Capsuhelic Differential Pressure Gage
The Capsuhelic gage is designed to give fast, accurate indication of differential pressures. The gage may be used as a readout device when measuring flowing fluids, pressure drop across filters, liquid levels in storage tanks and many other applications involving pressure, vacuum or differential pressure
Capsu-Photohelic Pressure Switch Gage
Capsu-Photohelic Switch/Gages function as versatile, highly repeatable pressure switches combined with a precise pressure gage employing the time-proven Magnehelic gage design
Compact Differential Pressure Transmitters
Series 668B/D
Our low cost SERIES 668B/D Compact Differential Pressure Transmitters are capable of sensing differential gage pressure with ±0.8% FS accuracy, and converts this pressure difference to a proportional high level analog output for both unidirectional and bi-directional pressure ranges. These transmitters can withstand up to 15 psig overpressure with no damage to the unit. The compact, lightweight design makes installation simple and easy. Units are protected against incorrect wiring, and include a protective terminal cover.
Digihelic Differential Pressure Controller
The Series DH Digihelic Differential Pressure Controller is a 3 in 1 instrument possessing a digital display gage, control relay switches, and a transmitter with current output. Combining these 3 features allows the reduction of several instruments with one product, saving inventory, installation time and money.
Digital Pressure Gage
The Series DPGW is the only economic digital pressure gage for liquids with the ability to select engineering units on the market. With its 1% accuracy and digital push-button zero, the DPGW is the perfect choice for digitally monitoring the pressures of air and compatible liquids and gases.
Digital Pressure Gage
The Series DPGA is the only economic digital pressure gage with selectable engineering units on the market. With its 1% accuracy and digital push-button zero, the DPGA is the perfect choice for digitally monitoring the pressures of air and compatible gases
Digital Pressure Gages
General purpose digital pressure gauge provides exceptional performance, stability and reliability. The laser welded stainless steel sensor and socket make this product suitable for use with a wide variety of pressure media in demanding industrial applications. The DG25 was designed with OEM in mind and can easily be custom configured to meet unique requirements.
DMS Transmitter
Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG.
Transmitter for load cells and the evaluation of strain gages in 6 mm housing with calibrated range selection.Detection signals from sensors for physical variables such as displacement, angle, pressure or force. Functional safety up to SIL 2, SIL 3 redundant to parameterization via interface or intuitively, directly on the device. Universal use with 24 V DC or AC power supply.
Force Sensor Elements
TE Connectivity (TE) enables OEMs to measure force using MEMS-based technology load cells. The same proprietary piezoresistive silicon strain gage technology used to measure pressure can also be configured into a reliable, low-cost package to measure force.
Magnehelic Differential Pressure Gage
Select the Magnehelic gage for high accuracy--guaranteed within 2% of full scale--and for the wide choice of 81 models available to suit your needs precisely. Using Dwyer's simple, frictionless Magnehelic gage movement, it quickly indicates low air or non-corrosive gas pressures--either positive, negative (vacuum) or differential
Minihelic II Differential Pressure Gages
Combining clean design, small size and low cost with enough accuracy for all but the most demanding applications our Minihelic II gage offers the latest in design features for a dial type differential pressure gage. It is our most compact gage but is easy to read and can safely operate at total pressures up to 30 psig.
Mini-Photohelic Differential Pressure Switch/Gage
The Series MP Mini-Photohelic differential pressure switch/gage combines the time proven Minihelic II differential pressure gage with two SPDT switching setpoints. The Mini-Photohelic switch/gage is designed to measure and control positive, negative, or differential pressures consisting of non-combustible and non-corrosive gases.
Photohelic Pressure Switch Gage
Photohelic Switch/Gages function as versatile, highly repeatable pressure switches combined with a precise pressure gage employing the time-proven Magnehelic gage design. The Photohelic switch/gage measures and controls positive, negative or differential pressures of air and compatible gases
Pressure Manometer
These devices indicate the difference between two pressures (differential pressure), or between a single pressure and atmosphere (gage pressure), when one side is open to atmosphere.
Solid Plastic Stationary Gage
Dwyer solid plastic stationary gages - or draft gages - are offered in inclined and vertical (well-type) styles for highly accurate laboratory or general industrial service, for measurement of low range gas and air pressures, positive, negative or differential.
Stainless Steel Low Pressure Gage
The Series SGX Gages have dual English/metric scales with ±1.6% full scale accuracy. The Series SGX gages are designed with 304 SS housings and brass wetted parts. Units can withstand ambient temperatures up to 149°F (65°C) and process temperatures up to 212°F (100°C).
Stainless Steel Low Pressure Gage
The Series SGF Gages have dual English/metric scales with ±1.6% full scale accuracy. The Series SGF gages are designed with 304 SS housings, and 316/316L SS wetted parts. Units can withstand ambient temperatures up to 149°F (65°C) and process temperatures up to 212°F (100°C).
