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Coating Thickness gauges.
PELT gauges provide data for the precise control of exacting coating-applications including for automotive paints, wind turbine blade protective coatings, steel coil coatings, and shipping container anti-corrosion coatings. PELT gauges measure coatings on substrates including steel, aluminum, plastics, carbon fiber, composites, glass, and wood.
Digital Tachometer
Shenzhen UYIGAO Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
This tachometer has wide range of applications, such as measuring rotating speed of machine, motors, wheels, lathe for metal or wood cutting work, etc.
Draw Wire Sensors
Draw wire sensors offer a simple solution to measure linear speed and position. Utilizing a flexible cable, a spring-loaded spool, and a sensor (an optical encoder with incremental, absolute, analog or potentiometric output), draw wire sensors can precisely measure linear position. Draw wire sensors do not need precise linear guidance and are ideal for wet, dirty, or outdoor environments and applications where your measuring range travels over harsh environments. These include applications in iron, steel, and wood (saw mills, joineries).
Handheld XRF Analysers
X-MET8000 range
Hitachi High-Technologies Corp.
The X-MET8000 range of handheld X-ray fluorescence (HHXRF) analysers delivers the performance needed for rapid alloy grade identification and accurate chemistry of a wide variety of materials (solid and powder metals, polymers, wood, solutions, soil, ores, minerals etc). The X-MET is practical, rugged and easy to use to deliver results you can trust.
Infrared Thermometers
Our infrared thermometers make it possible to measure a temperature without contact by way of determining an object emitting infrared radiation. Here you will find Infrared Thermometers for measuring temperature without contact and contain a targeting light to ensure the correct surface area is being measured. An infrared thermometer can only measure the temperature of exposed surfaces and not through glass. Some infrared thermometers possess a preset emissivity value, and others allow the user to choose the emissivity value depending on the surface material being measured, whether it's paper, wood or metallic surfaces.
Material Moisture Meters
The testo 606-2 moisture meter measures the moisture content in wood, building materials and the surrounding environment. This allows you to check storage and drying conditions quickly and easily.
Moisture Transmitters
Delmhorst's moisture transmitters interface with a data logger or computer and are ideal when you need continuous monitoring of moisture in wood or other hygroscopic materials.
Quick Scanning Moisture Meter
The rugged L601-3 is specifically designed for the demanding environment of the sawmill or wood products manufacturing plant where quick-scanning of lumber is a must. The L601-3''s "Wood-Friendly" electromagnetic waves penetrate beyond the surface into the wood to a depth of 1" and provides an instant averaged reading of the board''s moisture content in a 2.5" x 2.5" x1" scanning area.
Wire Tracer
Wire tracer LKZ-700 is designed for detecting of cables and conductors in various environments (concrete, brick, wood, ground) being under voltege, without the need to disconnect any devices from tested network, as well as in non-voltage environments.
Laser Markers / 2D Code Readers
Panasonic Industrial Devices Sales Company of America
Panasonic Laser Markers are ideal for the high speed, non-contact, permanent labeling of metals, plastics, resins, glass and natural materials such as paper, wood or leather. Panasonic's Laser Markers make no contact with the target object and have no moving parts or consumables - a strong advantage over methods like stamping or engraving.
Wall Scanner
PeakTech Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH
The new PeakTech 3433 was specially developed for daily use in the craftsmanship, as it can be used to locate wood, metal or live lines to make sure that no damage is caused through the work of chiseling, slitting or drilling into walls. The inverted LCD display shows the distance to the material which has been found and helps the user to assess the internal condition of the wall to avoid damage to pipes or live circuits. The depth of reception of the sensor is between 20mm (wood) and 120mm (ferrous metal) depending on the material sought. In addition, an LED (green, yellow, red) indicates whether a material has been found or whether there is a live line at the current test point. The simple operation, safe application and high-quality workmanship makes this model an indispensable companion for every craftsman, handyman or installer for maintenance and all work in the building sector.
Cable Detectors
With certain models of cable detectors you can locate open power cables, either live or dead (without current), with voltages up to 300V. Cable detectors can locate cables, circuits, short circuits and ground points. To perform these functions, it is not necessary to disconnect electrically sensitive devices or to disconnect theCable Detectors to locate open power cables, either live or without current, up to 300V power from the cable which is being tested. Cable detectors can also locate ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood and plastic with a high level of accuracy.
Cable Locator
A cable locator can locate open power cables, either live or without current, with voltages up to 300 V. A cable locator can locate cables, circuits, short circuits and ground wires. To perform these functions, it is not always necessary to disconnect electrically sensitive devices or to disconnect the power to the cable being tested. Many cable locator devices also can locate ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood and plastic with high degrees of accuracy.
Adhesion Testers
Instruments for measuring the adhesion of coatings to metal, wood, concrete and other substrates.
Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
Ideal for measuring moisture content in fiber and wood material. Easy-to-use handheld tool for many industrial and home inspection.
LCD Pin Type Moisture Meter
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
This is a equipment to measure material moisture, environment temperature and humidity. Generally the user will use this device to measure the water containment of wood, building material, etc. Environment temperature and humidity can be the reference when user measures the water containment of the material.
Joist And Stud Detector With Bubble Level
Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd
Electronically locates hidden wood & metal stud.
Moisture Meters
Traceable® Moisture Meter displays material, wood, wood product, and paper moisture content 9.0 to 30.0% with a resolution of 0.1% and an accuracy of ±(4% of the reading plus 5 digits). Memory contains nine material groups such as fiberboard, construction material, and calibrations for 150 types of wood. For all other products, user establishes reference moisture readings. Once programmed, the meter reports directly in percent moisture. Simply touch a material to measure moisture. Takes only seconds. Jumbo-size digits are 1-3/8 inches high.
Incubator Series
Sanwood Environmental Chambers Co ., Ltd.
LED illumination incubator/LED manual climatic box are suitable for the plant growth and testing; Including biology raising, Water supervision, medicinal materials aging testing, wood aging testing, and other illumination testing.
Moisture Testers for Wood
Here you will find a moisture tester for wood to determine absolute moisture in different wood types. Newly-cut logs can have a moisture content of 80% or more, depending on the type. Since wood shrinks substantially when dried, it must be dried before being used in construction or most other applications. This is most often done using a large furnace called a kiln. The air drying method may also be used, but this is much slower. With the help of the moisture tester for wood you will be able to measure with high accuracy moisture in, not only raw wood, but also rolled paper products, planks, slats, beams, plywood, panels, particle board, main beams, window frames, etc., anything wooden. There are two ways of measuring moisture, these two ways are with or without damaging the material. The majority of types of moisture testers we offer at PCE do not damage the wood, or damage it very slightly.The moisture tester for wood is characterized by the measuring principle and the moisture sensors that can be adapted to it. The moisture tester for wood has special characteristics such as an automatic compensation of temperature. Besides, data can be stored and transferred to a PC or laptop, or characteristic curves can be programmed for specific wood types (only with the model FMD). Our moisture tester are of the highest quality standards in the industry, and are durable and easy to use.
SMART III RF Moisture Sensor
Results are continuous, instantaneous and non-destructive. Used among diverse applications including gypsum, powdered and granular materials, agriculture and wood products. Monitor required to complete system. (Sold Separately): SMART III RF LED Screen OR Touch Screen
Sensortech Systems
PMT-330 Portable
Hand-held RF moisture tester for manufacturing of board, wood, plastic, and paper products.
Xray Food Inspection
FlexXray has developed leading, certified technology and processes to use advanced x-ray technology to inspect products specifically for food companies. Although they look like a TSA line at the airport, our systems are highly customized machines and processes built specifically to find contaminants like metal, glass, wood, stone, plastic, and rubber in food products of all types. What we do is find needles in haystacks – but the needles we find are even smaller than needles in a haystack. In fact, FlexXray can find contaminants down to 0.8mm or smaller.
Tensile/Compression/Bending/Torsion Testing Kits
With the constantly growing competitive pressure in today`s market are quality and product innovation basic requirements for any company.For this purpose TIRA is developing accurate and high quality material testing machines and testing systems which are manufactured according to the national and international standards DIN 5122, EN ISO 7500-1, GOST. With our testing machines you can carry out the static testing of metals, parts, wood, building materials, glass, plastics, fibers, composites etc.
GC And GC-MS Application System
Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS) can be used to characterize most materials including insoluble and complex materials at trace levels often without any sample pretreatment e.g. polymers, plastics, rubber, paints, dyes, resins, coatings, cellulose, wood, textiles, oils etc.
In-Line Moisture Measurement System
The new Omega has arrived, more powerful, more accurate and more user friendly than any other in-line moisture measurement system in the world. Ruggedly designed for your mill or wood products manufacturing operation, Omega is an invaluable tool for improving your kiln drying operation and moisture quality control.
Motorised Clemen Unit
The Elcometer 3000 Motorised Clemen Unit is a robust and accurate instrument for evaluating the resistance to scratching of a coated surface. The sample can be metal, wood, glass, plastic or other hard materials.
Paint Inspection Gauge
The Paint Inspection Gauge is ideal for use on metallic & non-metallic substrates such as wood, glass and plastics.Large easy grip handle - makes cutting thick or hard coatings easyInternal cutter storage compartmentx50 magnification microscope
Wood / Paper Moisture MetersMoisture Meters/Thermo-hygrometers
Used for measuring moisture content of wood materials(such as sawdust, paillasse, bamboo powder).It applicable of paper making , flakeboard, furniture and mechanism of charcoal industry.