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Digital Spectrometer
The Pixie-Net is a multi-channel digital spectrometer for radiation detectors in desktop format with integrated processor, networking and USB resources.
High Speed Digital Spectrometers
The MPX-32D packages 32 high speed digital spectrometers into a compact 3U PXI/cPCI module, and is thus well-suited for detector arrays with lots of channels.
ColorFlex EZ Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
Offers sampling versatility to measure everything from opaque solids, liquids, powders, granules and pellets to translucent solids and liquids. It comes with expanded sample storage for 250 setups, product standards and tolerances and up to 2000 sample measurements. ColorFlex EZ’s smaller size requires very little benchtop space and it’s one-touch operation makes it easy to operate for all of your color measurement challenges.
ColorFlex EZ Coffee Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
The easy-to-use ColorFlex EZ Coffee is specifically built to meet and exceed your needs in measuring the color of roasted coffee grounds. It makes it easy to define the degree of roasting. Coffee color scales provided in firmware include: HunterLab Coffee Color Index (HCCI), SCAA Number & SCAA Roast Classification.
Aeros Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
From the auto-height positioning sensor to the large, rotating platform to the durable display and intelligent communication technologies, the Aeros Spectrophotometer was created for the way you work—and the color samples you need to measure. One touch is all you need to automatically measure 27.5 square inches in 5 seconds, which not only reduces measurement variations between operators but also reduces their learning time. And since it’s a no-contact sensor, you won’t have to waste time on setup or cleanup. So you can focus on sharing the results however you want it: With the built-in all-in-one technology, you can easily print, email, or stream data. Now that’s smart.
ColorFlex EZ Citrus Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
The ColorFlex EZ Citrus measures Citrus Number, Citrus Redness and Citrus Yellowness. These indices were primarily intended to score orange juice concentrate, but in practice have also been used for grapefruit and lemon juices. In addition to the citrus values, the instrument can also measure in terms of the Hunter Lab scale as well as other widely used color scales. Thus the system can also be used to measure the reflected color of virtually any opaque or semi-opaque liquid.
ColorFlex EZ Tomato Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
ColorFlex EZ Tomato is specifically designed to measure tomato color in its every processed form – paste/purée, sauce, ketchup, juice, as well as fresh tomatoes. Tomato color scales provided in firmware include: Tomato Paste Score (TPS), Tomato Sauce Score (TSS), Tomato Catsup Score (TCS), Tomato Juice Score (TJS), a/b ratio, Fresh Tomato Color Index (FTCI) & Lycopene index.
UltraScan PRO Spectrophotometer.
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
The D65 illumination source is calibrated in the ultraviolet region for the accurate measurement of whitening agents. UltraScan PRO has an extended wavelength range into the near infrared and near ultraviolet that permits the measurement of camouflage materials and UV blockers. The system uses diffuse/8° geometry with automated specular component inclusion/exclusion. It also features three sizes of sample measurement areas with automated lens change. The UltraScan PRO includes EasyMatch QC software and an electronic record keeping version that is 21 CFR 11 compliant is available.
UltraScan VIS Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
The UltraScan VIS easily measures both reflected and transmitted color as well as transmission haze and meets CIE, ASTM and USP guidelines for accurate color measurement. UltraScan VIS uses diffuse/8° geometry with automated specular component inclusion/exclusion. For transmission measurement, the use of a robust CIE-conforming sphere instrument (TTRAN Total Transmission mode) effectively negates the effects of minor scattering typically found in transparent samples.
MiniScan EZ 4500L: Portable Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
HunterLab's most popular handheld spectrophotometer, the MiniScan EZ 4500L, is a large area view 45° illumination and 0° viewing spectrophotometer that provides a 31.8 mm port size that has a 25mm viewed area.
MiniScan EZ 4000L: Portable Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
The MiniScan EZ 4000L is a large area view diffuse illumination spectrophotometer/colorimeter. This large area view portable spectrophotometer provides a 25mm port size that has a 20mm view area. This product is ideal for a wide range of sample types and is especially useful for measurement where user wishes to minimize the effect of gloss or sample texture.
Vista Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
Determining the purity of raw materials ensures both safety and quality. Hunterlab’s Vista is the right instrumentation for quantifying the color range and meeting standards and regulations. Vista captures both visible-range transmission color, as well as haze with a single measurement, and exports data with ease in minutes.
Agera Spectrophotometer
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
With its 0º/45ºc circumferential geometry, 60-degree gloss meter, UV-controllable LED illumination and 5-megapixel camera, Agera makes positioning samples and measuring color as simple as a snapshot. A single measurement captures and stores the image while it analyzes color, fluorescence, and gloss. Even large samples are no problem with the largest fixed-point contact area of measurement in the industry.
Mobile metal analyzers
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
Mobile metal analyzers have been used for over 30 years to conduct metal analysis onsite. The rapid development in instrument technology has led to significant advances in the application possibilities. As a technology leader, SPECTRO has markedly shaped and formed this development from the start. As the worldwide market leader in this area, SPECTRO is today the only company to offer a complete range of metal analyzer products from handheld XRF to arc spark OES spectrometers for the many different tasks in onsite metal analysis.
WDXRF Spectrometers
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is capable of elemental analysis of a wide range of materials, including solids, liquids and loose powders. Designed to meet the most demanding process control and R&D applications, the Zetium XRF spectrometer leads the market in high-quality design and innovative features for sub-ppm to percentage analysis of Be to Am.
XRF Spectrometers
Epsilon Range
The Epsilon range of X-ray fluorescence XRF analyzers are an ideal analytical solution. They are capable of simple element identification and quantification up to more sophisticated analysis. They are easy to operate, compact and X-ray safe instruments without the need for additional chemicals or operating gasses. Considerable savings in time and cost are two of the many benefits XRF can bring compared to alternative analytical techniques.
Handheld/Mobile/Portable XRF Spectrometers
Handheld / portable X-ray fluorescent (XRF) analyzers have the capability to non-destructively quantify or qualify nearly any element from Magnesium to Uranium, depending on the instrument configuration.
Tube-Above Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
ZSX Primus IV
As a tube-above sequential wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, the new Rigaku ZSX Primus IV delivers rapid quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements, from beryllium (Be) through uranium (U), in a wide variety of sample types — with minimal standards. ZSX Guidance supports you in all aspects of measurement and data analysis. Can accurate analysis only be performed by experts ? No — that is in the past. ZSX Guidance software, with the built-in XRF expertise and know-how of skilled experts, takes care of sophisticated settings. Operators simply input basic information about samples, analysis components and standard composition. Measured lines with the least overlap, optimum backgrounds and correction parameters (including line overlaps) are automatically set with aid of qualitative spectra.
Portable XRF Spectrometers
Handheld / portable X-ray fluorescent (XRF) analyzers have the capability to non-destructively quantify or qualify nearly any element from Magnesium to Uranium, depending on the instrument configuration.
elemental analyzer
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH
An elemental analyzer designed for demanding applications – the SPECTRO XEPOS energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometer redefines XRF analysis with exceptional new levels of performance
Handheld Portable XRF Spectrometer
Handheld Portable XRF Spectrometer - QualiX-2000 Series are widely applied in accurate and non-destructive detection on a variety of precious metal alloys, low alloy steel, stainless steel, tool steel, electronic components, batteries, toys, stationery, children's products, minerals, raw ore, etc. You can identify material composition and alloy grade.
XRF analysis
XRF analysis (X-ray fluorescence) with the highly flexible and powerful energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer X-Supreme8000 for quality assurance and process control requirements across a diverse range of industries.