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fraction of the electromagnetic energy.reflected.
Diffuse Reflectance Sphere
Mobile displays are used in a variety of ambient lighting environments. The evaluation of mobile displays under diffuse illumination conditions is critical to the understanding of display performance in the real world, as mobile displays are used in a wide range of ambient lighting environments. The DRS100 is purpose-made to completely characterize the diffuse reflectance properties of mobile displays, providing uniform hemispherical illumination.
FiberPulse OTDR
FiberPulse OTDRs send pulses down fiber optic networks from one end of the fiber, displaying a trace and reporting all detected events such as splices, connectors, macrobends and fiber ends and breaks. The total fiber length is reported along with name, location, loss and reflectance of detected events. The intuitive keypad design features integrated shortcut keys designed for quickly positioning and analysing events. Another feature of this unit is the Live Optical Signal Detect Function, which tests if the fiber is live before sending the pulse, this can effectively prevent accidental damage to the OTDR and attached communication equipment.
GLORIA-X150A/ Xenon Light Source
Xe arc lamp light sources are the preferred artificial sources to simulate sunlight. The high color temperature (6000K) of the Xenon lamps is a close match to the solar temperature. This results in very similar solar spectra in the UV and VIS although the source has some Xe emissions lines in the near IR. Application for fluorescence, luminescence and phosphorescence, absorbance and reflectance, photochemistry, photolithography, solar simulation and so on.ct description goes here.
kSA Emissometer
The kSA Emissometer is designed to quickly and easily generate high-resolution diffuse and specular reflectance and total emissivity maps of MOCVD carriers. Carrier emissivity variation means temperature non-uniformity, which can lead to reduced device yield and possibly complete growth run failure. With the kSA Emissometer, emissivity changes can be tracked to determine carrier end-of-life, without wasting growth runs. The kSA Emissometer also detects unwanted residual deposits after baking, and easily identifies carrier surface defects, scratches, microcracks and pits that are not visible to the eye.
kSA SpectR
The kSA SpectR is a complete metrology solution for measurement of absolute spectral reflectance, growth rate and end point detection. Custom spectral features such as reflectance minima, maxima, inflection points, or baseline scatter level, over a user defined wavelength range of interest, are easily measured.
Reflectance Standards
STAN Series
Ocean Optics offers specular reflectance standards for measuring shiny surfaces such as machined metals and semiconductor materials and low-reflectivity surfaces such as anti-reflective coatings and thin film coatings. The STAN-SSH varies in reflectivity from 87%-98% over the 200-2500 nm wavelength range and is available in a version (STAN-SSH-NIST) calibrated to a NIST master standard. The NIST calibration data range is 250-2500 nm.
Solar Cell Characterisation
The PVE300 permits the determination of device spectral responsivity (from which may be determined EQE), and, having performed measurements of sample reflectance (and transmittance where required) the determination of IQE.
Standard-Res Spectroradiometer
FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res
Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc.
The FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res portable spectroradiometer is the right choice for a wide range of remote sensing applications, including multispectral sensor ground truthing and calibration, agricultural analysis, and snow and ice studies. In addition to being a world class spectroradiometer, the FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res is equally suited to serve as a rugged, portable spectrometer for accurate contact reflectance
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer
The default C-Therm TCi Thermal Conductivity Analyzer employs the Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) technique in characterizing the thermal conductivity and effusivity of materials. It employs a one-sided, interfacial heat reflectance sensor that applies a momentary constant heat source to the sample. Typically, the measurement pulse is between 1 to 3 seconds. Thermal conductivity and effusivity are measured directly, providing a detailed overview of the heat transfer properties of the sample material.
Transmission / Reflection Measurement
Measure spectral transmittance and reflectance of optical elements such as lens, plate glass, filter, reflector, prism and so on.The wavelength range is 350 to 1100 nm as standard and 220 to 2000 nm as an option.Reflection measurement of a general spectrophotometer can only measure several types of fixed angles, but in this device the incident angle of the sample at the time of reflectance measurement is variable at an arbitrary angle and the minimum incident angle at reflectance measurement is 15 ° ( Optical axis angle 30 °) can be set up.
VNIR Hand-held Spectroradiometer
HandHeld 2 Pro
Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc.
The FieldSpec HandHeld 2 Pro hand-held spectroradiometer offers greater sensitivity over the standard HandHeld 2 spectroradiometer model, aiding spectral measurements for applications with low reflectance characteristics such as water surfaces. Wherever there is a need for enhanced sensitivity, faster collection rates, high signal to noise performance, the HandHeld 2 Pro is the low cost VNIR spectroradiometer of choice.
Spatial Heterodyne Surface Chemical Agent Detector
Wide area, high areal coverage rate surface contaminant detection via LWIR reflectance spectroscopy employing eye safe broadband quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) and a high-speed spatial heterodyne spectrometer (SHS) in a handheld sensor package (~ 10,000 cm3, 10 lb).
Optical Scattering Measurements & Equipment
Synopsys TIS Pro is an optical scattering instrument for efficient measurements of reflectance, transmittance and absorption. This fully automated device features an integrated sphere and a spectral detector assembled in a housing that controls stray light to ensure fast, accurate measurement results.
The visibility is an important factor for road markings, traffic signs, road studs as well as high-visibility material such as warning clothes and Heavy good vehicles (HGV's) contour safety marking.The measurement of retroreflectivity is essentially a measurement of the reflectance of material under specified geometrical and spectral conditions. Instruments are available for measuring the retroreflectivity of various reflection materials.
