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Alpha Particle Counting System
The UltraLo-1800 is a best-in-class alpha particle counting system. Our patented design reduces background rates by 50x compared to conventional systems.
Measurement of Volume and Particle Size Distribution of Material
Continuous non-contact measurement and registration of the volume and granulometric composition of bulk material (crushed stone, ore - a mixture of lumps of arbitrary shape) on a moving conveyor belt.
Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer
ZetaView® Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer for hydrodynamic Particle Size, Zeta Potential and Concentration. With ZetaView® individual particle tracking, classical micro-electrophoresis and Brownian motion are presented as modern analysis tools. Auto-alignment and auto-focusing make the “Seeing is Believing” principle user friendly. By sub-volume scanning robust results of zeta potential and size histograms are derived from thousands of particles.
Particle & Molecular Size/Charge Analyzers
Zetasizer Range
Instruments in the Zetasizer range are used to measure particle and molecular size from less than a nanometer to several microns using dynamic light scattering; zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering; and molecular weight using static light scattering. The Zetasizer system is available in a range of variants, including the new Zetasizer Pro and Ultra. These two new systems offer unprecedented ease-of-use and flexibility, along with empowering user guidance and novel measurement techniques such as MADLS® and Particle Concentration.
Shadow Sizing
The Shadow Sizer measures size, shape and velocity of particles using backlighting and image analysis software based on the shadowgraphy technique.The Shadow Sizer can measure a wide range of particles types including bubbles, liquid droplets, solid particles and any object with a well-defined contour.Data is analyzed by DynamicStudio and includes histograms of size distribution, 2.5D spatial distribution plots, cumulative histograms and tables.
Digital Dust Monitor
The Kanomax Digital Dust Monitor – Model 3443 measures aerosol concentrations corresponding to PM10. The intake isolates the aerosol sample so that the optics chamber is kept sterile for improved reliability and low maintenance. The unit measures 0.1 to 10µm particle size aerosol contaminants such as fumes, dust, smoke and mists. It is battery-operated, data-logging, light-scattering laser photometer that gives you real time aerosol mass readings. It is also suitable for clean office settings well as harsh industrial workplaces, construction and environmental sites, and outdoor applications.
Particle Analyzer
The quality control of fine powders can be substantially improved with the new CAMSIZER X2: More precise and faster analysis of particle size and particle shape helps to improve the product quality, reduce rejects and save labor costs, energy and raw materials. The design of the CAMSIZER X2 is based on the well-proven optical particle measurement system Camsizer but is optimized for finer samples (from 0.8 m to 8 mm).
Nanoparticle Analyzer
nanoPartica SZ-100V2 Series
A highly advanced analyzer solves the mysteries of the nano-world. A single device analyzes the three parameters that characterize nanoparticles: particle size, zeta potential, and molecular weight.
Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
ViewSizer 3000
Exosomes? Virus? Nanoparticle? Use multiple lasers for complete, detailed analysis of all the particles in your sample.Exosomes, viruses, and nanoparticles all have wide size distributions which defeat traditional Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) analyzers. The ViewSizer 3000 features simultaneous measurement with three lasers to collect the most accurate distribution and concentration information over a wide range of sizes within the same sample. Where the signal from a particle is too bright and saturates the detector from one laser, the software automatically uses data from a lower power laser to ensure the most accurate size and concentration information. On the other hand, when scattering from one laser is too weak for detection, the software uses data from a higher power laser to accurately track the particle.
Static Image Analysis System Particle Size
The HORIBA PSA300 is a state of the art turn-key image analysis solution. Seamless integration of Clemex's powerful particle characterization software and an automated microscope with high-resolution camera creates an intuitive, easy-to-use imaging workstation. Addressing a need in the field of particle characterization, the PSA300 is a versatile particle size and particle shape analysis tool that can be used in a wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industries and material science. It is a turn-key solution for labs that want to maintain an analytical microscopy environment with minimum intervention by the operator yet still yield maximum detail in the results.
