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resistance free current flow.
Fast Ramping Magnet Systems
Cryogenic Ltd has developed a new range of fast-sweeping cryogen-free superconducting magnets using high-performance Nb3Sn coils. These magnets provide an ideal platform for XMCD and other polarity switching applications. No liquid cryogens are required offering superb economy and ease of use in comparison with liquid helium alternatives.
Free Room Temperature Bore Systems
The cryomagnetic system contains the cryogen free room temperature bore superconducting magnet, cryostat, cryocooler and compressor, temperature monitor unit (nominally Lakeshore) and HTS current leads. The cooling for the magnet and cryostat housing is provided by a standard cryocooler with a base temperature of 4K. The magnet is designed to operate safely at the guaranteed field without quenching.
High field Superconducting Magnets
Cryogenic Ltd manufactures a wide range of superconducting magnets for research and industrial purposes. A range of standard solenoids between 1 to 22 Tesla is produced, and in addition split pair solenoids in the range 1 to 14 Tesla, with a typical central field homogeneity of 0.1%.
Power Supply
High precision analog control loop power supplies for inductive loads such as electromagnets, superconducting coils, Helmholtz coils and others.Autonomous analog power supplies with digital controls, readouts and supervision. The interfaces are digital and analog
Power Couplers
Communications & Power Industries
CPI BMD has extensive experience working with the world’s best accelerator scientists and engineers to fabricate power couplers for superconducting accelerators. - Used in superconducting accelerators- Found in free electron lasers- Found in Spallation neutron sources- Used in energy recovery LINACs- Used in Third harmonic cavities
Insight Product Company offers ultrafast superconducting hot-electron bolometers (HEBs) operating at terahertz frequency range. from 0.1 to 70 THz. Superconducting hot electron bolometers HEBs are designed to detect and register the electromagnetic radiation pulses in the frequency range from 0.1 THz to 70 THz.
High Resolution Magnet Systems
EPR samples with S=1/2 electronic spins exhibiting a narrow signal at G=2 and require magnetic fields of only ca. 3.5 T. However, EPR spectra from S>1/2 spins are typically much broader and have spectral features that spread over magnetic field range of several Tesla. Such fields could be easily achieved with superconducting magnets, but, unlike NMR, these magnets cannot operate in a persistent mode in order to satisfy a wide range of resonant fields required by the experiment.
Fundamental research in physics, as well as specimen characterization in materials science often require the use of (ultra) low temperatures. Many phenomena also involve the application of high magnetic fields, usually generated by superconducting magnets. attocube provides a broad portfolio of versatile cryostats for sensitive measurements at variable temperatures and extreme conditions.
Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) Magnetometer
Quantum Design MPMS®3
Quantum Design's MPMS 3 represents the culmination of 40 years of development and design in the world of SQUID Magnetometry. Providing users with the sensitivity of a SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) magnetometer and the choice of multiple measurement modes, the MPMS 3 offers new levels of performance in magnetic research while including those aspects of past Quantum Design SQUID magnetometers that customers have grown to appreciate and depend on.
Superconducting Magnet Systems
Fully integrated cryogen-free magnet systems. Choose from various options, from standalone to complete turnkey measurement systems. Helium-cooled systems are also available.
Superconducting Magnet Power Supply
A true 4-quadrant, low noise, stable superconducting magnet power supply. Ideal for small to medium-sized superconducting magnets.
Superconducting Type of Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
The world’ s first* of one-twentieth of measurement speed is realized compared to this company’ s existing product by adopting high temperature superconductivity magnet to VSM.
Superconducting Switches
switches back and forth between superconducting and normally conducting state.