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Keep a steady fixed or variable voltage to current ratio as measured in ohms.
Circuit Breaker Analyzer
CAT Standard Series
The CAT Standard series circuit breaker analyzers & timers are stand-alone or a PC-controlled digital instruments for circuit breakers condition assessments. The timing channels record closing and opening of the arcing, resistor, and auxiliary contacts. CAT Standard series records graphs of both, trip and close coil currents and displacements of the HV and MV circuit breaker moving parts. The main contact channels can also measure the resistance value of the pre-insertion resistors (if present in the circuit breaker). Test results can be downloaded to a USB memory stick or saved to internal memory. The CAT Standard series internal memory can store up to 500 test results (numerical and graphical data). Test results can also be printed on the 80 mm (3.15 inch) thermal printer (optional accessory) in tabular and graphical form. CAT Standard series provides an easy selection of different operational modes:
Current Limiting Resistors
Current Limiting Resistors are designed for limiting the flow of current to some predetermined value and are used mainly to to keep flowing current within certain intervals while controlling the circuit.
Decade Resistance Substituter Lab Standard
HARS-LX Series
The HARS-LX substituter is a precision resistance source with excellent characteristics of accuracy, stability, temperature coefficient, and power coefficient. All these features serve to make it a laboratory resistance standard, exceeded in performance only by stand-alone standard resistors.
Decade Resistor
esi / Tegam DB62
IET has improved the specifications on esi/Tegam's DB62 decade resistor. These Decade Resistors are primarily intended for precision measurement applications where their excellent accuracy of 0.01%, stability, and low zero resistance are important
Decade Resistor
1433 Series
The 1433 Decade Resistors are primarily intended for precision measurement applications where their excellent accuracy, stability, and low zero resistance are important. They are convenient resistance standards for checking the accuracy of resistance-measuring devices and are used as components in dc and audio-frequency applications.
Dry Dielectric RF Coaxial Loads
These 50-Ohm RF Load Resistors are light weight, dry coaxial loads that can be used in any position. All power ratings are for continuous operation. However, data is available for special applications and pulsed power conditions. Any of our Quick Match connectors can be used on these loads. Should you desire a connector other than the one included, it should be specified when ordering.
Dry Dielectric RF Coaxial Loads
4000 Series
These 50-Ohm RF Load Resistors are light weight, dry coaxial loads that can be used in any position. All power ratings are for continuous operation. However, data is available for special applications and pulsed power conditions. Any of our Quick Match connectors can be used on these loads. Should you desire a connector other than the one included, it should be specified when ordering.
Dynamic Braking Resistors
Speed of three phase asynchronous squirrel-cage motors and three phase synchronous motors are generally controlled by motor drives where frequency of the drive output determines the motor speed, and it can be adjusted without dependence on the voltage magnitude.
The Electrical Load Box LOADS in charge to simulate the typical consumption of electronics’ equipment.The Box is a 5U, 19’’ modular rackable equipment that can house up to 50 resistors mechanically and thermally attached to two high efficiency heat-sinks, with integrated fans, for each boxTesting points for current and voltage measurement are provided as well
Ethernet Digital Interfaces
Model 8063
All of ICS's Ethernet Digital Interfaces are user configurable and let you transfer data as bits, bytes, as strings of bytes or transparently. All data lines are high power TTL outputs or floating inputs with pullup resistors for sensing CMOS signals or switch contacts. All interfaces conform to the IEEE-488.2 Standard, are VXI-11 compatible and/or support TCPIP Raw Socket protocol.
Ethernet Digital Interfaces
All of ICS's Ethernet Digital Interfaces are user configurable and let you transfer data as bits, bytes, as strings of bytes or transparently. All data lines are high power TTL outputs or floating inputs with pullup resistors for sensing CMOS signals or switch contacts. All interfaces conform to the IEEE-488.2 Standard, are VXI-11 compatible and/or support TCPIP Raw Socket protocol.
Ethernet To Parallel Digital Interface Boards
ICS's Ethernet Parallel Digital Interface boards provide the user with a wide range of IO signals that can be user configured to match virtually any application. These Ethernet boards are available with high power relay driver boards and with optional firmware designed to simplify switching applications. The 80x3 boards have high-power TTL signals that can sink 48 mA and source 24 mA. Pullup resistors make it easy to interface with CMOS logic and to sense contact closures. User configures data byte direction and polarity. The 80x3 boards are VXI-11 compliant for operation with NI or Agilent VISA, LabVIEW and VEE and support raw socket connections. The new 8113 board is a CMOS close of the 8013 board with user set 3.3 or 5 V logic levels. Pinouts and command set is the same as the 8013 board. The 8113 communicates with TCP/IP(Raw Socket) protocoland and also has a RS-232 Serrial Port. All boards are designed for mounting against the rear panel or inside a chassis and use our Ethernet Wiring Kit for easy connection to a Ethernet Connector on the rear panel.
