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Personal radioactivity detector
EcotestVIP is the one and only premium class dosimeter in the world. Created by the leading specialists for successful people who put high value on their own safety. The monitoring device is a combination of the best technical specifications and elegant design.
Radiation Detection & Measurement Products
Detect, localize, identify, and measure radioactivity in any scenario. From routine monitoring and surveillance to emergency response situations, our advanced, integrated radiation detection instruments mitigate the threat and keep you safe. Our product portfolio of radiation detection solutions provides comprehensive, real-time monitoring, early warning, and complete information in the palm of your hand, in the work place, and in your neighborhood.
Higher than the natural ambient/background radiation, it originates from building materials or is inhomogeneous at geological faults and underground watercourses. It causes cell damage (tumors), cell death, etc. Radioactivity (=ionizing radiation) is measured in sieverts per hour (Sv/h) or simply as a count rate (pulses/second [Ips] or pulses/minute [Ipm]).
Gross Gamma Screening System
The Gross Gamma Screening system is intended for the rapid screening of urine samples for the presence of elevated radioactivity in a post-radiological event scenario. This system allows up to eight urine samples to be counted simultaneously in discretely shielded 3” x 3” NaI Well radiation detectors to quickly identify elevated radioactivity from personnel in the exposed population. This screening process provides critical information to Emergency Response Agencies and is accomplished with minimal operator training.
Radioactivity Meters
At PCE Instruments you will find three types of radioactivity meters: Alpha radioactivity meter, meter for Alpha, Beta and Gamma radioactivity, radioactivity meter for human beings. It is very important to measure radioactivity as well as to classify radioactivity values. An example of Gamma radioactivity: Terrestrial gamma radiation is measured according to general values from 0,03 – 0,3 µSv / h (micro Sievert/ hour). This "normal“ oscillation range is conditioned by contents in the ground of natural radioactive elements such as uranium, potassium, etc.