Handheld Ultrafine Particle Size Distribution Measurement.
partector 2 Pro
Naneos Particle Solutions gmbh
The naneos partector 2 Pro version is a further development of the well-established Partector 2. The Pro version of the partector 2 can additionally switch through different deposition voltage levels and therefore scan an 8-channel size distribution of an aerosol of interest.
Particle Size Analyzers
Particle systems can be complex, but measuring them doesn’t have to be! Anton Paar offers two different technologies to characterize particles from the nanometer to the millimeter range. The Litesizer series employs light-scattering technology to determine not only particle size, but also zeta potential, transmittance, molecular mass, and the refractive index of nano- and microparticles in liquid dispersions. The PSA series uses laser diffraction technology to measure the size of particles in both liquid dispersions and dry powders in the micro and millimeter range. Side by side they open up a wide range of possibilities for comprehensive particle characterization.
Particle Sensor
HPM Series
The Honeywell HPM Series Particle Sensor is a laser-basedsensor which uses the light scattering method to detectand count particles in the concentration range of 0 g/m3to 1,000 g/m3 in a given environment. A laser light sourceilluminates a particle as it is pulled through the detectionchamber. As particles pass through the laser beam, the lightsource becomes obscured and is recorded on the photo orlight detector. The light is then analyzed and converted toan electrical signal providing particulate size and quantity tocalculate concentrations in real time. The Honeywell particlesensor provides information on the particle concentration forgiven particle concentration range.
Aggregation Analysis System For Biopharmaceuticals
Aggregates Sizer
The "Aggregates Sizer" aggregation analysis system enables the quantitative evaluation of particle amounts in the SVP range as a concentration (unit: μg/mL). Aggregations of biopharmaceuticals can be categorized into 3 ranges: IVP (In-visible Particle), SVP (Sub-visible Particle), and VP (Visible Particle), according to their particle size. Until now, no particle size analyzer could cover the SVP range with a single measurement. Therefore, multiple methods had to be used. Aggregates Sizer completely covers the SVP range.
Dynamic Imaging Particle Analysis Technology
FlowCam® 8100
The new FlowCam 8100 particle imaging and analysis system from global laboratory instrumentation manufacturer Fluid Imaging Technologies, Scarborough, Maine, features the company''s most advanced camera with the fastest imaging speed and double the image capture area to increase throughput, increase detection rates, and reveal more images and data. Imaging at up to 120 frames per second, the new FlowCam 8100 automatically detects thousands of individual particles and microorganisms in seconds, takes a high-resolution, digital image of each one detected and measures them in real-time based on their actual size and shape, not by an inference of their size and shape. Sampling at up to 100% efficiency with limited sample volumes as small as 200L, the company said, the FlowCam 8100 measures more than 30 different parameters from basic particle size, count and concentration to color, grayscale and advanced morphological characteristics such as circularity, elongation and fiber curl.
Software For SALD-2300 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer
LabSolutions SALD
Providing Secure, Confident Data Management on a Network System! The SALD-2300 laser diffraction particle size analyzer is now compatible with data integrity requirements. Connecting LabSolutions SALD to the LabSolutions system, with its proven compatibility with ER/ES regulations, enables confident, reliable data management. In addition to SALD data, consolidated management is available for LC, GC, and UV data.
Particle Metrology System
Archimedes is an innovative instrument which uses the technique of resonant mass measurement to detect and accurately size and count particles in the size range 50nm to 5um*. Archimedes can distinguish different species from their buoyant mass is particularly useful when characterizing proteinaceous aggregates from contaminating silicon oil in biopharmaceutical preparations, in distinguishing bubbles from lipid micelles and contaminants in ultrasound contrast agents or protein from fat in dairy products.
Process Particle Size Analyzers
Insitec Range
Insitec systems deliver the online continuous particle size analysis needed for efficient, cost-effective monitoring and control of industrial processes. Suitable for the widest variety of process streams from dry powders to hot sticky slurries, sprays and emulsions, whether milligrams of material or hundreds of tonnes per hour. Insitec systems measure particles in the size range 0.1 micron to 2.5 mm.
