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a propagating wave or moving particle's linear trajectory, interrupted by non-uniformity in the medium they move through.
The EMORAL LIDAR observations at the PolWET site in Rzecin, Poland, on 10 June 2019. The scattering ratio (top), quasi-particle depolarization ratio (middle), and backscatter colour ratio (bottom) derived at 532 nm with 30 m spatial and 30 s temporal resolutions
Evaporative Light Scattering Detector for HPLC
The evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) is a general-purpose universal detector that can even detect components with no UV absorption, such as carbohydrates, lipids, surfactants, and synthetic polymers.* With exceptional sensitivity, a wide dynamic range through Analytical Intelligence features, and easy operability using LabSolutions™ software, the ELSD-LT III contributes to more effective analysis in a wide variety of fields.
Modular SEC system
The new Postnova SC2000 Modular SEC system offers unrivalled flexibility in Advanced SEC/GPC analysis. It is the first truly modular multi-detector SEC system available allowing flexible access to a wide range of applications. The system incorporates state-of-the-art detection technologies including light scattering (MALS > multi-angle light scattering) for absolute molecular weight and Viscosity detection for structural and conformational data. Many other detector and accessory options and combinations are available to build a system uniquely tailored to your application requirements, with the benefit of modularity to allow easy future expansion. In addition, the SC2000 can be further expanded to include FFF modules to widen the application range and allow both SEC and FFF separations to be carried out on the same sample within one instrument platform.
Molecular Weight Analyzers
Brookhaven Instruments Corporation
Molecular weight and size are two key properties of all macromolecules including biologically important and synthetic polymers. Performance and processability are directly related to these parameters. Light scattering is capable of absolute measurements in either batch or flow mode. For distribution information, couple a GPC/SEC instrument to a light scattering detector.
Multi-angle Polarized Light Scattering Measurements
In-situ measurements of P11, P12 and P22 elements of scattering Mueller matrix, (P11 is VSF) from 15-150º.VSF (P11) only at small angles, 0.05 to 10º in 32 logarithmic steps in angles.Only two detectors employed with absolute radiant sensitivity (A/W) calibration.Beam attenuation measured with optics similar to our LISST-100X.Roving Eyeball™ optics permit 1-degree resolution in angles between 15 -150º.Sampling rate at 3 seconds per measurement set (involves 3 turns of Roving Eyeball with unpolarized, vertical, and horizontal polarized laser).Daylight rejection by laser modulation.Dynamic range in VSF measurements extended via laser power modulation.Data from small and large angles in a single data stream, including depth and temperature.
Network Analyzers
A network analyzer is an instrument used to analyze the properties of electrical networks, especially those properties associated with the reflection and transmission of electrical signals known as scattering parameters (S-parameters). Network analyzers are used mostly at high frequencies; operating frequencies can range from 9 kHz to 110 GHz
Optical VSF Sensors
The optical Volume Scattering Function(VSF) is an ‘inherent optical property’ of water that is used by optical oceanographers to predict light propagation, image degradation, remote sensed ocean color, biological environment etc. in water.
Particle & Molecular Size/Charge Analyzers
Zetasizer Range
Instruments in the Zetasizer range are used to measure particle and molecular size from less than a nanometer to several microns using dynamic light scattering; zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering; and molecular weight using static light scattering. The Zetasizer system is available in a range of variants, including the new Zetasizer Pro and Ultra. These two new systems offer unprecedented ease-of-use and flexibility, along with empowering user guidance and novel measurement techniques such as MADLS® and Particle Concentration.
Raman Spectroscopy
Raman is a spectroscopic technique that uses laser light to interact with molecular excitations and determine what a substance or element is composed of. It relies upon the inelastic scattering of photons which produces a weak signal, making the collection of information challenging particularly when the substance to be measured is at distance or can only be given short exposure times. Our Raman spectrometers are particularly effective at making Raman measurements due to their configuration which delivers a higher throughput/etendue than standard instruments.
Scattered Light Dust Measuring Devices
The reliable way to detect low dust concentrationsLight scattering by dust particles is a measurement principle that allows even very low concentrations of dust to be detected. Depending on the system-specific requirements, either forward scattering or backward scattering can be used in this context. Both measurement principles return stable and reproducible measurement results, regardless of the gas velocity, humidity, or dust particle charges.
Solar Cell Simulation
Easily calculate the short circuit current, open circuit voltage Voc and fill factor with Setfos. Tweak the layer stack and add light scattering layers for enhanced absorption. Optimize for AM1.5 or specific wavelength bandsElectrical IV curvesCurve fitting & parameter extractionAC simulation and transient experiments like photo-CELIVAdvanced device physics: SRH-recombination, excitons, ... Design anti-reflection coatings or transparent cells
Vector Network Analyzer
SIGLENT Vector Network Analyzers have a frequency range of 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz, with 2/4-port models that can quickly deliver reliable scattering, differential, and time-domain parameter measurements.
ViscoStar III
A highly sensitive, on-line differential viscometer used in conjunction with SEC-MALS to determine the size and conformation of all types of biopolymers, synthetic polymers and even proteins and peptides. The ViscoStar III incorporates multiple novel technologies to provide the highest sensitivity, stability and solvent compatibility of any available viscometer for GPC. Its ease-of-use and serviceability make it the perfect companion for Wyatt's DAWN HELEOS II light scattering and Optilab T-rEX refractive index detectors.
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
AXIS Supra
AXIS SupraTM is an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) with unrivalled automation and ease of use for materials surface characterisation. The patented AXIS technology ensures high electron collection efficiency in spectroscopy mode and low aberrations at high magnifications in parallel imaging mode. XPS spectroscopy and imaging results can be complemented by additional surface analysis techniques such as: ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS); Schottky field emission scanning Auger microscopy (SAM) and secondary electron microscopy (SEM) and ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS). The AXIS Supra replaces the AXIS Ultra DLD as Kratos' flagship x-ray photoelectron spectrometer.
Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) Products
Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) Products from Rigaku
3D Electromagnetic Simulation Software
A full-featured simulation solver, XFdtd outpaces other methods in efficiency as the number of unknowns increases. XF includes full-wave, static, bio-thermal, optimization, and circuit solvers to tackle a wide variety of applications, including antenna design and placement, biomedical and SAR, EMI/EMC, microwave devices, radar and scattering, automotive radar, and more. It also works with Remcom's ray-tracing products to provide thorough simulation capability at the low-, middle-, and high-end of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Raman Probes
As with Raman spectrometers, a Raman probe is used to measure the inelastic scattering of light from a sample. Raman scattering is produced when the energy levels of photons are shifted up or down as a result of excitation by a monochromatic source (usually a laser). The change in vibrational frequency is used to determine the composition of a target substance.
Sapphire Defect Laser Probe and Glasses
Easy to use and portable■ low price with long lifetime■ can be used to detect many defects, like micro crack, bubbles, impurity, crystal subgrain■ When the laser go though the crystal, if it is monocrystal the light should be scattering, in macro it should be white.
Optical Scattering Measurements & Equipment
Synopsys TIS Pro is an optical scattering instrument for efficient measurements of reflectance, transmittance and absorption. This fully automated device features an integrated sphere and a spectral detector assembled in a housing that controls stray light to ensure fast, accurate measurement results.
Particle Sensor
HPM Series
The Honeywell HPM Series Particle Sensor is a laser-basedsensor which uses the light scattering method to detectand count particles in the concentration range of 0 g/m3to 1,000 g/m3 in a given environment. A laser light sourceilluminates a particle as it is pulled through the detectionchamber. As particles pass through the laser beam, the lightsource becomes obscured and is recorded on the photo orlight detector. The light is then analyzed and converted toan electrical signal providing particulate size and quantity tocalculate concentrations in real time. The Honeywell particlesensor provides information on the particle concentration forgiven particle concentration range.
Diffractometers & Scattering Systems
Bruker develops and manufactures analytical solutions for X-ray diffraction and scattering. Our innovative instruments and software support research, development and quality control in academia, governmental institutions and industry.
Application Specific LC System
Reducing Sugar Analysis System
The Nexera reducing sugar analysis system uses Shimadzu’s unique post-column boric acid-arginine fluorescence derivatization method. Unlike the refractive index detectors and evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD) commonly used for sugar analysis, this system reduces the effects of impurities and offers both high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range. As a result, sugars contained in samples can be analyzed simultaneously, without dilution even when there are significant concentration differences.
Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detectors
Since the 1990s Postnova has been a leading innovator and developer of special advanced online Light Scattering solutions for coupling with chromatographic separation systems. The first model was the PD2000 - Static Light Scattering detector for coupling with Asymmetric Flow FFF. Later on the models PN3020 SLS and PN3070 MALS have been launched. Based on these over two decades of practical experience, Postnova has collected a unique competence in the area of Laser Light Scattering and has developed the unique PN3621 MALS - Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector series. The model PN3621 MALS is a completely new type of high performance MALS detector system with a unique range of specifications.
Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector
Since the 1990s Postnova has been a leading innovator and developer of special advanced online Light Scattering solutions for coupling with chromatographic separation systems. The first model was the PD2000 - Static Light Scattering detector for coupling with Asymmetric Flow FFF. Later on the models PN3020 SLS and PN3070 MALS have been launched. Based on these over two decades of practical experience, Postnova has collected a unique competence in the area of Laser Light Scattering and has developed the unique PN3621 MALS - Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector series. The model PN3621 MALS is a completely new type of high performance MALS detector system with a unique range of specifications.
Calypso II
Label-free, immobilization-free characterization of protein-protein and other macromolecular interactions with composition-gradient multi-angle light scattering.
Sample Analysis Services
Postnova Analytics offers a variety of unique sample analysis services for the characterization of biopolymers, proteins, liposomes and nanoparticles. Our European Application Laboratory Center EAC and our American Application Laboratory Center AAC represent the worldwide biggest and most advanced labs offering sample analysis services based on Field-Flow Fractionation and Light Scattering.
CAPture Emulator Series
With the need of long-range communication increasing, it is imperative to use newer technologies without burdening the bandwidth of the existing satellites. Communicating over atmospheric channels has proven the long-range communication to be rightfully effective and ensured constructive outcomes. Required signal shall be communicated using the scattering effect of atmospheric channels.
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Partica LA-960V2
This latest evolution in the LA series advances scientific knowledge for tomorrow's world through intuitive software, unique accessories, and high performance.The LA-960V2 continues HORIBA's proud tradition of leading the industry with innovative design.
Neutron Scattering and Beamline Systems
For optical, neutron and particle beam experiments, Cryogenic offers a range of split pair magnets. These allow strong magnetic fields to be produced in a small volume with maximum access to the working space. Split pair coils can be mounted to provide either a vertical field with horizontal access or a horizontal field offering horizontal or vertical access.
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Partica mini LA-350
HORIBA's new LA-350 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Distribution Analyzer is the ideal combination of performance, price, and packaging. The LA-350 excels in applications as diverse as slurries, minerals, and paper chemistry. Based on the advanced optical design of previous LA-series analyzers, the LA-350 strikes a harmonious balance between high-functionality, easy operation, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness.Bench space is used efficiently due to the LA-350’s compact size (297 mm x 420 mm). The clever design and precision, high quality manufacturing ensure convenient, reliable operation and accurate results, now with a wider size range (0.1-1,000 µm).