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Data Communications
Renesas' MIL-STD-883-compliant CMOS Manchester Encoder-Decoder (MED) is a high-speed, low power device manufactured using self-aligned silicon gate technology. The device is intended for use in serial data communication, and can be operated in either of two modes, a converter mode or repeater mode. This device is qualified to QML Class Q military standards.
EMF Measurements Antennas
An isotropic antenna that allows to carry out radiated emission and environment exposure measurement (elettrosmog) to the radio frequencies in proximity of radio and television stations and repeaters for mobile telephone.
Fiberoptic Repeaters
*Cost effective task specific Fiber Optic Solutions for Satellite Radio and GPS over Fiber*End to end solutions complete with RF to Optical and Optical to RF component*Flexible powering options including DC over hybrid cable, local 48 VDC and AC*Utilizes industry standard fiber cables and connectors
Fiber Optic Transmitter/Receiver & Repeater Board
To be used with 1000 micron plastic fiber optic cable. Fiber distance should be limited to 40 meters unless special low-loss fiber is used. These units can be used as repeaters to go greater distances.
Free Serial-TCP (More Than Just A Device Server)
In the past two decades, legacy serial communication protocols such as Modbus have merged rapidly with modern TCP/IP communication, yielding benefits including widely available infrastructures and greater distance, reliability, and speed. The Serial-TCP program (more than just a Device Server) bridges your existing Serial COM port and TCP/IP without the need for changing existing protocol. It works seamlessly and transparently, just like passive RS232 / RS485 / RS422 converters, repeaters, and hubs, while the difference is that one requires installation of cables and converters with limited distance; and the other simply makes use of the existing computers and networks with an unlimited transmission distance
Indoor DAS Transmitters
Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.
Lightweight DAS transmitters and high-speed receivers for the build-out, optimization and indoor coverage studies of in-building microcell networks and base station repeaters.
IO-Link Accessories/Connection Technology
- USB interface for connecting IO-Link enabled sensors to a PC- Bluetooth adapter for IO-Link sensors and masters- Repeater for increasing the range- Data splitter to integrate IO-Link sensors in old installations- Converter for converting standard signals to IO-Link and vice versa
Isolated Timing Repeater
The Isolated Timing Repeater (previously known as the MOFR) is a compact DIN rail mountable signal repeater that performs a number of tasks, including converting time sync signals , boosting signal strengths and converting one type of signal to another.
Modbus Data Acquisition
The Datexel range of Data Acquisition equipment includes Modbus RTU Masters and Slaves, Modbus Input, Modbus Output Modules, Modbus Isolation Modules and Modbus Repeaters. The range also includes converters (RS485, USB, RS232, RS422, TCP-IP). By combining these units with the DAT3000 and DAT10000 series a complete solution for your Data Acquisition can be found from Datexel. The DAT9550 is a remote Modbus display unit that can be programmed to accept data from Modbus slaves or masters such as a PLC or the DAT9000 range of Modbus controllers.
CTCSS sub-audible tone decoder reveals repeater access tones DCS Digital-Coded Squelch decoding (requires receiver with discriminator or demodulator (unfiltered) output) DTMF "Touch-Tone™" decoder / logger Improved 2-tone decoding captures "stacked" pages Built-in Log Viewer / Player External serial port control to operate relay or PTT circuit Fully supports Windows XP, Vista / 7, 8, 10
RS232 / RS485 / RS422 / TTL Serial Repeaters & Hubs
CommFront offers a range of rugged, industrial-grade RS232 / RS485 / RS422 / TTL repeaters and hubs to meet serial communications' data distance needs by converting unbalanced signals to balanced ones, deploying repeaters to boost signal strength, and implementing hubs for star-configured connections, while still taking full advantage of cost-effective and readily-available copper wire.
TV Signal Generator
This device is equips with the simulator. The following condition can be simulated. Non Liner: Non-linear assumed the satellite repeater - AWGN: C/N assumed the rain attenuation.- Phase Noise: Phase noise assumed the LNB - Frequency Drift: Frequency drift assumed the LNB- Echo: Reflection by the reception wiring and so on The MPEG-2 TS and the TLV (Type Length Value) can be transmitted. The test stream generator is equipped. Thus, the files can be rewritten through the USB2.0 interface. A seven-inches WVGA touch-panel is equipped. Thus, an excellent operation ability is provided. The remote control through the Ethernet is possible.
USB Extenders / Repeaters / Hubs
CommFront has all the solutions that you need to make your data travel seamlessly without limits. We offer a range of rugged, industrial-grade USB extenders (repeaters) and hubs to meet your data communications' distance needs by converting unbalanced signals to balanced ones, deploying repeaters to boost signal strength, and implementing hubs for star-configured connections, while still taking full advantage of cost-effective and readily-available copper wire.
