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create vibrations of various frequencies and intensities.
See Also: Vibration Test, Vibration Controllers
Controller Software & Hardware
Vibration Controllers
Vibration Research Corporation
Set up and safely control vibration shaker tests using any VR hardware and generate customized reports. Configure the VibrationVIEW control software for as many or as few test modules as you’d like (à la carte). Pick your control hardware based on specified needs.
Low Acoustic Noise and Compact Range
DC powered cooling fan is built-into the shaker. Natural air cooling is also used when the cooling fan is stopped for silent operation. (with a reduction in performance)
Measurement Power Amplifier
The amplifier is DSP controlled, with a very straightforward operation. Included is a white/pink noise signal generator. The internal signal module provides low crest noise signals to be able to reach high power levels from sound sources or electromagnetic shaker. External input of signal is equally possible, with spectral linearisation or without. This can be used for music, RASTI or any other signal
MESA Vibration Control
MESA tests are specifically required when the unit under test is too heavy or too big and exceeds the capabilities of a single shaker. In a MESA application, multiple shakers provide excitation to the test specimen in a single axis. Different relations like same magnitude and phase for drives, different phase for drives, different magnitude and phase for drives, can be set for this MESA test.
Modal Analysis Shaker
KD-9363EM-Analysis shaker
King Design Industrial Co., Ltd.
This machine can test the structural properties of materials, manual fine-tuning vibration frequency can perform single-point resonance search and presence; after shaking, capture resonance excitation modal analysis data for future use.
Open Air Shakers
Providing Consistent, Repeatable Reciprocating Shaking Action for a Variety of Applications
Shaker Control Complex
n the course of vibration tests of finished products or prototypes, a number of steps are carried out that require certain, often very complex, algorithms for the operation of bench equipment and the processing of measurement results. Automation of the test process allows to reduce time costs, improve the accuracy of the task, the reliability of measurements, the visibility of information and minimize the impact of the human factor.
Slip Table Assembly
CSTA Series
Unholtz-Dickie introduced the Combined Slip Table Assembly (CSTA) in the late 1960''s to meet the demand for positive mechanical alignment between the shaker and its companion horizontal slip table. The challenge was to achieve this positive, permanent alignment feature without requiring an expensive seismic mass in the vibration lab floor. The original CSTA design has been continuously improved over the years and has now become the industry standard for permanently aligned, integral reaction mass slip tables.
Vibration Controllers
The 900 Series vibration controllers incorporate Data Physics’ renowned shaker control algorithms with a modern software interface and new hardware. The 900 Series controller can quickly be set up to control any shaker – while the 900 series platform offers advanced features such as auto-aggregation of data from all test stands, custom Word-based reporting, unlimited expandability, concurrent data recording and signal analysis, intrinsic safety, and more.
Electrodynamic shakers
Labtone Test Equipment Co., LTD
Labtone EV series of electromagnetic vibration testing system simulate the vibration environment under the laboratory condition, and test the impact strength as well as reliability of various vibration test applications. In the laboratory, with the aid of vibration testing system, simulations of reproduction of sinusoidal, random, resonant search and dwell, classical shock and road models, etc. can be achieved. It is essential for product quality assurance, new product research and development.
Modal Testing
We pioneered the use of random excitation for modal testing and extended the method to include multishaker random testing and polyreference data processing. We have unsurpassed experience in modal testing of aerospace and industrial systems, including large scale testing for aerospace systems with over 400 accelerometers and eight shakers.
Multiple Shaker Control
EDM Multi-Shaker Control (MSC) is a software option included in the EDM testing package along with VCS. Multiple Shaker Control provides one centralized interface to interact with multiple controllers running separate tests at the same time. Multi-shaker controllers are not time synchronized unlike in MIMO VCS, in which all drives are time synchronized.
Hardy Shaker
This is our top of the line Hardy Shaker. It provides the ability to set the amplitude and change the frequency range without the amplitude changing. This automation makes conducting vibration tests easier. Tests can be conducted on multiple vibration transducers, and then the saved data can be transferred via USB Flash Drive to be displayed in an automated and customizable report using an Excel template on your computer. In manual mode, the vibration test level and test frequency can be set from 7 Hz to 10,000 Hz. The high accuracy instrument can display the vibration level in terms of g’s peak, velocity peak (in/sec or mm/s) or displacement peak-to-peak (mils or µm). The unit can support payloads up to 800 grams (see frequency limits in the manual). A built-in display reads the output sensitivity, which can be stored in memory. Complete testing sequences and data can be stored in memory for each tested sensor, the unit logs the data on the spot or stores it for later use. For testing of heavy transducers or at high frequencies, the HI-903 automatically corrects the sensitivity calculation for the effects of transducer mass loading. A built-in self-test program checks for accuracy of all calculations. The HI-903 has a built-in battery charger that can operate on 120 or 240 VAC. The unit comes in a rugged Pelican case.
