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The transmission of energy through material or space.
Color sensors
Color sensors detect the color of a surface. The sensors cast light (red, green, and blue LEDs) on the objects to be tested, calculate the chromaticity coordinates from the reflected radiation and compare them with previously stored reference colors. If the color values are within the set tolerance range, a switching output is activated.
COMETEO Multi-Plate Radiation Shield
Newly developed meteorological screen for humidity and temperature transmitters. Passive solar radiation and weather shelter for meteo sensors.
Compact Range for 5G & High Frequency Wireless Communications
Wireless devices are moving toward higher frequencies, and 5G is coming soon. With that in mind, we partnered with WavePro to build an ultra-precise, high-frequency compact range (up to 300GHz) with 50% quiet zone efficiency. Customers can now measure an accurate radiation pattern of a laptop with built-in WiGig transmitter within a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2.2m space.
Compact Weather Stations
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Compact weather stations combine a number of standard meteorological sensors including precipitation and radiation into a single, easy to use, package. These compact stations are often used in building control applications or for basic weather monitoring.
CZT-based Radiation Detector
A CZT-based gamma radiation and x-ray detector perfect for immediate use (using Kromek KSpect or MSpect gamma spectroscopy software) or as the gamma radiation and x-ray detector component in your own radiation detector. Being CZT-based the SPEAR (Single Point Extended Area Radiation) can operate at room temperature while still offering high sensitivity. The SPEAR detector is a complete probe, comprising a 5x5x5mm3 CZT detector crystal and low noise hybrid preamplifier in a housing measuring only 13mm diameter x 84mm in length. The probe is supplied complete with a 2 metre long connecting input/output cable, allowing the unit to be used immediately.
D3S Drone Radiation Detector
The D3S Drone radiation detector is designed for gamma and neutron activity mapping. Using a lightweight drone designed to be easily carried and quickly deployed to provide CBRNE Homeland Security or civil nuclear workers. The D3S Drone is with a way to map radiation hotspots and patrol a large area quickly. The operator receives the real-time data transmission (counts per second) to a six-inch screen separate to the drone flight control screen.
Data Panel
Display of measurement results of ambient dose equivalent rate(DER) of gamma radiation obtained from the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation;Real time display;Air temperature display;Audio and light alarm when threshold levels of gamma radiation DER exceeded.
Data Panel
Display of measurement results of ambient dose equivalent rate(DER) of gamma radiation obtained from the BDBG-09 detecting unit of gamma radiation.
Detachable X-Ray Detector
RadEye HR
The Remote RadEye HR x-ray detector is a slim, lightweight, rugged solution for high-resolution radiation imaging. The detector is suitable for industrial inspection applications where images are taken in tight or difficult-to-reach spaces.
Detecting Unit of Neutron Radiation
As a unit of MKS-07 "POSHUK" search dosimeter-radiometer.As a part of automated systems of radiation control.
MKS-05 Terra
Measurement of gamma and X-ray radiation ambient dose equivalent rate.Measurement of gamma and X-ray radiation ambient dose equivalent.Measurement of surface beta-particles flux density.Measurement of dose equivalent accumulation time.Real time measurement (clock).
Electrostatic Voltmeter
Model 344
The Trek Model 344 is a precision electrostatic voltmeter for making noncontacting surface voltage measurements in the range of 0 to ±2 kV DC or peak AC. Industrial applications include radiation effect studies, R&D of the electrophotographic processes, and charge accumulation monitoring of the semiconductor production process.
EMI/EMC for Electrically-Large Platforms
XGtd is a general purpose ray-based electromagnetic analysis tool for assessing the effects of a vehicle or vessel on antenna radiation, predicting coupling between antennas, and predicting radar cross section (RCS). It is ideally suited for applications with higher frequencies or very large platforms where the requirements of a full physics method may exceed available computational resources.
Energy Modulator
Infrared Systems Development Corp.
The IR-762 Energy Modulator is a variable speed rotating disk chopper designed for use with radiation sources, including blackbody, tungsten filament, mercury lamps, Nernst glowers and as part of instruments where modulated radiation is needed.
Environmental radiation monitoring
Measurement of environmental radiation. NaI(Tl) scintillation detector and silicon semiconductor detector. Real-time dosimetry by a mobile phone line.
Environmental Sensors
Various Environmental Sensors including Room, Ceiling, Radiation and Contacting Temperature Sensor
Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplifier
CDP 2017
*> 30% conversion efficiency from pump pulse to parametric radiation*Wavelength conversion for ExciPro, TAPPIR, FOG 100-DA*Wavelength conversion options for wavelength tuning from 240 nm to 16 mm
A fluorometer measures the light or radiation emitted by fluorescent objects. Fluorescence occurs when light of a specific wavelength strikes and electrons in the sample.MRC provides a wide range of Fluorometers for Laboratories.