Laser Flash Photolysis
This system that makes complex electronics, cumbersome software and large optical benches a thing of the past. The LFP system incorporates everything needed except the excitation laser. This is a simple, yet powerful instrument, ready to perform a wide range of time resolved kinetic and spectroscopic measurements involving transient absorption or diffuse reflectance. The LFP system, including the monochromator and digitizer is completely computer controlled, making it easy to obtain
Spectroscopic Reflectometry
Measure reflectance of flat or curved samples with smooth or rough surface.
Bar Code Verifier
TP140B Report Printer
The TP140B Report printer allows for printing of inspection reports from your Inspector series bar code verifier. The printer provides a simple report that will have a line for each bar code inspected. Note: The Verifier Computer Interface Report (VCIR) is required if you need the Scan Reflectance Profile (SRP).
Verifier Computer Interface Report
The Verifier Computer Interface Report (VCIR) is a Windows software package that allows for transferring inspection report from your Inspector series bar code verifier to a computer. Once transferred you can review the ISO/ANSI inspection results or view the scan reflectance profile for detailed troubleshooting. The inspection results can be saved by job for later retrieval or to append new inspection results to the existing job. As each job is saved an Excel spreadsheet (CSV file) is generated. You can customize which parameters should be saved in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet provides a simple report that will have a line for each bar code inspected.
UV-Vis Double Beam Research Spectrophotometer
UVD-3400 has an excellent performance blazed holographic grating optimized and optional reflectance attachment CT-type Monochromator and reduces stray light and widen the photometric range. Wavelength range: 190 nm – 900 nm ; Spectral bandwidth: 2nm
Scatterometers/ Thin Film Metrology Systems
LittleFoot Series
The n&k LittleFoot-CD, and LittleFoot-CD450 are DUV-Vis-NIR scatterometers/thin film metrology systems, based on polarized reflectance measurements (Rs and Rp) from 190nm to 1000nm, with microspot technology. The systems in the LittleFoot-CD Series determine thickness, n and k spectra from 190nm-1000nm of thin films, as well as depths, CDs, and profiles of trenches and contact holes.
Radiative Transfer Numerical Model
The HydroLight radiative transfer numerical model computes radiance distributions and related quantities (irradiances, reflectances, diffuse attenuation functions, etc.) in any water body.
DOI / Haze Meter
TRICOR’s Hazer Meter and DOI is ideally suited for measuring flat, non-textured high reflectance surfaces. The Model 807A Haze Meter design is in accordance with ASTM E430 and ASTM D5767 (method A) and is used to measure ±3 degrees around the specular lobe centered at 30 degrees in approximately 220 increments. That’s an angular sample size of 1 sample per 1.6 minutes of arc! This allows differentiation between samples with very small differences in reflectance characteristics. Verified replacement for the older Hunter Dorigon II haze meter unit.
Hybrid Diffuse Reflectance Spectrometer
Solar Light has developed the fastest performing DRS instruments on the market, keeping product research, formulation and clinical testing in mind. HDRSplus™ software is designed specifically for a clinical testing laboratory environment and simplifies all HDRS calculations.
Hybrid Diffuse Reflectance Spectrometer
Solar Light has developed the fastest performing DRS instruments on the market, keeping product research, formulation and clinical testing in mind. HDRSplus™ software is designed specifically for a clinical testing laboratory environment and simplifies all HDRS calculations.
Reflectance/Transmittance Test Set
An Integrating Sphere is a hollow sphere which has its interior coated with a paint that is nearly perfectly diffuse or Lambertian and which has extremely high reflectance. Light energy introduced in an integrating sphere is reflected from the wall and distributed uniformly around the interior. A detector which is placed at a hole or 'Port' in the sphere wall sees an output which is completely independent of the angularproperties of the input light. The independence of the output of a sphere from the angular properties of the input and the uniform internal distribution of light make integrating spheres ideal for many uses.
Integrating Sphere Coating
Integrating Spheres are essential tools for photometric research laboratories & lamp / luminaire manufacturers. A good internal coating is essential forintegrating spheres. It is a special water based BariumSulphate (BaSO ) white reflective paint particularly suitablefor internal coating of Integrating Spheres. It offers an almost constant reflectance in the range of 380 nm to 780 nm (visible wavelength range).
Turning Mirror
The Keysight 10772A Turning Mirror is a 100% reflectance mirror that turns the direction of an incoming laser beam 90 degrees. The mirror is used in the 5530 Laser Calibration System for applications such as machine tool calibration. It can be used in place of the 10707A Beam Bender (6 mm or less beam diameter) for applications that require the larger aperture of the 10772A.
Quickly and accurately measure and record Gloss, % Reflectance & Haze measurements on a wide range of materials, including paint, plastic, ceramic or metal with the Elcometer 480 Glossmeter.
Diamond Testers
Napco Precision Instruments Co
Jewelry Tester is an account of full wavelength spectrum analyzer. It can appraise true or false and whether or not dyed of jewelry. its wavelength range from ultraviolet to near infrared. it can test spectral reflectance curve of hundred kinds of jewelry effectively.
Lens Measurement Spectrophotometers
LINZA 150 spectrophotometer is designed for broadband transmittance and reflectance measurement of lenses and lens assemblies (objectives) ensuring that only perfect lenses are approved for lens assemblies, delivered to customers or meet specs provided to your lens supplier. The instrument is perfectly suited for both routine lens measurements and sophisticated improvement of lens production technology: Fast on-axis transmittance measurement of individual convex/concave lenses. Fast on-axis transmittance measurement of lens assemblies (objectives). Unattended on-axis and off-axis reflectance measurement of individual lenses providing measurement data virtually from any area on lens surface (both convex and concave). Ideal for fine-tuning of deposition technology used to produce coatings on lenses.