Hardy Shaker
This Hardy Shaker provides the ability to set the amplitude and change the frequency range without the amplitude changing. This automation makes conducting a test easier. A test can be conducted on a vibration transducer and manually recorded. Multiple tests are not saved; for multiple tests use the HI-903 or HI-803 units. The HI-913 is used for testing from 7 to 10,000 Hz, it offers adjustable frequency and vibration levels. This provides a reference source for verifying the accuracy of vibration transducers, connectors, cabling and instruments or instrumentation systems. The HI-913 has a ruggedized suspension system that can support heavy transducers (up to 800 grams - see frequency limits in the manual). The HI-913 has a built-in battery charger that can operate on 120 or 240 VAC. The unit comes in a rugged Pelican case.
Sine Vibration Control
Sine control is one of the two basic and most common excitation modes for Environmental Shaker testing. This control mode performs real-time closed-loop control of swept sine vibration. The m+p VibControl vibration control system allows the user to designate all input channels as control, watchdog and/or measurement channels.
Shaker Systems
Vibration Research Corporation
Small force vibration testing equipment and shakers for product and modal analysis testing. Each system consists of a shaker and a matching linear direct-coupled power amplifier. Additional components may be added to the basic system to tailor it to your specific needs.
Single-Axis Shaker Vibration Testing
Modular Vibration Control Systems - Scales up to 512 Channels
Random Vibration Control
Random control is one of the two basic and most common excitation modes for Environmental Shaker testing. Random performs real-time closed-loop control of PSD profiles. The m+p VibControl vibration control system allows the user to designate all input channels as control, watchdog and/or measurement channels.
MB PM-Series Shakers use permanent magnet technology and the voice coil principle to create vibration. These general-purpose shakers are heavy duty, industrial-quality equipment with a proven track record of lasting ten, fifteen, even over twenty years in demanding applications. You can buy “bargain basement” shakers or you can invest in MB PM-Shakers that will provide you with years of dependable, reliable, and consistent testing. Choose from five different sizes – depending on your needs – with maximum sine force ratings of 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 pounds.
Shaker Systems
The MB Dynamics C10E, C40HP, C90HP and C150HP Electrodynamic Shakers comprise current deliverables in a long history of reliable and rugged shakers earning a well-deserved reputation for high performance, longevity, and dependability. They build upon MB’s family of CSeries products (C10, C25, C40, C50, C60, C90, C125, C126, C150, C200, C210, C220) with a heritage spanning 50 years.
Vibration Test Technology
These vibration exciters (also called shakers) use permanent magnets and are available as portable and stationary systems for simulating ambient vibration conditions. Robust design ensures a long service life, and typical applications include structure analysis and testing smaller subassemblies. These shakers are characterized by high lateral and axial stiffness and come in lightweight construction as specified by industrial users.
Portable Calibration Shaker Table
The AT-2030 portable calibration shaker table is designed for simple accelerometer and vibration transducer calibration without the need for advanced features. AT-2030 shaker table and vibration calibrator is a variable frequency, variable amplitude, battery operated portable shaker capable of calibrating accelerometers, transducers, and proximity probes. Applications are producing a known vibration signal in g’s, mils, or ips for sensor, wiring, instrumentation, and system checkout in vibration condition monitoring applications.
Portable Shakers
The Hardy Shaker ensures that the Seismic Sensors and Transmitters that you have installed are working properly and giving you the results you need. Just like the pressure and flow instruments in your facility need calibration checks every year, so do your Seismic Sensors and Transmitters. This system puts the calibration check of those Seismic Sensors and Transmitters within your control, and within your budget.
MSP-Series Screw Presenters
The MSP is a small, tabletop screw presenters used to organize and automate work areas and production cells. Screw presenters make assemblers and the assembly process more efficient by mechanically presenting a screw to a fixed pick up point. Conventional assembly methods cause assemblers to inefficiently fumble with screws that are stored in bins or shaker trays. The enhancement of productivity is estimated to improve assembly time by nearly fifty percent. The inexpensive screw presenter is an alternative tool instead of the cumbersome and very expensive screwfeeder systems.
Screw Presenters
It’s frustrating when you waste precious time fumbling for screws, but you can solve the problem by replacing an open bin or shaker tray with a Mountz screw presenter. These tools deliver up to two screws per second to a fixed point where a human or robotic operator picks them up, cutting production time in half. Mountz screw presenters are engineered to stay online without jamming or needing repair. Small enough to fit onto crowded benchtops, Mountz screw presenters provide all the function of high-priced custom screw feeder systems at a percentage of the price.
Vibration Shaker and Control Amplifier
The performance of this Vibration System supports a wide variety of Vibration and Impact Shock capabilities, at g levels and weight-handling levels not previously available at Pacific. Applications include product development, design conformance, qualification, certification, and production screening to Military, Aerospace, Automotive, and Medical specifications.
Vibration Calibrator
SV 111
SV 111 vibration calibrator is the State of the Art instrument designed for human vibration measurements according to ISO 8041. The design of the calibrator is based on the triaxial reference accelerometer and microprocessor controlled shaker. These both features assure excellent stability of the calibration levels and their frequency independently from mass of the testing object, like also indicate improper test object fixing by monitoring of shaker vibration in all three axis simultaneously.
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) FRF Testing
EDM Modal MIMO FRF Testing includes a dedicated test setup and operation process flow using multiple simultaneous shakers to acquire FRF signals. Using a large channel count data acquisition system (i.e., Spider- 80X or Spider-80Xi), this shaker excitation method provides much higher efficiency and accuracy for the FRF measurements while minimizing local stresses on the test article.