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Tunable Filters
refine signal, allowing adjustment of the frequency of the pass and rejection bands.
High Frequency Tunable Bandpass Filters
CTB Series
Tunable Ranges Up To 8 GHz. Bandwidths 1% to 5% of Tuned Center Frequency. Digital Control Offered in Various Inputs, including GPIB (standard), RS-232, RS-422, and USB. Custom Interfaces Available.
Module (Venue 2)
Up to six VRT2 modules may be installed per each 1RU Venue 2 receiver frame. Each module supports up to 3072 tunable frequencies across a 75 MHz range (three standard Lectrosonics blocks), matching the tuning ranges of SSM, LT and LMb "large bandwidth" transmitters. VRT2 modules incorporate Lectrosonics’ new IQ dynamic tracking filters, which accommodate a wide range of transmitter RF power levels while also enabling extremely tight channel spacing—critical features as the available RF spectrum continues to shrink.
Narrow Band Filters (Single Octave)
The POWER-POLE® Series of tunable filters provides improved RF performance with increased power handling capability and the lowest insertion loss for a given bandwidth. The product line includes several standard designs in various frequencies to support almost any application. Approximate performance is summarized in the POWER-POLE Series Selection Guide.
Narrow Band Filters (Single Octave)
MINI-SMT® Series
The new MINI-SMT™ tunable filter advances our popular MINI-POLE® Series by providing Surface Mount (SMT) capability along with the field proven RF power handling, low distortion and exceptional selectivity performance of our MINI-POLE® filters. MINI-SMT™ bandpass options are available from 700 MHz to 3 GHz.
Narrow Band Filters (Single Octave)
The MAXI-POLE® Series of tunable filters provides improved passband performance (reduced insertion loss for a given bandwidth) in a slightly larger package. The product line includes several standard designs in various frequencies to support almost any application. Approximate performance is summarized in the Maxi-Pole Series Selection Guide.
Narrow Band Filters (Single Octave)
The MINI-POLE® Series of tunable filters is optimized for size, RF power handling, low distortion, and exceptional selectivity. The product line includes several standard designs in various bands to support a myriad of applications. Approximate performance is summarized in the MINI-POLE Series Selection Guide.
Precisive® 5 Application Specific Gas Analyzers
The Precisive® Gas Analyzer is a real-time gas analyzer based on MKS' unique Tunable Filter Spectroscopy (TFS™) platform. The Precisive suite of products are calibrated for the measurement of a wide range of gases across multiple process industries. The real-time, continuous measurement capability provides immediate analysis ensuring control of critical process parameters.
Tunable Detectors
Due to their spectral properties and robustness, pyroelectric detectors have proven themselves for many years in numerous applications in gas analysis, flame detection and spectroscopy. They enable the tuning of the optical filter over a defined spectral range by simply adjusting the control voltage. Instead of mounting filters to inspect specific areas of interest as is conventionally common, the detector with tunable Fabry-Pérot filters (FPF) can be used to monitor a broad spectral region continuously.
Tunable Filters
Our Tunable Filters can be used in a wide range of applications from R & D to production. We have both Gaussian, using dielectric multilayer coatings, and Flat-Top, using gratings, filter profiles available.
Tunable Filters
K&L Microwave offers a variety of Tunable Filter Products to satisfy a broad range of filtering applications. Tunable Bandpass and Bandreject filters provide the best solution for pre-tuning the desired signals while rejecting the interfering signals. The method of tuning can be either mechanical via a tuning knob mounted on the front of the filter, or electro-mechanical via an optional remote digital interface such as GPIB, RS-232, RS-422 or BCD.
Tunable Filters - Digitally Controlled
K&L Microwave offers a variety of Tunable Filter Products to satisfy a broad range of filtering applications. Tunable Bandpass and Bandreject filters provide the best solution for pre-tuning the desired signals while rejecting the interfering signals. The method of tuning can be either mechanical via a tuning knob mounted on the front of the filter, or electro-mechanical via an optional remote digital interface such as GPIB, RS-232, RS-422, BCD, ARC171, ARC234, Ethernet, USB or "Thumbwheel" panel mount.
Tunable Filters from Stock
K&L Microwave offers a variety of Tunable Filter Products to satisfy a broad range of filtering applications. Tunable Bandpass and Bandreject filters provide the best solution for pre-tuning desired signals while rejecting interfering signals. Mechanically-tuned, high Q cavity filters typically allow center frequency to be tuned over at least one octave.
Tunable Optical Filters
DiCon's MEMS tunable optical filter offers many advantages over a traditional tunable optical filter; increased accuracy & resolution, a faster tuning speed, as well as a durability that will last for over a billion tuning cycles, all in a compact package. Options are available for either 100 GHz or 50 GHz channel spacing as well as operation in either the O-band, C-band or L-band wavelength ranges.
Wide Band Filters (multi-octave)
NANO-ERF® Series
The NANO-POLE® Extended Range Series of tunable filters was developed to address applications needing an extremely small surface-mount package with low power consumption. Wide tuning range is accomplished with careful design to minimize size and power consumption.
Wide Band Filters (multi-octave)
The 3rd Generation Mini-ERF is a Reduced SWaP-C, 30 to 520 MHz tunable bandpass filter that features 50mW (typ.) power consumption, 1 Watt CW continuous power handling (7% BW), +40 dBm IIp3 (typ.), low insertion loss, and 4 dB typ. selectivity @ +/-10%, (7% filter). The GEN3-ERF’s are fully tuned and tested by Pole/Zero® for convenience and ease of use.
