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Fertilizer / Moisture / Temperature Soil Sensor
The sensor can remain permanently in the ground and transmits the measured data wirelessly over an IoT net to a server or to a local control center, where they can be used for large area monitoring of soil data (big-data) and also for the automatic control of irrigation and for precisely dosed fertilization. In addition to the total fertilizer content, the sensor can measure the content of nitrogen, potash and the pH value.
I2C Soil Moisture Sensor
Capacitive soil moisture sensor interfaced via I2C. Additionaly provides ambient light and temperature readings. Open Source Hardware. Soil moisture sensing, Light sensing, Temperature sensing.
Soil Moisture Sensor
Modbus RS485
This is a contact-less capacitive soil moisture sensor, a continuation of my I2C soil moisture sensor. This particular version of the sensor is suited for more professional installations where long cable runs is a requirement. It adds a local voltage regulator to mitigate the voltage drop and RS485 transceiver to accommodate long wires, also reverse polarity and an additional ESD protection level is added.
Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor
The PlantCare Mini-Logger is a maintenance-free sensor which records soil moisture and soil temperature. A USB stick is used to easily program the mini-logger and readout the data. The PlantCare DataViewer Software allows a quick and easy display and analysis of the measured data. Fields of application are scientific research, agriculture and garden and landscaping construction.
Soil Sensors
Delta-T Devices has decades of experience in creating premium-grade equipment for soil moisture measurement and recording. Our soil moisture sensors, data loggers (with cloud connectivity) and readout units are built to exacting standards ensuring ruggedness, longevity, and optimum performance throughout their life. They are used and trusted by researchers around the world and are suited to a wide variety of applications and budgets.
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor
The SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor is a simple breakout for measuring the moisture in soil and similar materials. The soil moisture sensor is pretty straight forward to use. The two large exposed pads function as probes for the sensor, together acting as a variable resistor. The more water that is in the soil means the better the conductivity between the pads will be and will result in a lower resistance, and a higher SIG out.
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor (with Screw Terminals)
The SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor is a simple breakout for measuring the moisture in soil and similar materials. The soil moisture sensor is pretty straightforward to use. The two large, exposed pads function as probes for the sensor, together acting as a variable resistor. The more water that is in the soil means the better the conductivity between the pads will be, resulting in a lower resistance and a higher SIG out. This version of the Soil Moisture Sensor includes a 3-pin screw pin terminal pre-soldered to the board for easy wiring and setup.
Battery Data Logging Device
Foresight Electronics Co., Ltd.
A data logger, is an electronic instrument that records measurements at set intervals over a period of time. Depending on the particular data logger, measurements can include: air temperature, relative humidity, AC/DC current and voltage, differential pressure, time-of-use (lights, motors, etc.), light intensity, water temperature, water level, dissolved oxygen, soil moisture, rainfall, wind speed and direction, leaf wetness, pulse signals, room occupancy, plug load, and many more.
Moisture Testing
Determine moisture in concrete and other construction materials. Meter for rapid determination of moisture content in sand and other fine or coarse aggregates. moisture content in Solid Materials. Includes Meter, Test Cable and Case. Meter for the Rapid Determination of Moisture Content in Different Types of Soil. Determination of Water/Cement Content Ratio in Fresh Concrete. (Type R for Regular Water Cement Ranges. Type L for Low Water Cement Ranges.)
Pin Type Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
The moisture meter measure the moisture by the conductivity between the two pins. It can be widely apply for fiber material, for example, building and its construction material, various nonmetallic material, paper, wood, bamboo products, herb, tobacco, cotton, textile, soil and so on. Easy operation, clear indication; LCD screen will display the moisture of the target.
Moisture Sensor Probe
The Moisture Sensor Probe is a fork-like physical package that easily inserts into soil or other soft, non-corrosive media. This sensor uses conductivity to detect the amount of moisture between the probes. The likely use of this sensor is in potted plants, micro-farming research and with some non-soil environments.
Soil Moisture Sensor
SoilWatch 10 is a soil moisture sensor which allows measuring relative water content in the soil. Our sensor does not have any exposed electrodes that usually corrode in resistive sensors. Whats more the reads will almost not drift over time or with temperature changes. Our sensor will give the same readings regardless of supply voltage. The sensor is weatherproof. It can be buried in soil for extended periods of time without adverse effects on accuracy or reliability. Designed to work with Arduino.
Soils Testing Equipment
It is vitally important to know the characteristics of soils in construction projects because soil mechanics affect the performance of foundations, backfill, embankments, drainage etc. It is also necessary to understand the behaviour of soils under varying conditions of moisture, loading, stress, temperature etc. ELE International designs and manufactures a comprehensive range of soil sampling and testing equipment to meet this requirement in accordance with international standards for both field and laboratory testing.
Soil Moisture, Temperature, and EC Sensors
Soil volumetric water content probes (sometimes referred to as soil moisture sensors) measure the water content of soil. These probes can be used to estimate the amount of stored water in a profile or how much irrigation is required to reach a desired amount of water in the soil. These probes can be used for quick measurements or installed for long-term measurements.
Soil Moisture Loger Sensor
This logger sensor is based on measuring the partial vacuum pressure in a tensiometer. A tensiometer is a closed tube with a special ceramic part in its end. The tensiometer is filled with water and put in the soil. If the soil is dry, water goes out by diffusion through the ceramic holes and partial vacuum pressure is created in the tensiometer. When we wet the soil, the partial vacuum in the tensiometer pulls water into the tensiometer and the vacuum decreases. This is why soil moisture is measured in pressure level.
The output voltage of your holiday detector is subject to influence by weather conditions, moisture on the pipe, improper grounding and soil conditions. In order to assure absolute highest accuracy and performance from your holiday detectors (jeeps), Pipeline Inspection Company has developed three special Jeepmeters for checking detector voltage output.
Moisture Meter
ZhangZhou Weihua Electronic co.,ltd
an instrument for determining the percentage of moisture in a material (as timber, flour, soil, or tobacco) commonly by measuring its electrical resistivity.
Moisture Meters
We supply a variety of types of moisture meters such as: pinless, wood, soil, Grain.
Soil Testing Instruments
Soil water hardness meter, soil moisture meter, soil nutrient tester, soil salinity tester, soil water potential tester
Concrete / Soil Wall Moisture Meter
This is a precision instrument adopting HF electromagnetic waves to measure the moisture content ratio without damaging the object under test. It can be set depending on different building material to raise its measurement accuracy.
High-Frequency Moisture Meter
High Frequency moisture meter MS350 is used for measuring moisture content of soil ,silver sand, chemical combination powder, coal powder and other powder materials. It applicable of chemical industry and other relevant industry.
Coal Powder & Chemical Powder Moisture Meter
Capacitive moisture meter MS350A is used for measuring moisture content of soil, chemical combination powder, coal powder and other powder materials. It applicable of chemical industry and other relevant industry.