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Thermopile Sensors
detect small differential temperature with ion implanted piezoresistive elements.
See Also: Calorimeters, Pyroelectric Sensors
Temperature Sensors
A temperature sensor is a device that detects and measures hotness and coolness and converts it into an electrical signal. At TE Connectivity (TE), we design and manufacture a broad portfolio of temperature sensors – including our NTC thermistors, RTDs, thermocouples, and thermopiles – designed for efficiency and easy installation, with capacity to reliably integrate technology that responds to human behavior.
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
Panasonic Sensor Solutions offer a wide and constantly evolving range of technologies that provide design engineers with the flexibility to easily choose and implement the Sensor technology best suited for existing and ever-emerging new applications all from a single, world class supplier. Panasonic built-in Sensors contribute to energy savings, safety and comfort. With high-functionality and high-performance, Panasonic has solutions for sensing and detecting rotational speed and angle, position, flow, velocity, temperature, magnetism, currents and much more! Panasonic Sensor products combine the latest technologies with plug-and-play devices such as Grid-EYE® Thermopile Array Sensors, the Ultrasonic Gas Flow Sensor, the highly accurate and flexible 6in1 Sensor (6DoF Automotive Inertial Sensor), a wide array of Passive Infrared Motion Sensors (PIRs), and highly specialized and accurate Industrial Sensors.
Beam Position Detectors
We offer a wide range of laser beam position detectors for optical alignment including Quadrant Cell Photoreceivers, PSDs, and Thermopile Position Sensors. Please see our Beam Position Sensor Guide for more information.
Compact Juno USB Interface
Juno 7Z01250
*Virtual laser power meter - From sensor to interface to PC - no power source needed*Plug and play with all standard Ophir smart sensors*Use with StarViewer free Android app to turn your smartphone / tablet into a power meter*Record every energy pulse at up to 10 KHz*Log power and energy, average, statistics, histograms and more with included StarLab application*New: Pulsed Power measurements with Thermopile sensors*New: Low Frequency Power on Photodiode sensors - power measurement based on pulse cycle (for VCSEL)*System Integrator Tools included: LabVIEW VIs, COM Object Interface*Very compact - is just an extension of the smart plug
Handheld Power & Energy Meter
Nova 7Z01500
*Compatible with all standard Ophir Thermopile, Pyroelectric & Photodiode sensors.*Single shot energy measurement with thermal sensors.*Optional RS232 computer interface. Works with Ophir's StarCom32 application.*Power and energy logging with graphical display and statistics.*Laser Power Measurement averaging.*Easy to use soft keys, menu driven.*Screen graphics.*Backlight & rechargeable battery.*Analog output.*EMI rejection.*LabVIEW software included.
*Laser Thermal Power Sensors
Thermal sensors have a series of bimetallic junctions called a thermopile. Radial or axial heat flow through the sensor creates a voltage proportional to the power absorbed as it flows through the thermopile. The reading is not dependent on the ambient temperature since only the temperature difference is measured and not the absolute temperature. The thermopile elements are so arranged that the reading is almost independent of beam size and position. Generally, Ophir specifies ±2% or better uniformity of reading over the surface.
Soil Heat Flux Sensors
Soil heat flux sensors may consist of several thermocouples whose measurements are averaged, a single thermopile, or a single thermopile with a film heater. These sensors measure the rate of energy transferred through a surface. Data regarding the amount of energy stored in soil as a function of time is used in energy-balance and Bowen-ratio flux systems.
Hukseflux Thermal Sensors B.V.
SRA01 albedometer is an instrument that measures the solar albedo, or solar reflectance, and net solar radiation. It is composed of two second class pyranometers with thermopile sensors, the upper one measuring global radiation, the lower one measuring reflected solar radiation. It complies with the latest ISO and WMO standards. SRA01 can be connected directly to commonly used datalogging systems.
The Panasonic Grid-EYE® is a type of thermal imaging sensor that can detect the presence of people or objects based on their heat signature. It consists of an 8x8 grid of 64 thermal sensors, which allows it to provide a detailed temperature map of the area being monitored. The built-in lens has a 60 degree viewing angle. The Grid-EYE features compact surface mount design using MEMS thermopile technology and offers digital output (I2C) for thermal presence, direction, and temperature values.
Detectors & Sensors
Excelitas offers Photonic Detection Solutions ranging from Silicon and InGaAS PINs and Avalanche Photodiodes, Hybrid Receivers, and Photon Counting Modules to address high-performance, high-volume applications across a wide range of markets. Excelitas Thermal IR Sensors represent a broad range of Pyroelectric Detectors, Thermopile Detectors and IR Sensor Modules used for motion detection, presence monitoring, temperature measurement and gas detection.
Thermopile Detectors and Sensors
Our Thermopile Detectors are typically Thermopiles with integrated Thermistor providing analog output in various packages. Special designs include built-in lenses or reflectors to enhance sensing performance, Isothermal constructions, or Dual narrow-band windows. Our latest Thermopile Sensors include specially designed electronic circuitry to provide calibration, digital output, and functionality. With the DigiPile, Excelitas offers a unique design for measurement applications. With its digital output, this device does not require any low noise amplification. The CaliPile family provides integrated features that enable measurement, as well as presence detection applications.
Thermopile Power Sensors
Thermopile optical power sensors are based on thermocouples. A thermocouple consists of two dissimilar metals connected in series. To detect radiation, one metal junction is typically blackened to absorb the radiation. The temperature rise of this junction with respect to another non-irradiated junction generates a voltage. Our thermopile power sensors offer broadband, spectrally flat response, and calibrated plug and play operation with our optical power meters.