Testing Aircraft and Helicopters
Sun Test Systems develops and manufactures mobile test equipment for commercial and military aircraft and helicopters.The product range consists of:A complete line of hydraulic test equipment for every helicopter or aircraft size. This equipment is able to fully clean and regenerate the hydraulic oil of the airplane from air, water and particles during hydraulic test activities. By integrating these two functions our equipment saves maintenance time and reduces repair work because of less leakages of the hydraulic system etc.The multifunctional product line which combines a number of GSE functions, such as hydraulics, electricity, air, nitrogen, lighting, in one single unit.The other product lines with among other things a dye mix trolley for display teams and washing equipment for fuselages and engine cores.Our close cooperation with the German and British military forms the basis for the extensive product range. The products are designed and built to combine heavy use by the military with severe conditions encountered in desert areas or extreme cold. They have built up an extensive ‘proven track record’.
Dynamic Particle Image Analysis System
iSpect DIA-10
Shimadzu's iSpect DIA-10 Dynamic Image Analyzer combines particle size and image analysis technology to offer complete particle characterization. It can perform particle imaging, size analysis, and foreign object detection, and obtain size distributions and number concentration, in as little as two minutes.
Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA)
Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) is a modern high-performance method for the characterization of particle size and particle shape of powders, granules and suspensions. Retsch Technology's optical analyzers CAMSIZER P4 and CAMSIZER X2 are based on this technology, covering a measuring range from 0.8 m to 30 mm.
Dynamic Imaging Particle Analysis Technology
FlowCam® Macro
Based on proven FlowCam dynamic imaging particle analysis technology, and optimized for larger particles (50μm to 5mm), FlowCam Macro provides rapid particle characterization that goes beyond just particle size. Direct, image-based measurements of particle size and shape enable differentiation of particle types in a heterogeneous mixture.
Spray Particle Size Analyzer
Malvern Panalytical's Spraytec laser diffraction system allows measurement of spray particle and spray droplet size distributions in real-time for more efficient product development of sprays and aerosols. It has been specifically designed to address the unique requirements for spray characterization and deliver robust, reproducible droplet size data.
Zeta Potential & Particle Size Analyzer
AcoustoSizer II
The new AcoustoSizer IIs provides thorough characterization of concentrated colloidal dispersions. Directly measuring particle size, zeta potential, pH, conductivity, and temperature, it furnishes the most comprehensive analysis available in a single, turnkey instrument. Based on a flow-through sensor design, the AcoustoSizer IIs can be used in a laboratory batch analysis mode or connected directly to a process slipstream. Built-in syringe pumps provide automated potentiometric and volumetric titration capabilities for accurate isoelectric point and surfactant addition determination.
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Partica LA-960V2
This latest evolution in the LA series advances scientific knowledge for tomorrow's world through intuitive software, unique accessories, and high performance.The LA-960V2 continues HORIBA's proud tradition of leading the industry with innovative design.
Integrated UHPLC Systems
LC-4000 Series
The LC-4000 Series UHPLC system offers high performance separations at up to 130MPa (around 20,000psi) for use with the smallest particle sizes and longest column lengths. The pump, autosampler and detectors are optimized for the smallest band broadening and fastest cycle times.
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Partica mini LA-350
HORIBA's new LA-350 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Distribution Analyzer is the ideal combination of performance, price, and packaging. The LA-350 excels in applications as diverse as slurries, minerals, and paper chemistry. Based on the advanced optical design of previous LA-series analyzers, the LA-350 strikes a harmonious balance between high-functionality, easy operation, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness.Bench space is used efficiently due to the LA-350’s compact size (297 mm x 420 mm). The clever design and precision, high quality manufacturing ensure convenient, reliable operation and accurate results, now with a wider size range (0.1-1,000 µm).
Submersible Laser-Diffraction based Particle Size Analyzer
The LISST-200X is a submersible laser-diffraction based particle size analyzer designed to measure particle size and concentration in rivers, streams, ports, harbors, coasts and oceans, whether for biological, sediment transport, or environmental monitoring needs. Smaller, lighter, smarter, for starters, the LISST-200X combines the features of the original LISST-100X with new improvements to make a major advance in the technology of submersible particle size and concentrations measurements.