Analog Pressure Gauges
Analog pressure gages use a needle to indicate the pressure sensed on a dial scale. Analog pressure gauges are inexpensive, easy to use, and don’t require a power source.
Data Acquisition Systems
Encore Electronics manufactures a wide range of analog signal conditioning equipment, including strain gage and pressure amplifiers, frequency-to-voltage converters, thermocouple isolation amplifiers and anti-aliasing filters.
Fuel Injection Pressure Tester with 2 Gages & Quick Couplers in Storage Case
Tests gasoline fuel pump pressure on most domestic and imported fuel injection equipped vehicles.Quick couplers provide for fast and easy hook-up.Kit contains adapters to test all GM vehicles with Multi-port and some Throttle Body Injection (TBI). Tests all Chrysler cars with Multi-port turbos and some TBI.Use on most Ford TBI systems equipped with or without small Schrader test valve.Tests all Ford vehicles with Multi-port fuel injection systems.
Fuel Injection Pressure Tester with 2 Gages
Test gasoline fuel pump pressure on most domestic and imported fuel injection equipped vehicles.Kit contains adapters to test all GM vehicles with Multi-port and some Throttle Body Injection (TBI). Test all Chrysler cars with Multi-port turbos and some TBI.Use on most Ford TBI systems equipped with or without small Schrader test valve.Test all Ford vehicles with multi-port fuel injection systems.Includes two gages: Large Gage with hang-up hook calibrated from 1-100 PSI (0-7.0 BAR) and Small Gage for lower pressure requirement 0-50 PSI (0-3.5 BAR).
Fuel Injection Pressure Tester with 2 Gages in Case
Test gasoline fuel pump pressure on most domestic and imported fuel injection equipped vehicles.Kit contains adapters to test all GM vehicles with multi-port and some throttle body injection (TBI). Test all Chrysler cars with multi-port turbos and some TBI.Use on most Ford TBI systems equipped with or without small Schrader test valve.Test all Ford vehicles with multi-port fuel injection systems.
Fuel Injection Pressure Tester w/2 Gages & Quick Couplers
Tests gasoline fuel pump pressure on most domestic and imported fuel injection equipped vehicles.Quick couplers provide for fast and easy hook-up.Kit contains adapters to test all GM vehicles with Multi-port and some Throttle Body Injection (TBI). Tests all Chrysler cars with Multi-port turbos and some TBI.Use on most Ford TBI systems equipped with or without small Schrader test valve.Tests all Ford vehicles with Multi-port fuel injection systems.
Digital Pressure Gage (DP Gauge)
DP-340 series
DP Gauge (Digital Pressure Gauge) DP gauge is the ideal tool for pressure measurements. Excellence in not only being built into a measuring machine or system but using by it self. Downloads data in PC by a high-accuracy measurement and a communication function such as peak HOLD etc are another features. DP gauge comes with an inspection report of a traceability certification
Automatic Transmission & Engine Oil Pressure Tester with 2 Gages
Check oil pressure in automotive transmissions and engines. Adapters provide coverage of most domestic and imported cars and light trucks. Includes two gages: Large Gage calibrated from 1-600 PSI (0-4,000 kPa & 0-7.0 BAR) and Small Gage for lower pressure requirement 0-50 PSI (0-3.5 BAR) Large gage can be used for all applications and has hang-up hook. Small gage is for more accurate reading of engine oil pressure where maximum oil pressure does not exceed 50 PSI (3.5 BAR). Includes 6 feet of oil proof hose and 10 assorted fittings. Supplied with instructions in a molded plastic case.
Automatic Trans. & Engine Oil Pressure Tester with 2 Gages
Check oil pressure in automotive transmissions and engines.Adapters provide coverage of most domestic and imported cars and light trucks.Includes two gages: Large Gage calibrated from 1-600 PSI (0-4,000 kPa & 0-7.0 BAR) and Small Gage for lower pressure requirement 0-50 PSI (0-3.5 BAR)Large gage can be used for all applications and has hang-up hook. Small gage is for more accurate reading of engine oil pressure where maximum oil pressure does not exceed 50 PSI (3.5 BAR).Includes 6 feet of oil proof hose and 10 assorted fittings.
Automatic Transmission & Engine Oil Pressure Tester
Check oil pressure in automotive transmissions and engines. Adapters provide coverage of most domestic and imported cars and light trucks. Gage calibrated from 0-600 PSI (0-4,000 kPa & 0-7.0 BAR). Includes 6 feet of oil proof hose and 10 assorted fittings. Supplied with instructions in a durable vinyl pouch.
Diesel Compression Tester
Measures cylinder pressure on diesels equipped cars and trucks. Records maximum pressure reached during engine test. Release valve allows for immediate venting and resets gage for repeat tests. Swivel end quick coupler is connected to adapters sold separately. High pressure hose is 16 1/2" long. Gage is scaled from 0-1,000 PSI and 0-70 BAR.