Wide Band Filters (multi-octave)
HF-ERF™ Series
The HF-ERF™ is an internally switched 3‑band, low cost, miniature, high performance tunable filter. The HF-ERF™ was designed to have the best insertion loss and Q in the smallest package possible, 2.0” x 2.78” x 0.6”. All HF-ERF™ filters are fully tested and aligned by Pole/Zero for convenience and ease of use. Both SPI and Parallel control interfaces are available in one filter. Modified variants are available upon request.
Wide Band Filters (multi-octave)
MINI-ERF® Series
The MINI-POLE® Extended Range Series of tunable filters was developed to address applications needing a small, surface mount package with wide tunability. This tunability is accomplished by the use of multiple internal tunable filters along with high performance PIN diode RF band select switches all contained in one housing. The tunable filters are designed to minimize size and power consumption while maintaining high RF power handling and linearity characteristics. Parallel or serial digital interface can be selected by a mode pin for ease of integration into your design.
Wide Band Filters (multi-octave)
ERF-5W™ Series (Single & Dual)
The new ERF-5W™ filter takes Pole/Zero’s MINI-ERF® technology to a higher level of RF power handling, with 5W (average) in-band power handling, and covering the entire military tactical radio tuning range of 30-520 MHz in one integrated package. This tunability is accomplished by the use of three poles of selectivity, multiple internal tunable filters along with high performance PIN diode RF band select switches. The tunable filters are designed to minimize size and power consumption, while maintaining high RF power handling and linearity characteristics. Serial control is accomplished via a standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)-based bus.
Bench Top and Rack Mount Instruments
AC powered, front panel tunable LP or HP, 8p filter and gain
High-Power Tunable Filter
The need for tunable filter technology originates from the fact that high power communication systems and IED Jammer transmitters severely limit the use of tactical radio communication systems on the battlefield.This clash within the radio’s spectrum during tactical missions is often de-conflicted using fixed high Q, high power RF bandpass and bandstop filters installed prior to mission. This can limit operational effectiveness due to the potentially large number of fixed filters required within the allocated radio communication channels, which need be transported, stored in the field, and fitted by trained personnel. Many of these fixed filters centred within the octave wide tuning range could be replaced by a single high-Q tunable filter.
Low-Pass Filters
Low-Pass Filters from Analog Devices are specifically designed to reject higher frequency noise and unwanted signals while allowing desired signals to pass through. Analog Devices offers an extensive line of continuous time and clock tunable (switched capacitor) devices preconfigured for low-pass filtering. These integrated low pass filters feature a wide range of cutoff frequencies and response characteristics.
Filter Building Blocks
Analog Devices offers an extensive line of continuous time and clock tunable (switched capacitor) filter building blocks. These devices were designed to simplify the implementation of band-pass, high-pass, low-pass, notch, or all-pass filters using classical filter realizations (such as Butterworth, Cauer, Bessel, and Chebyshev).
Wideband Active Filters
Analog Devices’ family of fixed and tunable wideband active filters operating up to 28 MHz bandwidth support a wide range of wireless communications, signal conditioning, and RFID applications. Single-channel and dual-channel options are available.
Mini Optical Spectrum Analyzer
Shenzhen Golight Technology Co.,Ltd
Mini OSA is based on MEMS tunable filter and high precision photoelectric control unit and detection unit. Its measurement precision is superior to the traditional OSA in C-band and O-band. And built-in USB communication interface is easy for system integration and SDK.
Compact Digital Receiver
The DCR822 compact 2-channel digital receiver with analog and digital audio outputs utilizes the Lectrosonics signature digital architecture with remarkable audio quality and ultra-low latency. The receiver includes an extended operating range rivaling the best analog and Digital Hybrid Wireless® systems with continuously tunable tracking filters covering 470.100 - 614.375 MHz. The innovative Vector Diversity technology raises the bar for digital transmission integrity with two RF front ends per channel, and a unique phase-matching system. The extremely robust RF front ends of the receiver will hold up in severe RF environments and close carrier spacing, whether analog or digital. The DCR822 has a flexible output routing scheme, allowing a variety of applications including Talkback. And, a digital recorder at 24 bits, 48 kHz is included – and records up to 4 audio tracks on a front-mounted microSD card.
Tunable Filter Spectrometers
MKS Instruments' platform of innovative optical analyzers based on Tunable Filter Spectroscopy (TFS™) provides real-time gas analysis, while delivering customers a substantially lower total cost of ownership. TFS™ can be utilized from UV (Ultra-Violet) through IR (Infra-Red) spectral regions. MKS TFS™ sensor platforms have been on the market since 2008 with more than 2500 systems deployed.
MultiGas™ TFS™ Gas Monitor For Multi-Compound Gas Analysis
The MultiGas™ TFS™ Monitor is an online, multi-compound, trace gas monitoring system in a stand-alone 19-inch rack enclosure. It uses an innovative tunable filter spectroscopy technology enabling high selectivity and stability measurement. Low detection limit (sub-ppm levels for most gases) is achieved through the use of high throughput optics coupled with a long-path gas cell and a high sensitivity detector.
Optical Channel Monitors
DiCon's Optical Channel Monitor is an advancedoptical subsystem, with integrated tunable optical filter, that automatically scans a DWDM network and reports the power of each channel. Network performance is monitored and reported in real time. Feedback from the Optical Channel Monitor can be used to optimize optical power levels, identify performance drift, and verify system functionality. An optional integrated optical switch allows up to 12 separate input ports to be monitored sequentially.
Tunable Notch Filters
The Ranatec Tunable Notch Filters are critical tools for adaptation to stringent new ETSI/3GPP conformance test specifications for mobile device radio properties, that covers all sub-6 mobile bands and channel bandwidths for 2G/3G/4G/5G. Designed for formal conformance testing performed by accredited test houses, as well internal verification by mobile device vendors. A flexible and easy to use test automation platform to support almost any ambition level, tailored to your demands.