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standard digital way to represent audio.
Compact PCI Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-cP 3U Compact PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers the greatest flexibility in the industry by incorporating up to 10 functions typically encountered in flight test applications in a single 3U Compact-PCI card slot. Five functions are achieved on the main board (PCM Simulator which can also operate as a BERT, PCM Decommutator, IRIG Time CodeReader, IRIG Time Code Generator, and the same 5 functions can be achieved on the LS-55-DB Multi-Function Decom Daughterboard. CVSD Voice Decoding and h.261 Video Decoding are achieved through software.
Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer for Rates up to 45 Mbps
The Lumistar LS-45-DB Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digitaldesign assures a high performance, consistent product, with excellent reliability and long-term stability. Dual channel design can feed each channel of the LS-55-DD dual decom. The LS-45-DB also has a post D combiner that allows for optimal ratiocombining of the two input signals A unique Built-in-Test feature allows performance verification for the Bit Synchronizer to ensure the highest level of operation. Auto-test BIT is performed for a short duration on the application of power and tests more than 90% of the Bit Synchronizer components. This test verifies that power is properly applied, verifies that there are no internal bit errors, and performs other tests to ensure that the bit synchronizer is fully operational with status indication of results. Command-test BIT performs the same functions and can be initiated by the user at any time through the Lumistar software when used on Lumistar PC products. The user has the ability to generate internal pseudo-random patterns and calculate internal bit error rates with or without the injection of forced errors.Various status indicators are also available through the software. The Bit Synchronizer also contains a BER reader as well as frame sync pattern indicator.
Dual Channel Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-55-DD PCI Dual Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers two multifunction decoms and two optional bit synchronizers (LS-45) in a single PCI card slot. The multi-function decoms are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulators,decommutators, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through a low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice, h.261 video, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
Dynamic Data Simulator
The Lumistar LS-70-S PCI Dynamic Data Simulator allows complex data streams to be generated for evaluation of bit synchronizers and PCM decommutator performance. It can also be used for uplink command generation to vehicles in flight, checkout of complete telemetry links, and playback of archived hard drive data in any format with the appropriate dll. The PCI board is only 7 inches long and contains the dynamic simulator and IRIG Time Code Generator.
PCI Bit Synchronizer
The Lumistar LS-40-P PCI Bit Synchronizer provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digital design assures a consistent product with high reliability and long-term stability. The LS-40-P PCI Bit Synchronizer consists of the LS-40-DB Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard shown below mounted on a PCI carrier board.
PCM-FM Transmitter
Model: DS-5220
The S-Band PCM/FM Transmitter is a synthesized microwave signal source providing low phase noise with a high level signal output. The unit can be set to any frequency within the band of design via a USB or RS-232/422/485 computer command. The oscillator is phase locked to an internal TCXO reference. The oscillator provides a stable low noise source for PCM data transmission.
Rugged MIL-STD-1553 Ethernet Data Logging & Acquisition Module
Avionics Interface Technologies
(2) Redundant MIL-STD-1553 bus interfaces (Transformer and Direct coupled) - (2) 10/100/1000-BASE-T Ethernet LAN Interfaces with POE - (2)PCM Output (up to 20Mbps) - (1) RS-232 Serial Interface - Streams select MIL-STD-1553 bus data & parameters over Ethernet - Supports Data Logging, Data Analysis, and Flight Test Data Recording applications - Timestamp synchronization to IEEE 1588 and IRIG-B - Full MIL-STD-1553 Bus Error Detection - MIL-STD-810G Compliant - Small, compact package 6in X 1.9in X 1.5in
Telemetry Simulators & Test Transmitters
Command Data Telemetry Simulators offer a dynamic way to create or change a PCM data stream on a word by word basis on the fly. This PCM data stream can be used to modulate an FM or SOQPSK RF output at S-Band or L-Band. In addition to simulating a new telemetry stream, the telemetry simulators can play back and loop an archived data file (which can also be changed on the fly) or create pseudo-random patterns.
Telephone Line, PCM and Other Copper Wire Tester
Wuhan Sunma Technology Co., Ltd.
SunmaFiber Tel Line, PCM and Other Copper Wire Tester is developed for the fault testing of local telephone circuit using internationally advanced measuring technique in connection with the current situation of domestic telephone network. The instrument is of portable structure, and specially designed for the use of telecom and exchanger room operating staffs, line attendants, mobile phone servicing staffs and etc.
2nd Generation PCIe Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-E PCIe Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers a PCM decom, PCM simulator, time code reader/generator, and optional bit synchronizer in a single short PCIe card slot. The multi-function decom and simulator is implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulator, decommutator, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through an optional low-profiledaughterboard. CVSD voice decoding, h.261 videodecoding, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achievedthrough software.
2nd Generation PCI Multi-function Decommutator
The Lumistar LS-50-D PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers a PCM decom, PCM simulator, time code reader/generator, and optional bit synchronizer in a single short PCI card slot. The multi-function decom and simulator are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulator, decommutator, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through an optional low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice decoding, h.261 video decoding, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
Battery Pack PCM Test Equipment
Xiamen WinAck Battery Technology Co., Ltd.
This battery PCM/PCB test equipment is suitable for the basic parameter test and protection function test of lithium battery pack protection board of mobile phone & digital products; it is also used for downloading, comparing and PCB calibration of battery management.
Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard Rates up to 25 Mbps
The Lumistar LS-40-DB Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digital design assures a high performance, consistent product, with excellent reliability and long-term stability.
SMD Test Probes
The Parrot Clip, model PCM W1 or PCS-MB W1 invention can be connected to resistance’s, diodes, integrated circuits (SOIC, SO) etcThe advantage of the Parrot Clip is given by the double metal connection made between the new metal tip and the steel hooked rod, spring loaded. This connection, being made by metal parts is electrical and mechanical reliable, even if the contact point are small. Connections are resistant even at high temperatures.
OEM Test Leads
At your request , we can produce different test leads configurations with PCM, PCX, PCS Parrot Clips , silicone wire , banana plugs etc.
Oscilloscope Probes
Connections to the ground of Oscilloscope Probes with the mini PCM Parrot Clip provide improved accessibility , reliability and accuracy. Ground clips for the oscilloscope probe were usually alligator clips but they have poor accessibility in narrow places due to the large jaws.
Dual PCM Tester
This equipment is used for PCM function test to check thestate ofsingle IC PCM as well as dual IC PCM. It is applied for only 1Cell PCM and can consist ofup to 40 Channels.
USB Audio/Video Codec
Simultaneous encode/decode in a robust, compact unit Uncompressed + compressed outputs from one video input Low preview latency H.264 HP@L3, MPEG-4 ASP, MJPEG video compression AAC, G.711 audio compression, uncompressed PCM Text overlay Two general-purpose digital I/Os Industrial temperature range version available Transport Stream
DCME Analysis System
DCME Analysis System (SCL-DAS) is a software based application, which is designed to classify, process and decompressed the compressed signals transmitted over the satellite links.DCME Analysis System supports most of the commercially available DCMEs including PCM, ADPCM, DX-3000, DX-7000, DTX-600, DTX-360, DTX-240 (D,E,F,T), CELTIC-3G, OKI TC-2000 etc. While processing the compressed/normal E1 carrier, the SCL-DAS provides the processed intelligible output in the form of Voice and Fax along with Originating Point Country, Destination Point Country, Outgoing Number, Incoming Number etc.
Multi-Channel PCM Processing and Recording System with UDP Streaming
The Lumistar LS-68-M Modular Multi-Channel processing and recording Telemetry Processing System offers an ultra-small, low-cost, high-performance, multi-channel COTS solution for PCM data synchronization, decommutation and simulation applications. Building on the legacy of the Lumistar LS-45, LS-50, LS-55 and LS70 series of products, the LS-68-M enhances the feature sets of each of these product lines and supplies them in a format requiring no hardware drivers in an “OS-less” environment. The LS-68-M utilizes a highspeed Gigabit Ethernet interface for primary controls and data streaming.
Flight Test Instrumentation Software
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
TTCWare is a data acquisition system configuration and programming application. Using TTCWare, you can customize the behavior of your hardware and create parameters to sample data. Parameters can be inserted into the PCM format at user specified locations in order to achieve desired sampling rates. After creating a PCM format, you can program your hardware with your customized configuration.
Smart Module Tester
This equipment is used for Firmware Write and Calibration for Smart Module PCM. Through this inspection, secure quality for mass production and development.
PCM Generator
MS 1607
The PCM Generator System used to generate different types of PCM format signals. The user can configure the PCM format to be generated. This system is an independent unit with LCD and Keypad for user interface. Primary application of the system lies in testing the airborne equipment.
Encoder And Decoder Unit
MS 2003
Encoder Decoder Unit is used to interact with ground station through PCM interface. Receives and transmits command/status information on Lakshya aircraft. Also provides real time clock synchronization, latitude/longitude information and IRIG-B Time. System is a digital, high speed FPGA controlled, intelligent unit to interact with various sub systems.
MS 1703
*Bus Interface - PXI / CPCI Bus*Microprocessor and FPGA design based Board*One Channel ARINC 717 Transmitter and Receiver*Generates all PCM telemetry signals like NRZ, Bi-Phase, Differential Bi-phase, DM signals*Used to test all types of PCM based telemetry equipments*Configurable output signals format (parity, word length, Minor, Major frame, Bit position)*User can configure the words and there positions in the frame*The word can be either a square / triangle wave data or constant data*1 MB Shared Memory for Data Storage*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
Aerospace Interfaces
Aerospace InterfacesDecode and visualize data from ARINC 429, MIL-STD-1553, IRIG CHAPTER 10, iNET and IRIG Chapter 4 PCM telemetry data interfaces.
PCM Test
We make DC test systems used by semiconductor manufacturers to make measurements on electrical test structures and simple devices. Because of the broad application of test structures, our test systems help assure quality and reliability in process development, wafer acceptance testing, reliability evaluation, and dc final test.
QAM And PCM Analyzers
GAOTek provides a wide range of high performance and inexpensive QAM/PCM analyzers. Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and pulse code modulation (PCM) analyzers are convenient instruments with top to bottom estimations and adaptable setups. Additionally, these devices have integrated functions of analog signal generators/receivers, BERT, signaling generators/receivers, selective level meters, ring generators/ identifications, dialers, DC loop circuits (ICT, OGT), balanced bridges and reflecting bridges into solitary instruments. These analyzers are ideal for installing and maintaining digital and analog networks.