle on the color detector is fixed at 0.33°.
RF Milli-Voltmeter 100Hz-100MHz
FEATURESSmall size probe provides convenient measurement on devices in miniature. And its detachable design reduces your work in servicing. Large scale LCD display offers an easy observation. Tact-switches are used for longer duration. More over.
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
JEOL JSM-6610 LV LaboratoryScanning electron microscopy (SEM) uses electrons for imaging to obtain higher magnifications and greater depth of field than light microscopes. The instruments at MEE are capable of variable-pressure, or low vacuum, SEM (VPSEM), as well as traditional high-vacuum conditions for sample observation. VPSEM is a specialized method using a variable-pressure sample chamber that allows direct evaluation of samples that are not readily examined with a traditional high-vacuum SEM. Nonconductive or vacuum sensitive samples that would typically require additional sample preparation can be directly analyzed in VPSEM without the need for additional sample preparation, such as carbon or metallic conductive coatings. This reduces both sample preparation time and distractions in microanalysis. Our laboratory also has a field emission SEM (FESEM) for critical high-magnification work and low-voltage (LVSEM) applications. Each instrument has a spacious sample chamber that can accommodate large and irregularly-shaped specimens and accessories for feature dimensional analysis and chemical microanalysis.
Scanning Probe Microscope
Making the Unknown Visible Scanning probe microscope (SPM) is a generic term for microscopes that scan sample surfaces with an extremely sharp probe to observe their three-dimensional image or local properties at high magnifications. The SPM-9700HT takes high-throughput observations to the next level.
Surface Analysis
Dimension FastScan Bio
The Dimension FastScan Bio Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) breaks longstanding barriers to provide routine high-resolution research of biological dynamics, with temporal resolution up to 3 frames per second for live sample observations. Furthermore, it does this while making the AFM easier to use than ever before.
Surface Analysis
Shimadzu offers a range of instruments that are ideal for all sample forms handled by customers in the fields of steel, non-ferrous metals, environment, foods, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, ceramics, and polymers. EPMA/SEM offers analysis of targets from several centimeters to several microns; XPS offers analysis from several millimeters to several microns; and SPM permits observations from over a hundred microns to several nanometers.
Ultra-Wide Underwater HD Camera
The Teledyne Bowtech Surveyor-HD-Pro ultra-wide underwater HD camera is designed to provide the widest angle of view, whilst remaining compact and very competitively priced. The camera is ideal for ROV inspection tasks, scientific observation and broadcast applications.Video output is available as HD or HD-SDI over fibre.
Versatile Test Stand
Applied Scientific Instrumentation
*Base is a Breadboard on 25 mm centers tapped for M6 screws with threaded holes for risers for TE/TI-2000, TE-300, IX-71/81, DMI, and MS-2000 stages.*Base feet provide vibration isolation.*Z riser is adjustable on pillar blocks.*Z motion from LS-50, LS-100, or LS-150 linear stage.*Z illumination can use LED, LED and a Condenser (from below), or fiber illumination (from above).*Observation is with a Modular Infinity Microscope.