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Torque Transducers
transduce rotational energy.
See Also: Torque, Torque Sensors, Torque Testers, Torque Meters
Dynamometers, force and torque transducers available in many models. Buy your dynamometer or force measurment products from Vetek!The difference between a load cell and a dynamometer is that the dynamometer is optimated for fast measurement.
Torque Sensors/Transducers
We offer a range of rotary torque sensors and torque transducers to suit a variety of industrial applications, our standard range of sensors can measure torque ranges from 10mNm up to 13000Nm. Please browse our product range below or use the torque selector to assist in finding a torque sensor to meet your specific requirements.
Torque Transducers
Procter & Chester Measurements Ltd
A transducer is a generic name that is a device which is usually electronic that coverts a physical attribute to a measurement signal.
Torque Transducers
Interface offers both reaction and rotary style torque transducers.Whether you need torque transducers for rotary torque, axial torsion or reaction torque, you don't have to be an expert in torque measurement, because we are. Talk to us about what sort of torque you need to measure, and under what conditions and constraints. We'll walk you through the specification process, quickly and efficiently, and if we don't have what you need on the shelf, we'll be happy to customize an existing product or build a new one from scratch to meet your exacting requirements.
Rotary Transducers are designed to accurately measure dynamic torque of power tools. Patented design eliminates "brush bounce". The slip ring and brush have a lifetime warranty.
Wheel Torque Transducer
In automotive development, it is important to know the exact torques acting on the vehicle – especially under acceleration and braking maneuvers. With the WTT-Dx wheel torque transducer, a high-precision tool is available for making such measurements. The WTT detects the mechanical load directly where it is produced: the wheels that form the interface between the vehicle and the road.
Datum Universal Interface
Datum Electronics specifically designed the Universal Torque Sensor Interface which accepts serial data, displaying the output data and a wide range of additional analogue and digital outputs, s 4-20mA, +/-5Vdc, 0-5Vdc, +/-10Vdc, 0-10Vdc as well as RS232/485 serial data.The Datum Universal Interface (DUI) interfaces with all our rotary, static, reaction, digital torque sensors and torque transducers, as well as shaft power measurement solutions.
Auditor High Capacity Test Stands
Designed for testing tools with continuous rotating output spindles. The test stand includes a rundown fixture, bushing for side load support, reaction post or reaction paddles, transducer and torque analyzer display.
Power Monitoring Dynamometer
Model 90085 is designed to measure machine tool output. This model acquires the necessary torque and speed data needed to calculate the horsepower of the machine tool under test conditions. It is a portable, self-contained data acquisition and monitoring system consisting of three major components: a pneumatic brake assembly, a torque and speed transducer, and the control and display module.
Run Down Adapters
Testing power torque tools is essential for product quality and regulatory compliance. A run down adapter is designed is to simulate the fastening process of a screw. Mountz run down adapters improve testing repeatability by adjusting for the impact force and irregular peaks of power tools. Mounted in-line between the tool's driver and transducer, a run down adapter provides consistent and reliable torque readings.
Contactless Torque Transducers
These contactless Torque Transducers are not limited by operational speeds, can fit any shaft and capable of measuring torque from 1nm and up to 500knm, providing highly accurate and reliable torque measurement in many applications.
Strain Gauge Sensor
ZET 7010
Digital strain gauge ZET 7010 is designed for measuring relative deformation using primary transducers based on strain sensors. This can be strain-gauge transducers, torque sensors or separate strain-gauge transducers connected via bridge or half-bridge circuit.
Run Down Adapters
Screw RDA
The screw run down adapters are designed only for EZ-TorQ analyzer. These devices provide consistent and reliable torque readings for use with power-driven torque control tools. The RDA reduces the impact and irregular peaks that cause poor repeatability. The run down adapter is mounted in-line between the tool drive and transducer.
Load Cell Transmitter
The SST-HV is a Plug & Play Smart TEDS IEEE 1451.4 compliant Transmitter. Just plug in a TEDS compatible Load Cell or Torque Sensor and the SST-HV will automatically self-calibrate. When used with a non-TEDS Load Cell or Torque Sensor, the SST-LV Transmitter is easily programmed using a PC with an RS232 port and Instrument Setup (IS) software, which provides a graphical user interface. The SST-HV may be powered from 95-240 Vac ±10%. The SST-HV has an Isolated transducer excitation output that is selectable between 5Vdc or 10Vdc. There are Dual solid state relays and an Isolated 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA or 0-10V analog output. There are three Isolated serial data transmitter output ( RS232 , Half-duplex RS485, full-duplex RS485 ) and three serial protocols that are software selectable (Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII and Custom ASCII). Isolation to 250V rms is provided for power, signal input, analog output, relay outputs, and communications. Isolation adds safety and avoids possible ground loops. The transducer excitation output is isolated to 50V from signal ground.
Torque Calibration
Calibration capabilities for torque applications range from 15 inch-ounces to 2,000 foot-pounds with electronically converted readings in every common unit of measure. NIST traceable weights and torsion arms provide traceability on all Process Instruments'' Torque Calibrations. Force gauges and torque transducers can also be calibrated with this system.
Data-Acquisition Computer
DYNOmite data-acquisition computer with from 3 to over 112 channels (with or without optional LCD display and pushbutton handheld interface), full-bridge strain- gauge-equipped electronic load cell torque transducer, AC power supply/recharger, data wiring harness, engine-temperature thermistor, and protective carrying case.
