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Partial Discharge
voltage discharge within an insulator causing dielectric breakdown.
See Also: Partial Discharge Detection, Partial Discharge Monitors, PD, PD Test, Partial Discharge Test
Flexible Magnetic Coupler
The FMC (Flexible Magnetic Coupler) is a partial discharge sensor whose working principle is based on a direct magnetic coupling with the cable conductor and shield.It picks up a magnetic signal given by PD activity. His compact and robust design makes the FMC the optimal sensor for direct installation on cables and accessories such as joints and termination.This sensor has a sensitive side which has to face to the object under test, while the other side (shielded) reject the noise from the environment.
High Frequency Current Transformer
HFCT Ø 140mm
Techimp Clamp High Frequency Current Transformer model 140 is an inductive sensor for partial discharge measurements. It is suitable for online /off line PD tests on : large diameter cables ; grounding rod bar ; etc. A TNC termination is available to connect the Clamp HFCT 140 to the TechImp PD analyzer : PDCheck , PDBase etc. The arrow indicates the requested input current (Iin) direction to get coherent output voltage (Vout) polarity respect to ground. When the sensor is installed with the arrow directed to ground, the detected voltage signal (Vout) has the same phase of the input current (Iin).
High Frequency Current Transformer
The HFCT is a high frequency current transformer designed specifically for picking up partial discharge signals. It has a split core ferrite to allow retrospective fitting to earth straps without the need for disconnection. The durable body has a hinge and a quick release latch, making use quick and easy. The HFCT is constructed with an aluminium body to provide RF shielding and improved performance in noisy environments.
Horn Antenna
Horn antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in electric assets like GIS and GIL or MV and HV power transformers. It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes Horn antenna suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range suitable for PD activity monitoring and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain.
Online Partial Discharge Monitor
The ASM-E is a permanent partial discharge monitor for cables, switchgear and other high voltage assets.The ASM-E can be configured with up to 128 PD sensor channels. If excessive discharge is detected, the ASM-E raises an alarm that can be configured either locally or by email/SMS. This enables the long-term assessment of plant conditions to be carried out quickly and easily, from any remote computer.
Partial Discharge Calibrator
The high voltage-resistant Partial Discharge calibrator is used to determine the correction factor in the PD test circui.
Partial Discharge Detector
The APD-ANNUNCIATOR is a remote partial discharge detection equipment inside any energized cabinet. The probe is installed in the unit under test, instantly reporting its status. This equipment gives a great benefit because it avoids long term damage to the switching equipment.
Partial Discharge Measurement Calibrator
DAC-CP-2 is a calibrator for partial discharge measurements. The electric charge enables to generate up to max 10000pC. It is battery-operated and can be charged by connecting to the measuring instrument (DAC-PD-3).
Partial Discharge Measuring Equipment
Different from a conventional partial dischargemeasuring set provided with a fixed testingfrequency, Model DAC-PD-5 is newly designed toselect the center and the bandwidth of testingfrequencies so that partial discharges emitting in anoptional frequency in the range of a specifiedbandwidth can be detected. Generally, partialdischarges are measured in a wide band frequencythough; the detecting sensitivity must be lowered inorder to detect partial discharges partially.DAC-PD-5 has a wider bandwidth and can measurepartial discharges in a high sensitivity by bypassingnoises emitting bands.
Partial Discharge Measuring Equipment
Electro Mechanical Enterprises
Partial discharge instruments have two modes of Wide Band and Low Frequency. You can use it for Partial Discharge tests of High-Voltage Equipment, Insulation Materials, High-Frequency Equipment, and Power Semiconductor devices. Partial discharge Measuring Equipment can easily realize the test of Partial discharge on print-circuit boards, connectors, semiconductors, small motors and other insulation materials, to make a judgment on good / bad of them
Partial Discharge Monitor
INDIPARD, a low-cost measuring device for partial discharge monitoring.
Partial Discharge Pulse Calibrator
Partial discharge puls calibrator TPK is a battery-powered handheld device for determining the correction factor in a Partial Discharge test circuit and to verify the Partial Discharge measurement.
Partial Discharge Test
For medium voltage switchgear - partial discharge test in a few minutes - without shutdown.
Sensor Technology
Power Monitoring and Diagnostic Technology Ltd.
PMDT is the only manufacturer to utilize all 5 types of online partial discharge sensor technology. Using multiple sensing methods ensures that PD activity is always discovered, located, and characterized. PMDT's handheld PDetector and PDStar units have more capability than the high-end diagnostic equipment of the past. The small handheld, battery powered unit can completely perform the test and analysis without the need of a PC. PDetector, PDStar, and PDiagnostic instruments feature high-resolution phase-resolved analysis of PD signals (PRPD and PRPS) in real time, so you get your test results instantly!