The preferred method of infrared spectroscopy. When IR radiation is passed through a sample, some radiation is absorbed by the sample and some passes through (is transmitted).
Gamma Radiation Warning Device
Detection of the increased levels of gamma radiation and their estimation by means of the four-level threshold alarm system.
Gamma Ray Radiation Spectrometer
RadAngel is an ideal entry level, portable gamma-ray spectrometer that can be utilised for educational purposes in teaching concepts of radiation as well as for training in the use of radiation sensors.
Geiger Counter
The USB-RAD121 is a radiation detector that runs completely off your computer's USB port. The device features a classic geiger counter click and light pulse for every count registered, while radiation levels are displayed on the computer. The simple RadGraph software interface displays and graphs readings over time, and even allows the readings to be streamed to a personal webpage.
Geiger Counter
ONYX features a modern, streamlined look and the use of advanced technologies, making it a one-of-a-kind Geiger Counter. It weighs only 7 oz. (200g.) and measures a mere 5.1 X 2.6 X 0.9 in. (72 X 37 X 13 mm.) making it easy to transport. Despite its compact size ONYX is capable of detecting alpha, beta and gamma radiation with the same sensitivity as the IMI Inspector Alert™, and like the IMI Inspector Alert™ V2, ONYX is optimized for surface contamination measurements through use of its 2 in. pancake Geiger Mueller tube.
General Purpose Geiger Counter
Radalert® 100X
The Radalert® 100X is a general purpose geiger counter that measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. Features of the Radalert® 100X, include a three-second update and a Utility Menu that allows you to change the default settings for several operating parameters. Its digital liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the current radiation level in your choice of SI units (microsieverts per hour) from .000 to 1,100 and counts per minute (CPM) from 0 to 350,000 or counts per second (CPS) from 0 to 3,500. For users of conventional units mR/hr (milliroentgens per hour) from .000 to 110 and CPM are optional in the Utility Menu. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours.
General Purpose Radiation Survey Meter/Geiger Counter
Rad 100™
The RAD 100™ is a general purpose radiation survey meter/geiger counter that detects and measures alpha, beta, gamma, and X-radiation. It is intended for personal safety and educational purposes. Like the popular Radalert® 100X, the RAD 100™ features a 3-second update on its digital liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD shows the current radiation level in your choice of microSieverts per hour (SI units) or mR/hr for gamma radiation measurements. For mixed sources (alpha, beta, gamma) the CPM mode is recommended. This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours. A red LED blinks and a beeper chirps with each count (the chirp can be muted). This is a professional instrument that is also easy to learn to use and to operate, and carries the industry leading Medcom warranty (2 years overall limited to 1 year on the GM sensor). Many instruments designed by the Medcom team are still working perfectly after 30 years of use, so this instrument should provide a lifetime of useful information.
Greenhouse Gas Analyzer
Many chemical compounds are present in Earth’s atmosphere and are capable of acting as greenhouse gases capable of absorbing and emitting infrared radiation emitted by Earth. Many of the gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor among others, occur naturally in the atmosphere and also have anthropogenic (man-made) sources. Methane (CH4) is the second most important greenhouse gas in terms of concentration and impact on the climate.
Highly Sensitive, Lightweight Backpack Radiation Detector (BRD)
identiFINDER® R700
The identiFINDER R700 Backpack Radiation Detector (BRD) offers new spectroscopic broad-search capabilities. Once dismounted, the identiFINDER R700 provides the capabilities required to successfully perform wide-area searches quickly and efficiently while offering exceptional sensitivity, communication, and trusted spectroscopic algorithms in a lightweight, ergonomic form-factor.
High-Resolution Spectroscopic Personal Radiation Detector
identiFINDER® R300
The identiFINDER R300 is the world’s highest performing, pager-sized spectroscopic personal radiation detector (SPRD). It provides continuous detection and full threat identification (ANSI N42.48 library). The simple two-button user interface facilitates expedited threat response. Visible, audible, and tactile alarms rapidly alert the operator via the easy-to-read color display. On-board Bluetooth, web server, and GPS technologies make interagency communication easier than ever. The R300 is ideal for belt-worn passive-scanning, security checkpoints, border patrol, and first response.
High Temperature Blackbody Source
Pegasus R Model 970
Compact High Temperature Source 150C to 1200C E >0.995. The Pegasus R is a compact furnace for calibrating radiation pyrometers.