VMEbus Repeater Link
The VME-REPEAT-A-L is a two-board set which allows VMEbus slave I/O boards residing in one VMEbus chassis to be controlled by a VMEbus master residing in another chassis. The VMEbus chassis in which VMEbus masters reside is referred to as a master chassis, while the VMEbus slave boards reside in a slave chassis.
Digital Tap Position Indicator Repeater
We, NMC, are one of the leading manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of Digital Tap Position Indicators.
2:8 A/B Splitter
XPD-28 splitters boost, refresh and distribute the DMX signals of two inputs onto eight outputs. This allows for safely going beyond the 32 devices limit of the DMX standard, as well as for building star topologies. Moreover, the XPD-28 can be used as a repeater in order to transport a DMX signal across larger distances just as well.
BDAs & Repeaters
*Bi-directional amplifiers designed for Nano, Pico and Femto base stations*The PCS and AWS configurations provide up to 10 dB of Uplink and 25 dB Downlink gain*Separate TX and RX inputs and a common antenna port with an optional full duplex input*Ideal for in-building and spot coverage applications
Multimedia Test Instrument
The Teledyne LeCroy quantumdata 882EA-HDMI test instrument provides two (2) HDMI transmit (Output) ports and two (2) HDMI receive (Input) ports for testing both HDMI sources, sinks and repeater devices. The 882EA-HDMI instrument can optionally be equipped with the industry approved HDMI CEC and HDCP compliance test options as well.
Radar Target Repeater
Series 8000
The Eastern OptX Series 8000 Radar Target Repeater is a portable, variable delay and propagation loss system designed for radar testing and alignment. The repeater may be remotely programmed in the field for dynamic operation. When connected to a user specified antenna the repeater can provide delays of up to 500 usec with a fixed delay, multiple discrete delays, or a progressive variable delay with amplitude control The Series 8000 features ultra wide bandwidth, low loss, high isolation, low noise figure, and high dynamic range.
Optical Extended CAN Bus Jumper
Optical Extended CAN Bus Jumper, using fault tolerant to optical conversion to extend the range, can extend up to 5 kilometers subsea.Qualified repeater housing protected on each side by highly reliable glass to metal sealed penetrators.
Time Repeater
Time repeater VCH-402 is designed for use in TCP/IP networks as a Time Server of the first level (NTP Stratum1).The time repeater is built on the basis of a single-board microcomputer running under the Linux operating system.
VME Bus Repeater
Easily link your VMEbus systems via fiber-optic cable, with total electrical isolation, no EMI generation and high-noise immunity.
Couplers, Repeaters, Bus Switches, Connectors, Cables & More
Accessories for the MIL-STD-1553 data bus are as much of an interface as the communication card. Therefore at Excalibur we provide a full line of accessories for the MIL-STD-1553 data bus that include, Box/Inline Couplers, Repeaters, Bus Switches, break out boxes, connectors, terminators, transformers and custom cable assemblies. Excalibur uses only premier quality parts from known manufacturers. We constantly test our products to meet our higher standards.If you have a need for an accessory product for your card and it is not listed please contact us to see if it is a product we should be supporting.
GPS / GNSS Repeater
The COMM-connect GPS / GNSS Repeater offers straight forward way of amplifying GPS signals in areas where coverage is limited. The GPS / GNSS Repeater handles all major satellite based navigation systems, such as GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou & Galileo. Mechanical mounting is made easy by mounting flaps protruding the casing.
LocoNet & Testers
The LNRP Xtra LocoNet Repeater Module Isolates and Protects LocoNet Layouts, it allows for greater expansion of the LocoNet system on large installations. The LNRP Xtra allows "protected" sections of LocoNet to continue functioning even when a fault occurs elsewhere, the LNRP Xtra automatically reconnects the faulty section once the issue is resolved. Now includes the PS14 power supply.
BRRF14 and BRRD14 are the channel units of BHE's FM and DAB solution. They are connected to the respective amplifier unit (BRRF15 / BRRD15) to amplify the selected channel within the band. Placed in a modern rackmount box, these units can be combined with BHE rackmount TETRA repeaters fulfilling the variouscommunications need of special places like tunnels or underground stations.
Serial Converters/Isolators/Repeaters
To keep your serial equipment communicating and smoothly integrated with new technologies, B B SmartWorx powered by Advantech has developed the most extensive line of serial conversion and isolation products on the market.
Serial/USB Converters/Repeaters
Adam-4500 Series
RS-232/422/485 Serial converters and repeaters with isolation features include serial to serial, serial to USB and serial to fiber optics options.
High Speed Link Master Controller
PCI-7853 provides a Single independent HSL network and one Network port with 2 separate connectors. For more application, the Max. HSL system connecting distance using PCI-7853 can be 2400 m at the speed of 3 Mbps with HSL repeater module.