Shielded Rooms
HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH
Electromagetic field and line-conducted interference needs to be eliminated in order to measure low-intensity partial discharges with a PD background noise level (≤ 1 pC) in accordance with IEC 60270.
Spiral Antenna
UHF Spiral antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in the monitored asset. It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes Spiral antenna suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range typical for PD activity and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain.
Tan Delta Measurement
TD Series
While partial discharge measurement is suitable for detecting electrical trees, tangent delta measurement – also referred to as dissipation factor measurement – detects water trees which have formed in the insulation of the device under test.
TEM Antenna
TEM antenna is a partial discharge sensor designed to receive electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a PD occurring in the monitored asset (like MV switchgears or LV and MV induction motors fed by power electronic impulses). It is a broadband antenna with a flat response which makes TEM suitable in a number of different applications. It has been optimized to operate in a frequency range typical for PD activity and it was designed to provide maximum sensitivity and high gain. Its compact and robust design (passive sensor) makes TEM the optimal sensor for direct installation on medium voltage Switchgears and motors. It can be virtually applied in any electrical equipment provided that it has apertures or EM transparent surfaces.
TEV Antenna
TEV sensor is a partial discharge sensor whose working principle is based on a direct Capacitive coupling with a Switchgears earthed metal case. The two ends of TEV sensor can be coupled magnetically to virtually any opening on a metal Surface. It picks up the electric signal given by PD activity onto the two metallic surfaces. Thanks to its special design has high sensitivity, larger than other single ended TEV sensors. His compact and robust design (passive sensor) makes the TEV the optimal sensor for direct installation on medium voltage Switchgears.
Portable PD Analyzer
A compact and portable Partial Discharge acquisition unit, which allows to detect and analyze partial discharge activities in all electrical assets: from power cables to transformers, rotating machines and switchgears, together with the right combination of sensors and accessories. AQUILA comes with a full range of options, ideal for field testing.
Partial Discharge Analysis System
MPD 500
Wuhan Sangao Electrical Test Installations Limit Co.
Partial Discharge Analysis System
Partial Discharge Detection System
Wuhan Sangao Electrical Test Installations Limit Co.
Ease of use was the mandate to our engineering and design teams. The JFD-2000 uses the worldwide standard Windows operating system and an intuitive control and display panel to allow even inexperienced operators to learn quickly with minimal training. In addition, advanced features such as higher accuracy, auto-mated calibration, data analysis, and customized test recording, are standard. Use as much or as little as you like.
Ultrasonic Partial Discharge Detector
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Used for on-line detection and localization of partial discharge in high voltage equipment.
Ultrasonic Partial Discharge Detector
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
The local discharge signal is received to determine the presence and location of partial discharge.
Partial Discharge Test Equipment
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
Partial discharge detectors for high voltage equipment.
Partial Discharge Detector
Wuhan Huatian Electric Power Automation Co., Ltd.
It is suitable for local discharge measurement of all kinds of high voltage electrical equipment and represents the advanced technology of domestic digital local discharge instrument.
Cable Diagnostic Tools
For non-destructive diagnostic testing to determine the quality of a cable’s insulation with minimal risk of failure, HVI recommends tan delta and partial discharge testing for valuable diagnostic data about cable insulation integrity. Both use a VLF source to perform elevated voltage, off-line testing. Tan delta testing measures insulation health, while PD identifies specific problem areas and assesses their severity.
The Transformers and measurement capacitors used in high voltage and Partial Discharge test equipment are typically reliable over several decades of continious use. The control technology is however typically obsolete after only 10-15years. MPS offers automated , state-of-the-art High Voltage Testing Equipment with the following features.
Cable Partial Discharge (PD) Spot Testing And Locating
PrecisePD is an on-line PD Spot Testing and PD location system for Cables and Switchgear with advanced signal processing, used for the detection of PD in high noise environments.
Real-Time Online Monitoring to Detect and Analyze Potential Partial Discharge (PD) Signals and Insulation Faults using UHF, AE, and HFCT
Power Monitoring and Diagnostic Technology Ltd.
The PDMonitor, which utilizes Ultra High Frequency (UHF), Acoustic Emission (AE) and High Frequency Current Transformer (HFCT) sensors and is designed to conduct real time online monitoring to detect and analyze potential Partial Discharge (PD) signals and insulation faults before they lead to breakdown or catastrophic failure in power assets. The system provides the developing trend of the PD, when occurring, as alarms in real time, thus helping to predict the insulation degradation status of the asset, prevent sudden accidents, and provide an effective database for Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) of power assets.