Displacement Transducers
Procter & Chester Measurements Ltd
Pressure: Measures gas or liquid pressure. Pressure is an expression of the force required to stop a fluid from expanding. The transducer generates a signal from the pressure imposed upon it. Torque: Measures the torque (or twisting motion) on a static or rotating system. The static torque element has little movement and therefore more economic to manufacture and purchase. Rotary or dynamic torque is more complicated as the signal needs to be transferred using slip rings, wireless telemetry or rotary transformers/inductance technology so that the strain gauged shaft can continuously rotate. Displacement: Measures distance. The displacement transducers that PCM offer are slightly different to standard units. They have a strain gauge/wheatstone bridge. The benefit here is that if the customer has existing electronics that uses strain gauge/load cell technology, they can use them with these sensors.
Digital Display Auto Torsion Testing Machine
NJS Series
Jinan Testing Equipment IE Corporation
NJS Series Digital Display Auto Torsion tester is designed and built for torsion test on metal & non-metallic materials, as well as parts & components. NJS is loaded through the rotation of the active cartridge driven by the AC servo motor and cyclonical pinwheel reducer motor. The torque and torsion angle are measured respectively by the high-precision torque transducer and photoelectric encoder. The digital torsion testing machine is an essential instrument to inspect torsion properties of materials for mechanical laboratories of aviation industry, construction industry, scientific research department, universities and industrial enterprises.
Testing Aircraft Tachometers
The test bench is comprised of a TMB 304 Torque Transducer and a custom fixture for the tachometer and corresponding inertia wheel. A servo motor is incorporated to provide speed to the tachometer. The entire drive train is conveniently mounted on a base plate with the appropriate couplings, bearing support and flywheel.
Torque Measurement Systems
Proper torque measurement is critical in many assembly operations. AIMCO provides expertise and measurement equipment for all three phases - before, during, and after assembly. Tool testing and capability studies can be easily performed in the tool crib or lab. Fine tuning of torque settings and process verification are achieved on the assembly line with rotary transducers. Use our complete line of electronic wrenches for final residual torque testing.
Loading Bench
Effortlessly perform a torque wrench calibration with a mechanical torque wrench loader. The loading bench is a laboratory grade instrument designed to enable accurate torque wrench calibration with less physical effort. The calibration instrument enables quick and easy torque wrench calibration and presetting, independent of human influence or transducer side and end load factors.
Dynamic Torque Sensing System
Advanced Telemetrics International
Are utilized in applications where conventional rotary torque transducers are not practical due to excessive shaft speeds, vibration, and dirty, oily environments.
Non Contact Flange Torque Transducer
Contactless Torque Transducers with flange couplings at either end with measuring ranges from 0-100Nm up to 30kNm as standard (bespoke sensors up to 16MNm) for a variety of in line static and rotary torque measurement applications.The Datum Electronics Series FF425 non contact flange torque sensor and FF410 torque sensors have been designed to fit easily inline with any drive train or test rig using standard DIN size couplings. With Flange couplings at either end of the torque transducer, it has many advantages over other torque measurement systems on the market.
Auto Reversing Run Down Adapters
The AURA auto reversing run down adapters are designed to provide consistent and reliable torque readings for use with power driven torque control tools. The AURA reduces the impact and irregular peaks that cause poor repeatability. The run down adapter is mounted in-line between the tool drive and transducer.
Torque Transducers, Torque Sensors and Torque Meters
Torque Sensors and Torque Transducers [Nm]The HBM torque range includes sensors and transducers for precise torque measurement.
Motorcycle and ATV Dynamometers
Wide medium inertia roll assembly with our machined-in "traction grooves," quick-adjust wheelbase front mount, dual roll-on ramps, tie downs, casters, roller guards, eddy-current absorber (with a step-up drive), full-bridge torque arm transducer, electronic auto-load control, DYNOmite data-acquisition computer, DYNO-MAX software, inductive RPM pickup, AC power supply, and data wiring harness.
Digital Strain Gauge Sensor
ZET 7111
The ZET 7111 module is intended for measuring the relative deformation using primary transducers based on tension gauges. These may be either assembled tension gauges (force gauges, torque gauges), or separate external tension gauges connected using half-bridge or bridge scheme.
Diesel Dynamometers
Heavy-duty toroidal water-brake or large eddy-current absorber, S-beam electronic torque transducer, high-flow manual (or optional electronic) engine load control, DYNOmite data-acquisition computer, rigid-frame engine test stand, wall (or stand) mounted control console, absorber to engine-block mounting adapter, heavy-duty input shaft, calibration arm, stainless-braided hoses, and full-function data wiring harness.
Torque Sensors & Torque Transducers
Datum Electronics is a world-leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of torque sensors, torque transducers & torque meters, bolt-on strain, weight & load sensors, as well as shaft power measurement solutions.With 30 years of expertise in torque and shaft power measurement, we research, design and manufacture our reliable & accurate torque sensors in-house. Besides, our team specialises in providing both industry standard off the shelf solutions, as well as bespoke custom torque sensors, built to your own specifications and requirements.
Torque Sensor
Futek Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc.
Torque Sensors manufactured in US by FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology (FUTEK), offering a huge selection of Torque Sensors, utilizing one of the most advanced technologies in the Sensor Industry: Metal foil strain gauge technology.A Torque Sensor, is a transducer that converts a torsional mechanical input into an electrical output signal. Torque Sensor, are also commonly known as a Torque Transducer.