General Purpose 4 Channel Optocoupler Board
A general purpose 4 channel optocoupler board using H11G2 optocouplers (see above schematic). Resistors, capacitors, and connections to terminal strip are made by customer to allow for complete flexibility
General Purpose 4 Channel Optocoupler Board
A general purpose 4 channel optocoupler board using H11G2 optocouplers (see above schematic). Resistors, capacitors, and connections to terminal strip are made by customer to allow for complete flexibility.
GPIB Digital Interfaces
All of ICS's GPIB Digital Interfaces are user configurable and let you transfer data as bits, bytes or as strings of bytes. All data lines are high power TTL outputs or floating inputs with pullup resistors for sensing CMOS signals or switch contacts. All interfaces conform to the IEEE-488.2 Standard and are HP-IB compatible.
Header Covers
Series 650
Header Covers. Aries offers a complete line of DIP headers and covers useful for mounting components such as resistors, diodes, etc. Consult Data Sheet 12032 for mating DIP header information. Four cover heights provide mounting of 1/8? [3.18] high to 3/4? [19.05] high components.
High Power Resistance Decade Box
HPRS Series
The HPRS Series resistance decade boxes employ state-of-the-art precision resistors of various types for high accuracy, high stability, and low temperature and power coefficients of- resistance. High-power resistors within the unit are made available without sacrificing other electrical properties.
High Voltage Divider
HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH
Is a passive linear circuit that produces an output voltage (Vout) that is a fraction of its input voltage (Vin). Voltage division is the result of distributing the input voltage among the components of the divider. A simple example of a voltage divider is two resistors connected in series, with the input voltage applied across the resistor pair and the output voltage emerging from the connection between them.
Laser Trimmer PAL
MicroContact's unique passive matching technology allows fast matching of all resistors in a single trimming pass, making it much more economical and faster than conventional solutions.
MAX31855 T-Type Thermocouple Arduino Shield
Four channel MAX31855 digital thermocouple Arduino Shield. Two versions of this shield are avaliable for each thermocouple type: either 'Ch 0-3' (CS pins use Uno/Mega IO pins 7-10) or 'Ch 4-7' (CS pins use Uno/Mega IO pins 3-6), with the only difference being which set of zero-ohm resistors are populated on the board. This allows use of other SPI devices that may be 'hard coded' to specific digital pins on the Arduino, or simply stacking one of each type together to get a total of eight thermocouple channels on one Arduino.
Micro-Ohmmeter Calibration Kit
The LOM-530 is convenient single unit containing a complete set of (5) working standard grade resistors for complete calibration of micro-ohmmeters. The standard resistance values are those used by the LOM-510A Microohmmeter/Milliohmmeter.
Motor Control Resistors
Although these types of motor and control system are in many cases being supplanted by AC variable speed drives, it remains the case that many new installations make use of traditional resistor-based motor control on grounds of cost, simplicity and reliability. Our expertise in application engineering means that Cressall can offer you a complete range of dedicated resistors for starting, braking and speed control that meet European, international and bespoke specifications
Motor Starting & Control Resistors
Motor Starting Resistors are used to reduce the voltage at the motor terminals and also decrease the starting current. Motor Starting Resistors are necessary because the self resistance of a motor armature is very low. When the voltage is first applied, excessive current will flow. For limiting this current, since there will be no resisting back electromotive force (emf),some series resistance can be added to the armature windings.
MSXB 042
MSXB 042
The MSXB 042 Analog Termination Board allows quick and secure connection of discrete wires to the iDSC 1816 Board. MSXB 042 includes locations to install voltage divider resistors and 0-20mA termination resistors, as well as a Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) circuit for thermocouple applications.
Neutral Grounding Resistors
Neutral Grounding Resistors (NGRs) are used to limit the fault current for safety of equipment and personnel in industrial systems.
CG series
The CG series is a resister tunable sine-wave oscillator which can be set the oscillation frequency with externally connected resistors.
Portable Calibrator
Voltage range from 0 to 750 V DC/AC with uncertainty 0.01% Current range from 0 to 2 A DC/AC with uncertainty 0.02 % Calibrated sinusoidal output signal DC - 1kHz. Set standard resistors from 10 Ohm to 100 MOhm in decade values with uncertainty 0.02 %. TC temperature sensor simulation R, S, B, J, T, E, K, N in range from -250 oC to 1850 oC
Programmable Resistor Card
The VXI150 is a high accuracy programmable ladder packaged on a single slot C-size VXIbus card format. The instrument is a standard resistor based card providing programmable resistance values from0.5 to 1.5M ohms in 0.1 ohm increments. And since high power precision resistors are used, the VXI150 provides 0.5A current carry capability and up to 5 watts dissipation.
Resistance Transmitter
Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG.
Transmitters for resistors and potentiometers in 6 mm housing with calibrated range selection. Functional safety up to SIL 2, SIL 3 redundant to parameterization via interface or intuitively, directly on the device. Universal use with 24 V DC or AC power supply.
Resister Blackjack
Resistor blackjack is like regular blackjack but better! Your goal is to assemble a single resistance from several resistors that is as close to 21k while not being over.Unlike regular blackjack, the resistors can be combined in series and in parallel, giving the game a whole new dimension. Plus, resistors have tolerances so achieving a mathematical 21k doesn't guarantee a win.